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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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these young democrats, that's it, trump will win, the same thing can happen to trump. for soros, whether older or younger, it is important not to let go of the levers of influence on big politics, which is now inextricably linked with the conflict not only in gas, but in ukraine, of course, there is such a fund as reizom, which is headed by dora khomyak, on the website it is stated in plain text that she worked at the soros foundation in kiev and lobbied for that same truck through rumors. usa, in order to restart it, it is necessary to re-inject financial resources, these 60 billion, this is most of what will remain directly within the united states and will be issued in the form of commodity loans, for example, to ukraine, yes, which will then again be forced to repay these loans, it seems that they are beginning to burst the country from the inside, but what if not only ? in the belgorod region, seven people
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were killed and more than forty were injured as a result of an attack by ukrainian drones. the ukrainian armed forces hit civilian vehicles with komikaze drones, including gazelles, which were transporting employees of a local agricultural enterprise to work. and most importantly, after the crime , ukrainian militants attacked the road twice more to interfere with the work of rescue doctors. from the belgorod region they were passengers following a gazelle car, they were also taken to the hospital. belgorod , the governor of the region, vyacheslav glodkov, soon arrived at the scene of the incident, he talked with the defense fighters, they explained that there were only four attacks by ukrainian drones on civilian transport, and they targeted civilian vehicles, where there were no military personnel, there were no identification marks, that is, the targets were chosen, they intend to pay from 50 to 500 thousand rubles. in addition, traffic here is now limited along this border section of the highway, where...
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today this terrorist attack by ukrainian drones was carried out, it is still unsafe to be there, ukrainian quadcopters equipped with explosives may still appear in the air, and the local population, local motorists, the authorities recommended avoiding driving through this area for now, a little later, in addition, the governor recommended that industrial agricultural enterprises think about equipping equipment and buildings with radio electronic means. european military-industrial complexes are moving production to the territory of ukraine, european officials even promise to allocate appropriate funding for such an initiative, the idea was put forward by the head of european diplomacy for industrialists. josep barel, ex officio head of the eu foreign policy department, has in fact become something of a weapons baron. the main task of a diplomat is now to search for weapons around the world and buy them. the task is to integrate
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ukrainian industry into the eu defense ecosystem, strengthen and develop the capabilities of the ukrainian defense industry. our task is to produce faster and more. and it is not at all beneficial for them to see the war end. the new concept of the european defense industry implies the integration of the ukrainian military-industrial complex into the european military production system. and this game will last for a long time. we must move to a war economy, political declarations are not enough, we need superior firepower. are we already in an arms race, whether we like it or not? it was decided to open in kyiv the european office of military innovation to create defense launchers is in the sights of the russian military space forces, and the workshops of the same german concern, which are planning to be localized in kiev, can very quickly turn into ruins. in the meantime , americans are coming to poland.
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there is a significant possibility that america will have to intervene in a conflict not only with our money, but with our military personnel. that is, after ukraine falls, and not during, french president macron is ready to send his troops now. russia will not be erased from the map, it exists, and this must be taken into account. war is the worst thing that can happen to a country and its people. and i am amazed at how easily emmanuel macron raises the topic of sending troops to ukraine.
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doubts. interference beyond the constitution. participate in any possible armed why? because unlike others, we have a clear ban on direct military action . italy can send its soldiers only within the framework of what is provided for by the laws and the composition of the un mission, that is, italy will not the proposed option of sending troops into ukraine will provoke further unwinding. interventions? definitely not, this is out of the question
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the transfer will be done next year, the germans are moving with their families, which means it will be for a long time. evgeniy reshatnev and vlada tsurkan, lead. ukrainian men are no longer welcome. a headline in a dutch newspaper, which perfectly reflects the situation in the largest country. refugee reception centers have reportedly been denying asylum to male citizens of the russian federation for several months now, well, they say, there are places now only for women and children, who, by the way, greet their compatriots very unfriendly and even attack with fists, asking why they are hiding in europe when
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someone’s husbands are forced to fight somewhere near avdeevka, well, in general, supposedly precisely because of such conflicts, the center closed its doors to all men without exception, which, of course, only plays into the hands of the kiev regime, which... has set the goal of extracting reserves from abroad for the armed forces of ukraine, and individual countries are happy to play along with the ukrainian authorities in this cannibalistic desire, so some ukrainians, in search of a friendlier and safer haven, are trying to move to russia, but not everyone will be lucky, and evgenia petrukhina will explain why. ukrainians are fleeing the eu to russia, fleeing because they are afraid that europe will deport them straight to trench, in particular. those who need, for example, to renew their passport, because ukrainians no longer receive consular services in the eu, so they are trying by all means not to get into independence. who knows how is it now better for a ukrainian to get from europe to russia? if you fly by plane, it
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gets quite expensive. i heard that there is a bus that carries from europe, it seems that for 370 euros it takes it to sheremetyevo. and in sheremetyevo and generally on the russian border it is reinforced. control for those with ukrainian citizenship and for those who are now citizens of russia, but previously had an independent passport, is a necessary security measure. blogger mark eremin tells his audience that he himself just passed such a test. eremin has 2018 russian citizenship, he comes from the donetsk region, says that they checked him thoroughly, and everything was done in a friendly tone. what questions were they asking me? they asked the following: firstly, about registration, where they live. about parents, about close relatives who are in russia, about relatives from ukraine, then they asked questions about their relationship to the north military district. on telegram, there is already a whole chat for ukrainians who want to move to russia from the eu, and there are a lot of questions there, including
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questions like these: is it worth it, for example, to clean phone number if you subscribe to pro-ukrainian telegram channels, what to do if you sent money from your number to support the ukrainian armed forces, blogger erem. says that his phone was also checked, they asked questions about social networks, they didn’t search the phone specifically, they just entered the number or some kind of code, a barcode appeared on the phone and then they scanned it all, that is, there was nothing inside i haven’t dug in, but i know for sure that if you don’t have russian citizenship, they will most likely check it very, very meticulously with different people people were also quite literally looked through there, and in principle...
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then the only path will be turned into the hands of the shopping center, they
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are clearly waiting, so they lure them to the front line with jokes about the avdeevka resort, excursions, donbass, kleshcheevka, avdeevka, hot courses, hot packages to the resort, slavyansk, kramatorsk, kleshcheevka, avdeevka, to kleshcheevka, avdeevka and hours. i definitely wouldn’t want to, this man who tried to escape from ukraine to romania, got ready, wig, makeup, even took his sister’s passport, but judging by the footage of this interrogation it didn’t work, apparently he had an option getting to russia was completely out of the question; for ukrainians, russia is in many ways a chance of salvation, because no one wants to return, especially in connection with the new laws adopted on mobilization in ukraine, nothing is holding them back. for men there is only one way to the front, women are unlikely to want to give up their men
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, in general they can follow their husbands, their brothers, today everyone knows that on russian territory there is a place for them to work and a future for their children, unlike ukraine, in general, no one looks at them as enemies, well, exclusively, of course, unless they really are enemies. well, besides, russia is about traditional values, and not western lgbt propaganda covered up with false freedom of choice, so what happens, european integration did not work, since ukrainians are fleeing to saving russia? the russian troops received a new batch of t-90 m breakthrough tanks and modernized t-72s, entire trains were sent from the ural vagonzavod, where the experience of a special military operation in general, as well as specifically, is taken into account when assembling each tank. the main tank
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conveyor of the country does not stop for a minute, here they assemble the strongest vehicles in russia, deeply modified t-72b3m and t-90m breakthrough. power and security are two of their key indicators: an improved gun with an automatic loader, third- generation dynamic protection. multiple sensors and cameras provide a 360-degree view of the battlefield day and night, and the rate of fire is accurate. is provided by an electronic fire control system, which is configured at the final stage of assembly. at the moment, using a program on a computer, we are setting up the parameters of the control center, control center, remote machine gun installation, parameters, fire control system, rigidity, so that it is controlled adequately. for the second year, ural carriage works has been fulfilling one of the largest state defense orders in the country. recently, the company sent tankers a batch of modified t-72s. now is the time for breakthroughs. immediately from the factory, tanks are sent in whole echelons to the troops. at this
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point, each vehicle has been fully tested and ready for use by our military. testing at our own testing ground is also going on like on an assembly line. cars almost line up for shooting. and running in all systems, so that by the time it is delivered to the troops, the tank is completely ready for battle. we test the car in different conditions, including on rolls. in areas with shocks, there are areas with difficult traffic, we load the engine to cope with the volume of defense orders, the plant is planning to expand the area. we already have orders for the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth years and beyond, based on this, of course, we are increasing the number of people, that is, we are constantly recruiting, modernizing production, and new workshops are being built at the plant. in the main modifications of tanks they constantly make many changes, taking into account wishes.
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what the chinese leader didn’t want to see in paris, diplomats say, was the head of the european commission, ursula vonderen, who has aggressive trade rhetoric towards beijing. however, this is why macron invited her, first with him to china, and now she insisted on her presence at the champs elysees, and transferred to her the thankless job of threatening china. chinese products have flooded the european market. beijing continues to actively support its industrial sector, but the world cannot take extra. chinese products, so i called on the chinese government to respond to this structural overproduction. olaf scholz refused to participate in these negotiations, although macron, according to media reports, personally asked the chancellor to also attend the negotiations. even a meeting at the rotunda restaurant in paris last week, where they discussed a joint strategy towards beijing, did not help lure him to the elysee palace. the official reason for
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scholz's planned visit to the baltic countries is unofficial, the chancellor is cautious, he doesn’t want to. quarrels with beijing, given that china is a key market for german automakers, their trade disputes with the eu have so far been spared. difficulties with export may arise for european brandy producers. last year , 165 million bottles were imported into china, mostly from france. now companies are forced to fill out piles of paperwork. there are 45 pages of questions here. the questionnaire consists of more than eleven headings and an excel table, and this is the third one. france on behalf of the entire eu, wants to simultaneously limit the supply of chinese products to europe and at the same time export more of its goods to beijing, we are talking about agriculture and about airbase aircraft. sizenping's visit to france should allow us to establish a strong economic partnership for the coming decades. now we are far from such a balance.
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the positions of the parties on the ukrainian conflict are distant, if not opposite. this topic is the main one on the agenda of paris, which needs to be done. conference, which will be supported by both ukraine and russia. macron has 2 days to establish a trusting relationship to influence the chinese leader, something neither caster scholz nor ursula fondeen could do. tomorrow macron will take sidinpin to perenei, where he spent his childhood with his grandmother, and will enchant him with nature in the company of his wife and tetatet. anastasia popovlebernadski evgeniy konanov,
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european news bureau. we'll be back after a short commercial. this is what we’ll tell you about, what is the status of an agent, yuri shevchuk can find out, the leaders of ddt are asking to be checked for extremism, what’s the big deal in dubai? a lot of things can be confused, but with the choice you can't go wrong with thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective
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thermal insulation. sber is introducing a loan with a 2% cashback so you can get even more. opportunities, opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay, opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please the first time, opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new impressions, a storm of new impressions, get a loan from sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate, more profitable with savings prime, for constipation slabelen can help already in the morning, it is available in a large advantageous package, weak, i know what will happen tomorrow, order from pharmacies plus. when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself is complete with the formula. intensive cleansing effectively removes burnt-on stains, let you have a delicious meal together, and the samat will take care of the dishes, one of my friends decided to relax where there is no connection, where can i go
10:51 pm
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and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, active from the first minutes, extinguishes, heartburn, extinguishes , buy or lease land from mongolia to create... an alternative russia, a plan that the newly-minted people quite seriously propose to implement statists from among the relocants, who call themselves a popularizer of science , foreign agent asya kazantseva said that everyone who left our country needs to gather on one territory, but the truth immediately admitted that she doesn’t really understand how exactly national institutions should be formed, but personally ready to invest in the economy, will travel around europe with lectures and thereby fill the budget of the fantastic reilakan country, but... maybe even enough to print out some passports, but others it will not be difficult to find masters of the state of structure among such an audience, for example, the leader of ddt yuri shevchuk recently made his contribution,
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at the concert he decided to share a very valuable opinion about the development of russia, now he risks becoming involved in a criminal case and receiving the status of a foreign agent, anastasia ivanova assessed the chances . will yuri shevchuk perform at his last concert in dubai and will he go home as a foreign agent? not only with his hits, but with a historical joke, as the leader ddt called it. but didn’t it end up being political? call? there are two historical concepts, well, as professional historians joke. the first concept is that everything was good in the beginning, and then everything good ends in complete crap. and the second concept, that all this crap ends, is something like that.
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concerts in dugouts, now it means they are composing songs to dissuade the russians, supported by the svo. when a radical historical change occurs, uh, no past merits can justify today's
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actions. if a person or group of persons acts against our country, absolutely it doesn’t matter whether she does it for money, on the order of some foreign state and really acts as a foreign agent, or simply proceeds from some kind of malicious intent, in any case, everything that is now directed against our country is in some public field is perceived as an act of aggression against russian society. close attention to shevchuk arose for a reason; he has already been fined 50,000 rubles for discrediting the russian army. in 2022, he... spoke out against the special operation during a concert at the ufa arena. several yet there were statements against it, only more veiled ones, at performances in 2023. then he stopped giving concerts in our country altogether. it turns out that shevchuk blew the whistle on the love of the russian people. shevchuk, with his depressive tone, is quite suitable for
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relocants who failed in the fight against the russian state, against russian politics. but until ukraine crumbles, until it turns out that russia is winning, until it turns out that enthusiasm about this turns out to be more attractive than this chamber whining, from this moment a fight may begin in the relokan environment, in this regard, of course, shevchuk will lose an audience, the audience of ddt at performances remained only abroad, in the tour schedule of cyprus, turkey, israel. armenia, there is a separate column: concerts in russia, a whole list of cities, dates are not indicated, opposite moscow there is generally a dash, they didn’t even mark the proposed location for the show. so what will remain after him if shevchuk replaces the stages for songs with political platforms.
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through sanctions aimed at destroying russian economy. vladimir putin thanked the ministers for the significant results of their work. on tuesday, the day the new presidential term begins, the government, as required by the constitution, will resign. what else did vladimir putin pay attention to? anastasia efemova will tell you. thank you for your collaboration. this is how the president this monday described the purpose of his visit to the government house to meet with the cabinet of ministers. the final thing for... the current composition is ahead of the official inauguration of the head of state after the march elections, which means, according to the law, the resignation of the cabinet and the introduction of new candidates. the moment is historic, especially since the current composition, and vladimir putin recalled this today, worked in very difficult conditions, first the coronavirus pandemic, which became a test for the whole world, and a test that russia coped with with dignity, and then 2022, when
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after 8 years from... people.


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