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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm MSK

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they hit civilian cars, seven people were killed, about 40 were injured as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region, among the wounded there were children, what is known at this moment? a candidate for departure, according to the russian foreign intelligence service, the united states has intensified efforts to find an alternative to the current president of ukraine. who might be among the contenders? cold forecast in the north of the moscow region and neighboring regions , snow may fall in the coming days, what will it be like? temperatures and how long will the cold snap last? in russia, on behalf of the supreme the commander-in-chief will conduct missile exercises to improve the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces. the ministry of defense reported that the general staff has already begun preparations. the maneuvers involve a unit of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. the goal is to assess the readiness of personnel and equipment.
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to carry out combat missions in order to ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state in response to provocative threat statements by individual western officials. this is stated in statement from the ministry of defense. the decision to conduct missile exercises is related to earlier statements by a number of western politicians about their intention to send their armed forces to ukraine. this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the preparations for the maneuvers. we are talking, naturally, about the statements of mr. macron, about the statements of british representatives, to which were also added representatives of the us senate, if i’m not mistaken, who spoke about the readiness and even intention to send armed contingents in ukraine, that is, actually putting nato soldiers in front of the russian military, this is a completely new round of escalation of tension, it is unprecedented. and,
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of course, it requires special attention and special measures. i would like to note that threats against russia from the west have been heard for many years; back in 2022 , liszt tras spoke about her readiness to press the so-called nuclear button. then she was a contender for the post of prime minister of great britain. and the current head of the mid-country , david cameron, during his visit to kiev last week, said that he considers it the right of ukraine use british weapons to strike targets in russia. in mid-estonia about a year ago they lamented that the transmitters of its cores. in weapons is impossible due to nato commitments to the non-proliferation of this type of weapons. the head of france suggested the possibility of sending western troops to ukraine. emmanuel macron named the conditions for the implementation of such a scenario. in his opinion, this is a breakthrough at the front and a request from kiev. well, finally, the statement of the leader of the democrats in the us congress, which was made the day before, hakim jeffries noted: washington cannot allow kiev to fail, since in this case the states will have to send not only money to ukraine, but also their military. now
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in direct contact with the studio is the deputy president of the russian academy of missile and artillery sciences, doctor of military sciences, specialist in military political science, konstantin sevkov. konstantin valentinovich, hello, tell us what such maneuvers are and what units can be involved and how often such exercises take place in russia, well, in general, these are such exercises they are carried out periodically, but the fact that they have now been adopted, the decision has been made to carry them out, this clearly serves a purpose. to demonstrate to the west the determination, if necessary, to switch to the use of nuclear weapons, for which such a decision was made, the fact is that if western countries decide to deploy their troops on the territory of ukraine, then there is a very high risk that the clash between the west and russia will escalate uncontrollably, when in response to the deployment of nato troops, we strike at them, they carry losses, nato begins to carry out... an operation with
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the aim of covering its troops, suppressing our aviation, the air defense force, we in response defeat these nato troops, they can proceed to the use of nuclear weapons, we will be obliged in this case to respond, and if they do not carry out air -an offensive operation, we will naturally hit airfields from which nato planes fly, and these airfields will already be airfields of the same great britain, germany, poland, romania. and other nato countries, so very unpleasant moments, and the decision of our president to demonstrate his determination to transition to the use of nuclear weapons is very timely and necessary, since this can cool down the hot head konstantin oleninovich, do i understand correctly that when we talk about non-strategic nuclear weapons, we are talking about tactical nuclear weapons, can you tell me what it is? that means it's absolutely correct.
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this means that we must keep in mind that, first of all , this belongs to the category of nuclear weapons, and then we must remove the misconception that tactical and strategic nuclear... weapons differ in caliber, this is not true, the caliber is approximately the same, the tactical and strategic ammunition caliber is somewhere on the order of 100-150 kilotons, that is, about 10.7, to make it clear for clarity, the difference only in firing range, which means that russia is now ready to use, if necessary, nuclear weapons in the following classes, this is the first, long-range air- sea-launched cruise missiles, well, this is a well-known number, this is x101,
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the existence of poland, for example, poland, here together with its entire population, this should be very well understood by the nato countries, these are terrible consequences. when we talk about exercises, tell us in more detail how they are carried out? it is clear that firing with combat weapons is not carried out, but what is being checked, how is readiness assessed? and the first questions that are posed at the forefront are questions related to... working out the question of working out the process of transferring a command to use tactical nuclear weapons, this is the transfer of tactical nuclear weapons to troops, this is the preparation of tactical nuclear munitions at the relevant facilities, this
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is the equipping of missiles and other carriers with nuclear warheads and the use of these nuclear...
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yes, konstantin valentirovich, yes, the answer to this question is clear, here, again, if
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we can quickly restore connection, i’ll probably have time to ask one more question: what kind of reaction do you think can be expected from the west to these maneuvers? could, for example, they could organize similar exercises in response, or could there be some other steps, perhaps? take, in your opinion, i will just finish the testing, the decision to test the use of tactical nuclear weapons.
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the question will arise about who supplied, well, we can say unequivocally, only the united states of america can supply such weapons, but there is one caveat, the united states of america has tactical weapons in the form of b-61 bombs and modification 12, such bombs can only be used f16 or f-35 aircraft, in these conditions it will be very problematic to use nuclear weapons from the territory of ukraine, the only thing ukraine can do is these conditions.
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simply put, radioactive waste from nuclear production, well, in particular from a nuclear power plant, can be placed, then a certain area will be subject to very strong radioactive contamination, where it will be impossible for anyone, including bacteria, to live any longer. konstantin valentinovich, thank you for your comments, i want to believe that these warnings in the form... igor, hello, what information do you have about what happened up to this minute, tell me how it all happened and can you confirm
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the numbers mentioned are the number of dead and wounded, their condition, and the injured. hello, yuri, this information on the number of dead and wounded is reported by a local agricultural enterprise on its page, on social networks, the information is issued promptly, let me yuri, now i’ll tell you about the operational situation. in the border belgorod region, at this moment an air raid alert was declared in the shebekinsky urban district, the ministry of emergency situations reported that there was a threat of a uav attack there. and recently ukrainian militants attacked the border the village of krasnoe, there they dropped ammunition from a drone near the residential sector, it was previously reported that there was a wounded local resident, today we received a video from our colleagues, state television and radio broadcasting company belgorod, in the morning ukrainian militants attacked two minibuses from kamis drones in the borisov urban district, what
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happened just about a kilometer from the russian-ukrainian border. and other border settlements in the region. let's listen to a quote from his telegram channel. several settlements in the belgorod region were subjected to attacks by the ukrainian armed forces using fpv drones. in the village of shchetinovka,
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a milk tanker moving along the road was attacked by a drone. as a result of the explosion , the driver was not injured, but the vehicle was damaged. on the tank. in the village of otradnaya, a drone attacked the locomotive of a mobile laboratory. there were no injuries, the carriage was damaged. in the village of chaiki, a drone attacked a car, no one was injured. in order to protect people, the head of the region announced that mobile electronic warfare radio stations are being installed on ambulances, and also issued scanners in order to detect the approaching one in advance. the drone, in addition, in border areas and agricultural enterprises, tractors are equipped with anti-drone metal platforms. today , a unit of the ministry of defense was informed at 12:30 that another attack by ukrainian militants in the belgorod region was prevented, another combat drone was shot down, and an
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electronic warfare station is suppressing drones; ukrainian militants are trying to attack the region with drones every day. russian artillerymen identify and destroy combat crews of drones that are trying to approach our border. yuri, yes, igor, thank you, together with you we are following what is happening, igor pikhanov, about the consequences of the drone attack in the ssu in the belgorod region about the situation at this moment. now there is a short advertisement and we will continue, do not switch. under the silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer, inside there is a beautiful, perfect, plumbeer, airy, natural, happy mick in the heat of july carries a silver bullet, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone
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he placed unknown objects in construction waste. it turned out that these were two homemade bombs. they have already been neutralized. the detainee is being interrogated by investigators. in the summer of 2023, i began to visit the websites of the terrorist organizations russian volunteer corps. freedom of russia and entered into correspondence with a representative of the ukrainian special services, who persuaded me to commit acts of sabotage and terrorism on russian territory. in march of this year, it was
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proposed to blow up the tambol regional court and the arbitration court of the tambol region. at the moment when i was preparing to install an ied in the city of tamboe, i was detained. the us has stepped up efforts to find an alternative the current president of ukraine, the russian foreign intelligence service has such data. according to the department, washington is consulting with the leader of the european solidarity party, ex-president of ukraine petro poroshenko and the mayor of kiev vitaliy klitschko. also, secret work is being carried out with the head of the office of the president of ukraine andrey yarmak and the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. the svr emphasized that the us administration, in fact, is not even trying to hide the fact that they generally don’t care who exactly will lead ukraine. and most importantly, so that he would be able to continue the armed conflict with russia. secretary of state of the union state dmitry mezintsev laid wine at the tomb of the unknown soldier. the ceremony was also attended by the ambassador of belarus to russia dmitry krutoy, representatives of diporpus and veterans. in
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addition, the ceremony participants laid flowers. soviet generals, soviet marshals, the memory of the great victory on the day of victory on may 9 , 1945, from june 24 of the same year, when fascist banners and hitler standards were thrown at the mausoleum, will remain understandable and accepted, first of all, by the younger generation, what is happening now, and the vile things they are doing,
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cannot be left like this... it is impossible, this must be ended with this banderaism once and for all, otherwise this fire will smolder near russia all the time , urgent messages are now coming from the irkutsk region, 30 country houses are on fire in the bratsk region, it is reported that the fire has already reached the outskirts of the city of vikharevka and has spread to a residential building. two dozen firefighters are working at the scene, 17 units of special equipment are involved. happy partnership rescuers tap the mineralized strip to stop the flame. their work is reportedly complicated by strong winds. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool. well, for example,
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aliens will arrive. such. the film is saturated, these sounds, this whole look , many analogies, of course, with the soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, reshooting, the film is completely independent, uh, moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s very interesting comedy, you don't have a chance, in general we were completely delighted, listen, well, this cool, wonderful, like that, love, romance, what? right now, yes, i ’m about to cry, it’s tears, it’s just world -class, but it’s very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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the state duma adopted amendments prohibiting agents from being candidates in all elections at all levels. in addition, deputies supported a bill that would allow veterans of the northern military district to receive a car with manual control. we’ll learn more about everything from our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, she works at okhotny ryad i have now joined the broadcast. varvara, greetings, what decisions did the deputies make today, tell us in more detail. yuri, greetings, but one of the most high-profile bills that has ever been. unanimously, this is important to emphasize, to be adopted immediately in the second and third readings, as you said earlier, this is a document prohibiting agents from taking part in elections at absolutely all levels.


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