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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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the procedure for forming a new government in russia will take place in the near future ; everything necessary must be done to ensure that there are no pauses in the work of the executive branch during this period, vladimir putin stated this at a meeting with members of the cabinet of ministers. we’ll find out all the details from anastasia efimova. yes, she 's joining us live. anastasia, welcome, now, of course, many are making assumptions about what the new composition of the government will be like, to what extent it is the same government. generally update, as today the president assessed the work of the current but we probably won’t guess about who can occupy what post here, because this is a completely thankless task, let’s talk about the composition of the cabinet of ministers, and what did he say? well , i rated it as intensely fruitful, this is a quote: thank you for the joint work, this is how the president this monday described the purpose of his visit to the government house for a meeting with the cabinet of ministers, the final one for the current one...
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ahead of the official assumption of office as head of state after the march elections, a this means, according to the law, the resignation of the cabinet and the introduction of new candidates is a historical moment, especially since the current composition, and vladimir putin recalled this today, worked in very difficult conditions, first of all , the coronavirus pandemic, which became a test for the whole world, and tests, which russia dealt with with dignity, and then 2022, when after 8 years of abuse of a resident. in donbass, it became obvious that this problem could not be solved through peaceful means. we are convinced that after 8 years of bullying people, who lived and live in the donbass, we cannot solve the problems in this region, the problems of the people whom we have always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, we cannot solve them peacefully. a little later it became clear that we
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were simply being misled, we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by force of arms, but what started from an economic point of view, you and i know well, began literally in the most literal sense of the word, economic aggression against russia, then an infinite number of sanctions, with that we encountered were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from... internally and not only politically, but above all economically, to create problems in labor collectives, to cause massive unemployment in the country, lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was expected, that we tried very hard, the president separately noted the systematic work of the government to introduce modern... approaches to digital
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management technologies, but simply put, improving the quality and availability of public services online, which is simply impossible without effective coordination between departments, close and constructive, this... at the same time , it is important to understand that now no pauses in work can be allowed, and continuity of offices must be ensured, we have to launch new national projects, new federal programs, what has been done so far is a good basis for moving on, you know...
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in working to achieve the goals of the national development, i am sure that all this will be unconditionally ensured. it was, of course, 4 years of intense work. the prime minister today also remembered his appointment in the winter of 2020, in turn thanked the president for the trust he showed then, and to himself, to everyone in the current cabinet, for internal mentoring (quote: 24:7).
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in order to fulfill national development goals, countries will do everything for their state and for their citizens, professionalism, dedication to the cause and interests of the homeland, understanding of the enormous responsibility to people, for every step, every word and decision made, these qualities, the head of state, the qualities of every
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member of the government and of course the head of the cabinet, noted separately, especially since the work does not stop, no matter what position the performer is in, the main thing is professionalism ready. the political cycle begins, but the work in one political cycle ends, the other in the interests of russia, russian, russian of all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop, i want, expressing the words gratitude for what we have done and what you have done in previous years, and to express the hope that we will do a lot more in the name of russia. and her people. when the head of state arrived at krasnoprestnenskaya embankment today, many paid attention to this shot, the president and prime minister entered the meeting room of the government house together, side by side. in exactly the same way, in the same hall, a little more than 4 years
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ago they entered the first meeting with the cabinet in its current, then just appointed composition. and in this refrain, of course, there is symbolism and critical importance in difficult times. consistency and that same work for results, which, returning to the words of vladimir putin, does not tolerate pauses. well, now about the situation in the belgorod region, another village in the shibekinsky district was attacked by the ukrainian armed forces. komikaze's drone damaged a communications facility. earlier, ukrainian drone strikes in the region killed six people and injured 40. our correspondent igor pikhanov is in direct contact with the facts. igor, hello, what what is the current situation there and what is known about the condition of the victims? hello, georgy and natalya, this morning, since the very morning, ukrainian militants have been attacking the belgorod region, using kamika drones, as well as a multiple
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launch rocket system. just a few minutes ago , another attack ended on the village of nikolsko, a suburb of the regional center. they were firing from a rocket launcher system. fortunately, the shells were shot down in the air by air defense units, but an hour before this this was a suburb the regional center was also shelled, then there were some... dead victims, now we are in the courtyard of a residential building in the village of polskoye, one of the shells from the rszzo fell here, a vampire, this is a heavy shell, a huge number of fragments, riddled the entire area with cars , i’ll now ask the operator to show the residential building, there was a child there at that moment, fortunately he was miraculously not injured, shrapnyl passed by the child, let’s give the floor to the owner
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of the reservoir, there was a flight right into the fence in the front part of the tiles, the child was in in the back, well in the far corner, and no matter how much he was touched, the neighbors helped, they jumped in, then they pulled the guy out, but he didn’t suffer anything, not a scratch, nothing, well, he got scared, of course, during the shelling at 4: 00 p.m. also, during this shelling , a girl was injured, also this morning, ukrainian militants attacked a number of other settlements, a local resident was injured in the shebekinsky urban district, now she is receiving all the necessary help, in addition, ukrainian militants attacked the borisov urban district.
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rescue operation, but it is complicated by the fact that attacks from kamikaze drones continue there, the situation is becoming more complicated, perhaps the number of deaths will be increased, the company that owned the buses claims that seven people have died, we are monitoring the development of the situation, let's listen to the commentary minister of health of the region, who states that all victims are provided with the necessary medical care, and there are the necessary specialists for this. all patients receive full medical care,
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there are serious patients, if we needed consultation from federal centers, we carried them out, that is, the treatment is all agreed upon and is under control, there are patients who in the future can be transported to the federal center, but the current state does not allow this to be done as soon as they if they are ready, we will raise this issue again. the agricultural enterprise where the dead and injured workers worked announced today that financial assistance will be paid to the families, in addition, measures will be taken to in order to further protect their workers, the attack took place on a highway just a kilometer from the state border. let's listen to the commentary of the head of the enterprise. workers of industrial pork production complexes.
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the warrior says that he was, but it turns out that he was not. and men cannot avoid coming to the military registration and enlistment offices to update their data. without this, for example, you will not be able to withdraw more than 100 hryvnia from an atm. in addition, those who do not show up will face fines and are ready to issue them in absentia without drawing up a protocol. for breaking the rules for military registration, you will have to part with 25,000 hryvnia, which is approximately $650. from such a trap, ukrainians are trying to escape abroad. every day we deny about 120-150 people from leaving our country.
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in omsk, the russian national hockey team is currently playing a match with the belarusian team, this is the team’s third game as part of the team’s big tour. our correspondent danilo makhalin is working at the scene. and he joins us. dan, welcome. how is the game going and how many fans came? yes, greetings from omsk, probably the most the main impression is the number of fans who came to the arena today to watch the match. the russian national team of belarus, because this is still a historical event and the russian national team is surprising, but the fact is that it has never played its match in omsk, so this is a debut, considering that the arena here is new only 2 years old, it is ultra modern, according to the latest technology, everything is done here, it’s extremely comfortable, spectators are happy
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to come here to home matches of the omsk avant-garde, but today they filled the stands at national team match. this whole grandiose scale, today everyone came, there are no empty seats, to be exact 11,400 people, and this is according to the data before the start of the first period, so perhaps during the match the rest of the spectators will come up, maybe someone will do it. later, now the score is 3:0 in favor of the russian team, which confidently beats the belarusian team, arseniy gritsuk scored a double, zakhar bardakov scored one goal, arseniy gritsuk is generally one of the most experienced in this squad, after all, a silver medalist at the olympic games beijing in 2020, along with, probably, sergei tolchinsky, they are both ska players,
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they represent such an experienced core of players of the russian national team, at the moment, which... is led by roman rotenberg, who is also the coach of st. petersburg ska, so after all, from this the club has the largest representation of hockey players here, and the may tour of our team was distributed in such a way that it first played two matches in kazakhstan, beat the kazakhstan team 1:0 and beat the belarus team with a score of 6:00. now match here in omsk, then we move to tula, we also play with belarus, this tour ends. and russia. word from the studio, we continue to monitor developments here . yes, danil, we are watching with you in direct communication from omsk, our sports correspondent danilo makhalin was there. the european union will be
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ready to take decisive measures to protect its economy and security. this harsh statement was made by the president of the european commission, vonderleen, following negotiations with sidzempin . the head of the people's republic of china is currently in europe on an official visit. what statements has he already did, let's ask our correspondent. the president of the european commission spoke with french president emmanus macron at his invitation and the guest of europe this week , the leader of the people's republic of china, sidinzimpina, while, as
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ursula fondelien said, europe expects that china will make more efforts to restrict dual -use goods from entering russia, which, as she said they end up on the battlefield, in addition, urslav vondern expects that beijing will continue to make efforts.
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strategic communication, strengthen mutual trust to coordinate between countries. the main topic of the negotiations, however, remains economic issues; this
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meeting is taking place against the backdrop of intensifying confrontation between the two sides on a number of economic topics, ranging from the supply of electric vehicles from china to the european union to the import of french alcoholic beverages in the cognac and fnr brand. in this regard, emmanuel macron said that he was in favor of... for his part, he threatened that the european union would not hesitate to take the necessary actions to protect its own security and economy, the chinese leader's administration issued a press release in which it said: neighboring zen ping assured the european side that the so-called chinese overcapacity problem does not exist, according to the press release, he explained that , on the contrary, the chinese new energy industry has allowed it. .. to increase global supplies and ease the pressure of global inflation, by now, as experts predicted,
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there have been no breakthrough statements from behind the doors behind which the negotiations are taking place, after this of the trilateral meeting of the leaders of france and china went to the nursing home for official events related to the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the parties, after which they returned to the elysee palace, where it is already planned... colleagues, thank you, our european correspondent was in touch with the studio regina sevastyanova talked about svidin’s visit to the region. china and the european union must deepen strategic cooperation. this was also stated by the chairman of the people's republic of china, he held tripartite negotiations with french president macron and president of the european commission ursuloien, which we have already talked about. well now let's get to the economics.
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hello, germany is in first place, trade turnover between the countries amounted to $206 billion last year, then comes the netherlands, well, according to experts, france claims primacy, after germany moved to reduce economic dependence on china. sidzenping's first visit to the european union in 5 years started in paris, among the main topics for discussion with european leaders, the reasons for the trade imbalance of over 200 billion dollars. the volume of mutual trade between europe and china last year approached $783 billion. at the same time, exports to the prc of the prc to the countries of the community amounted to 500 billion. and imports from the eu - 280. for comparison, the volume of trade with the countries of the association of southeast asian nations exceeded 911 billion dollars, with russia - 240, despite the fact that we export higher than imports.
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for the last year. trade with the european union has fallen very noticeably, primarily due to the fact that the european union began to limit the supply of chinese goods, even despite these restrictions, there still remains a huge trade deficit between the european union and china amounting to almost 300-320 billion dollars, roughly speaking, since china sells more to the european union than it buys. a fifth of european imports are goods from the middle kingdom.
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the export of french machinery and equipment will actively attract the chinese to the french economy. there are two more capitals on the program of sidzenping's european tour. trade turnover china and serbia grew by almost a quarter last year. president vučić intends to double these figures thanks to the free trade agreement. the volume of mutual trade with hungary has decreased, but budapest supports the chinese initiative. one belt - one way. within its framework. in 2026 , a high-speed highway for the delivery of goods will appear, which will stretch across central and southern europe to the greek port of perea. the european tour of the chinese president will end on may 10.
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the russian ministry of defense reported today that the general staff began preparing for the exercises, during which... a set of activities will be carried out to practically test the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the training is carried out on behalf of the president of russia in order to increase readiness...


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