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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the hunt for neo-nazi armored vehicles is being conducted by our artillerymen. let's show footage from the front line.
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there are abnormal snowfalls in the urals, how do they cope with the rampant stacking, there they are rolling, playing, waking up. bear rampage in magadan, kasalapakh has to be monitored from the air, report by our correspondent. russian citizens who went abroad in 22 are returning en masse, how this affects the economy and what contribution i have already made. let's start with the progress of the special military operation, the grenade launchers of the group of troops from the west easily destroyed armored vehicles dugouts of the ukrainian military. information about the build-up of enemy forces was obtained during aerial reconnaissance, after which the military took up the matter.
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the cysts destroy armored vehicles, rocket artillery, ukrainian armed forces transport, which delivers ammunition to the front, and the approach to the borders is guarded by crews of d-20 howitzers from the belgorod region, a report by our military correspondent igor pikhanov. the artillery crew of the d-20 howitzer is preparing for combat work. the scouts transmitted the coordinates of the target, near the russian border they found temporary accommodation point in the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy tried to get close to our lines to attack civilian settlements.
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organism, a matter of minutes depends on the efficiency of the calculation, the team works as a single result of the strike, enemy equipment must be neutralized while it is in place, the howitzer opens fire on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. shrapnel. cool shells of 152 mm caliber fall one by one on the enemy trenches, the dugouts of ukrainian militants are destroyed with a precise strike, military equipment is burned out, drone operators correct fire, we mainly hit the oporniks, the enemy’s equipment, pickup trucks, basically how reconnaissance gives targets, what they find, we immediately begin to hit, there were warehouses, ammunition hangars, the state border cover unit is hunting for ukraine around the clock. militants. reconnaissance is carried out
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using domestic aircraft-type drones. they can fly a long distance. and the enemy’s electronic warfare service is not able to interfere with them. the team is well-coordinated, the guys are good, everyone knows their combat mission. everything happens quickly. the russian military tracks down and destroys the transport of the ukrainian armed forces, which delivers ammunition to the front. the enemy's tanks and missile defense systems are being burned out. all fighters understand that every nationalist mortar that is neutralized is... lives are saved, after destroying the targets , the gun is camouflaged, the combat crew goes into cover and is ready to start working again at any moment. now the main danger on this section of the front is enemy drones, so the gun is well camouflaged, a net is installed above it, and branches lie. all this is done so that drones the combat crews did not detect the enemy from the air. during the special military operation, each fighter gained enormous experience. behind them , the captured armed forces and equipment were destroyed. there is
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no electricity in the sverdlovsk region; after a heavy snowfall , a state of emergency was even declared in dektyarsk; due to an accident on the networks , there is no light, no water, no heat. we learn about the situation in the region from our correspondent albert musin. albert, i greet you, tell me when they promise to restore electricity and what is true in the region is a new cyclone approaching again with snow? yes, tatyana, good morning, well, i’ll say for now that it’s not entirely customary to stand on...
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due to the fact that the snow was falling on the already heated ground, some forest roads turned into pure mud, from which the special equipment of power engineers could barely coped, problems arose and for motorists on the perensky highway , bad weather interfered with construction
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work in some areas, so motorists almost had to spend the night in their cars, fortunately by the morning most of the problems were dealt with, the traffic jam has already completely... passed, and the power engineers have restored most of the power facilities and power to these facilities, about 4,500 people are still left without electricity, but by the end of the day all work is promised to be completed, thanks to the fact that the precipitation has stopped for now, it was possible promptly clear city roads and regional highways so that they can be driven on summer tires; the weather today in yekaterinburg is expected to be around +8, however, of course, it’s too early to relax; according to the latest data, the urals may get closer another cyclone, which will bring with it another portion of sediment, however, whether it will completely cover the region is still too early to say. tatiana. albert, thank you, albert musin spoke about the situation in the sverdlovsk
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region after a heavy snowfall. and in magadania, the surrounding area is being surveyed with drones in search of bears that have come out of hibernation. this is necessary in order to protect people from meeting a predator. now the clubfoot has little food, they pose a danger to local residents more than ever. lyudmila shcherbakova has all the details. pilot quadrocopter ekaterina startseva is now inspecting the surroundings of the magadan balagannaya talon highway from a bird's eye view. bears could easily pass through here somewhere. the quadcopter has a built-in thermal imager. its capabilities are also used in the process of work. no traces are visible, the trees are cleared, certain areas are highlighted, once a week we make small flights to help them, survey the outskirts of the city of magadan and the region. bears, according to kolymba game managers, came out of hibernation in mid-
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april. there they are rolling, playing, woke up. the magadan-balagannaya highway passes through forests and mountain passes, bears have been seen here many times, clubfoot has come out. even on the road. bears visit populated areas of the magadan region every year. now, when there is still a lot of snow in the taiga, and salmon have not yet arrived in the rivers of the region, clubfoot is especially dangerous. there is no food for them in their natural habitat. last year, bears came to magadad throughout the summer, when three people died after encountering predators. several more ended up in the hospital. specialists game departments reported that the population of dangerous predators. has grown over the past decades, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to control their activity. the regional authorities, earlier than ever, allowed bear hunting and introduced a sanitary zone around magadan where predators will be destroyed. the bears have already woken up and are already walking around in search of food. yes
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, already in many public pages, i think, it was mentioned that bears were walking along the tracks, well, that is, the bears must have woken up. klyma aviation pilots will now inspect the outskirts of magadan every week with quadcopter and if they detect a predator, they will report it to game wardens. residents of the region as before. it is recommended to go out into the forest with caution, now throughout the warm season. lyudmila cherbakova, alexey gilev, host magadan. and now beautiful shots from telegram channels. that night , residents of a number of regions saw the northern lights. the mesmerizing footage was shared on social networks; residents of the leningrad, kaluga, tver and moscow regions were lucky to see such a miracle of nature with their own eyes. and now the news. economics maria civil aviation russia has withstood the sanctions blow from the west, german media write about this. tell us, how
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many flights can we support? tatyana, about 1,300 thousand a year, now i’ll tell you everything. sanctions against russian civil aviation have failed, the german newspaper welt amzonzontak came to this conclusion. according to her data, last year there were 18 domestic flights in our country. more than the year before. about 1.300. the ban on the supply of auto parts from europe and the usa became one of the first anti-russian measures after the aggravation of the situation around ukraine. on in the west it was believed that this would interfere with aircraft repair, but the industry continued to develop. it was assumed that russia could be significantly weakened by cutting it off from western aviation technology, but this plan failed. europe is faced with '.
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this industrial miracle relied on cheap, reliable pipeline russian gas, where the northern streams were blown up, we have no doubt that this was done with the support of at least the americans. they want to force ukraine to pay interest on its debts, as the journal reports, this is required a group of investment companies, whose assets include a fifth of the country’s eurobonds worth $20 billion. in exchange for writing off part of the outstanding debt, they expect to cancel credit
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holidays and receive up to $500 million a year. if an agreement fails, kiev may default as early as august. and if ukraine does not pay at least the minimum amount of money on interest, ukraine will find itself in a very serious situation where they will have no way to get money from anywhere. no one will lend money just like that; they won’t give them money either. give. ukraine has no money. the budget is bursting at the seams, everything is being plugged up at the expense of western aid, it is clear that the ordinary population will suffer and this payment will be made at their expense. used cars on the russian market in april fell in price by 2% compared to march. the average price is about 2 million rubles. - she reports with reference to the auto-valuation service. meanwhile, new cars, on the contrary , rose in price by 2.5% to 3 million 630,000, while the market for new passenger cars in april grew by more than 80% in annual
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terms, as autostat reports, it was 137,000 cars were sold, well, from january to april almost half a million. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate for today is the dollar 91 rubles 69 kopecks, the euro 98.56. and that's all i have for now.
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the first shots of the updated aurus senate car have appeared online, in which vladimir putin will go to the inauguration ceremony as president, a little more than a day remains before it, my colleague pavel zarubin published in the recording. 6 years ago, the inauguration of vladimir putin, the country and the world, then for the first time saw a completely new russian car, carefully considering. every second, every frame. and 6 years after the first presentation , the research automotive and automation institute nami presents itself to surprise the whole country. yes, once again we, the ministry of industry and all our creators are preparing for may 7 in order to show the restyled
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auurus, in our opinion it will be a very modern, interesting new product that will surprise. both outside and inside. in our program we have shown you the presidential aurus many times, now for the first time, the aurus after a deep restyling, each detail of vladimir putin's inauguration car. this is a completely new look for the car, modern, fashionable and daring. updated auurus senate. any person, the average person will tell you, this is the same aurust, he’s already so handsome, but he’s really very handsome, he’s everything. these years impress everyone, it’s much more beautiful, what changed then, that’s the main thing, so to speak, the change? the most important change is the appearance, we changed the front part of the mask of the entire car, that is, the front optics have changed, the the grille, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the wings have changed, only we have the opportunity
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to compare the aurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. like the first car, the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but overall it looks like the whole photograph, like a person’s face, just as you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car, for the upcoming inauguration. there will be surprises, which we can only hint at for now. and the aurus project as a whole still has many innovations ahead. the next stage is the twenty -sixth year, when a more in-depth, modified design of the platform itself will appear. but
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the next stage is the thirtieth year; it is not really tied to specific ones. on significant dates, we follow the planned schedule that was originally formed. on may 7, the country begins the next page of its history, the president of russia will take office, serve the people faithfully, i will do for this is all that is in my power, this is always. a very colorful ceremony, hello, comrades, but each point of this ceremony determines key and sometimes fateful events for the country, according to the constitution, on the day the new president takes office, the government resigns, then
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by law the president has 14 days to submit a candidacy to the state duma chairman.
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parliament is given over. yes, the federation council does not approve security ministers, but the president must still hold consultations. this means that these people must come out into the light. god to speak in the federation council, talk about themselves, talk about how they propose to organize their work, come to
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the federation council, report on this work, this is another step forward towards the democratization of our society, gradually without jerks, but precisely in this direction, because it is all the more important that despite significant changes in the political structure, the main thing remains unchanged, a strong presidential vertical for... the country for russia is absolutely necessary. and see all the details about the upcoming ceremony of inauguration of the president in the moscow kremlin-putin program today on our channel after 11 a.m. moscow time. and the exhibition about captured equipment that our military captured in the special military operation zone has already been visited by thousands of muscovites and guests of the capital. destroyed cars and tanks. which nato countries supplied to the ukrainian armed forces, presented in front of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. there are more than thirty copies in total, including the american abrams tank and german leopards,
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which are considered one of the best in the west. but this exhibition debunked all the myths about their indestructibility. and here is ferdinand himself. an elephant is drawn, called a tiger, combat weight is 60 tons, front armor is 100 mm, side armor is more than 80. armament is an eighty-millimeter cannon, two machine guns and a horseshoe. for luck. the horseshoe helped. tiger is lucky. there is not a single hole on his skin.
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cars, this is a skkoda, this is a mercedes-benz, a renault truck, a very good truck, five-ton, the french guarded it poorly, it went to the germans, this an ambulance car from the hanseatic loyd, before the war, delivered chocolate. and now let's talk about sports, alexander in the russian championship. the football leader has changed, tell us who became that leader? tatyana, dynamo moscow topped the tournament table for at least 24 hours. so, dynamo moscow
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took first place in the rpl standings for at least a day; in the match of the twenty -seventh round, dynamo beat the championship outsider football club sochi at home. it turned out dramatic, konstantin tyukavin opened the scoring with a witty backheel strike. this happened at 53 minutes. in the last 10 minutes. turned into a goal shootout, first the sochen team fought back in the eighty-third, the goal was scored by saol guari rab. literally in the next attack, dynamo took the lead again. betello scored under the crossbar from close range, then the sochi team equalized the score again after a corner kick. saavetro scored a beautiful long-range goal 2:2. and already in the 95th minute dynamo’s victory was brought by the replacement nikolyan gamalyo (3:2). for the first time since ninety- seven, dynamo topped the tournament russian championship table. in other matches of the tour already played, another contender for the championship, krasnodar, lost to akhmat. orenburg won 2:1 against krylev sovetov and spartak was unable to crack the defense of
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nizhny novgorod (0:0). today zenit can return to first place again. sergei semak's team will play their match of the tour away against the voronezh torch. also today ural-baltika, cska rubin and lokomotiv- rostov will play. andrey rublev won his second title of the season and the sixteenth of his career. the day before , the russians. won the series tournament final masters in madrid, the thirty-fifth racket of the world, canadian felix ojealia sim. the start of the match was unsuccessful for rublev; he lost the first game on his serve. as a result, the russian lost the opening set 4:6. the second game was an even fight, the opponents confidently held their serves, but it still didn’t come down to a tiebreaker. rublev managed to take his opponent's serve and equalize the game. the decisive set ended with the same score as the second - 7:5. strong-willed victory of andrei rublev. in almost 3 hours. andrey won the second biggest title in career. last year in monte carlo, rublev also won the masters series tournament. rublev became only the second russian in
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history to win the prestigious tournament. most. the vtb united league has started. i would say that this is a title that i am proud of, the semi-final series between cska and zenit. the first match of the series took place in st. petersburg and ended in a confident victory for the muscovites. csk won all four quarters, a rarity in basketball. key events occurred early in the third quarter when french cska forward amatmbay scored seven points
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in a row, and the army team had the advantage. became double-digit; during the final quarter , cska's maximum advantage reached 17 points. zenit was no longer able to return to the game and claim the finish. as a result , the victory of muscovites +15. 82:67. the second match of the series up to four wins will be held there in st. petersburg. and hockey in the stanley cup started the second round. the regular season champion new york rangers started their series against carolina with a victory. the rangers won 4-3. the winning puck artemy fonarin scored in the match in the middle of the third period. he got close to the goalkeeper and his wrist shot hit the goalkeeper between the brushes. for artemy ponarin, this is already the third goal in the current playoffs. we also note that last year’s champion vegas was eliminated in the first round of the stanley cup. that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. i came for my brother. feelings are heightened to the limit,
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happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, call sign passenger, i’ll come back for you, do you hear? entry ceremony the position of president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel. so colorful,
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bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would i didn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, it got away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you don’t stand a chance. absolutely delighted stayed, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, that right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something straight, all film in one breath, we'll meet in the future, 100 years
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from now,


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