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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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again did not rule out the possibility of sending european soldiers to ukraine. according to the leader of the fifth republic, we cannot afford to set limits on support for ukraine. at the same time, macron initiated a discussion about the future of european defense, including nuclear weapons issues, explaining this by the need to protect against the russians. the president of france raised military rhetoric to unprecedented heights in europe. in early may, he once again stated that he did not rule out sending military personnel to ukraine, according to his words.
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use of nuclear weapons, be reliable, means also having long-range missiles that could deter the russians. but what provocative statements by western politicians are we talking about, and what is known about new maneuvers, natalya solovyova will tell you. she joins us live. so, tell us what it's about? yes, good afternoon, colleagues, let's talk about everything in order. for russia, this is a new and completely unprecedented round of escalation. the situation is special, and therefore requires special measures, in response to provocative statements by european officials, moscow conducts exercises of missile formations of non-strategic nuclear forces. they were started by the formation of the southern military district, the force of the navy. this means that it will be involved.
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now let’s return to the meeting between the president and the government, and what is fundamentally important, we continued to solve current problems, actively and consistently worked on the development agenda within the framework of key national goals and priorities, strengthened our international positions, the security and sovereignty of russia were at the forefront, the cornerstones of all tasks that we are in front of set and decided on ourselves, we provided a decent... pace,
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of course, we probably could have done even more, but on the whole, what was done was done with dignity with, let’s say, to put it mildly, a quite satisfactory result. separately , i would like to note the systematic work of the government to introduce modern approaches and digital management technologies. much has been done to bring the processes of industry and... departmental coordination to a qualitatively new level , systematically improve the quality and accessibility of public services for citizens, improve business and investment climate, which is extremely important for the final overall result. i know how close and constructive your interaction was with
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colleagues in the legislative authorities, with the regions, as well as with public, business circles, the expert community, and so on, emphasizing that in... all main areas, significant results have been achieved, the pace created is strong and the groundwork is of great importance for the successful solution of today's and future challenges, for the implementation of our long-term plans development, and we know that we have to launch new national projects, new federal programs, what has been done so far is a good basis for moving forward. further, you know that in the near future, in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, the procedure for forming a new government will take place, during this period everything necessary must be done to ensure that the implementation of plans actively continues, so that there are no pauses in our work,
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so i am waiting from colleagues at all levels of executive concentration, concentration and work for results. we need. for every word and decision made, in modern conditions everything is important, there are no trifles, the price of our actions in this certainly historical time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge,
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personal authority and business qualities will certainly be in demand, thank you very much, dear colleagues for a tense and fruitful...
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that according to the constitution, members of the government, the chairman of the government, resign, but i am absolutely sure, and members of the cabinet, many people told me about this that no matter what position our colleagues find themselves in, they will be clearly committed to fulfilling the national
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development goals of the country, will do everything for their state and for their citizens. thank you for your attention and your trust. dear colleagues, one. the political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but the work is in the interests of russia, russian, russian of all other peoples of the russian federation. we will do it in the name of russia and its people. thank you very much, all the best, see you soon. this there was footage of vladimir putin’s meeting with the government; the president came to the government house specifically for this meeting. in the foreign intelligence service. stated that the legitimacy of the current president of ukraine vladimir zelensky after the expiration of his term of office, which is may 20, is completely
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lost. let me remind you that the supreme court of ukraine has already opened proceedings on a lawsuit demanding that the verkhovna rada call presidential elections in connection with the expiration of zelensky’s powers. according to ukrainian media, the lawsuit was filed by a resident of chernigov, he literally demands call presidential elections. according to the svr , the ukrainian leader is clearly beginning to lose the fight for minds and hearts. citizens of his country. the west is very concerned about the current state of affairs in ukraine. public sentiment actively hints at ukrainians’ dissatisfaction with the endless prolongation of the conflict with russia. well, in addition, the svr press bureau also noted that the united states and european countries as a whole, of course, would like zelensky to remain in his post for now, since war financing schemes are tied to him, bringing colossal income both to representatives of the kiev regime and to western arms manufacturers. therefore, the west is doing everything possible.
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then these figures may be in demand in the event of a sharp deterioration in the situation on the front and the need for an urgent change of leader arises, then it will be possible, by attributing all the failures to zelensky, to choose one of them, the main thing is to prevent a critical increase in the disappointment of ukrainians with the failures of the pro-western policy. in fact, the us administration doesn’t even try to hide the fact that they generally don’t care who he will lead ukraine, the main thing is that he is able to continue the armed conflict with russia. the war must not stop until the last ukrainian. well, the svr also reported that in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, the number
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of cases of desertion and voluntary surrender is actively growing . as the department noted, apathy is rapidly spreading among citizens, and every second soldier has a decadent mood. the level of distrust of ukrainians in their own state institutions has reached its peak. well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need help, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of debts on credit cards easily with help. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will send.
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the russian military took control of two more settlements during a special military operation. the quotation in the kharkov region and the village of solovyovo in the dpr have been released. the ministry of defense also reports that our air defense systems shot down a su-27 aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces and destroyed five unmanned boats near the northwestern coast of crimea. our correspondent denis alekseev has details. he joins the facts live. denis, hello, what is known at this moment? yes, i welcome you, but the ukrainian media continue to follow the line of commander-in-chief asyrsky, in every possible way refuting the information about the literally crumbling defense of the armed forces of ukraine in the ovdeevsky direction, our military almost every day provides indisputable evidence to the contrary. today they reported that another settlement in this area had been taken under control.
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subdivision of the group of troops center in as a result of successful actions , the village was liberated. ocheretina, nitaylova and berdychin of the donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 370 troops, an armored combat vehicle, 20 vehicles, as well as a 122-mm d-30 howitzer. the west group also distinguished itself. as a result of active actions , the settlement of kotlirovka, kharkov region, was liberated. kupin. direction, the russian flag is already flaunting in the village, the soldiers of the forty-seventh tank division tried their best, but counter-battery fighting and destruction of assets enemy air defenses in this area are still ongoing. it is clear that every time they are forced to leave their positions, the militants try to recapture them, but hardly anything works. three counterattacks were launched during the day, here are the results: -120 people,
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personnel in the sssu, two tanks, including a potential exhibit for an exhibition of trophies on... the border zone on land, artillery from the state border covering group eliminated observation posts from which militants were adjusting fire on the territory of the belgorod region, ukrainian saboteurs lit up in the affected area of ​​our combat crews. zaporozhye region, now the dnepr group has disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine, deployed attack drones in this area on the outskirts of working for the militants, they are not averse
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to gaining a foothold and restoring their positions, but the russian forces are doing everything possible to achieve disunity. rszzo, this is what does not allow the ukrainian formations to relax and gives confidence to our military. new equipment has just come off the assembly line. this is the next batch of
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t-90m breakthrough and t-72 tanks, already transferred ministry of defense and echelons went to the special operation zone. the ambassadors of great britain and france in moscow were summoned to the mead today. both diplomats have already left the diplomatic department building on smolenskaya square. we’ll find out all the details from our correspondent alika komarova, she’s joining us. alec, welcome, are the reasons why the ambassadors were called known? colleagues, good afternoon. unfortunately, the specific reason is still unknown; both diplomats declined to comment. british ambassador nigil casey was the first to arrive in the russian foreign ministry. casey represents the interests of london in moscow from november 2023. so today this was his first visit to our foreign ministry, and at the end of the conversation with our diplomats, casey hastened to leave, but unfortunately refused to
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comment. let's go, let's go. i note that on the eve of case’s challenge , the head of the british foreign ministry made several frankly harsh statements; he said that ukraine supposedly has the right to attack russian territory with british weapons. as for what the ukrainians are doing, in our opinion, they themselves should decide how to use it. russia attacked ukraine and ukraine has
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every right to strike back at russia, but it is up to ukraine to decide, ukraine has such a right. the french ambassador was also summoned for a conversation at the ministry of foreign affairs today. in moscow , pierre livi, and his arrival was not known in advance, livi arrived in our foreign ministry half an hour later than his british colleague, but , unfortunately, he also refused to comment. let me remind you that a number of ambiguous statements were also made from paris the day before; french president emmanuel macron said that is considering a plan to introduce a french contingent into ukraine. i would like to note that this morning... in response to a statement by the british and french authorities, the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov said that such words require special attention and special measures. colleagues, yes, aleka, thank you,
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our correspondent alika komarova was in direct contact with the facts. well, now about what would seem incredible to many: a layer of snow from 3 to 5 cm may appear in the north of the capital region on may 7 and 8. such information with reference to unnamed weather forecasters. is now being distributed in telegram channels, is this so, let’s check with the leading specialist of the fobys centers evgeniy tishkovets, he has already joined us live, evgeniy, greetings, it turns out that the forecasts about the return of winter are confirmed, should we believe these weather forecasters? good afternoon, colleagues, forecasts are constantly being adjusted, but one thing is certain: there will be snow in the center of russia in the coming days, temporary snow cover may appear even south of the capital. let's start with the situation in the pre-urals, which turned out to be... on the street zorg, under the pressure of the wind
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, a fence collapsed on the girl, the moment of the collapse was recorded by one of the cctv cameras, the victim was taken to the hospital. in the morning, traffic inspectors of the perm territory clearly demonstrated the icy conditions on the roads of the region, in these frames those drivers who are... judging by the next video, in some places the layer of snow is even greater. i wanted to go, but there was such a snowdrift that i didn’t expect it, i still thought it would be smaller. the cold snap manifested itself clearly in the volgovyad region, in... in nizhny novgorod, precipitation in the morning fell in the form of snow hail cereals the air temperature at this time did not exceed +5°. the weather surprises have not deterred the landscaping staff, who
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continue. tidy up the lawns, and this is footage from the nuclear-powered icebreaker ural from the kara sea: the sky at the northern end of the new land is painted with a frosty halo. the ultrapolar invasion provokes a shift inland of the north atlantic cyclone and this night the thermometer readings will plummet to -1 in the north and to +4 in the south. charges of wet snow will begin to mix in with the showers. transition of precipitation into the solid phase possible in certain areas. moscow region, up to half will fall on the territory of kaluga, vladimir, nizhny novgorod, bryansk, kursk and tula regions. thus, it may
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form locally on tuesday. temporary snow cover up to several centimeters thick. by the end of the day, the white polsa will stretch from the nizhny novgorod region and chuvash through the vladimir, ryazan, tula, moscow, kaluga and smolensk regions. due to the abnormal cold, powder snow in these regions may last for the next two days. in the capital region, precipitation will turn to snow next night. in the morning in moscow the temperature will drop to +2. maximum temperature in the next 3 days according to preliminary forecasts. will not exceed +5°, while before dawn the thermometer can even drop below zero, so snow and sleet are quite likely, mixed with rain during the day, only after victory day will the long-awaited warming come and at the end of the week up to +11 + 13.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest
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detective. well, now we return to one of the main topics of this day: vladimir putin instructed the general staff to prepare for exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. maneuvers will take place in the near future with the missile. formations of the southern military district, they also involve aviation and navy. and we have the opportunity to communicate with dmitry trenin, leading researcher at the center for international security, institute of world economy and international relations iran. dmitry vitalievich, hello. yes, dmitry vitalievich, we welcome you. on in your opinion, these exercises are more than that, a real test of combat readiness or a signal to the west, or both. it is clear that the rhetoric we are now hearing is from the outside.


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