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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 9:00pm-9:21pm MSK

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vladimir putin thanked the composition of the federal government for their professionalism and dedication to the interests of russia, which, as required by the constitution, will resign tomorrow on the day the new presidential term begins. in this regard, the head of state summed up the activities of the cabinet of ministers, which has undergone many tests, first in the fight against the covid pandemic , and then in severe economic conditions. over the past 4 years , kadmin has had to face unprecedented challenges. i came today to thank you for working together over previous years. mishustin and his colleagues took up their positions in 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic was breaking out in the world. how to deal with it?
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on road construction, to close it, not to close it, how to do it, what to do with the teams, all this gave an appropriate, generally satisfactory result, this is work. helped not only save lives, but save the economy. russia coped better than many, but almost immediately it faced new challenges that the country could not avoid. we we were convinced that after 8 years of mockery of the people who lived and are living in the donbass, we are unable to solve the problems in this region, the problems of the people whom we have always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, we cannot solve the world. means, a little later it became clear that
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we were simply being misled, we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by force of arms. this was an extreme and forced measure to resolve the issue peacefully; russia was ready from the first weeks of the northern military district. but different the diplomatic path was closed to the parties to the conflict. the west's task was initially different. you and i know this well, what the goal was - to destroy russia from the inside. and not only politically, but above all economically. to create problems in labor ahead of not only the leading countries of the european union, but all the so-called states, the so-called big seven, we together looked for worthy answers to the most complex historical challenges, on the whole, we successfully overcame them, this mobilized us, we worked under your leadership, this is internal mentoring, which... and industry meetings, and a huge
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number of, i would say, endless consultations, 24/7, all of this had an effect, here i want to say that we tried very hard not to let you down here, and the citizens of our country, and we are proud to be part of your team, but the country also had strategic development plans, national projects, which no one behind...
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the cabinet should resign after the presidential elections, this is required by the constitution, but the tasks for the new government have already been determined by the head state, i expect from colleagues at all levels of the executive branch. concentration, composure and work for results, we need continuity in the work to achieve the goals of national development, i am sure that all this will be you, dear colleagues, for your professionalism, for your dedication to the cause and interests of russia, for understanding your enormous responsibility to people, responsibility , literally for every step, for every word and decision made.
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russia, russian, russian all other peoples of the russian federation, not stops. who and where from the current cabinet will work next will become clear by the end of may. president-elect putin will present a candidate for the post of head of government after taking office. alexey kanapku, yulia brileva and kiril malikov, host. well, just about the inauguration of the elected president. the ceremony will begin tomorrow at noon moscow time. we are, of course, for now.
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the main technical innovation of the upcoming inauguration past the king's cannon. there will be a new aurus for the president, the car will be the first person of the state, well, here we can see how aurus has changed in appearance, new headlights, a new radiator grille, the car has become even more aggressive and even more recognizable. the development of the aurus is best seen when comparing the first and updated models; the restyling of the front end is striking. for the first time , the whole world saw the aurus car, the name from the latin aurum gold and russia, exactly 6 years ago, on the seventh.
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chinese products flooded european market, beijing continues to actively support its industrial sector, but the world cannot accept excess chinese products, so i called on the chinese government to respond to this structural overproduction. olaf
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scholz refused to participate in these negotiations, although macron, as the media reported, even the meeting in the rotunda restaurant in paris last week, where they discussed a joint strategy towards beijing, did not help macron. officially. so far they have passed by. difficulties with export may arise for european manufacturers brandy. last year they brought 45 pages of questions to china. the questionnaire consists of more than eleven headings and excel tables, and this is the third one we have received. france, on behalf of the entire eu, wants to simultaneously limit the supply of chinese products to europe and at the same time export more of its goods to beijing. we are talking about agriculture and airbas planes. visit.
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kyiv in the eu. claims have been voiced against chinese companies exporting technology to russia. the eu demands that china stop supporting moscow. beijing is ready in response help all parties agree on peace. we oppose the use of the crisis in ukraine to smear third countries and pass the buck. res and not only from specialists. our correspondent stanislav
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bernwald leafed through the historical pages. it’s a special day at the central museum of the great patriotic war on poklonnaya hill. on the eve of victory day, the ministry of defense handed over more than twenty unique declassified archival documents about the activities of soviet military intelligence. the museum director personally handed over the documents to the museum. main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces, hero of russia, admiral igor kostyukov. hitler. after the attack on the ussr already in january 1941, he summoned the head of the romanian government, general antonescu, to berlin, and personally informed him in a conversation that he had made a decision and germany was preparing to attack the soviet union. already in march of the forty-first year, information about this was received by the center, where there was a detailed report from the victory museum dedicated to military activities. intelligence museum of victory over 3.00 people joined the action, we
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we remember that a delegation from the kirov region led by governor alexander sokolov also took part in the action. we remember that the promotion started on april 23 and will last until may 9. everyone has the opportunity to honor the memory of the heroes by laying flowers at the sculpture of the victorious soldier. also, everything lived, the victory banner relay started throughout russia. timed to coincide with the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. these days, thousands of people across the country decorate buildings, streets, cars, with the symbol of our historical relic, the assault flag of the 150th order of kutuz in the second degree of the idred infantry division, the same banner that, during the most difficult bloody battles, was hoisted in the enemy’s lair over the defeated rechstag. edge. tapu mountain in crimea seems to be bringing back the historian’s guests.
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our country’s ideology, when love for the motherland sounds proudly, sounds beautiful, especially now in such a difficult time for... the country is not that difficult, but they taught me, of course, it doesn’t matter, a woman, you, a man, there is intelligence, the country’s foreign intelligence, which the country really, really, really needs, and there’s already a boy, a girl, man, woman, everyone should work well and do their job well, then everything will be
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fine, and i think that our community, intelligence, such strong intelligence is strong... countries, including for the first time in the city of ostrov, pskov region, namely it became the main platform for celebrations to connect complexes dedicated to the great patriotic war to network natural gas. the “keep the fire of memory” campaign is held jointly by gazprom and the united russia party. with details, igor danilov. at twenty- two memorials in the country from tsakhalin to the southern borders today, the flames of memory were simultaneously lit in honor of the defenders of the homeland. it is no coincidence that it is the island, as the deputy noted.
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symbolic, because my grandfather also went through the great patriotic war, and now i was lighting the fire, for me this is a very big event, and let’s say, which will be remembered for a long time. igor danilov, sergey events stand with such people, this is dyakov, leading pskov.
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will happen, but what will he tell us about it? people's commissar of blacksmiths? we won’t save the entire fleet, but
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we will save the sailors, soldiers, women and children obliged, your husband violated the order. especially for victory day , we watch all episodes of the tv series admiral kuznetsov for free on the website in the applications.
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