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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable. it's not
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so scary if you have instructions. now the economic news is short: the volume of housing under construction in russia has exceeded 110 million square meters, this is a five-year record, the russian house reported. in april, developers continued to actively bring new
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projects to the market; in the month alone, construction volumes increased by 4.5 million square meters. according to market participants, the demand for new housing is stable; as reported by rbc, a third of such areas have been sold out in the country today, which is more than 35.5 million km2. sales of new cars cars in april immediately increased by 80%. in total, russians bought more than 137,000 cars. autostat reports this. the market leader was lada with sale. accordingly, the next positions in the ranking are also occupied by chinese brands. a temporary ban on sugar exports has come into force in russia; this is necessary to support the domestic market, the government said in a statement. the restriction will be in effect until september; supplies will remain only to eu countries, armenia, belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. as the ministry of agriculture previously reported, in 7 months from...
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this is three times more than the year before. and they tried to illegally carry cash worth a total of 518 million rubles across the russian border. data for the first quarter are provided by the federal customs service. a total of 2,500 violations were identified, an increase in monetary terms of 10% year on year. most of the people trying to smuggle money were dollars, euros and rubles. the main directions are turkey, uae and azerbaijan. the federal customs service reminded that the transportation of cash in excess of $10,000 must be declared. it was economic news, briefly. retire profitable with sberbank. for pensioners - a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. apply for a pension at sberbank online.
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military tranches will help kiev accumulate force for a counter-offensive in 2025, writes the financial times, citing sources in the white house. true, germany is already saying that the west continues to use ukraine as a testing ground for its weapons, and some are even demanding that debts be repaid. will tell you the details maria skorodilka. so, having hung the flag of their country outside the window on the may holidays, the residents of berlin were accused of nazism, the balcony was thrown with firecrackers, the whole house was insulted, the german authorities, who are not intercessors, the local media demonized the pensioner, they said he goes to rallies against aid to ukraine, all
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this, of course, is for the sake of formality; berlin has long been laughing at kiev’s requests; there are weapons that can only be given if there are ironclad guarantees, we will know. who it shoots at, but with ukraine there are no such guarantees and there simply cannot be any discussion. of course, i should trust my partner, but i don’t. the bundestag says ukraine cannot win this conflict. further support of the ukrainian armed forces, robbery by germany. ukraine should not win, the world should win. we do not need a nuclear war, neither in europe, nor in germany, individually, nor in the whole world. i urge you not to obey the calls of our government, not to succumb to provocations.
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to crush more territories, we need to talk to russia, europe simply must start working on a peace treaty, and not scare this the strongest country in the world with sanctions. germany picked up the baton; several federal states at once wanted to return ukrainian refugees to their homeland and help the military registration and enlistment offices. this is where the conscription should come into force, we need to seriously deal with these young ukrainians, just drive through berlin to see how many cars with their license plates are on the streets, fight them all without ceremony. ukrainians think differently on social networks, hundreds of memes, that is, in their opinion,
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i should leave the cleanest air, these mountains, that’s all, run to the consulate, take a piece of paper go to ukraine. european supporters of the war have simply gone crazy, said french analyst bill banner. finances are sent to the enterprise of the american military-industrial complex, some goes to think tanks for politicians, who... what a surprise for all the new wars, there is an illusion that ukraine is a model of democracy and that if it has money it will win and the world will become a better place, even ukrainians don’t believe in it , and even artificial intelligence understands that ukraine must surrender, because this is the only chance to escape, as the nation answered the question journalists about the fate of the independent robot sofia at an exhibition in dubai. artificial intelligence came to this conclusion after a large-scale analysis of data across the internet. marya skradelka and fyodor zarovny, news!
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spring turned out to be early this year, and this carries some risks for winegrowers and winemakers, firstly, what if there is frost, and the vine is already so big, on the other hand, the berry can accumulate a lot of sugar, then the wine will turn out strong , but... in russia now the trend is the opposite: low-alcohol drinks, what winemakers and winegrowers will do with all this, as well as what other trends await russians this season, we will now find out right here on this earth.
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vladimir gunko shows artifacts that he found on his site during the uprooting of the earth. using them you can study the history of the area. along the perimeter of his vineyard there is a rampart that looks like the ruins of a fortress. according to the businessman, it was built by the hellenes, several thousand years ago; this territory was part of the basporan kingdom. vladimir considers himself in some sense heir to the ancient greeks, who also made wine here. this year, 0.2 hectares of chardane were planted on a rock. that's where the rock outcrop is so serious. there ’s a saminion nearby, uh - it’s also planted on a rock, that
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’s all, there’s nowhere to go further, then there’s a cadastral forest around us that you can’t go into, even there you probably can’t pick mushrooms, that’s why we fenced ourselves off so as not to be tempted by this forest, so - we left what we have, we don’t need any more, we also need oak groves to rest here and not only for us, that’s why we finished planting grapevines at twenty-two... about 10-15% due to the fact that new vineyards are starting to bear fruit, and well , i think that’s all for 90, maybe 100 thousand bottles -so we will reach a maximum of 120 thousand bottles, yes, that is, we have a little room left to grow here, and we will reach our generally declared capacity, the main challenge of this wine season for sergei is a possible
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drought, we are preparing for this and well, i i think the yield will be slightly lower. than we would like, watering, drip irrigation, yes, yes, then we use water when it is necessary, when it is urgently necessary, except for drought, winemakers are afraid of return frosts in may and hail, this year the grapes began the growing season 2 weeks earlier, by the end of april the vines already had large leaves, clusters began to form, and berries can also accumulate sugar faster and more, and the higher its level in the grapes, the stronger the drink it will turn out to be, so make light white wine at the end of this season.
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39%, that is, you understand what share was transferred, literally a percent. they grow fastest wine segments. in the first quarter, such drinks were produced 42% more than last year, and sold 13% more. our
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long-awaited dream is the construction of a new sparkling wine production workshop. there will be cellars here - with an area of ​​1800 km, we will be able to store a million to 2 million bottles of classic champagne at a time. about a billion rubles have been invested in the last 2 years alone, and approximately the same amount remains to be mastered by the chief winemaker of olympus vai, vyacheslav zotin, showing the large-scale construction that has unfolded. on territory of the plant, already in september a new workshop for the production of sparkling wine will appear here, previously only quiet wine was produced here, already this year the plant will release 20 million bottles to the market, when the modernization is completed and the enterprise reaches full capacity, the volume will increase to 35 million bottles of wine in year. as part of the modernization, which began 5 years ago, we purchased containers with a volume of 70,000
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cubic meters, and we have 50,000 cubic meters. small 20 thousand cubes are containers for imaging, they are automated, loading is easy grapes, unloading, temperature controlled, easy to clean, all this greatly affects the quality. the grapes for the future sparkling wine have already been collected and processed; now , as experts say, this wine material is stored in such large containers, says ilya voloshin, winery consultant for sparkling wine. we have very ambitious goals, 150 wines for the first edition - this is a very serious challenge, and we have set such a task for ourselves this year it will be completed, general plans, general plans - 500 thousand bottles of wine, half a million classic sparkling wine per year. ilya has been producing sparkling wine for many years, he started in crimea, and now he also advises other enterprises. his career is a clear
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confirmation of the growing interest of both consumers and producers in such wines. even companies make them now. which previously specialized only in powerful spirits. the chief winemaker of the kaktebel vintage wine factory, denis shevchuk, recalls that their enterprise is famous primarily for modera port wine, but now they too sparkling wines are produced. the demand for sparkling wine in our market is, well, immeasurable, there is no bottom, i say this because you can’t feel it, that is, there is 30-40%, but more is possible. we are working on expanding the classic sparkling assortment, we bought equipment for degarage in order to.
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thus, domestic producers are actively replacing imported drinks, especially in the inexpensive segment. government policy also contributes to this. for the seventh year in a row , russian wine days have been held. this promotion during which domestic drinks are sold at discounted prices. this year they will take part in it until the end of may. and good afternoon, dear colleagues, today
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i came to thank you for your joint work over the previous years, we remember how - it all began, i mean - your work began in this composition, in this team, it began as once on the eve of... unpleasant events for all of us related to the coronavirus pandemic, just a few weeks before the government was formed, after which questions began related to the fight against coronavirus infection, it was a very difficult, i would say even a difficult test for the country for all of us, well, for the whole world, in fact, i must answer that we, together with you... passed this test then with dignity, and it was associated with the mobilization of all our resources in the field of healthcare, the entire social sphere, but not only, but also
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industry and production, everything that was needed for the country, to organize the fight against this coronavirus, coronavirus, and in general, i repeat again times, in general we are talking about... this is worthy, a lot was done by the government to organize appropriate work in the economic sphere, because in addition to specific production it was necessary, then it was necessary to make decisions that affected the economy as a whole, well, what to close, what not to close, i remember well how we resolved issues there regarding, well, let’s say, construction sites, and road construction, whether to close it, not to close it, how to do it, what to do with... teams, including creative teams, how to support them in conditions when we are forced were to limit their work and so on and
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so forth, there were a lot of questions, in general there were problems with supporting entire enterprises, huge, entire sectors of the economy, they were balanced and timely, all this gave... a generally satisfactory result for the struggle with the coronavirus and for the economy, well, in the twenty -second year other problems began, because we were convinced that after 8 years of mockery of people who lived and live in donbass, we are unable to solve the problem in... the region, the problems of the people, which we have always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, cannot be resolved through peaceful means. a little later it became clear that they were simply leading
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us around, we had to take extraordinary measures against these people by force of arms. but what started from the point of view, from the point of view of the economy, you and i know well, began literally in the most literal sense of the word, economic aggression against.
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global, so not only the leading countries of the european union were ahead of it, but everything is so the so-called state, the so-called big seven. together we searched for worthy answers; on the whole , we successfully overcame the most complex historical challenges. and what is fundamentally important, we continued to solve current problems and actively and consistently worked on the development agenda. within the framework of key national goals and priorities, this was footage of vladimir putin’s meeting with the government; we will return to this topic later.
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well, right now on the russia-24 tv channel , the main facts of this day in the studio are georgy podgorny and natalya litovka, well, let's start with a topic that is widely discussed today, and of course, this is an attack on kamikatsa drones in the belgorod region, as a result of which six people were killed, about forty more were injured, already, as the head of the region vyacheslav glodkov reported, earlier one drone of the ukrainian armed forces fell in the private sector of shibekin, wounded. civilians, today ukrainian drones also attacked civilians in the area of ​​the village of berezovka, first hitting cars that were transporting employees of one of the agricultural enterprises; a passenger car also came under fire. well, after that the drones kamikaze strikes were also carried out by the team of emergency services that arrived at the scene of the incident. according to the same governor vyacheslav glatkov, six people died. according to the ministry of health, 40 people were injured, 30 of them, including three children,
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were hospitalized. the exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces, preparations for which were announced by the russian ministry of defense, are associated with statements by western leaders and an unprecedented round of escalation of tension, said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. to the ministry of defense russia was informed today that the general staff has begun preparing for exercises, during which... a set of activities will be carried out to practically test the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the exercise is carried out on behalf of the president of russia in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic and nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. the missile formations of the southern military district, aviation and naval forces will be involved in the exercises. the defense department also emphasized that the exercises are being held in in response to the provocative statements of the threat of certain western officials against
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our country, in fact, many statements on the brink were actually made; back in august 2022, the head of the british foreign ministry , lis tras, being a contender for the post of prime minister of the country, stated that in the event of a threat to great britain , she, as prime minister, would be ready to use nuclear weapons. the current head of the british foreign office, cameron, during his last visit to kiev, said that london considers ukraine’s right to use provided british weapons for attacks on russian territory. in march last year, the head of the estonian ministry of foreign affairs, urmas reinsalu, wished and regretted that it was impossible to transfer nuclear weapons to kiev, honestly, the only guarantee besides nato would be the provision of nuclear weapons to ukraine, this is a quote from raensalu to the publication, he said so, french president macron constantly makes belligerent statements interview with the economist on may 2, he again did not rule out
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the possibility of sending. yeisk soldiers to ukraine.


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