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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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in the capital 10 we continue to broadcast the morning news, this is what we have learned by this hour. in the belgorod region, as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, six civilians were killed and more than thirty were wounded, two of them children. according to the governor, ukrainian drones hit cars in which agricultural employees were driving to work, and a passenger car was also hit. according to the head of the region, the victims. already in hospitals, they have
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shrapnel wounds of varying severity, one is being operated on. former minister of internal affairs of ukraine, arsen avakov wanted, card appeared in the database of the russian ministry of internal affairs , the former minister of information policy of the country, ex-minister of foreign affairs klimkin, ex-speaker of the verkhovna rada groysman and former head of the national security and defense council danilov were also put on the wanted list. he currently holds the post of ukrainian ambassador to moldova. the svetlovsk region is eliminating the consequences of a heavy may snowfall, a weather anomaly was caused by a cyclone in the city of dektyarsk, power lines could not withstand the weight of the snow, more than 40,000 people are left without electricity, there is no heating water in their homes. problems on the railway, delays seven passenger trains. the fsb for the first time published the testimony of hitler's personal adjutant, ss officer otto günsch. at the end of the war
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, he was captured and taken by smersh officers to moscow. gjosche said that the german leadership wanted to hit the forces of the united states and great britain and conclude an alliance against moscow. however, these plans were thwarted by a large-scale offensive by the soviet army. and further news marked urgently on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief of the russian armed forces in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, general staff. preparations have already begun for holding exercises in the near future with missile formations of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. and during the exercise, a set of activities will be carried out to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. in addition, the report notes that the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of combat units. non-strategic nuclear weapons
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unconditional provision of territorial integrity and sovereignty of the russian to respond to and to respond for the purposes of the state in response to provocative statements of threats by certain western individuals against our country to other news, i will remind you of the news, i will remind you that this was a message from the ministry of defense. so, in the belgorod region, drones of the ukrainian armed forces attacked cars with civilians, and, as the governor reported, they died. six people, more than thirty injured. my colleague igor pikhanov works in the region, and he is joining us now. igor, hello, what information do you have about your condition? injured? hello, alexander, let’s start with, probably, the operational situation in the region bordering ukraine. now local telegram channels are reporting that residents of the border shibekinsky urban district need to be extremely careful, because ukrainian... kamikaze drones have been spotted there,
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the day before 10 drones in pivi attacked the border village of murom, it is located only three in 3 km from the demarcation line, fortunately yesterday there were no casualties among local residents. this morning the ukrainian militants attacked two minibuses at once, which were moving along a busy highway in the borisov urban district, this is also a border territory, this is also a border territory, as a result. people died on the spot, these were passengers of the bus, other passengers were also injured, this is more than thirty people, shrapnel was visited, as well as cars that were moving along this route at the time of the attack, ambulance doctors promptly arrived at the scene, the injured people were provided with assistance, they were hospitalized, let's give it away, let's listen to the chapter quote region of vyacheslav glodkov.
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the operational situation in the belgogorod region still remains difficult, now the head of the region announced that facilities, industrial facilities, as well as border agricultural enterprises, as well as suppressors of enemy drones , will be equipped with mobile electronic warfare equipment, as well as scanners to search for drones are now installed on ambulances. assistance, in addition, anti-drone grilles are installed on agricultural machinery, people have to adapt to the current situation, the ministry of defense also reports that
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enemy units were discovered destroyed in the border area, these are crews of combat drones, this work is carried out in the border area by our military every day. alexandra. thank you, igor pikhanov spoke about a new attack in the armed forces of ukraine on civilian and civilian targets in the belgorod region. the russian ministry of internal affairs has put a number of prominent people in ukraine on the wanted list. thus, the department’s database now includes the former minister of internal affairs of ukraine arsen avakov. it is also included in register of terrorists and extremists. he held the position of head of the ministry of internal affairs until he was 21 years old. a card of the former minister of information policy of ukraine has also appeared in the ministry’s database.
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fsb officers detained a resident of tambov, who, on instructions from the ukrainian special services, was preparing explosions near the building of the regional and arbitration courts. as reported by the public center. department, a suspicious man was noticed by russian railways employees while patrolling the areas near the railway station. he placed unknown objects in construction waste. these were two homemade explosive devices. they were neutralized. investigators are now interrogating the detainee. in the summer of 2023, i began to visit the websites of the terrorist organizations russian volunteer corps legion of freedom of russia and entered into correspondence with a representative of the ukrainian ones. intelligence services, which persuaded me to commit acts of sabotage and terrorism on russian territory. in march of this year, it was proposed to blow up the tambov regional court and the arbitration court of the tambov region. at the moment when i was preparing to install an ied in the city of tambov, i was detained. now
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let's switch to advertising, then wait for the direct broadcast from the state duma. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy, if you knew how delicious it is, you wouldn’t be so confused, alexander petrov’s star combo for 355 rubles, i love it, it’s delicious, thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will come to the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. the state has abolished commissions for transfers between its accounts in different banks. from may 1, russians can transfer their money from one bank to
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news agency feed mikhail mishusin signed order to allocate 500 million rubles to the belgorod region to support organizations and individual entrepreneurs. this is a message from the cabinet of ministers. and we move on to other topics. the state duma will change the order of its work. in the coming days, deputies will take part in the approval of the prime minister, deputy prime ministers and ministers. on may 7, the inauguration ceremony of the russian president will take place. vladimir putin, after which the government, in accordance with the constitution, will resign. my colleague, varvara nevskaya, works at okhotny ryad, she comes to us joins. varvara, greetings, tell us how the procedure for approving the composition of the new government will take place. alexandra, good morning, at these moments the council of the state duma is passing by, which is right now considering the issue of preparing for the procedure for approving the candidacies of the prime minister, deputy prime minister. and federal ministers, the approval of the cabinet of ministers for the first time will take place according to a new
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constitutional procedure. the duma is ready , as it already announced last week, to begin a six-day working week for in order to approve, as soon as possible, new deputy prime ministers and relevant ministers, whose candidacies will be submitted to parliament by the chairman of the government, who in turn must be appointed by the head of state after the inauguration.
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there are several interesting bills that parliamentarians will have to consider today, among them, in the first reading , the state duma will consider a bill on a free economic zone in the territories that border on new russian regions, that is, the dpr, lpr, kherson and zaporozhye regions, in this case we are talking about belgorod, kursk, regions, a specific list of territories will already be determined by the government, if such a bill is adopted, and the document assumes that investors who invest their funds in the development of such territories, in their industry. logically, they will receive benefits on income tax on land property, as well as benefits on the payment of insurance premiums. in the second reading, deputies will consider the bill on the register of malicious debtors for alimony; it will be published in publicly available on the website of the federal service for judicial assaults, it is proposed to include in the register information about citizens who have been
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brought to administrative or criminal liability, or who have been put on the wanted list for non-payment. bill on basic guarantees we are talking about amendments to the second reading of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the russian federation. and these amendments, if adopted, may prohibit foreign agents from participating in elections at all levels. receipt such status will also serve as a basis for deprivation. thank you, we’ll wait, my colleague varvara nevskaya was in direct communication with the state duma. and now to trading on the moscow exchange. this morning the american
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currency is trading around the 91 ruble mark. 60 kopecks the euro is worth just over 98%. rub. and yuan today costs 12 rubles. 70 kopecks. the moscow exchange index at the opening of trading at 10 am moscow time is 3.434 points and the rts index is also growing at 1.184 points. let's stop by for a couple of minutes. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation. megamarket sellers are changing the world. megamarket - just grow with us. one of my
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the chinese leader's plane arrived at arly airport exactly on schedule at 16 in the morning. he was met by prime minister gabriel ottal. shizen pin listened to his welcoming words slightly smiling. the first visit in 5 years, and therefore so important for europeans, is officially timed to coincide with the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with france. along the route of the cortege, chinese dragons and chinese students with flags of both countries appear. the program is intense. a solemn welcoming ceremony for the disabled, a banquet at the elysee palace, a meeting with fondelaien and scholz, then an attempt to escape officialdom. together with his wife , he will take the chinese couple to perenei, to dine on the kolda tourmalet, where he spent his childhood holidays with my grandmother, in 2017, at the height of the first election campaign, i sang with the owners of the establishment. establishing close trust to talk about ukraine will be macron's task; the chinese leader,
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who will also attend a franco-chinese economic forum, will try to ease trade disputes with the european union, which remains the world's second-largest market for electric cars. every second car produced in china is now exported to the eu. european electric cars are far behind chinese ones in terms of equipment. and most importantly it costs too much, all this really irritates the head of the european commission, ursula fondelaien. so, today i can announce that the commission is launching an investigation into combating the sale of electric vehicles from china. europe is not open to competition in order to go to the bottom. several such investigations against chinese goods have been ongoing since october in different areas. the rules against the chinese clothing retailer have been tightened, and a trial has been launched by the social network tiktok. the european commissioner for trade, valdis dombrovskikh, also promises. beijing responds. measures adopted by the eu violate the principles of a market economy and the rules of international trade.
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they do not contribute to the stability of supply for the automotive industry and are not in the interests of anyone, including the eu. paris supported the idea of ​​duties. in response, beijing promised to increase fees on the european brand. the dependence is mutual. china needs a european market. europeans have resources. however, he loves paris. show off with great fanfare in the presence of the minister, last year they opened their own production of components here for car batteries. this gigantic enterprise was built by the efforts of european companies in just 17 months. every day they planned to produce 56,000 parts for electric car batteries, in the future up to 200-300,000 cars per year. on the opening day there was a lot of talk about the importance of the plant in the context of european technological sovereignty and the future ban on thermal engines. there is only one, but the production of the necessary resources is located far beyond europe. 60% of lithium processing production, for example, controls china, and it's not just about white oil. when
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i hear, which was a couple of months ago, that china is making its sovereign decision to limit access to graphite, and i want to remind you that china processes 93% of the world's graphite, 93%. and if you want to produce onot, you need graphite. if china decides to restrict access. we're going to have a problem. a possible quarrel between paris and beijing could paralyze the french automobile industry, but the european market will remain open for the chinese. they have another front door - hungary. we are proud that hungary is now the main destination for chinese business investment in central europe. we thank president xi for this. in the twenty-first year, hungary ranked third in the world in the market for the production of electric batteries. and according to the prime minister. siyarta intends to beat the americans, not the second ones. the country will soon have 36 factories. the volume of chinese investment last year exceeded 10 billion euros. and orban’s policy in his
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opposition to brussels appeals to the chinese leader. budapest - another point his european tour. orbán not only turned his country into an outpost for chinese intelligence, but made hungary the first european country to sign a cooperation agreement under the one path initiative. china is financing the construction of high-speed. historical overtones, exactly a quarter of a century ago, when american planes bombed yugoslavia, shells fell on the chinese embassy in belgrade, three chinese journalists were killed, 20 people were injured, in response they simply announced that the attack on... beijing and belgrade had already
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they made it very clear that this would not be possible; the president of the people's republic of china would take part in the funeral ceremony. in fact, there was an attack on china, because the embassy is the sovereign territory of china; it was bombed in 1990 at the height of the aggression. against serbia and when you add it all up, you see that in sorrow and joy we have something in common. this is what is the basis of our relationship. china doesn't see us as a small country, it sees us as an important country not only in the region western balkans, but also for the whole of europe. chinese activity in europe irritates the united states, which is provoking brussels to continue the trade war. adding fuel to the fire was macron's statement during his april visit to beijing that france would not follow the united states on the issue of independence for taiwan. this time the french leader, judging by media leaks, intends to follow the agreed path and will try to persuade the chinese leader to abandon cooperation with russia.
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ursula fonde will come to help him in paris. successful, but it turned out that, unfortunately, he does not know german, well, the main thing is that i tried. attempts follow one after another, but it is obvious that the europeans will not be able to impose their own rules of the game on china. beijing is ready to participate only in an equal dialogue. anastasia popovleya bernadsky, news, france. your brother. there in the donbass in
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the aurora battalion, so he lives, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready on moscow, we need to write down the missing persons, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin’s hope, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that...
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let’s translate from clerical to understandable, it's not that scary. if there are instructions.
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in moscow 10:28 minutes and then briefly about the main thing. the general staff of the russian armed forces has begun preparations for holding exercises with missile formations from the south. military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. according to the ministry of defense they will take place in the near future. military personnel will practice training and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. in the belgogorod region, as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces, six civilians were killed and more than thirty were injured. two of them are children. according to the governor, ukrainian drones hit cars in which employees
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of the agricultural enterprise were driving. to work, a passenger car was also hit. according to the head of the region, the victims are already in hospitals, they have shrapnel wounds of varying degrees of severity, one is being operated on. in tambov an fsb officer managed to prevent terrorist attacks near the building of the regional and arbitration courts. as the department's public relations center reported, at the direction of the ukrainian special services, they were trained by a local resident. he was detained while trying to detonate improvised explosive devices, he suspects. and said that he was recruited back in july last year. the former minister of internal affairs of ukraine, arsen avakov, is wanted. the card appeared in the database of the russian ministry of internal affairs. also, the former minister of information policy of the country, ex-minister of foreign affairs klinkin, ex-speaker of the verkhovna rada groysman and former head of the national security and defense council danilo. now he takes the knock.


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