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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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the russian ministry of internal affairs has put a number of prominent people in ukraine on the wanted list. thus, the department’s database now includes the former minister of internal affairs of ukraine arsen avakov. he is also included in the register of terrorists and extremists. he held the position of head of the ministry of internal affairs until the twenty-first year. a card of the former minister of information policy of ukraine has also appeared in the ministry’s database. yuri stes headed the ministry until 1919. in addition, the former head of the country’s national security council, alexey, is now in rozovsk. success of german troops in west in january 1945 and the complete defeat of the allied forces was prevented by a grandiose russian offensive along the entire front from the baltic sea to the carpathians. this is stated in a statement by hitler's former personal adjutant. archival materials from ss sturmanführ otto günün. declassified by the fsb. he spoke
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about the events during the preparation and conduct of the offensive in the ardennes in december 1944. according to günsch, hitler planned to deal a crushing blow to the british and the united states. after this, it was planned to conclude a separate peace joint forces to fight against the ussr. however, the offensive of the soviet army thwarted the plans of the german leadership. those events that then began to unfold already in 1945
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, they tried because they had to survive, they still had hope of surviving until april 30, including by precisely switching to ensure that the allies heard them, well, these contacts were stopped, were highlighted, starting next year, ukraine’s creditors hope to receive interest on debts, according to the wall street journal, up to $500 million annually, they want to cancel the deferment they gave earlier, but... they are ready to provide benefits. we’ll find out all the details from maria grigorieva. she joins me. mash, good morning. tell me, where can kiev get the money for these payments? sash, good morning, only from western financial assistance. now i’ll tell you everything. ukraine's creditors are losing patience. a group of investment companies, including one of the world's largest american black rock companies, demands that interest payments be resumed. they own a fifth of the country's eurobonds at 20 billion dollars. according to the wall street journal , the group formed. committee hired lawyers
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to negotiate. in exchange for writing off part of the outstanding debt, they expect to cancel credit holidays and receive up to $500 million a year. meanwhile, kiev, as the newspaper’s sources report, will not want to return to the normal payment schedule until 27. western countries are concerned that money that was allocated to help ukraine will end up withholding the bond. this will not primarily depend on the position in this case. ukraine or their leadership, but from the position of the leadership of the united states, which actually gives commands to ukraine, because in fact this repayment will mean that ukraine with one hand received money from the budget of the united states as a subsidy, on the other hand transferred this money as debt repayment to private companies. most recently, the united states approved about $61 billion in aid, so investors...
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have become more active, if ukraine fails to conclude a deal with them, it may default in august, and this is not profitable washington, experts say. however, ukraine is already catastrophically short of money, according to world bank calculations; next year the country will face bankruptcy if western countries refuse to write off debts, but for now they continue to grow, now exceeding $150 billion, and the budget deficit this year is expected to be 21% gdp. and if ukraine. will not pay at least the minimum amount of money on interest, ukraine will find itself in such a very serious situation where they will not be able to get money from anywhere, no one will just get money will give, he won’t give them money on credit either, ukraine has no money, the budget is bursting at the seams, everything is being plugged up by western aid, it’s clear that the ordinary population will suffer, this payment will be made at their expense. some bondholders have offered to use it for repayment. part of
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russia's debt is frozen assets, but the international monetary fund and individual states did not support this initiative; the idea of ​​complete confiscation of assets, as reported by financial times, the g7 countries refused altogether. and then they simply got scared, scared of two things: firstly, the truly final destruction of the economies of their own countries, and secondly, that russia would begin a counter confiscation of the remaining assets of european companies located in the russian federation. eats does not want to undermine confidence in the euro,
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so he is focused on trying to organize the use of only income from russian assets. in general, sash, europe does not want to take risks. thanks mash, it was maria grigorieva with a story about debt problems of ukraine. and to other topics: seven passenger trains were delayed due to snowfall in the svertlovsk region. on several sections of the railway, wires are icy and there are breaks. power engineers are working in enhanced mode in dektyarsk. there , due to massive grid failures , people are now left without electricity, water, heat. now 40 thousand people don’t. a state of emergency was declared in the city. let's find out about the situation in the region. our correspondent albert musin, he joins us, albert, hello, how are things with the weather, well, judging by everyone, it’s snowing stopped, but naturally, he’s still lying down, yes, alexander, good morning, well, yes, over the last few days it’s been a little unusual to stand outside not knee-deep in snow and not in a warm down jacket, but just in an insulated spring
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jacket, because the air temperature is gradually is rising, there is no precipitation yet, however, of course, the emergency services have been at their busiest for the last 24 hours, and as already... they said that in egyptiarsk and other cities more than 40,000 people were without electricity due to the fact that wet snow had stuck on wires on trees, which caused more there were 200 cliffs, so some residents were even left without water. let's now listen to the power engineers who are working right now in the most severe conditions to correct accidents. we work on a 6 kv overhead line, the tap is at the yuzhny tp. comes from the arza highway, on this section of the line we are replacing supports, re-tensioning wires, filing trees, we have four teams doing the work, from the chelyabinsk region, from the sverlovsk region, but in fact, the snow
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has been falling on the already quite warmed ground for the last few days, because what are forest roads for? some of the accidents happened where they happened. turned into one continuous mud, which even the special equipment of power engineers had difficulty coping with. motorists on the peronsky tract were also unlucky; bad weather interfered with construction work in some areas, and because of this, the entire road became one huge traffic jam; motorists almost spent the night in their cars. fortunately, by morning most of the problems had been resolved, the traffic jam had cleared, and most people were connected to power again. no so far the lights remain. about 6,000 people in rosseti promise that by the evening of today all this work will also be completed. thanks to the fact that the precipitation has stopped for now, it was possible to clean city roads and some regional highways so that they could be driven on summer tires.
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this is also helped by the weather itself today in yekaterinburg, expected to reach +8. however, it’s too early for us all to relax here. it is expected that another cyclone may approach the urals, which will bring... another portion of precipitation, right now according to incoming information , snow has begun to fall again in the nizhneserginsky district, on the pervonsky highway, visibility has dropped again, so the state traffic safety inspector recommends that all motorists be extremely careful, observe the speed limit, and ideally do not go out on the roads at all in the summer season. alexandra, thank you, albert mosin spoke about the consequences of a gentle cyclone in the sertlov region. now let's move on to... advertising, then we will continue to talk about the main topics of this monday. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between your accounts in different banks. from may 1
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broadcasting. in an interview with a bosnian television channel , foreign minister sergei lavrov compared the policies of the french president to hitler and napoleon. in addition, lavrov emphasized that it is already part of the west’s mentality to see russia as a threat. macron recently gave interview with economist magazine, where he said that russia is the main threat to europe, primarily to france and germany, that is , these are the very ambitions that napoleon and then hitler nurtured, which means that they were due to the fact that both france and germany at that time they saw russia as a threat. well, i won’t even comment on mr. macron’s ideas for a long time; he is now obviously
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speaking from the most vehemently anti-russian positions. i know a little about how the power system is structured in france, what claims the french have for their role in europe in world. i do not rule out that this is russophobia, the cave russophobia that exists now. macron just breathes, it is necessary in order to try to become a leader in europe. exhibition of captured equipment.
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this is the pride of the german coin artillery, it shoots up to 15 km, the control is automated. howitzer, caliber 211 mm, with it a whole company of heavy guns, they were aimed at moscow, and really hit moscow. the germans collected many tanks, here is a tank of strangled czechoslovakia, here is an italian tank, it successfully escaped from the sands of egypt, here a hungarian tank, where a horse with a hoof, there is iraq
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with a bald patch, here is poor samua, vichy selling it along with... this is one of the pavilions, it contains ammunition, small arms, mortars, you can’t look at everything, there are several tens of thousands of such exhibits at the exhibition . samples of light german weapons,
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credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman, you take credit cards, transfer you can easily pay off your debts over 24 months, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with your debts, you’re selfish, which means i already have heartburn from it... we’ll put it out, but your food gives me heartburn, this is easier, heartburn from eating, take, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes heartburn, extinguishes, film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov. too young, he doesn’t have enough combat experience, there won’t be a war this year, but what will kuznetsov tell us about this? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but
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we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, especially for victory day, all episodes of the tv series admiral kuznetsov are free, look on the website in the app, military tranches will help kiev accumulate strength for... the whole house is insulted, the german authorities are not intercessors for such people, the local media demonized the pensioner, they said he goes to rallies against aid to ukraine, all this,
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of course, is for the sake of formality, berlin has long been laughing at kiev’s requests. there are weapons that can only be given if there are iron-clad guarantees, we will know who it is shooting at, but with ukraine there simply cannot be such guarantees and discussions. of course, i should trust my partner, but i don’t. the bundestag says: ukraine cannot win this conflict, further support of the ukrainian armed forces, robbery by germany. ukraine should not win, the world should win. we do not need a nuclear war, neither in europe, nor in germany, individually, nor in the whole world. i urge you not to obey the calls of our government, not to succumb to provocations. ukrainians fight they don’t want it, us help is still on the way, newspapers write. in the ssu, those who are exhausted with weapons are a disaster, and this is recognized even in kiev.
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their numbers on the streets are all to fight without ceremony, but ukrainians think differently, there are hundreds of memes on social networks, that is, in their opinion, i should leave this clean air, these
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mountains, all this is to run to the consulate, take a piece of paper to go to ukraine, european supporters of the war have simply gone crazy, said french analyst bill boin. the funds are sent to the american military-industrial complex. some go to think tanks for politicians who vote, here is a surprise for all the new wars. there is an illusion that ukraine is a model of democracy, and that if it has money it will win and the world will become a better place. even ukrainians don’t believe in this. and even artificial intelligence understands that ukraine must surrender, because this is the only chance to save itself as a nation - sofia answered a question from journalists about the fate of the independent robot sofia at an exhibition in dubai. artificial intelligence came to this conclusion after a large-scale analysis of all data. internet marialko and fyodor zarovny, lead. 7 may, the inauguration ceremony of russian president vladimir putin will take place, after which the government, in accordance with
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the constitution, will relinquish its powers to the newly elected head of state. all the details are in our help. the chairman of the government is appointed by the president with the consent of the state duma. the president nominates the prime minister within 2 weeks after the government takes office or resigns, or within a week from the day the state duma rejects the candidacy. state duma during the week considers the candidacy submitted by the president for prime minister. after the appointment, the prime minister must present it within a week. to the president a proposal on the structure of federal executive bodies , as well as nominations for deputy prime ministers and ministers. also, after consultation with the federation council, the president appoints federal ministers, heads of federal executive bodies in charge of issues of defense, state security, internal affairs, justice for foreign affairs, emergency prevention situations and public safety disaster response.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here how can you achieve what you have achieved? it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off and went, is russia ready to change, in any structure, evolution is happening, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past, and then you quit medicine, became an ordinary police psychologist, kill me, why did you provoke him, you wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous
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place for you, you same as a predator. somehow, it will hurt, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website, now to urgent messages from the belgorod region, there as a result of the ukrainian attack six civilians were killed, more... were injured, according to regional authorities, drones of the ukrainian armed forces attacked two cars with employees of an agricultural enterprise. we will discuss the latest events in donbass with the head of the dpr denis pushilin, he is now joining us and is in direct contact with the studio. hello, denis vladimirovich. hello, alexander. russian troops completely liberated the village of ocheretenok north, northwest of donetsk. what significance will this have for
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the dpr? when will the assessment take place? the state of this locality? this is another strategic settlement after ovdeevka, why? because it is still considered a city, and the enemy has been building a fairly serious fortification there for more than one year, and our armed forces made sure that this settlement was liberated, and now an additional one is appearing. possibility, as for the populated area itself, it has suffered significant, significant damage, and according to our information, and there are still civilians there, civilians are now being identified, with necessary, of course, they will all have the opportunity to evacuate to the temporary detention center in order not to be exposed to additional risk right now, because the enemy continues to shell this area...


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