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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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gical nuclear forces. the ministry of defense reported that the general staff has already begun preparations. the maneuvers will involve a unit of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. the goal is to assess the readiness of personnel and equipment to carry out combat missions in order to ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state in response to provocative threat statements by individual western officials. this is stated in a statement by the ministry of defense. and now briefly about other news for this hour. attack drones in the belgorod region. drones hit two cars in the borisov region. six people were killed and 35 were injured . now a number of ukrainian leaders have been officially included in the wanted list of the russian ministry of internal affairs. the list includes former head of the ministry of internal affairs arsen avakov, former foreign minister pavel klimkin, former speaker of the verkhovna rada vladimir groysman. fsb operation in tambov,
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a russian citizen was detained who planned to blow up the building where the regional and arbitration courts are located. suspicious man russian railways employees noticed. snowfalls and blizzards in may in the sverdlovsk region delayed seven passenger trains, leaving 4,500 people without electricity. now there is a short advertisement after the broadcast. our channel will continue the programs of vladimir solovyov and pavel zarubin, moscow, kremlin, putin. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned, with cashback and bonuses. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection. where can one go from this connection? hello,
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how well will president putin’s driver perform now, in what situations? very nice car, i like it, putin’s car, i’ve been to it over the past 6 years, headquarters at wheels, get ready to learn to see more than ever before, good evening, today orthodox christians around the world celebrate easter, sobyanin attended the night easter service in the cathedral of christ the savior. the solemn prayer service was performed by patriarch of moscow all russia kirill. christ of the resurrection. christ is risen. christ is risen. in the morning, the president congratulated
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all orthodox christians and russian citizens celebrating holy sunday. it was a short but intense work week. in graphics presidential meeting, conferences, telephone calls and negotiations; in the kremlin itself , preparations for the inauguration were in full swing. on may 7, vladimir putin will take the oath and officially take office as head of state. millions of spectators around the world will watch the ceremony, which will begin a new chapter in the work of the president and the history of the country. and although the event follows a standard protocol, each inauguration is always unique in its own way. and with us. with you a unique opportunity to see the updated auurus car, which was made for president to find out other interesting details about the upcoming inauguration, look, i drive
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such cars, i myself have repeatedly driven a really decent, high-quality car that meets all... usa trump. numerous european
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capitals, visits to turkey. reflection of the vatican buildings in a car shining with a well-groomed appearance. the person greeting the russian leader then put on white gloves before opening the doors of the aurus. distant argentina, where the g20 summit took place. over the past years , what kind of ceremonies have been held and what kind no situations arose. aurus has been tested by rain and snowdrifts, driven through big cities, wide highways and rural streets, and goes straight to the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown.
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and 6 years after the first presentation , the research automotive and automation institute nami presents itself to surprise the whole country. once again, we, the ministry of industry and all our creators are preparing for may 7 in order to show the restyled aurus, in our opinion it will be a very modern, interesting new product that will surprise both outside and inside. in our program, we have shown you the presidential aurus many times, now for the first time, the aurus after a deep restyling, every detail of vladimir putin’s inaugural car. this is a completely new look of the car, modern, fashionable and daring, the updated auurus senate, here is any person, the average person will tell you, so here is the same aurus, it is already so beautiful, but it is really very beautiful, it has been impressing everyone all these years, where it’s even more beautiful that
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it changed then, that’s the main thing, so to speak, the change, the most important change - this is the appearance, we changed the front part, the mask of the entire car, that is, the front optics have changed. the grille has changed, the bumper has changed, the hood has changed, the fenders have changed. only we have the opportunity to compare the aurus, which was used at the inauguration 6 years ago, with the updated car. like the first car, the second one was completely designed by our guys, our designers, and the headlights became narrower, yes, but overall it looks like the whole photograph, like a person’s face, like... you can’t talk about the eyes separately, you can’t talk about the headlights, but besides, besides just the appearance, this is a more modern car, i see the wheels are also completely different, yes, steel wheels, we also think that this is a very good solution, it
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also gives the car a modern look and beauty. we have 90% of the electronics designed and manufactured by us, namely electronics, which is very important, yes, we believe that a restyled car is much higher. import-protected, but not so long ago, even people came to the inauguration of the russian president in foreign cars, that’s how it is it looked like this is what turning on the turn signal looks like on an updated car, and even this alone will fascinate many.
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there will be surprises at the upcoming inauguration, which we can only hint at for now. and the aurus project as a whole still has many innovations ahead. the next stage, the twenty-sixth year, when a more in-depth design of the platform itself will appear, well, the next stage is the thirtieth year, this is not tied, in fact, there are specific significant dates, we are following the planned schedule that was originally formed, buckle up, otherwise you’ll have to pay a fine later, putin tested the new tavrida highway in the crimea while driving. over
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the past 6 years, the car has become so famous that residents of different regions where the president visited recognized and understood from afar, putin is coming, he won’t, he will, he will, vladimir vladimirovich, please come out, well, please, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that's it.
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putin is always understandable from the right side, but there are also such situations: the president of russia and the united arab emirates. translator from that side. the united arab emirates greeted the russian president with cars with the inscription “dps” on the aurus, look carefully at the numbers that appeared. a very good car, i like it, and not only me, some of our arab friends also like it, they already do. express a desire to buy. all these years, putin himself quite regularly
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arranged real test drives for his colleagues. the president of egypt was even invited to the formula 1 race track in sochi. you rode in the same line with us. short wheelbase senate sedan. presidential motorcade aurus speeds along the highways formula 1. as far as we know, this car accelerates to 100 km/h in 6 seconds. in the speeding car, many paid attention to the translator's face. and what happened with the cameraman’s hairstyle. have there been any wishes from the presidential drivers over the years? of course, that is, we - gonom - have a very busy job and at
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the design stage gon takes part as the main customer of this project. gon, we repeat once again, a garage for a special purpose, purpose. and work is underway both with garage managers and with direct drivers. these are all the cars were accepted by the drivers who transport our first person. so, apparently, the updated aurus is already well known to presidential drivers.
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a very wide aurus car, in which the president of russia got into, the gates in the palace, they are not so wide and it is of course very important how well the driver of president putin now works, because the distance between the car and the gate is literally a few centimeters, let’s see how it turns out now a motorcade, but we see that everything works out, a car. carefully leaves for gate, not a single scratch, now we will see, this is not just because of the size of the car, vladimir putin enters the eliseev palace, similar situations arose in france, india, turkey, numerous reporters simply could not take their shots, and putin
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ordered the car to be driven away as it moved. brix summit in brazil. it would seem like a hall, an ordinary hotel hall. we go further, we see that there is a staircase to the second floor and a wall. so it turns out that this wall can be opened, such a heavy door. and we get to the site, where he arrives presidential aurus. in general , people outside russia know that it is russian. it is developing, we are doing this with partners, it’s true, we have acquired our own competencies, our own engineering school, everything is there: the engine, the transmission, everything steering, everything can be done, we did the aura, we did it, good, but how much does it cost, yes, it costs, because they produce little, it will go into production for real, everything will be twice as cheap, yes, it takes time, but it will be its own
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development, allow me to give a start, the start of mass production, i allow it. the flag of uzbekistan on the aurus, next to the flag of turkmenistan on the aurus, here is tajikistan, almost all the leaders of the cis countries came to the summit on the aurus, and this is the first time, now we will explain why they are producing, apparently they have already produced enough to provide all leaders with our domestic ones even at such multilateral events car.
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there were so many cars at that summit that the question arose: whose car was the president’s? to do this responsibly, but i’ll think about what can be done to attract you to serious work? unscheduled stop, vladimir putin shows kimchinin a russian aurus car, we now see that kimchinin got into the car, vladimir putin took a seat next to him, apparently, they will now also go by car, here,
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let me remind you, tim chynin came to the cosmodrome in his car, but now he will appreciate... the russian car auurus. inside they spoke one on one, even the translator did not immediately get into the car. it is possible that there is already a conversation going on here about key political issues. the car guy obviously liked it, because now aurus is official car of the leader of the dprk. updated aura.
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two flags, russian and chinese, putin and sidinpin will drive this car together, quite often on a car with the flag of russia and belarus. and recently putin and lukashenko got stuck in a traffic jam on one of the highways in st. petersburg, the bus passengers were pretty surprised, quite a rare moment, the aurus was traveling without the main passenger, because putin had just boarded the tu-160m and soon took off, fast, maneuverable, having experienced both severe siberian frosts and... southern sun today under the walls of an ancient fortress presidential motorcade vladimir putin in dagestan in the narrow streets of derbent here , of course, all cars have to carefully
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maneuver to get to their destination. at the door of auras, our program several years ago recorded an interview with the president about the future of russia, we must look only forward, then we will be successful. thank you more, thank you, thank you, goodbye. on may 7, the country begins the next page of its history. the president of russia will take office. serve the people faithfully. i will do everything in my power for this. always. a very colorful ceremony. hello comrades. but each point of this
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ceremony determines key and sometimes fateful events for the country. after the inauguration, the president receives all the attributes of power, including again a nuclear briefcase. there are three such devices in total. the head of state, the minister of defense, the chief of the general staff. only upon receipt of a coded signal with three confirmations can the system be activated. according to the constitution, on the day the new president takes office government resigns. further, according to the law, the president has 14 days to submit a candidate for chairman of the government to the state duma. putin was asked about what the new cabinet of ministers might look like in march on the night after the elections, and the president urged people not to make a fuss. the question is now to determine who? in which place will it be most effective to work and in order for the overall result, teamwork to be maximum, i, together with colleagues from
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the government, with the administration, with the leadership of the central bank, we are together let’s think about everything, calmly in a working comradely mode, we will make these decisions, there is no need to fuss, the most important stage of forming a new composition of the russian government is ahead, the parliament will have to exercise its constitutional powers. established in 2020 by amendments to the basic law of the country and approved based on the results of a nationwide vote. the most important statements were made several years ago; now is the time to remember them. questioning the powers of parliament, our society is developing and parliamentary structures are strengthened. the federal assembly is ready to take greater responsibility for forming the government. this is the expected applause, but i think that you will have the opportunity to applaud again,
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listen to what i want to say, i propose to change this order and entrust the state duma with not just approval, but approval of the candidacy for the chairman of the government of the russian federation, and then , upon his proposal, on the proposal of the prime minister and all vice-premiers. and federal ministers, with in this case, the president will be obliged to appoint them to the position, that is, he will not have the right to reject the candidacies of the relevant officials approved by parliament, the president gives up some of his very significant powers if today, today the president himself approves the chairman of the government with the consent of the state duma, and then he himself approves : finally, and then without any consent of the country’s parliament, appoints ministers, in fact, the situation changes radically, now the final decision on
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the chairman of the government is made by himself parla. federation to report on this work, this is another step forward towards the democratization of our society, gradually without jerks, but precisely in this direction. then, when constitutional updates were discussed, opinions were voiced that consultations regarding the candidacies of the ministers of the power bloc for foreign affairs did not mean anything special. i do not agree with you that this is an empty ringing, and this will limit the president, a person came, mumbled something incomprehensible at
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these consultations, the president is such a person. will appoint, i assure you, of this it makes sense. and i’ll tell you straight, a lot will depend on constructive working interaction between the legislative and executive powers in the future. the modern world is complex, we see how rapidly, sometimes unpredictably, it changes. and therefore it is all the more important that despite significant changes in the political system, the main thing remains unchanged. a strong presidential vertical for...
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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vladimir putin at a meeting on economic issues defined a new horizon budget planning until 2030. when the economy shows steady growth, you can safely make long-term plans, despite the flows, as putin once put it, crazy. thoughtless sanctions. for 10 years now, russia has been living under unprecedented sanctions pressure from the west and during this time it has become one of the five largest economies in the world, overtaking european countries. it's time to draw conclusions. yes, after all , the first large-scale anti-russian sanctions were introduced in the spring of 1914, that is , exactly 10 years now, and exactly 10 years ago we we heard the famous one with you.


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