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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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this is how the president this monday described the purpose of his visit to the government house to meet with the cabinet of ministers. the final thing ahead for the current composition is the official assumption of the post of head of state after the march elections, which means, according to the law, the resignation of the cabinet and the introduction of new candidates. the moment is historic, especially since the current composition and vladimir putin reminded us of this today; they worked in very difficult conditions, first of all, the coronavirus pandemic. which became a test for the whole world, and a test that russia coped with with dignity, and then 2022, when after eight years of abuse of the residents of donbass, it became obvious that this problem could not be solved by peaceful means. we are convinced that after 8 years of mockery of the people who lived and live in the donbass, we are unable to solve the... problems in this
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region, the problems of the people whom we always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, we are unable solve by peaceful means. a little later it became clear that they were simply leading us around, we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by force of arms. but what started from the point of view of the economy, you and i know well, began literally in the most literal sense of the word, economic aggression against russia, then... the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i we know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, to create problems in labor collectives, to cause mass unemployment in the country, to lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result turned out to be exactly...
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the opposite of what was expected. separately, the president noted the systematic work of the government to introduce modern approaches to digital management technologies, but simply put, improving the quality and availability of public services online, which is simply impossible without effective coordination between departments. close and constructive, the head of state also emphasized, was the interaction of ministers with legislators, with regions, with public and business circles, and significant results have been achieved in all areas... at the same time, it is important to understand that now no pauses in work can be allowed, and the continuity of cabinets must be ensured, we have to launch new national projects, new federal programs, then, what has been done so far is a good basis to move on. you know that in the near future, in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, the procedure for forming a new government will take place, during this period everything needs to be done. so that the implementation of plans
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actively continues, so that there are no pauses in our work, so i expect from colleagues at all levels of executive power to concentrate and work for results, we need continuity in the work to achieve national development goals, i am sure that all this will be unconditional guaranteed, it was certainly 4 years. to himself to everyone in the current office, for internal mentoring, quote 24/7 . all members of the cabinet of ministers are sure to agree with me, we worked under your management, this is internal mentoring, which you, including...
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dealt with us on each of the issues, these are industry meetings, and a huge number of, i would say, endless consultations 24x7, all of this had an effect, here i want to say that we tried very hard not to let you and the citizens of our country down here, and we are proud to be part of your team, and of course today... you said that according to the constitution, members of the government, the chairman of the government, resign, but i am absolutely sure, and members of the cabinet of ministers, many people told me about this that no matter what position our colleagues find themselves in, they will be clearly committed to fulfilling the national development goals of the country, will do everything for their state and for their citizens, professionalism, dedication to the cause and interests of the homeland. attention to the enormous responsibility
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to the people, for every step, every word and decision made, these qualities, the head of state, the qualities of every member of the government and, of course, the head of the cabinet, noted separately, especially since...
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the russian army liberated two more populated areas point: katlerovka and solovyovo. 11 attacks in sou were successfully repulsed, two enterprises producing combat drones were destroyed. zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers. the mercenaries destroyed four tanks, including a german leopard and two other armored vehicles, as well as 25 howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly of american polish origin. air defense forces shot down a su-27 fighter, as well as 23 more drones and seven haimarc missiles.
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the black sea fleet destroyed five unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces. to a provocative statement russia will respond to threats from western politicians with military exercises. the use of tactical nuclear weapons, the ministry of defense said, such missiles and bombs are intended for limited destruction, for example, the destruction of a large ship or the destruction of enemy defenses on a separate sector of the front. natalya solovyova about an effective way to bring exploded russophobes to their senses. a direct signal to those who do not understand the hints, not to kiev, but to western countries that intend to send their military to ukraine. for russia this is new and a completely unprecedented round of escalation. the situation is special and therefore requires special measures. in response to provocative statements by european officials, moscow is conducting exercises with missile formations of non-strategic nuclear forces. they were started by formations of the southern
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military district and the strength of the navy. this means that the full potential of tactical missile weapons will be used. the order was given by the supreme commander-in-chief. directly related to the latest threatening, provocative and tension-building on the continent, statements by a number of european representatives, this is, of course, president macron and the british foreign secretary, us senators joined this statement of readiness to send military contingents. to the territory of ukraine so that they take part in hostilities, these are hitherto unprecedented, unprecedented statements, they require a very responsible, prompt and effective reaction on our part, what is happening? infantilely manipulated the topic of nuclear
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weapons by a number of western politicians, about their readiness to press the nuclear button, even at the beginning of the conflict , lisstras was one of the first to speak up, then she was a contender for the post... the head of the estonian foreign ministry also lamented that it was impossible to simply transfer nuclear weapons to kiev, and the current head of the office, david cameron , actually allowed kiev to use british long-range weapons weapons to strike targets in russia, while
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britain itself announced new investments in its nuclear deterrent. our nuclear potential is at the core of our national security, we are talking about our means. in early may, he once again stated that he did not rule out sending military personnel to ukraine, according to emmanuel macron, one cannot afford to set limits on support for ukraine, a dangerous statement, given that it was he who initiated the discussion about the future of european defense, including nuclear issues weapons.
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picked up in poland, warsaw was the first to declare its readiness to deploy nato nuclear weapons on its territory, and lithuania, latvia and estonia wanted to accept additional military contingents. and now about sending soldiers started talking in washington, the leader of the democratic minority in the house of representatives announced possible us intervention in the conflict. we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if this happens. america will probably have to intervene in the conflict not only with our money, but with our military personnel. either
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we stop russia in ukraine by continuing our military economic assistance, or we face a difficult situation where vladimir putin and russia are able to take over ukraine and threaten nato allies. about they have been arguing about increasing the nuclear potential in europe for many years now; it is not difficult to guess against whom it will be directed, but vladimir putin warned that the west and russia will not tolerate threats against itself on the day it starts. special military operation, he warned against intervention in the conflict. now a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place. whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats for our country, for our people, should know that russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history, we are ready for
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any development of events. all necessary decisions in this regard have been made. i hope that i will be heard. but the west pretended not to have heard the teaching today, an attempt to once again explain to opponents how dearly such political deafness could cost them. but against the background of provocative statements by macron and cameron, the french british ambassador was summoned to the foreign ministry. russia has long been warning the west about the inadmissibility escalation. on this issue he supports moscow. the secretary general's office said that all powers must avoid actions that could lead to disaster. on the reaction of the west, anton dadykin. warning to russia about conducting exercises to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear weapons. should cool the hottest heads in western capitals. the west, of course, cannot admit
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that the current policy of the united states and the european union can lead to direct armed confrontation with moscow, because then their citizens will not understand. therefore officials they rushed to calm everyone down. here is the statement from the us state department. we see no reason to adjust our own nuclear posture in response to these statements, nor any indication that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in ukraine. this is an exercise that russia has carried out dozens of times in previous years, at such moments we take the news and try to give it more significance than it is, this does not help, improve the situation, because we risk increasing nervousness and provoking disproportionate reactions like messages should be limited to the meanings they had in earlier, calmer years. however, a warning from moscow. clearly reached the recipients, the head of the italian foreign ministry drew attention to the statement of the russian ministry of defense that
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the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces are associated with provocations by threats of individual western officials. antonio taiane noted: yes, rome supplies ukraine with weapons, but in no case does it want to fight with russia. we will help ukraine defend itself, but we will not send a single italian soldier there, because that it is one thing to help ukraine with weapons, and another. became one of the reasons for the russian exercises, moscow called his policy irresponsible, thoughtless, and also capable of leading to a head-on military clash between nuclear powers, after which macron immediately began to fuss. we are not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people, we have no desire to change power in moscow.
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at the same time, the british press clearly does not yet know how to comment on the call of the ambassador of the united kingdom to the mitrossiya and the tough one. warning to london that in response to ukrainian strikes on russian territory, using british weapons, any british military installations and equipment, including outside ukraine, may be attacked in response. therefore, for example, the guardian newspaper limited itself to an extremely careful retelling of moscow’s statements. the warning from russia even reached the warsaw russophobes. poland is not preparing and will not send polish troops to ukraine, we will help ukraine, we will train. ukrainian soldiers in our country, supplying equipment, participating in coalitions to help ukraine. but berlin clearly remembers the power of russian weapons, this is how the german chancellor commented on the situation on social networks. regarding russia's announced nuclear exercises, it is again important to clearly note that nuclear weapons should not be used in this war. scholz himself went to the balts to cheer them up,
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visited the location of the german contingent in lithuania, and took a ride in an armored vehicle for the cameras. promised that 35 thousand bundeswehr soldiers, if anything, are ready to cover the baltic countries, but he kept silent about the fact that another reinforcement nato troops near the russian borders could provoke further escalation. anton dadykin, lead. well, by the way, about germany: criminal wars have begun in berlin, one of the groups started shooting in the spandao area, there is a dead person, it has not yet been possible to catch the criminals. the police noted that serious tensions have recently arisen between gangster clans; now the capital of germany is undergoing a large-scale operation by security forces. in the pskov region, in the city of ostrov, an eternal flame was lit for the first time. the city became the main platform ceremonies we keep the flame of victory for connecting the eternal flames to the network gas in eleven
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regions. this is a large-scale event with the support of the united russia party and the gazprom company. for the historical. the event was observed by igor danilov. at twenty-two memorials in the country from tsekhalin to the southern borders , memory lights were simultaneously lit today in honor of the defenders of the homeland. it is no coincidence that the island became the central platform for the “keep the fire of memory” campaign. in 1941 and 1944 , more than 12 thousand red army soldiers died in battles on island soil, eternal memory an eternal flame will now be kept about them. as the deputy chairman noted. we are again following in the footsteps of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, operations are once again defending our homeland. today we are fighting nazism, defending the russian world and russian people. just like then, in forty-one, in
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forty-five, our cause is just and no one... should have any doubts, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. on behalf of russian president vladimir putin, gazprom supplies network fuel free of charge to military memorials throughout the country. exactly gazprom is entrusted with the implementation of the project. now there are almost 1,700 eternal and memory lights in the area of ​​responsibility. in addition, together with the united russia party, a special internet portal was created, keep the fire to victory. each eternal flame has its own... history, the history of victory, or the heroism of our soldiers, or heroes who worked in the rear, and you can read about each memorial by accessing this internet resource, today in this memory card, in this internet -resource added 22 more memorial flames, which were lit according to
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all over the country. the eternal flame on the island was brought from the memorial to the unknown soldier in pskov; it was lit by heroes of our time. paratrooper zhumogildy nurakhmetov, participant in the all-russian military-patriotic movement young army alexander krainov. all over the country, thanks to gasification, more and more eternal lights are being lit, eternal as a memory. it was a great honor for me, let’s say, to be present at this event, to stand with such people. this is symbolic, because my grandfather also went through the great patriotic war, and i now it was the fire that was being lit. this is a very big event for me. festive event in honor of the anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war, stanislav bervait will tell you in more detail. on
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a special day at the central museum of the great patriotic war on poklonnaya hill, the ministry of defense handed over more than twenty unique declassified archival documents about the activities of soviet military intelligence on the eve of victory day. the documents were personally handed over to the museum by the head of the main directorate of the general staff of the armed forces, hero of russia, admiral igor kostyukov. previously undisclosed disclosure documents.
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germany is preparing to attack the soviet union. already in march of the forty-first year, information about this was received by the center, where it was reported in detail that... military intelligence officers then reported hitler’s plans to reach moscow in a matter of days, arrest stalin and proclaim the ussr the territories of the reich, in the middle of the war, intelligence informed the center, for example, that hitler was seriously preparing to use new chemical weapons against the soviet union. then, due to timely countermeasures, it was possible thwart the bloody plans of the fuhrer. now these truly unique documents will become part of the permanent exhibition of the victory museum, dedicated to military activities. reconnaissance to the victory museum, over 300 people joined the action; we remember that a delegation from the kirov region led by
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governor alexander sokolov also took part in the action. we remember that the promotion started on april 23 and will last until may 9. everyone has the opportunity to honor the memory of the heroes by laying flowers at the sculpture of the victorious soldier. also, everyone can to immortalize in the museum the history of the exploits of their relatives, veterans of the great patriotic war and... home front workers, to include them in biographies and photographs in the historical project “faces of victory”. the victory banner relay race started across russia, timed to coincide with the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. these days, thousands of people across the country decorate buildings, streets, cars with the symbol of our historical relics. assault flag 150 of the order of kutuz in the second degree of the idris rifle division, the same banner that during the hardest bloody battles was erected. in the enemy's lair above the defeated reichstag. good luck and bon voyage. a motor rally started from kaspiysk, within the framework of which a copy of the victory banner will be transferred
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to the regions of the north caucasus federal district. chechnya, ingushetia, north ossetia, alania, kabardino-balkaria, korochaevo-cherkessia and stavropol territory. tapu mountain in crimea seems to return the guests of the historian of the patriotic festival to the distant forty-four year. retor of the machine tent of metssambat, the banner of victory flies on the shtoki flag. this festival has been held here since twenty-sixth time. as a rule, every year we open these events with a series of such main ceremonial events dedicated to victory day, well, taking into account the fact that this year we have the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, this is generally a separate event. lasekha, military personnel, together with officers of the military investigation department of the investigative committee of russia, artists of the song and dance ensemble and strategic missile troops , congratulated the veteran on victory day
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great patriotic war vasily georgievich fomenko. under the windows of the apartment of a ninety- nine-year-old front-line soldier, the soloists of the ensemble held an impromptu concert and performed songs from the war years. festive events in honor of the great victory are now taking place in all cities of russia, but the main ones will, of course, be held traditionally. ninth. the russian national hockey team defeated the belarusian team, the game in omsk ended with a score of 4:0. danila mokhalin has all the details. surprisingly, but true, the russian national hockey team has never in its history has never played a match in omsk, in a city with big ones. hockey traditions, where residents treat this sport with special reverence. therefore, it is no accident that a new arena appeared here 2 years ago, meeting all
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modern requirements. there is no reason not to believe his words, when i played for the national team of the soviet union and came to canada, so we came to such a holiday, and today we have this holiday in many cities, it’s very cool that such beautiful palaces are being built in our cities, no worse than anywhere else, maybe even better than in america canada. this is very cool, because we love hockey, the fans couldn’t help but reciprocate the opportunity to see the national team’s drag game, the tickets quickly sold out, and somehow it’s a full house, even if it’s a friendly, but historic match, the best arena, we’re rooting for our the national team, ours will definitely win only russia, only forward, the arena is alive, especially the fans, everyone is screaming, everyone is supporting, this is a bomb, this is
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the world arena. many players from st. petersburg ska entered, including two-time gagarin cup champion sergei tolchinsky and olympic silver medalist arseny gritsuk, who spent most of his career in omsk. perhaps thanks to this, he managed to score two goals at once. i owe this city a lot because i found my wife here, i guess. i’ll say, many of my friends, relatives, and loved ones already live here, i’m happy to be home, to play in my native arena, and also to score two goals, of course i wanted to do a trick so that the fans would remember it, zakhar bardakov and maxim sorkin scored one more goal each, 4:0, a confident victory of the russian team over the belarusian team, even our expectations were met, this is a game, because the fans were so sick, so i was at many games at
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the world championships... i was at the world championships, i was in canada, in the usa was, in finland i was at the world championships, in toronto, yes, where the best players in the world played, there was the best atmosphere today, this can be said absolutely accurately and honestly, immediately after the end of the match in omsk our national team goes to tula, and a little later from there to minsk to conduct two more control match against the belarusian national team as part of the big may tour. so far, in three matches, not a single goal has been conceded and the overall score is 11:0. igor dolinsky,
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