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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, well now we... we return to one of the main topics of this day: vladimir putin instructed the general staff to prepare for exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the maneuvers will take place in the near future with missile formations of the southern military district, and they will also involve aviation and the navy. and we have the opportunity to communicate with the leading researcher at the center for international security of the institute of world economy and international relations iran, dmitry trinin. dmitriy vitalievich, hello. yes, dmitry vtalievich, we welcome you. in your opinion, these teachings are more than that?
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well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to a bank account, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with a bank card, now let’s try to return to our expert - dmitry trenin, leading researcher at the center for international security, institute of world economy, international relations of wounds with which we... are discussing the main, one of the main topics of today: the doctrine of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which the russian president ordered. dmitry vitalievich, you and i have already discussed that there is an unambiguous signal to the west regarding their statements that they make aggressive in our direction, but if this is the question, as
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for doctrine, in what cases, how and where, for example, russia can actually use non-strategic nuclear weapons, if we look, of course, in the context of the ukrainian conflict.
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strategic nuclear weapons, we are talking about preventing at this stage nato countries and, above all, such activists of the war with russia as france and great britain, that nuclear strikes on the territory of nato countries could follow, and this should, at least, be calculated on this.
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which the president of the russian federation ordered to implement, these are all measures aimed at preventing a major war in europe, a nuclear war, which could happen if the dynamics that we see today in ukraine, if these dynamics continue, i mean, of course, expansion of western participation in the war. and what concerns activists. which you mentioned, paris and london, which, as we know, are eager to get into this very battle more than others in europe, now everything speaks about it, today ambassadors were summoned to the russian foreign ministry, we don’t know in detail what was discussed there, but it’s probably just this agenda that was discussed, what do you think, what kind of reaction
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can be expected from them here to these maneuvers and not only from them, from the west in general, what kind of reaction might follow, well, i already said there will be some... conflict , leaving the europeans to play,
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as if this is the first role, to be in the forefront, but the europeans, who have actually abandoned an independent foreign policy and an independent defense policy for a very long time, are now imitating, but without sufficient understanding of what they are playing with, imitating this policy, policy .
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which are one of the largest for nato, if you can even remember in the last, well , many years, how to react to this,
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given that such two great forces are now colliding, will anyone go back, will this cool the ardor of europe and the united states, how those? well our main opponent in this conflict is the united states of america; after all, the americans have supreme power in nato, without american sanctions, in my opinion. no statements by macron or other european leaders will be implemented; on the other hand, the americans, i have already mentioned this, the americans are trying to shift to europe, to their allies in europe, most of the responsibility or most of the time in the confrontation with russia, counting what if something... happens in europe, then this will not scorch the united states,
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well, there may be a clash, there may be a conflict, maybe even a nuclear conflict or, say, a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, but america is far away and all this will not reach the americans, so of course the main opponent is certainly united states of america, these signals are transmitted accurately to americans. just as and maybe even before the europeans, but i’m the only one who wouldn’t agree, but in my opinion, the europeans have recently, well, in particular the president of france is trying, and minister lavrov spoke about this just the other day, is trying to play the role of an independent or autonomous player, so they are trying without sufficient understanding of the seriousness of the situation...
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a war between russia and nato will not leave the united states of america safe, this is a very important message for the american, for the american leadership. yes, dmitry vtalievich, thank you very much for your expert opinion and for your comments. let me remind you that a leading researcher at the center for international security was in direct contact with the facts institute of world economy and international relations iran, dmitry trenin. well, now
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, on the eve of taking office as head of state, vladimir putin met with the current government, which is completing its own. work, these shots. good afternoon, dear colleagues, i came today to thank you for your joint work over the past. years, we remember how - it all began, i mean, your work began in this composition, in this team, it began just on the eve of, uh, unpleasant for events related to the coronavirus pandemic for all of us. just a few weeks before
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the government was formed, after that questions began related to the fight against coronavirus infection, it was a very difficult, i would say, even a difficult test for the country, for all of us, well, for the whole world, in fact , i must answer that together with you we passed this test with dignity, and it was associated with the mobilization of all our resources in the field of healthcare, the entire social sphere, but not only, but also industry and production. everything that was needed for the country, to organize the fight against this coronavirus, coronavirus, and in general, i repeat once again, in general we went through it with dignity, a lot was done by the government to organize appropriate work in the economic sphere, because in addition to specific production
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was necessary, then it was necessary to make decisions that affected the economy as a whole. well, what to close, what not to close, i remember well how we resolved issues there regarding, well, let’s say, construction projects, yes, road traffic construction, to close it, not to close it, how to do it, what to do with teams , including creative teams, how to support them in conditions when we had to limit their work, and so on and so forth, there were a lot of questions, including in general... problems with supporting entire enterprises of huge, entire sectors of the economy, they were balanced and timely, all this gave an overall satisfactory result, both for the fight against coronavirus and for the economy, but
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in the twenty-second year others began problems, because we are convinced that... after 8 years of mockery of people who lived and live in donbass, we are unable to solve the problems in this region, the problems of people whom we always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, it was not possible to solve it by peaceful means, a little later it became clear that they were simply leading us around, we had to take extraordinary measures. protection of these people by armed means, but what began from the point of view, from the point of view of the economy, you and i know well, began literally in the very in the literal sense of the word, economic aggression against russia, then the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia
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from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, create problems... in labor collectives, cause massive unemployment in the country, lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result was exactly the opposite as expected, last year our russian economy grew at a rate higher than the world’s, so we outperformed not only... the countries of the european union, but all the so-called states, the so-called big seven. together we looked for worthy answers to the most complex ones. historical challenges were generally successfully overcome, and what is fundamentally important, they continued to solve current problems, actively and
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consistently worked on the development agenda within the framework of key national goals and priorities, strengthened international positions, the security and sovereignty of russia were in at the forefront of all the tasks that we set and solved for ourselves, we ensured decent... growth in the incomes of citizens, real wages, incomes, real incomes of the population grew, grew in general at an acceptable, if not good, pace, of course, probably we could have done even more, but in general , what was done was done with dignity with, let’s say, mildly, quite satisfactory results, i would like to separately note: the systematic work of the government to introduce modern approaches to digital management technologies, much has been done to bring
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the processes of sectoral and interdepartmental coordination to a qualitatively new level, to systematically improve the quality and accessibility of public services for citizens, to improve the business and investment climate, which is extremely important for the final overall result, i know how... honest and constructive it was your interaction with colleagues in legislative bodies, with regions, as well as with public, business circles, the expert community, and so on, emphasizing that in all major areas, significant results have been achieved, momentum has been gained, solid groundwork has been created, which are of great importance for the successful solution of today's and future tasks, for the implementation of our... long-term development plans, and we know that we have to launch new national projects, new federal programs , what has been done so
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far is a good basis for moving on. you know that in the near future, in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, the procedure for forming a new government will take place. and during this period, we need to do everything necessary to ensure that the implementation of plans actively continues, so that... there are no pauses in our work, so i expect from colleagues at all levels of executive power concentration, composure and work for results, we need continuity in work on achieving national development goals, i am confident that all this will be unconditionally ensured. i would like to once again thank mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, all of you, dear colleagues, for your professionalism, for your dedication to the cause and interests of russia, for understanding your enormous responsibility to people,
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responsibility, literally for every step, for every word and decision made, in modern conditions everything is important, trifles do not exist, the price of our actions in this certainly historical time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and business skills will certainly be in demand. thank you very much, dear colleagues, for your hard, fruitful work, and of course, i want to congratulate you on the upcoming great holiday, victory day. thank you! dear vladimirovich, dear colleagues, but first of all. thank you for the trust that in 1920 you placed in me personally in each member of the cabinet of ministers, and indeed
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, immediately 2 weeks after the appointment of the cabinet of ministers , the coronavirus pandemic actually began, you said this, well , later difficult challenges - a large number of sanctions, which they say exceed all sanctions against any country ever imposed, mobilized, but of course, all members of the cabinet, i’m sure with me agree, we worked under your leadership, this is internal mentoring, which you also engaged with us on each of the issues, these are industry meetings and a huge number of, i would say, endless consultations 24x7, and all of this had an effect, here i want... to say that we tried very hard not to let you down here, and the citizens of our country, and we are proud to be part of your team ilovich, and uh, of course,
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today... you said that according to the constitution they are resigning government members, government representative, but i am absolutely sure, and members of the cabinet of ministers, many told me about this, that no matter what position our colleagues find themselves in, they will be clearly committed to fulfilling the national development goals of the country, will do everything for their state and for their citizens, thank you for your attention trust, dear colleagues, one political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but work in the interests of russia, the russian, the russian of all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop. i want to express my gratitude for what we have done, and you have done in previous years, to express the hope that we will do a lot more in the name of russia and its people. thank you very much, all
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the best. see you, the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time on the russia channel.
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this is russia 24, we continue. exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, preparations for which were announced by the russian ministry of defense, associated with statements by western leaders and an unprecedented round of escalation of tension. this was stated by the press secretary of the russian president dmitry peskov. the russian ministry of defense reported today that the general staff has begun preparing for the exercises, during which a set of activities will be carried out to practice issues, preparation and application. non-strategic nuclear weapons, the exercise is carried out at the request of the president in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. southern missile formations will be involved in the exercises military district, aviation and naval forces. the defense department also emphasized that the exercises are being conducted in response to provocative statements of threats by certain western officials against russia. the point is that if
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western countries. if they decide to deploy their troops on the territory of ukraine, then there is a very high risk that a clash between the west and russia will turn into a non-event.


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