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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 6, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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maybe, thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment, someone will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket change the world, the megamarket is just to grow with us, one of my friends decided to relax there , where there is no connection, where can you get away from this connection, hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone even picks up here, the megaphone is a mobile operator number. in terms of coverage and speed. the state has abolished fees for transfers between accounts in different banks. from the first of may, russians can free transfer your money from one bank to another. the law came into force. now you can receive a salary from one bank and immediately transfer it to another, where it is more profitable. transfer money to a free alpha card, receive a supercake in rubles, and withdraw cash from any atm for free. not easy. profitable alpha
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profitable things have faded after washing, use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores color, things are like new three times longer, new, no, i wash with weasel, here it is, it tastes better on fire, burger king, what men are silent about, painful urination, problems with erection, these are... volumes of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langidase against prostatitis. customers' love is the main reward for any entrepreneur. you don't just prepare cakes, you give unforgettable emotions. you don’t do fashionable haircuts, but you help to be closer to each other. you don’t create fashionable things, but give them the opportunity to be in the spotlight. this is not easy for any of you. business, but a favorite thing
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the first visit of the president of the people's republic of china to france in 5 years. even before it began, it attracted the attention of the press. this is not just a bilateral meeting with the leader of one of the world's leading economies. it addresses key issues in china's relations with the european union. a lot of contradictions have accumulated recently. well then this is largely a consequence of the existing trade imbalance. goods from the eu primarily go to the markets of the usa and great britain, and china is partner number three for europe. given that for china itself, an eu country, this is one of the most important. chinese
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products account for 20% of sales markets, that is, a fifth of everything that europe buys; well, in this parameter, the eastern partner is noticeably ahead of the united states, and this despite the existing restrictions that europe has already introduced. over the past year, trade with the european union and, first of all, due to the fact that the european union began to limit the supply of chinese goods, even despite these restrictions, it still continues. the huge trade deficit between the european union and china amounts to almost 300-320 billion dollars, roughly speaking, this is how much more china sells to the european union than it buys. as for the most acute contradictions, the european union has recently been dissatisfied with the overstocking of the market with chinese electric vehicles. in response, beijing is exploring the introduction of tariffs on some alcoholic drinks from europe, in particular french cognac. well, this is just the tip of the iceberg. list of products. which
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beijing has a lot of, and brussels has little of, is huge, in europe they call it overproduction and , naturally, china is blamed for everything. chinese subsidized goods. such as electric vehicles and steel products have flooded the eu market. china continues to massively support its industrial sector, and this is against the backdrop of domestic consumption, which is not growing. the world cannot accept excess chinese products, so i called for the chinese government's response to this structural overproduction. at the same time , we will intensively coordinate our response with the g7 and developing countries. as for france, with which sidzenping began his european tour, today it accounts for 79. china, for comparison, russia had 240 billion last year, the figure is growing year by year, despite the fact that in our country, unlike europe , exports are higher than imports. experts agree that for emmanuel macron, the current visit of the chinese leader - this is an opportunity to redistribute
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investment flows against the backdrop of problems in france's main competitor, germany. the main exporter is germany, so it is clear that france will pursue. cooperation in which both benefit for a long time has shown that it strives for both sides. at this stage, the only question is how emotionally and psychologically europeans are ready to accept a multipolar world. if there are more questions than answers regarding negotiations with paris, then
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sizempina’s two other european visits to belgrade and analysts are more encouraging about budapest. trade between china and serbia last year increased by almost a quarter, as aleksandar vucic stated, the countries expect to do so in the next 10 years. double those numbers through a free trade agreement. china's trade volumes with hungary have decreased slightly, but they still have big plans. the country considers china's one belt, one road initiative important. within its framework , funds are invested in the construction of a railway between budapest and belgrade. it will reduce travel time between two cities from 8 to 3 o'clock. it is expected that by the twenty-sixth year it will become part of a high-speed highway for the delivery of goods, which will stretch across central and southern europe. the problem of trade imbalance today arises among many of china's partners, except russia, the question is how to respond to this, whether it is necessary to fight it, as chinese folk wisdom says, dripping water always pierces stones.
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11:41 pm
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and this carries some risks for winegrowers and winemakers. firstly, what if it’s frosty, and the vine is already so big. on the other hand, the berry can accumulate a lot of sugar, and then the wine will be strong. and in russia now the trend is the opposite: low-alcohol drinks. what will happen to everyone? this is what the winemaker and winegrower should do, as well as what other trends await russians this season, we will now find out right here on this earth. the most ancient thing is that these shells are made. here it was an ocean in this place, on the basis of these deposits these
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rocks that are present here appeared, star rocks, which give minerality to our wine, this is like sabers from the times of the caucasian war, say sabers, this is a bayonet from a chilean rifle, this bayonet from romanian, this is a cannonball from some kind of martira cannon, the founder of the gunko-vinery winery, vladimir ganko, shows the artifacts that he found on his site. the time of uprooting the land, from them you can study the history of the area, along the perimeter of his vineyard there is a rampart similar to the ruins of a fortress, according to the businessman, it was built by the hellenes, several thousand years ago this territory was part of the basporan kingdom. vladimir considers himself, in a sense, the heir of the ancient greeks, who also made wine here. this year 0.2 gardane was planted on a rock, there is just such a serious rock outcrop, there is a saminion nearby, also planted on a rock. that ’s all, there’s nowhere to go further, there ’s a cadastral forest around us that you can’t go into,
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you probably can’t even pick mushrooms there, that’s why we fenced ourselves off, so as not to be tempted by this forest, we left what we have, we don’t need any more, groves we also need oak trees to relax here and not only us, that’s why we ’ve finished planting grapes, eight are grown here on 22 hectares varieties of grapes, they produce 8,000 per year . and well, i think that we will still reach 90, maybe 100,000 bottles, maximum 120 thousand bottles, yes, that is, we have a little to grow here, and we will reach our goal in general - then the declared capacity, the main challenge of this wine season for sergei is a possible drought, we are preparing for this and well, i think
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that the yield will be slightly lower than we would like , watering, drip irrigation, yes, yes, that is. we use water when it is necessary, when it is urgently needed. in addition to drought, winemakers are afraid of return frosts in may and hail. this year the grapes began the growing season 2 weeks earlier, by the end of april the vines already have large leaves, clusters have begun to form, and the berries can accumulate sugar faster and more, and the higher its level in the grapes, the stronger the drink it makes, so that producing light white wine at the end of this season is a serious challenge for winemakers, says the vice-president of the russian association of experts rincariteil. this season will be marked by, let 's say, the struggle for a high-quality white harvest grape varieties, in certain climatic conditions, which we of course do not yet know, we are still just seeing the very beginning, while in russia and all over the world , buyers are now increasingly choosing light wines, says maxim protasov, head of roskachestvo. the overconsumption of sales we feel from red mines to
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white and rodovo. this trend has already begun. in the first quarter, such drinks were produced 42% more than last year, and sold 13% more. our long-awaited dream is the construction of a new production workshop
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sparkling wines will be located here. cellars - 1800 km in area will allow us to store a million to 2 million bottles of classic champagne at a time. about a billion rubles have been invested in the last 2 years alone and approximately the same amount still remains to be mastered. the chief winemaker of olympus vyacheslav zotin shows the large-scale construction that has unfolded on the territory of the plant. . already in september, a new workshop for the production of sparkling wine will appear here. previously, only quiet products were made here. already this year the plant will release 20 million bottles to the market, when the modernization will be completed, and the enterprise will reach full capacity, the volume will increase to 35 million bottles of wine per year. as part of the modernization, which began 5 years ago, we purchased containers with a volume of 70,000 cubic meters,
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50,000 cubic meters, and there are small 20,000 cubic meters - these are containers for imaging. they are automated, loading and unloading grapes is easy, the temperature is controlled, they are easy to clean, all this greatly affects the quality. the grapes for the future sparkling wine have already been collected and processed; now , as experts say, these are wine materials stored in such large containers, says ilya voloshin, winery consultant for sparkling wines. we have very ambitious goals, 150,000 bottles of wine for the first edition, this is very serious. challenge and we have set such a task for ourselves this year it will be completed, general plans, general plans - 500,000 bottles of wine, half a million classic sparkling wine per year. ilya has been producing sparkling wine for many years, he started in crimea, and now he also consults for other enterprises. his career is clear evidence of the growing interest of both consumers and producers for such wines. they are now
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made even by companies that previously specialized only in powerful spirits. chief winemaker of the plant. we eat in the market, and we do 12 months plus for what? in order for the quality of lightening to be better from a technological point of view, the longer it sits, the better. clarifies better, faster, and so on, well, of course, the varietal characteristics of a particular wine are better revealed, thus, domestic producers are actively replacing imported
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drinks, especially in the inexpensive segment, with this state policy also contributes; for the seventh year in a row, russian wine days have been held, this is an event during which domestic drinks are sold at reduced prices. this year, by the end of may, 25,000 stores will take part in it, including, thanks to this action , more than half of the wine... shelves in retail are occupied by russian wines, deputy minister of economic development viktor eftukhov believes that domestic wine needs additional support. we want to establish in the law on the russian regiment the percentage of russian wine, which should be presented specifically in retail stores, this will be the only food item for now, everything else will be a group of non-food products, and as for restaurants, we will think about how to convince our colleagues, involve them in their faith, and interest them. but i think that this again can work as a kind of word of mouth, that firstly, some restaurateurs learn from others that russian wine is actively appearing on their wine lists, it sells well and is in demand
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to consumers. from may 1, russia will increase excise taxes on wine; this will primarily affect imports. the government compensates the domestic winemaker for the rate. there is a very important innovation, yes, that if earlier the excise tax was strictly tied to grapes, it was necessary to produce grapes and wine at the same enterprise. well, now we still have a slightly uneven situation on the side, somewhere we have more raw materials, and there in dagestan, for example, well, the demand for finished products is not so high, but somewhere like in kuban there is not enough on the contrary there, for sparkling wines, enterprises buy high-quality wine materials in bulk, but now, after an amendment to the tax code, they have determined that... enterprises actually buy wine in bulk from a russian producer, and the excise tax will also be returned to him. however, there are still several unresolved issues, shares
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the vice-president of the russian association of retail market experts, alexander stavtsev. there are certain other conflicts there, for example, related to the calculation of vat on profits. and vat is charged, but as they say fellow winemakers, he doesn't come back together.
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the fact that the cork from portugal comes without
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a logo, and we put a logo on the cork, now in russia there are a little more than 100,000 hectares of vineyards, according to the ministry of agriculture , 6 more will appear this year. from olympus shows vines planted last fall, the first full harvest will be harvested from them after 3 years, the company has planted 900 hectares of vineyards since 2021. today we are already harvesting about 2.0 tons of grapes, this is from a young vineyard, now we are in a young vineyard, the first year of the growing season, yes, we see that the vine is producing several shoots. yes, in the end, when they develop, we will leave the leading most basic vines, yes, so that there will be a harvest on them in the future. leon davidov, runs the family winery
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agroline in dagestan this year he plans to make his first sparkling wines and also plant new vines. at this stage we have 93 hectares, but we are most likely planning to plant about another 14 hectares, most likely in the fall, yes. leon lived in the usa for a long time, worked there as a lawyer, but then decided to dramatically change his life to follow in the footsteps of my grandfather. he trained as a winemaker in the states and now produces a noble drink at a family enterprise in dagestan. he says that winemaking standards in our country are much stricter.
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there in another place outside our homeland, because this is such an occupation - ungrateful in terms of money, that is, tomorrow you will not get the money back and the day after tomorrow too, and the money is returned to the grandchildren, and not to you, there is a lot of land here, of course, it belongs to someone, but mostly people once bought it for resale, and so they have it remained, but it is overgrown with forest, just like mine was overgrown with forest, and this is the southern slopes right up to... there are definitely such cool small areas that are not large, for large companies where combine harvesters are needed, that’s exactly for small ones chateau, small wineries of 10, 15, 20, 40 hectares. vladimir believes that there is a lot of grape-suitable land in russia and urges you to take a closer look at this business, complex, but very aesthetic, which you would like to turn into a family enterprise and pass it on.
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we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. the government is successfully resisting the toughest sanctions in history, the purpose of which
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is destruction. russian economy. vladimir putin thanked the ministers for the significant results of their work. on tuesday, the day the new presidential term begins, the government, as required by the constitution, will resign. what else?


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