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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 3:00am-3:29am MSK

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and now it was his turn, he returned to rome, asked to be crucified, when he was captured, to be executed differently from his teacher jesus christ, and he was executed in the presence of the joy of an applauding neuron, still upside down, and how it all ended, for rome, how it all ended, rome perished, there was nothing left, well, some ruined coliseum, where tourists ride, litter there, i can’t say what’s particularly impressive to see either. i saw it a couple of times, but it was a great empire, it doesn’t remind us of anything, we are now with this the empire, the western empire, is divided by a ditch, this ditch is constantly widening, and i can directly feel how it is filled with some kind of boiling resin, which can probably be called a fiery hyena, and i completely agree with you, volodya, that at the front. ..
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simonov, tvordovsky and so on. now we are preparing a second collection, poetry of the russian land, and as in the first collection, it is amazing that out of ten poems, eight in one way or another turn to god, turn to religion. with these thoughts, with all this, with the awareness of this.
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praying, big question, i don’t know what happened in the first world war, we somehow lost a war that had already been won, a won war, as a result of which we should have got constantinople for a second, vasfordanely, there were already six months left there a year before we won this war, and we actually manually abandoned this gain , and how not to connect this in your head if you compare simply... historical
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truth, and historical facts with the fact that this happened exactly at the time when we abandoned god, abandoned religion, and it is no coincidence that stalin in the year 1943 , when metropolitan sergei addressed him by telegram, wrote him or wrote a letter, asking for the opportunity to open an account so that the orthodox church would collect money on this account to help the red army, stalin not only allowed it, but he counted it. which you came from the bolsheviks, from this very theology, from people blowing up churches, from once his comrade-in-arms trotsky, who in sviyazhsk erected a monument to judas, mocking christ and christianity and the foundation of russian life, and he considered it necessary to publish a note about this and gratitude on your own behalf, that the red army is grateful to the russian orthodox church for...
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this and look how the war turned, look, this letter was published in january forty-three, and what happened next in our country forty-third battle of stalingrad, after which completely... what he did, he killed his mother, he killed both of his wives, one of them was his beloved, he kicked her pregnant woman in the stomach, she lost her child too, it turns out he she also killed her own and died herself, well, everyone perimeter, also his full name, if you take the first letters and translate them into numbers, it adds up to the same number
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that i don’t want to repeat, and that’s why he was considered the antichrist, but they are his followers, let’s try to imagine where this is going this world separated from us?
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washing the glasses of her eyes so that she goes blind, there is already a growing movement of people who, with medical help, with the permission of the state, break their spines in order to be doomed to paralyze life in an invalid wheelchair, because it seems to them that they are paralyzed, and what unthinkable heresy, nonsense and god forgive me, satanism is coming, again they won’t say that i ’m screaming in the wrong direction, i remind you that i’m armenian screaming. like in the armenian apostolic church, just when i pronounce a word, i have to cross myself, what does this religion of theirs come to? the problem is that the fool would be with them if this religion, like any young religion, did not set its main goal
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to win as many supporters as possible, we had a choice, or resist or slide into this ditch, into this fiery hyena, i am absolutely... convinced of this, other signs of this religion: hyperconsumption, deliberate hyperconsumption, littering the world, the land in which we live, no one has ever wondered why exercises for gadgets are always different, why can’t we make sure that the charging is the same, and they buy more power for headphones, the connector is always different, and what we have, we have the famous pacific garbage patch, consisting of plastic, which is already exceeded square three france. is it necessary to talk about where this world is heading, where we are going ? this
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will happen to us, god forbid, we must win this war, we must not lose this unity, which, unfortunately, caused in us a military operation, well... other operations for so many years , for some reason this is the only thing we have didn’t call, and thanks to all this we can still see the light of this shining city ​​on a hill, promised to us, and i... am sure that we will become the country where those who are enamored of this new religion will simply rush, those normal people who will certainly remain in these countries, in any circumstances normal people remain, they will come to to us, they will consider us the very reserved paradise, settle somewhere on the nightingales, for example, and what about global warming, it will be warm there, in other places it will be hot, and there it will be warm, and this thought fills my soul with light, i on... the gospel of john, where it says,
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for god so loved the world that he sent his only son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. bravo, thank you, i didn’t know whether to tell this story or not? yesterday was? and she talks about everything very humbly, she
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says how good it is that russia came, well, it was such a choice, the mother who betrayed her children fled to odessa, the grandmother , who carried the cross, stayed here and is doing everything possible and... helping our military police had several days off, and thanks to the embassy of the people's republic of china in russia and nikolai nikolaevich vavilov, this was the first time i was in mainland china, beijing, shanghai, i’ll tell you, i’m really impressed, it ’s impressive, it’s very, it’s very serious, it was the first time, i was the first time in mainland china and i’ll tell you that it’s not beijing felt sorry. of course, a city of colossal power, you understand that this is the center, the center of heaven, but this is the center of political
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power, here is shanghai, shanghai, of course, the level of development, i just really want to go there for a short time, not on an official visit, but just to see, like real life arranged, the head of our central bank, because the chinese central bank does not use the dogmas that guide our central bank, and therefore does not slow down the development of the chinese one. industry and the chinese national economy, and the results, well , absolutely amazing, somehow i even had to think seriously, well, then i looked at a number of interesting products there, and i can tell you that americans and europeans need to be very worried, that is, there is something to worry about when you carefully travel on a magnetic levitation train in shanghai, which quietly and calmly goes only 300 km/h, maybe faster, but only 300, you understand? that distances can be perceived completely differently. alexander mikhailovich,
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the inauguration will take place right now, then the duma will for the first time carry out the functions that are entrusted to it, thanks to the law amending the constitution, and will take an active part in approving members of the cabinet and government leadership. i think, alexander mikhailovich, you will have something to talk about. in my opinion, the central bank will not come to you, but it was it would be nice, of course, there are examples that inspire respect, well, i think that your recommendations to visit china for the central bank on today’s program are enough, as for events, well, firstly, today is a really bright holiday - and here i would like to say that well, i visited the church, i think, like many of those present and television viewers, and of course it’s impressive, the sincere desire of our people to give to this holiday, well, it’s impossible
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to describe in words, it’s just something you’re proud of country, for the fact that we managed to maintain relations, including with religion, of course , the event of the inauguration on the seventh, this event is extremely important for russia, because it is an event that will draw the attention of the whole world to what is happening, but we must understand that this is an event, it does not affect...
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but the change in the political subjectivity of the country with the arrival of vladim vladimovich has led to the fact that over the past 25 years, i don’t want to say everything, so many people know about it, but they will record it, the standard of living has changed, the duration life has grown significantly, mortality has decreased, and most importantly, the income of the population has increased, that is, there have been dramatic changes in our lives, all
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thanks to which the goal has emerged - to save the country, to save the people, today cataclysms are happening for the world for... the world capital, for the world oligarchy in what, that is not just being destroyed, it is actually already destroyed today, it is segmenting or fragmenting this market, the global world, and today we understand that china, india, and russia claim not just in theory, but in practice what they are becoming macro-civilizations, each of them offers the world something of its own, so let’s see what the destruction of this world is, which means we are fighting what they scare us with today, what, well... all this can lead if it doesn’t globalization is preserved, then there will not be enough resources, that rapid growth is impossible, that the victory of one means the failure of another, this is all a liberal ideology, which is based on the imposition of a completely different view on us, which we must strive for, the club of rome, all of it the forecasts did not come true, but they are
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the basis of ideology, not only economic, political, and here they are promoting all of this from here, all of this... this is not only an economic process, this is the process of proposing the chinese view of uniting the peoples of the world there, which mr. modic says, he says that one land, one family, one future, moreover, he says that resources, he’s just like that, here’s the quote verbatim, he says that today there are enough resources in the world to ensure a normal standard of living for everyone living on earth, what does this mean, these
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are people who, not only for themselves, for the whole world, offer a completely different view, but what does they offer? life of our country, from which follows this is not just a social task, but a philosophy , a huge set of tools that i hope the newly elected government will pick up and implement, and we will reach completely different tasks related to the equalization of life in the regions, with the fact that we must live based on a clear understanding... russia’s place in the world economy, russia is not she simply deserves it, she is able to formulate her view and offer this view to the whole world, why can she do this? just look at how the development people treat us? its potential can
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offer a new vision, our desire, perhaps not monopolistically, but together with our colleagues, the chinese there, the indians and other participants in the process, to formulate this new future, why? yes, because this is a new future, it is not in opposition, not in destruction, margarine said about this, what they bring, and what they can...
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with de-dollarization, which this means, that they understand perfectly well that this is a threat to their existence, and what russia proposes is completely different, we propose unification, it’s a good idea to fight with these countries that advocate de-dollarization, cutting them off from dollar, i believe that this is a very correct approach to fighting these countries, you are hitting the nail on the head on something else, that believe me, the meeting will take place and further political events will follow, but they will bring with them.
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have meaning for the whole world, and i am very glad that today russia is able to formulate its vision, it not only can, it must formulate this vision and offer it to all humanity, by the way, speaking about the vision, that something in the world has gone wrong, the international system also argued , to which we were accustomed after the cold war, ceased to exist, america lost its hegemonic status. and the world order that emerged after 1945 is losing ground. the world has become much more multipolar. yes it's
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true. we europeans wanted to create next door to us is a ring of friends. instead, we have a ring of fire today. the ring of fire is approaching. caucasus, and now to the battlefields of ukraine. what do we need to do? first, we need a clear assessment of the threat to russia. russia is seen as europe's most existential threat. perhaps not everyone in the european council agrees with this. but the majority support this idea. russia poses an existential threat to us, and we must soberly assess this risk.
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secondly, we must work on the principles cooperation and strength. there is nothing that authoritarian regimes admire more than strength. and we have a strong sense of responsibility for how to solve this problem. the existence of ukraine depends on us. i know how to
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end the war. in ukraine, but i can't end the war in ukraine in a couple of weeks by simply cutting off supplies. if the supply of weapons stops, then ukraine will not be able to resist and will be forced to surrender. and the war will end. but is this how we want to end this war? i'm not, i hope many are europe doesn't want this either. this cretin once again proved, speaking in ovsfordi, how stupid he is. well, he's just really stupid. firstly. did not give an answer as to why, instead of a ring of friends, there was a ring of flame, but the question lies precisely in the european approach to those whom they considered friends. the second point is why he decided that when he talks about authoritarian leaders, meaning our country, china, he generally understands hungary what he is talking about, power, no, power is in truth, he never used
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that word, which for... us is justice is fundamentally important, they don’t understand what justice is at all, it is impossible to show strength in a conversation, strength is manifested in deeds, but the justice of the position is based in conversation, well , he came to moscow, where his russophobia began, he came to moscow, lavrov i just destroyed it like an insignificant rag and threw it away and i was absolutely right. he then tried to tell something there about how we were violating someone’s rights, now this bastard has stuck his tongue up his ass, looking at everything that is happening, what kind of violations of human rights can’t say anything, so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example,
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aliens will arrive. such a rich film , these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would n’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s very interesting comedy, you don’t have a chance, in general we were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, what right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future 100 years from now.
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