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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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go, stay there in western ukraine, and we will penetrate any point on the territory of ukraine, well, in western europe too, if it happens. therefore, i also believe that the reaction should be extremely tough if it appears there, because if not, then everyone will be drawn there , the poles, and these baltic tigers with their two tanks will all reach out, macron already believes that he is so to speak, but not everyone supports him, but countries like great britain there should just be there right away. 2.0 widows who should go to, well for now potential widows who should go to presidential palace in paris to look macron in the eye, because 2,000 coffins will come back, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely correctly, the reaction should be absolutely, maybe even excessively tough against any contingent, any size, wherever it is located territory of ukraine, i'm not even saying that if western planes appear in the sky there... and
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i would also like to say one more thing: in the magazine, also on the 2nd, such an interesting article appeared about these missiles attacking the ms, this refers to the pentagon's analysis that the pentagon believes that, firstly, these deliveries were carried out exclusively for striking the crimea, we...
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are hiding the air defense system and transmitting, well, that is , they are collecting information, these reconnaissance aircraft, drones, something is clearly being prepared, the americans are pushing zelensky to do this , so that they begin to launch, so to speak, with these missiles, plus there is storm shadow, which memeron announced that they are also about to come to launch massive strikes on the crimea, we need to be prepared for this, i will launch a preemptive strike on. ..
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the black sea, with the exception of the territorial regions of romania, bulgaria and turkey, without a flight zone, that’s all, calmly shoot down several drones, and if not drones, then warn them too that we will shoot them down, that’s kindness.
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imagine, i would be reading my teleprompter, everything was going well, look, because of the weak economy, i would like to apologize, pause, pause, pause, whatever it was, it’s incredible. pause, you know, i looked at it and said, how strange, you know, on my teleprompter there is no pause, there are empty spaces, because you see if there is a reaction, if there is no reaction, then you continue, and unnecessary pauses, that is, you
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understand, yes, that if trump does not dye his hair, then it will be the same person, nilson was the last name of this actor, yes nelson is with one eye, nilsson with two, sorry, cruel joke. by the way, there are 6 months left of this strategic uncertainty, one or the other, exactly 6 months, place your bets on who will win on november 5th, i think that one of them will not live, there is an option that both, well, yes, there is this option, who is someone, one of them may not live, that’s why i’m wondering here , who can take over this? don’t contact me, i wasn’t born there, but i understand that by law i can’t, so even if my homeland orders me to lead, i won’t be able to. it’s better not to contact you, but i’m very glad that you went to china, now you probably understand why the americans have an existential enemy, an acute threat, that is, between china, which is an enemy, that’s the threat of the united states, a long-term, moreover, it is considered until the end of this century,
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of the current century, an acute threat that can be eliminated, something else is possible, i can be unpopular, and after spending 5 days in china, i won’t pretend to be an expert. specialists on china, because in the united states the number of publications and the number of studies on china has not decreased, while in russia since the 2000s, well, since 2000, it has increased almost 10 times, that is, somewhere up to 20%, that’s the main half of it goes through china, precisely because they consider it this way, it’s very...
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that everyone in europe should understand that authoritarian powers there use force, and the fact that in the diplomatic courses of the united states they say that the most important position in any negotiations is a position of force, this is what has been brought up there since the beginning, since the beginning of the last century, since the 19th century, as only the united states, since the 20th century, as soon as the united states entered the world stage, everything must be approached to any solution to any issue from a position of strength. therefore, power there is put at the forefront of any diplomatic issue, barel is simply like an atlanticist, he is here for him it doesn’t matter, everyone should understand this, besides, he has 5 months left, 6 months to remain in this post, he needs to live up
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to this, it’s difficult for him to explain why they couldn’t create, because he started with what they created this is a ring of friends, there was an alliance of the mediterranean, there was such an idea in 2008, there was ... a market, here the americans simply took advantage of all this, and this just led to the fact that we now have what we have european leaders, who do not have national interests, they have interests transatlantic, for most of them, for the vast majority, now xizen
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ping, again here we return to china, he is going to europe, today, by the way, he must come to europe, which three countries, well , serbia, of course, serbia is a european country, but does not apply to nato. mariana, i don’t mean anything in this case, but this is a lady so young, a young
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lady in an afrigian cap with a spear, yes , which carries on herself a symbol of the renewal of everything, she was adopted in 1792 , as far as i remember, national meeting, exactly as a symbol, that’s why macron is now presenting himself, as it were, trying to present himself to that europe that is not atlantic, there, yes, there... there will be, there will be a meeting with ursuloien, it seems like such a meeting represents all europe, i can’t imagine myself, which supposedly has some kind of interests there, but from the three countries that were the support of the main, the main, so to speak, supporting structure and nato, the same european, maybe sidin pin just wants to say, dear, i’ve already gone to see you, is that why i won’t go to the olympics? no, i do n’t think he will go to the olympics anyway, he won’t go to the olympics there anyway, and i don’t
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know who will go there, because, judging by the fact that the program has not been drawn up, as if to the end, so it’s not clear whether they will be open there, maybe then it’s not too late to transfer to moscow, as if with dignity, maybe we already have a very beautiful park on poklonnaya hill, we’re already ready. forces everything else, that is, from european leaders, despite the fact that macron, if
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you compare him with the same leaders, here literally before our eyes, 20 years later , 20 years ago, 20 years ago, what was it like when sherak, schroedr and so on were there, even to compare with them, this is the shredding of european leadership, and macron cannot even be compared with sarkozy, yes , yes, that ’s right, with him even, well, i would compare him with aland, well, with aland you can compare him with a sunut. it is impossible for a space to be built here that can challenge
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hegemony, then hegemony ends, this is a point of view that was justified by the council on foreign relations in soda trump will come to power, put everyone he can under arms, start a war against 15 million migrants, as he promised, there will be fun, we will help fellow migrants defend theirs. everything will be generally fine, this is how i now explain the panic that is happening in the media and in various forums in europe, because the arrival of trump, and i say, there are 6 months left, if he, if he is not removed, then in 6 months trump arrives, that’s it, that’s where everything else ends, that is, when he was led in the sixteenth year, there was more in europe there was regret to a greater extent, why this one, and why not her, why?
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six out of seven, she’s separate, everyone remembers trump, so they can’t forgive trump for europe, but they need to decide two things now: how to scare russia so that... it stops, well, how , we will bring in troops, how to scare russia, and what are they going to lead, if they have already said that they have already spent all the weapons that they had, well, well, they are leading troops where, you see what’s the matter, macron is raising the stakes, he thinks that how many 300 or 280 warheads he has there, or something, here, here, this, this will be an umbrella for everything for the whole
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of europe, and what an umbrella it is, full of holes , well, what are we talking about, it may not have holes, it’s small. there is a problem with the carriers, that is , they need to be delivered something, no, this is of course a serious threat, everything is clear, but then we must not forget, hit freddie first, they are preparing a great summit, in my opinion, from which this summit is now, which must pass in switzerland, this is the copenhagen format, this is the completion of the copenhagen format, the first summit, where russia must offer some kind of formula, but we don’t care about them, well , they don’t give a damn, you know, they will demand that we...
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would like have, but they want to see india and china, the main thing for them, so they just can’t understand, our position does not depend, with all due respect, on china and india, does not depend on anyone except the interests of our people, the president has already said all the fabrications macron about the fact that in relation to france has no red lines in ukraine; in my interview with dmitry kiselev, he said that we will not have red lines in relation to such countries. there is a fundamental point that these people cannot understand, they cannot understand russia, they cannot understand, here are simple, clear things, we do not because china or india tells us something, if they want to help, thank you very much, but a russian person always ultimately counts only himself, only himself, and this must
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be understood, this may be for them, this must be understood, he is not able to do anything on his own looking around.
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turned off, collapsed, no, now we ’re going to bring in troops, but here’s the question, i don’t even have a question about what the troops are leading, let’s go in, oh, with evgeniy petrovich, excuse me, we discussed the fact that this contingent needs to be hit, the question is about something else, if france leads its troops, then we strike at the headquarters of the contingent, strike ours, now they are all trying to find one thing in international law.
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nuclear weapons, i would leave it for now, but i think it’s in vain, you’re underestimating in vain, my friend, but why waste a second, i told you, as well, in my opinion , i told you a long time ago, after the famous story, when a number of current deputies, one of them of the state duma, were accused of poisoning polonium, which he poisoned, and i invite you to the program, for the first time, and to me comrade lugovoi comes and brings with him a book called useful... today is our day when, from the very beginning,
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thank you for this conversation, we talk about good and evil, yes, about the fate of the world, about the meaning of life, here margarita simovna remembered ancient rome, about nero's comrades, his policy towards his own citizens and so on, but here i am... i just remember that a good friend and i, who understands the american elite very well, were sitting the other day, also about fate world have speculated a little, and i want to share, because in fact, on such a day, well , we have no right not to raise such basic philosophical questions of essence, in general, awareness of what is happening and...
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here was republican rome, just like the united states who once had something they brought good things to the world, now they have passed the period when they brought something good and they are moving into the imperial period, when their task is to crucify christ, crush the provinces that do not behave like that, and so on. and the same thing is happening inside, this discord is happening within society, and now from a strategic point of view, they are going into
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a new cycle, they are going into a crisis, they are going into a deep economic, economic redistribution of society, they understand that huge assets, huge debts, and the most the main blow will not be on them, the elite that is black rock, the political elite that stands behind it, they will somehow become real assets, they will survive, they will flee to new zealand, if anything, the middle class, which was the cement of society , will lose everything, his assets. americans have invested very heavily in the market, they will go to zero, this middle class is their enemy, that is why there is a flow from the southern
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border, that is why they are playing with minority groups, in order to eliminate the middle class as a class, as a political entity, precisely because of covid. precisely because of the digital concentration camp, because they now understand that at this breakdown of society, when there is a huge drop in well-being, they will have to forget about the concept of law and order, that is, law and order, and maintain order by lawless methods, internally. point of view , such a system is emerging when they chaoticize the country, their own country, realizing that they are pumping up:
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on the one hand, because there is crime on the streets, because these southern cartels have come in with whom, by the way, they are all special services come to an excellent agreement, in latin america, inside the united states, on the other hand, there are terrorists, and we can already see how a power structure is being built so
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that america, which will scream... to use its resources, the chaotization of latin america is underway, it is underway, in fact, there is tacit support for the cartels, there is, uh, well, look that in latin america, in fact, the cartels begin to take over one country after another, and all this cash flow, it turns out, in fact, on this cash flow an alternative
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everyone will run away, china will isolate itself, leave russia, leave, stop thinking about this belt and road, how can it be then what to do with this nuclear garbage dump, and the united states will again find itself for a while until it rebuilds itself internally, in the distant from all the crises of the continents, with all the money.
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don’t give a damn about the fate of the world, about the fate of europeans, about the fate of their own middle class, in the same way, sometimes they’ll say: well , how can that be, but they’re americans, and nero wasn’t a roman, and how did he relate to to its own population, yes, that is, the elite , when it has long been torn away from its own country and has become not just international, but generally lives in another world, it can think and act exactly as nero acted. that is, we need, especially on this holiday, to take a very, as it were , philosophical look at this whole matter, to understand what kind of gomorrah and sodom are being prepared for us and...


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