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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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the state duma adopted amendments prohibiting agents from being candidates in all elections at all levels. in addition, deputies supported a bill that would allow mosvo veterans to get a car with manual control. we’ll learn more about everything from our correspondent, varvara nevskaya, she works for... what decisions did the deputies make today, tell us in more detail? yuri, greetings, but one of the most high-profile bills, which was unanimously, it is important to emphasize, was adopted immediately in the second and third readings, as you said earlier, this is a document prohibiting agents from taking part in elections at absolutely all levels. in fact, a restriction on registration in quality is established. candidates, as well as the possibility
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of early termination of powers in relation to those persons who plan to be elected, or who already hold elected positions and are foreign agents. based on the text of the document, obtaining such status will also serve as a basis for depriving the powers of current deputies, senators and even governors, of powers for agents in authorities will cease after 180 days according to... and liberal, comparing the adopted norm with the corresponding current legislation in western countries, very liberal norms in comparison with those in the united states of america, where they immediately take from... the meaning of the law on foreign agents in
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the usa, you and i are doing everything to protect our country; anyone who receives money abroad and wants to be elected to government must refuse it and think that he is doing the wrong thing. persons on the register of foreign agents will also not be able to become observers and proxies of candidates in elections. another important bill, which was also unanimously adopted immediately in the second and third readings, is a document on the social protection of disabled people in the russian federation. the adopted amendments will now make it possible to provide seriously wounded participants in a special military operation with special means of transportation. this includes
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cars with manual controls. selection of manually controlled cars as a means of special transportation, rehabilitation for our clients is very important. this applies to guys who have received severe injuries, have double amputation of the lower limbs, these are people who have the ability to move, including only in wheelchairs. and for them, this car will indeed be the only means of rehabilitation and socialization. vyacheslav volodin, in turn , recalled that the proposal to provide seriously wounded svo participants with special means of transportation was supported by president vladimir putin. this concerns those who are participating in a special military operation today and those? who
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has received a disability when he himself cannot move, and such assistance as the allocation of a car with manual control will be for him, well, if you want, a new opportunity for self-realization, communication, perhaps this will create conditions for many to find a new job and find themselves . another important news from okhotny ryad, which deserves our attention: the state duma decided to cancel the meeting on may 8 to appoint an additional meeting on may 10 to approve candidates for deputy prime ministers and relevant ministers. this was stated by the chairman of the lower house of the state duma vyacheslav volodin. the approval of the cabinet of ministers, let me remind you, will be carried out for the first time according to a new constitutional procedure. candidates for parliament will be submitted by the chairman. government, which in
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turn, after officially taking office, will be appointed by the head of state. such news for this minute, yuri. yes, varvar, thank you, i will remind you for direct connections from by the state. as a result of active actions, a unit of the west grouping of troops liberated the village of katlerovka, kharkov region. this is the latest data from the ministry of defense. and today , as a result of successful actions, a unit of the center’s group of troops liberated the settlement of solovyovo, donetsk people’s republic. the forces of the black sea fleet destroyed five unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the northwestern coast of the crimean peninsula. exhibition of captured equipment. which our fighters captured in the zone special operations have already been visited by tens of thousands of muscovites and guests of the capital. destroyed vehicles and tanks that nato countries supplied to the ssu, presented in front of the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. there are more than 30 copies in total, including the american abrams tank and the german leopard, which are considered one of
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the best in the west. but this exhibition debunked the myths about their indestructibility. and here is ferdinand himself. an elephant is drawn, called a tiger, combat weight is 60 tons, front armor is 100 mm, side armor is more than 80, armament is an eighty-millimeter cannon, two machine guns and a horseshoe for luck. the horseshoe helped, the game was lucky. there is not a single hole on his skin. cars, this is a skoda, this is a mercedes-benz,
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a renault truck, a very good truck, five-ton, the french guarded it poorly, it went to the germans, this is the malsky hanzalo ambulance. yes, the wars were ruined by chocolate. it is profitable to retire with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sber card, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies,
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methylane, thanks to purchases at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, how do you like it, cool, but save up for a subscription ? if you replenish regularly, you will save up 16% faster. spring was early this year, and this carries some risks for winegrowers and winemakers. firstly, what if it’s frosty, and the vine is already so big, on the other hand, the berry can accumulate a lot of sugar, then the wine will turn out strong, in russia now the trend is on the contrary - low-alcohol drinks, what? what winemakers will do with all this, as well as what other trends await
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russians this season, we will now find out right here on this earth. the oldest ones are these shells. here it was an ocean in this place, on the basis of these deposits, these rocks appeared, which are present here, star rocks, which give minerality to our wine, this is like saying sabers from the times of the caucasian war , this is a bayonet from a rifle chilean, this is a bayonet from romanian, this is a cannonball from some kind of martira, the founder of the wineries vladimirko shows the artifacts that he found on his ... plots during the uprooting of the earth. using them you can study the history of the area. along the perimeter of his
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vineyard there is a rampart that looks like the ruins of a fortress. according to the businessman, it was built by the hellenes. several thousand years ago this territory was part of the basporan kingdom. vladimir considers himself, in a sense, the heir of the ancient greeks, who also made wine here. this year 0.2 gar shardane was planted on a rock. that's where the rock outcrop is so serious. there is a saminion nearby, also planted on... that ’s all, there’s nowhere to go further, then there’s a cadastral forest around us that we can’t go into, even there we probably can’t pick fish, that ’s why we fenced ourselves off so as not to be tempted by this forest. we left what we have, we don’t need any more, we also need oak groves to relax here and not only for us, that’s why we ’ve finished planting grapevines, on 22 hectares they grow eight varieties of grapes produced per year
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and well, i think that the yield will be slightly lower than we would like, irrigation, drip for sergei, possible drought, we are preparing for irrigation, yes, yes, that is, we use water when necessary, when urgently needed, in addition to drought, winemakers are afraid of return frosts in may and hail, the grapes this year began the growing season 2 weeks earlier, by the end of april the vines already have large leaves, clusters have begun to form, and the berries can also accumulate sugar.
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in the first quarter, such drinks were produced at 42% more than last year, and sold 13% more. our long-awaited dream is the construction of a new workshop for the production of sparkling wines, er, it will be located here. cellars with an area of ​​1800 km will allow us to simultaneously store a million to 2 million bottles of classic champagne. about a billion rubles have been invested in the last 2 years alone and approximately the same amount still remains to be mastered. the chief winemaker of olympus vyacheslav zotin shows
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the large-scale construction that has unfolded on the territory of the plant. here already in september a new production workshop will appear. they are automated, loading and unloading grapes is easy, the temperature is controlled, they are easy to clean, all this greatly affects the quality. the grapes for the future sparkling wine have already been collected and processed; now , as experts say, this wine material is stored in such large containers, says ilya voloshin, winery consultant for sparkling wine. we have a very ambitious
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task, 150 thousand bottles of wine for the first edition, this is a very... serious challenge, and we we have set such a task for ourselves, this year it will be completed, general plans, general plans - 500,000 bottles of wine, half a million classic sparkling wine per year. ilya has been producing sparkling wine for many years, he started in crimea, and now he also consults for other enterprises. his career is a clear confirmation of the growing interest of both consumers and producers in such wines. they are now made even by companies that previously specialized only in powerful spirits. chief winemaker. wine factory koktybel denis shevchuk reminds that their the company is famous primarily for its modera port wine, but now they also produce sparkling wine. the demand for sparkling wine in our market is, well, immeasurable, there is no bottom, i say so because you can’t feel it, that is, there is 30-40%, but more is possible, we are working on expanding the classic sparkling assortment, we bought equipment for
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distillation to it was possible to avoid manual labor; we cannot withstand the nozzle for 9 months. and put it on the market, but we do 12 months plus for what? so that from a technological point of view, the quality of clarification is better, the longer it sits, the better the quality of clarification, the faster, and so on, well, of course, the varietal characteristics of a particular wine are better revealed, thus domestic producers are actively replacing imported drinks, especially in the inexpensive segment, this is also facilitated by government policy, this is the seventh year already. ..
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grapes, it was necessary to produce grapes and wine at one enterprise. but now we still have a slightly uneven situation on the side, somewhere we have more raw materials, and there in dagestan for example, but the demand for
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finished products, but somewhere like in kuban there is not enough on the contrary there for sparkling wines and enterprises buy high-quality wine material in bulk, now amendments to the tax code have determined that... and if enterprises actually buy bulk wine from a russian producer, they the excise tax will also be returned, however, for now there are several unresolved issues, shares the vice-president of the russian association of retail market experts, alexander stavtsev. there are certain other collisions there, say, related to the calculation of vat on profits. and vat is charged, but as fellow winemakers say, it is not refundable. together with excise tax, at the current excise tax rate of 108 rubles. vat is still quite significant. well, let’s hope that in the process
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of enforcing these rules, which are now enshrined in the tax code, these issues will be resolved, and we will get a truly preferential tax regime for russian winemaking that greatly increases competitiveness. it's important to hold back. release prices. against this background , new production facilities are emerging, they are replacing foreign components. at the specialized wine exhibition in krasnodar this year they showed lines for bottling wine and capping bottles. they are now made in veliky novgorod and the cork is made in the moscow region. there are two types of agglomerated cork: micro-agglomerated and simply agglomerated. it all depends on the size of the granule. and it is used either for capping champagne or still wines. here. directly that we are from portugal we receive these products, depending on the order and the customer’s requirements, we produce the plug he needs, the required
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diameter, the required length, we grind it, then disinfect it, apply the logo of any company, today the company produces 3 million such plugs, in the future they want to double it this volume and bring the crumbs to russia in order to produce not only plugs on site, but... the general director of the cortez company, dmitry kurashov, shares his plans for such blanks. prices vary, ours is cheaper our biggest plus is that the cork from portugal comes without a logo. and we put a logo on the cork. now in russia there are slightly more than 100,000 hectares of vineyards. according to the ministry of agriculture, another 6. will appear this year in the fall, the first full harvest from them will be harvested in 3 years, the enterprise has planted 900 hectares of vineyards since 2021. today we are already
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harvesting about 2.0 tons of grapes, this is from a young vineyard, now we are in a young vineyard, young, in the first year of the growing season, but we see that the vine does not produce shoots... a few, yes, in the end, when they develop, we will leave the leading most basic vines, yes, so that there will be a harvest on them in the future. leon davidov runs the family winery agroline in dagestan. this year he plans to make his first grist wines and also plant new vines. at this stage we have 93 hectares, we are planning, most likely, to plant about another 14 hectares, most likely in the fall, yes. leon lived in the usa for a long time and worked as a lawyer there.
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in terms of money it’s ungrateful, that is, tomorrow you won’t get the money back, and the day after tomorrow too, and the money will be returned grandchildren, and not you, there is a lot of land here, of course. belongs to someone, but mostly people once bought it for resale, and so they still have it, but it is overgrown with forest, just like mine was overgrown
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with forest, and this is the southern slopes up to... to upper bokanka, there, well, somewhere around 2-3 hectares , there are definitely such cool small plots that are not large for large companies where combine harvesters are needed, that’s exactly for small chateaus, small wineries, 10, 15, 20, 40 hectares each. vladimir believes that it is suitable for grapes there is a lot of land in russia and calls for you to take a closer look at this business, complex, but very aesthetic, which you so want to turn into a family enterprise and pass it on.
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the purpose of testing the readiness of personnel and equipment in russia will be an exercise on the division of non-strategic nuclear forces.
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will be involved and where the maneuvers will take place. they hit civilian cars, seven people were killed, about 40 were injured as a result of an attack by the ukrainian armed forces in the belgorod region. there are children among the wounded. what is known at this moment? candidate for departure. according to the service russia's foreign intelligence service and the united states have intensified efforts to find an alternative to the current president of ukraine. who might be among the contenders? cold forecast in the north. in the moscow region , snow may fall in neighboring regions in the coming days, what will the temperature be and how long will the cold snap last? in russia, on behalf of the supreme commander, a missile formation exercise will be held to increase the readiness of non- strategic nuclear forces. the ministry of defense reported that the general staff has already begun preparations. the maneuvers will involve a unit from the southern military district with the involvement of aviation.


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