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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the government is successfully resisting the toughest sanctions in history, the purpose of which is to destroy the russian economy. vladimir putin thanked the ministers for the significant results of their work. on tuesday, the day the new presidential term begins, the government, as required by the constitution, will resign. what else did vladimir putin pay attention to? alexey konopko will tell you. the president and prime minister enter the conference room together, actively discussing something.
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spheres, but not only, but also industry, and the production of everything that was needed for country, i remember well how we resolved issues there regarding, well, let’s say, construction projects, yes, road construction, closing it, not closing it, how, how to do it, what to do with the teams, all this gave an appropriate, generally satisfactory result , this work helped not only save lives, but also protect.
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the prime minister, together with his cabinet , must resign after the presidential elections ; this is required by the constitution. but the tasks for the new government have already been determined by the head of state, i expect from colleagues at all levels of executive power concentration, composure and work for results. we need continuity in the work to achieve national development goals, and i am confident that all this will be unconditionally ensured. i would like to once again thank mikhail vladimirovich mishustin and all of you, dear colleagues, for your professionalism. for dedication to the cause and interests of russia, for understanding our enormous responsibility to people, responsibility for literally every step, for every word and decision made, the price of our actions in this certainly
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historical time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and business qualities without... thank you for your attention and trust. one political cycle ends, another political cycle begins, but work in the interests of russia, the russian, the russian of all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop. i want, expressing words
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of gratitude for what we have done, and you have done in previous years, to express the hope that we will do a lot more in the name of russia and its people. where will the current cabinet work next? it will become clear by the end of may. president-elect putin will present a candidate for the post of head of government after taking office. alexey kanaku, yulia brileva and kirill malikov, host. the russian army liberated two more settlements, kotlirovka and solovyovo. 11 attacks in the control system were successfully repelled. two enterprises producing combat drones were destroyed. zelensky’s formation lost about a thousand more soldiers and mercenary officers. four tanks were destroyed. including a german leopard and two other armored vehicles, as well as 25 howitzers and self-propelled guns, mostly american polish production. air defense forces shot down a su-27 fighter, as well as 23 more drones and seven missiles from the khaimars systems. the black sea fleet destroyed five unmanned
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boats of the ukrainian armed forces. russia will respond to provocative threat statements by western politicians with military exercises using tactical tactics. the ministry of defense spoke about this. such missiles and bombs are intended for limited destruction, for example, the destruction of a large ship or the destruction of enemy defenses on a separate sector of the front. natalya solovyova about an effective way to bring exploded russophobes to their senses. a direct signal to those who do not understand the hints, not to kiev, but to western countries that intend to send their military to ukraine. for russia. this is a new and completely unprecedented round of escalation. the situation is special and therefore requires special measures. in response to provocative statements by european officials, moscow is conducting exercises with missile formations of non-strategic nuclear forces. they were started by formations of the southern military district and the strength of the navy.
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this means that the full potential of tactical missile weapons will be used. the order was given by the supreme commander-in-chief. directly from.
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you, prime minister list, will order the use of our nuclear weapons, which will mean global annihilation, i am not asking if you will press the button, you will answer yes, but if i were faced with such a task, i would feel physically ill, how does the thought of this make you feel? i think this is an important responsibility of the prime minister, i am ready to do it. chapter the estonian ministry of foreign affairs also lamented that it was impossible to simply transfer nuclear weapons to kiev, and the current head of the office, david cameron , actually allowed kiev to use british ones. long-range weapons to strike targets in russia, while britain itself announced new investments in
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its nuclear deterrent. our nuclear capability is at the core of our national security, including our nuclear deterrent, nuclear submarines, but also energy security, since nuclear power is important to future. that's why today we are making transformational investments in our nuclear capabilities. to protect the future of the country. of course, the president of france raised military rhetoric to unprecedented heights in europe in early may; he once again stated that he did not rule out sending the military to ukraine. according to emmanuel macron, we cannot afford to set limits on support for ukraine. a dangerous statement, given that it was he who initiated the debate on the future of european defense, including nuclear weapons, by explaining this necessary.
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in poland, warsaw was the first to declare its readiness to deploy nato nuclear weapons on its territory, and lithuania, latvia and estonia wanted to accept additional military contingents. and now they started talking about sending soldiers in washington, the leader of the democratic minority in the house of representatives announced possible us intervention in the conflict. we can't let ukraine fall, because if that happens, it will probably be america. we will have to intervene in the conflict not only with our money, but with our military personnel. either we stop russia in ukraine
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by continuing our military and economic assistance, or we face a difficult situation where vladimir putin and russia are able to take over ukraine and threaten nato allies. they have been arguing about increasing the nuclear potential in europe for many years now; it is not difficult to guess against whom it will be directed, but vladimir putin warned that the west and russia will not tolerate threats against itself on the day the special military campaign begins. operations, he warned against interfering in the conflict. now several important, very important words for those who may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place. whoever tries to interfere with us, and even more so create threats for our country, for our people, should know that russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to consequences that... you have never encountered in your history, we
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ready for any development of events, all the necessary decisions in this regard have been made, i hope that i will be heard, but the west pretended that it did not hear the teachings today, an attempt explain to your opponents once again how expensive such political deafness can be. provocative statements by macron and cameron called the french and british ambassadors to the foreign ministry. russia has long been warning the west against escalation. the un supports moscow on this issue. the secretary general's office said that all powers must avoid actions that could lead to disaster. on the reaction of the west, anton dadykin. russia's warning about conducting exercises to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear weapons should be cooled. the hottest heads in western capitals. the west, of course, cannot admit that the current us policy of the european union
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can lead to direct armed confrontation with moscow, because then their citizens will not understand. therefore, officials rushed to calm everyone down. here is the statement from the us state department. we see no reason to adjust our own nuclear posture in response to these statements, nor any indication that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in ukraine. the italian defense minister also rushed to... russia that the exercises of non-strategic nuclear
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forces are associated with provocations and threats made by individual western officials. antonio tajani noted: yes, rome supplies ukraine with weapons, but in no case does it want to fight with russia. we will help ukraine defend itself, but we will not send a single italian soldier there, because it is one thing to help ukraine with weapons, and another thing to fight with russia, and we are not at war with russia. the president of france, the same emmanuel macron, hastened to emphasize the same thing, whose statement about the possibility sending troops of the fifth republic to ukraine was one of the reasons for the russian ones.
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in response to ukrainian strikes on russian territory, using british weapons, any british military installations and equipment, including outside ukraine, may be attacked in response. therefore, for example, the guardian newspaper limited itself to an extremely careful retelling of moscow’s statements. the warning from russia even reached the warsaw russophobes. poland is not preparing and will not send polish troops to ukraine, we will help ukraine by training ukrainian soldiers in our country. supplying equipment, participating in coalitions to help ukraine. but berlin clearly remembers the power of russian weapons, this is how the german chancellor commented on the situation on social networks. with russia's announced nuclear exercises, it is again important to make clear that nuclear weapons should not be used in this war. scholz himself went to the balts to cheer them up, and visited the location of the german contingent
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in lithuania. he took a ride in an armored vehicle for the cameras and promised that it was 35. consensual work is being carried out with the manager zelensky's office andrey ermak and former commander-in-chief of the vso valery zaluzhny. the foreign intelligence service emphasized that in the united states, in fact, they don’t even hide it. the main thing is that the president is able to continue the conflict with russia. hackers hacked the uk ministry of defense server. this was reported by
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sky news. claims that the personal data of military personnel, retirees and officials, including bank numbers, was stolen. accounts. according to the tv channel, the government will officially announce the leak on tuesday, without naming the country of the organizer of the attack. but skynews is already done blamed it on china. moreover, this information appeared when the chairman of the people's republic of china, xidin ping , arrived in europe to improve relations. a strong russian foreign policy and strong intelligence are the key to a successful country. the colonel of the service told the mgimo students about this externally. retired intelligence officer tamara netyksa. for many years, she and her husband worked in latin america as illegal intelligence officers, so they have something to share with future diplomats. among other things, she spoke about the role of women in intelligence. a photo exhibition about scouts. now we see a new birth
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of our country, ideology, when... “love for the motherland sounds proudly, sounds beautiful, especially now in such a difficult time for our country, not only difficult, but very responsible, very difficult, let’s say time, of course , it doesn’t matter whether you are a woman or a man, there is intelligence, foreign intelligence of the country, which the country really, really, really needs, and there is already a boy, a man, a woman, everyone must work well and do their job well, then everything will be fine, and i i think it's ours commonwealth, this is intelligence, such strong intelligence.
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situation at the fronts, as well as personal files, photographs, things of outstanding intelligence officers. documents that, of course, will attract the attention of historians and journalists, and thousands of russians who are interested in the history
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of their country. one of them, for example, confirms the existence of hitler’s clear plan to attack the ussr already in january of forty-one . he summoned the head of the romanian government, general antonescu, to berlin for a personal conversation. informed him of what he accepted decision, and germany prepares to attack the soviet union. already in march of the forty-first year, information about this was received by the center, where a detailed report was given about what happened in berlin. military intelligence officers then reported hitler’s plans to reach moscow in a matter of days, arrest stalin and proclaim the ussr as the territory of the reich. and in the middle of the war, intelligence informed the center, for example, that hitler was seriously preparing to use new chemical weapons against the union, then due to timely countermeasures taken managed to thwart the bloody plans of the fuhrer, now these truly unique documents will become
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part of the permanent exhibition of the victory museum, dedicated to the activities of military intelligence. over 3.00 people joined the action at the victory museum; we remember that a delegation from the kirov region led by governor alexander sokolov also took part in the action. we remember the campaign has started. on april 23rd and will last until may 9th, everyone has the opportunity to honor the memory of the heroes by laying flowers at the sculpture of the victorious soldier. also everyone can immortalize in the museum the history of the exploits of their relatives, veterans of the great patriotic war and home front workers, and contribute their biographies and photographs to the historical project “faces of victory.” the victory banner relay has started across russia, timed to coincide with the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory. these days , thousands of people across the country decorate buildings, streets, cars with the symbol of our historical relic. assault flag 150 of the order of kutuz in the second degree of the idris rifle division, the same banner,
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which, during the most difficult bloody battles, was erected in the enemy’s lair over the defeated rechstag. good luck and bon voyage. a motor rally started from kaspiysk within the framework of which a copy of the victory banner will be transferred to the regions of the north caucasus federal district of chechnya. ingushetia, north ossetia, alania, kabardino-balkaria, korachaev circassia and stavropol territory. sapur mountain in crimea seems to take guests of the historical and patriotic festival back to the distant year of forty-four. retro cars, mezzambata tent, a banner flies on the shtoka flag victories. this festival is being held here for the twenty-sixth time. as a rule, every year we open these events with a cycle of such main ceremonial events dedicated to victory day. but taking into account the fact that this year we have the seventy-ninth anniversary of the great victory and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of sevastopol, these are generally separate events. and this is
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blasikha, located near moscow, military personnel, along with officers of the military investigation department, the investigative committee of russia, artists of the song and dance ensemble of the missile forces strategic purpose, congratulated the veteran of the great patriotic war, vasily georgievich fomenko, on victory day. under the windows of apartment 99.
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