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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:26pm MSK

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solemn ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. tomorrow at 11:40 moscow time. on the russia channel.
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this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. four grenade shots, all accurate to the american m-113. members of the lavin battalion set up a real cemetery for nato equipment near the village of arkhangelskoye in the dpr. per day. the scientific answer to the particularly violent ones from nato. let's imagine that in the city of over a million people there is a military alliance base. what will happen if at least a couple of nuclear- powered iskanders fly across it. soros against the white house. why is the ideologist of the orange revolutions funding protests at american universities and what could this mean for the states? ukrainians are fleeing the eu to russia. why do they clean out
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accounts on social networks, how do they try to hide their donations to the armed forces of ukraine, why does russia accept it only after a special check. what is enagent status can yuri shevchuk find out? the leader of ddt is asked to check for extremism, what is it? sang in dubai? so, let's start with the exciting footage that the wargonza project publishes, the video was filmed by russian means of objective control west of avdievka, where another group of ssu militants could not withstand the pressure of our troops and accordingly decided to leave their positions, and, it would seem, the escape plan was thought out well, an armored personnel carrier was driven to the shelter in the nearest forest belt and not just any, the vaunted american-made m-113, then. all that remained was to plunge into it
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and hit it to hell, but he foresaw the enemy is not everything, with a grenade, well, as it is not difficult to notice, the emotional calls to the grenade launcher were not in vain, he worked on the nato vehicle properly, especially since by that time the russian fighters had already managed to get close enough to the notorious landing for... solid shooting, but, however, the objectivity of the radio, one hit was not enough, but what was started, of course, was completed and made as spectacular as possible, evgeniy nipot will confirm. evgeniy, hello, well, not a single vsushnik managed to escape. alexey, moreover, there is no hiding the whole department succeeded. vysushniki tried to escape to other positions from the advancing russian attack aircraft from the lavin battalion of the 132nd brigade. everything happened in northern avdeevka. let me remind you, for. for a short time, russian troops
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liberated a number of settlements in the avdiivka direction, and soldiers of the 132nd gorlovka brigade, which they received, played an important role in the capture of these settlements. their name for the heroic defense of the city, now the soldiers are liberating donbass. these shots were published by the vargonza project. the approach of the enemy vehicle was detected in time from drone, white crosses on the sides, like nazi units during the great patriotic war. it rushed at speed along the forest belt. as soon as i approached her, the militants immediately rushed. everyone didn't have time to load when the first hit happened, which was soon followed by a second. emotions, comrades , speak more eloquently than any words the rpg hit the target over and over again, but even after two hits , the enemy’s armored personnel carrier remained on the move. nine vsushniks jumped into the open troop compartment one after another, but lovina’s grenade launcher
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exaggeration struck with sniper precision for the third time and this blow made it impossible for the m113 to escape. more! the crew crawled to turn the armored vehicle around, here was the fourth arrival, the surviving militants tried to resist, but the machine gunner began to work on them, coordinated actions, realizing that there could still be militants inside, one of the avalanche attack aircraft got into the board, it fought back, in my opinion. the actions of the attack aircraft on the scene are led by the battalion commander with the call sign astap. it is reported that his people are several days ago, in one day, five units of enemy armored vehicles were eliminated. we broke through
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the hardest part, this is the first line of defense, and as they say, in bulk. just yesterday our fighters with rp. we knocked out three bradleys, one kazakh enemy and a tank, i’m saying this just yesterday, this is when we were marching directly to arkhangelsk. nato equipment is far from an easy target to defeat, but thanks to the clear coordination of actions and the heroism of russian soldiers, enemy vehicles cannot withstand the onslaught. this applies not only to foreign technology, this generally applies to any sufficiently effective combat military equipment. equipment, including our russian one, you and i know examples there, when up to seven or eight shots from the rg hit our russian tanks and at the same time the tanks continued to fight, so it all depends on the hit locations, on , how
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they got there, whether they managed to hit any important mechanisms there, such results 132 also speak about the training of attack aircraft, they carefully prepare for combat operations at the training grounds and this preparation bears fruit, so a few days ago, the fighters of the brigade unloaded the flag over arkhangelsk and continue to move forward, liberating their land, donbass, from the militants of the kiev inatov regime, most often american equipment with nazi crosses on the sides. evgenia nipa, and heroic determination. the russian defense ministry today announced a non-strategic exercise... on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief
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of the armed forces of the russian federation in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions. the general staff has begun preparations for conducting exercises in the near future. aviation, as well as naval forces. during the exercise, a set of activities will be carried out to practice the issues, preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. but in addition, the ministry of defense emphasized that all this can be considered a response to the quote-provocative statements of the threat of individual western officials. well, a little later, a clarification of who exactly we are talking about was made by the press secretary of the head of state, dmitry peskov, who gave a comment author, presenter of the moscow, kremlin-putin program, pavel zarubin. is directly related to the latest threatening, provocative and escalating tensions on the continent statements by a number of european representatives, this is, of course, president macron and the
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british foreign secretary, joined by us senators, the contingents on the territory of ukraine have joined these statements so that they accept. participation in hostilities, these are hitherto unprecedented, unprecedented statements, they require very responsible, prompt and effective response on our part, what is happening? also, detailed explanations followed mead's line against the backdrop of provocative statements by emmanuel macron and david cameron . the french british ambassador was summoned to smolensk square today; in its official statement , the ministry of foreign affairs recalled that russia has long been warning the west about the inadmissibility of certain actions and is ready to respond to them appropriately . in the near future , multifunctional ones are expected to appear in the ukrainian theater of military operations. american-made f-16 aircraft. as has been repeatedly stated, we cannot ignore the fact that these
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aircraft belong to dual -equipped platforms, non-nuclear and nuclear. in this regard, we pay special attention to the statement of the polish leadership; the question of the need to place american nuclear weapons on polish territory was directly raised by warsaw to washington, and on a practical level. the statements of french president macron cannot but amaze us with their irresponsibility and thoughtlessness. the possibility of sending french and other nato contingents to ukraine. moreover, information has appeared in the western media that a number of mercenaries from the french foreign region are already in ukraine. it is difficult to perceive this other than as a manifestation of readiness and intention to enter into direct armed confrontation with russia, which would mean a head-on collision of nuclear powers. the above assessments formed the basis for the decision taken to conduct military exercises involving the russian military. strength nuclear deterrents, which are intended to be a sobering signal to the west and
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its puppets in kiev. well, by the way, there is not much information in the public domain about russia’s tactical nuclear weapons, since the forms and volumes of their storage, unlike strategic ones, are not regulated by the start treaty. but in general, it is perhaps no secret that such weapons can be used by dropping aerial bombs and in the form of torpedoes for submarines and, of course, with the help of various missiles. with the latter there is still some specificity, but according to at least it is truly known about the nuclear combat units to equip the iskander m operational-tactical complexes . well, since moscow openly confirmed their existence, then the hotheads of unfriendly western countries are of course aware. and in moments of particularly acute attacks of russophobia , they could wonder what the outcome of the arrival of such a missile at a nominal nato base located next to some hypothetical city with a million population. i am ready to simulate such a scenario as clearly as possible. good evening, of course
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alexey, because the affected area will be an area of ​​tens of square kilometers. do you want escalation, are you sure about it? russia shuts the mouths of nato dreamers; it’s a pity that we have to remind the overplayed leaders of the free world about the principles of nuclear deterrence. but we already have such colleagues in the security council. great potential for hitting ground targets on enemy territory, especially
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iskander ballistic missiles. well, we’ll take the iskanders for calculations. russia now has at least one and a half hundred such systems. these vehicles are capable of carrying, among other things, missiles with nuclear warheads. the power of which, according to military experts, can vary from 5 to 50 kilotons. iskander takes aim, where? let's assume that there is a certain million-plus city that is not lucky enough to have a north atlantic alliance base nearby. in europe, where there are most nato countries, such a metropolis would have an area of ​​about 300-500 km. it is, of course, located on some large river, it has its own airfield, fields of agricultural holdings in the surrounding area, and so on. nato usually does not place its bases far from populated areas, at most...
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the air force, there are probably airfields where the united states and nato aircraft are based, whether the aircraft carry tactical or... but strategic offensive weapons. in our case , the main targets for our army will be the military base and airfield itself. to turn both of them into ashes, only two warheads are enough. this is a salvo from one launcher . but here's the problem: even the power tactical nuclear weapons is extremely large. and
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if the warheads are 50 kilotons, and this is several times more than the americans dropped on hiroshima, then... the total area of ​​the affected area will be almost 60 km, the city will be obscured, and how? imagine, a shock wave sweeps through the streets, a cloud of radioactive dust rises over neighborhoods and boulevards, the ground and water are contaminated, people urgently need to be evacuated. 50 kilotons, well, they can essentially wipe out, say, a fairly large microdistrict or part of a small city from the face of the earth. and if we are talking about some military bases, yes, this is the destruction of a military base, this is the destruction of a complex of headquarters, a complex of buildings, this is the destruction of a naval port, this is the destruction of an airfield, it will not be possible to defend against such a strike, neither patriots nor any other air defense systems, those available to nato countries
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are not capable of reliably shooting down iskander ballistic missiles. iskander, the 9m723 missile is currently one of the most difficult targets for conventional air defense, that is, the missile can maneuver over a distance the entire flight. the missile is equipped with a set of means to overcome missile defense, that is, it also causes some kind of interference. actually, everything that has just been said should be by default. keep in mind anyone who plans to threaten russia, but for those who have forgotten, we will remind them during the exercises. evgenia tyushkovets, and nuclear forecast. soldiers of the russian group of forces center liberated the village of solovyov in the donetsk people's republic and repelled seven counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the avdeevsky direction of the special operation. as a result the enemy lost about 370
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personnel. and on the donetsk front, where the units of the southern group are carrying out tasks , they were liquidated up to two days later. in these different photographs there is one thing: a firm look, a broad chest, straightened shoulders, a generation of winners, the great-grandfather of this fighter served in the first ukrainian, a mechanic at front-line airfields, he has a medal for courage. there is a medal for military merit, i think that if we were to meet with my great-grandfather now and talk about a special military operation, then i think that my great-grandfather would definitely be proud of me. corporal gavriil bykov, signalman, persistent ural character in the award list for a medal for courage. there were 10 fascist counter-offensives, so he
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provided communication between the company commander and the battalion commander, thereby helping to repel these 10. the guys know their heroes only from photographs and stories, but these are intelligence bots, this is my grandfather, yangirovil yangirovich, he was a good grandfather, kind, sympathetic, i remember that when we motorized him, rode a wall mower, 80 years later, private corporal and sergeant are back in service, again in battle, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, jet fighters of the center group of troops.
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the reactors are returning from successful combat work. today they are fighting for those who went on the attack in the same way, who gave life and raised new heroes, for their grandfathers, for a generation.
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and refuse to cooperate with companies financing the war in israel, as the guardian writes, this is exactly how... students reacted to mass detentions on us university campuses, tent camps grew in support of american protesters in several large universities in the kingdom at once, and they not only live there, but write less. the new york times publishes a map of arrests of pro-palestinian rioters. the territory is expanding every day, covering more and more states. at the same time, according to the american press, the seemingly chaotic movement has very specific financial sources. in the publication of politics, they are called unexpected. because the trail leads to joe biden's friends. a ball of snakes - anton potkovenko unravels. greetings ant. well, the creators of the maidan i'll eat chaos. so, george soros and
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company want to bring down america. the protests are quite serious, initiated according to classical training manuals, in such cases one must , of course, look for a double bottom. behind the pro-palestinian slogans and speeches against the states' support for israel, one hears about genocidal joe. this. that is, biden sounds tough, soros comes out, one of the largest donors of the democratic party suddenly became for trump, and it is absolutely not a fact that he is financing university protests so that they can have as much freedom as possible. it's about dominance anglo-saxon financial oligarchy, which sores represents. i ’m reading the new york post right now, politics, how can it be that soros is acting against america, because america gave, sores and others like him are pursuing globalist politics. now
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alex soros, the younger one, is coming to the fore in soros’s structures, maybe the ambitious son of a media tycoon is tired of playing the role of an errand boy, organizing orange revolutions wherever the white house says, maybe he himself wants to decide now, he’s recruiting an army, soros gets it. another version is that soros and izhi with him are still temporarily for trump, they are friends against the democrats, so the globalist oligarch turned on his most powerful weapon directly on the territory of the states. soros, who previously organized protests in many countries, organized color revolutions, organized. perhaps cells that will work, then in the states there is far from a healthy situation in politics, a very strong confrontation between two parties, america has, in fact, run into something that,
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in fact, it itself has used and applied all over the world, now it’s all inside the usa, soros will want to incite these young democrats, everything will be a victory for trump, he can do the same with trump. soros, both older and younger. launched an ngo in the newly independent ukraine, very characteristic formulations, the very same soft anti-russian power, and so this dora, according to rumors, lobbied for the same tranche of 60 billion dollars for ukraine, around which so many spears were broken, and why would soros prolong the agony of the kiev regime? it is necessary to restart the us economy, here it is in order to restart it, it is necessary to inject financial resources again , these 60 billion, these are destructive instruments.
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to interfere with the work of rescue doctors from the belgorod region, report by alexander revunov. the twisted roof, windshield and body were pierced by shrapnel and there were traces of blood inside. it was these two minibuses that were transporting employees of an agricultural enterprise today; they were attacked by a ukrainian fpv drone. seven people died on the spot, 42 are in hospitals in belgorod. two children were also injured, they were passengers following the gazelles of a passenger car, they were also taken to the belgorodovsk hospital. or deliberately targeting peaceful
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vehicles, where there were no military personnel, there were no incidents, 42 people are now in hospitals. the management of the agricultural enterprise, whose employees were attacked by a ukrainian drone today, will receive financial compensation for the seven victims...
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