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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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it’s cool in moscow today, the weather is so cool, but the kremlin is really blazing hot. the news is such that i can just feel how western leaders are starting to jump. ursula
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fonder suddenly decided to jump out with something else, ursula won’t help, go buy iodine, but why iodine will become clear a little later, by the way, iodine won’t help either, so don’t worry, dmitry anatolyevich certainly burns today, he wrote so well , so it’s clear, so the phrase is from a classic russian film, that we’ll definitely crush the whole world into dust, that’s the truth part, but not now it’s starting to cause. certain doubts, you ask, why am i so cheerful about this topic? well, first of all, because we have long said that everything is leading to this, and this is of course such fun, rather connected, you know, how it happens when your shoulders fall, such a certain stone, because all the time there was such a feeling, that someone somewhere will suddenly begin this attempt to come to an agreement, that’s all that is coming out today and that is very important, that on the day before the inauguration...
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just shows that no, we will not stop, that the decision has been made, the decision is final, we understand who we are dealing with, everything that the president of the russian federation, supreme commander vladimirovich putin said, the west had to listen to everything very carefully to understand that this is not a joke, but now we are almost literally we’ll talk about this after a pause, and today vladimir vladimirovich held a final meeting with members. of the current government, according to our constitution, tomorrow, immediately after the inauguration of the head of state, the government will resign, the president drew attention on the huge number of problems that the current cabinet of ministers had to solve, he thanked those gathered for their work. good afternoon, dear colleagues, i came today to thank you for your joint work over the previous years. “we
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remember how it all began, i mean, your work began in this composition, in this team, it began just on the eve of the unpleasant events associated with the coronavirus pandemic for all of us . in 2022, other problems began because we made sure that after 8 years of abuse of the people who lived in the donbass, we are unable to solve the problems in this region, the problems of the people whom we have always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, cannot be solved by peaceful means. a little later it became clear that we were simply led for us, we had to take extraordinary measures to protect these people by armed means, but what began from the point of view, from the point of view of... the economy
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, we know well, began literally in the most literal sense of the word, the economic aggression against russia, then the endless number of sanctions that we faced were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what was the goal, to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, to create problems in labor collectives, cause massive unemployment in the country, lead to closure. and entire industries of production, as we know, our opponents did not succeed, the result turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was expected, for us - last year the russian economy grew at a pace higher than the world's, in modern conditions everything is important, there are no trifles, the price of our actions in this of course... historical
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time for our country is extremely high, your experience, your knowledge, personal authority and business qualities will certainly be in demand. thank you very much, dear colleagues, for your hard, fruitful work. indeed, this government showed itself brilliantly in the most difficult time for the country. the russian federation sends an unequivocal response to those who seriously consider challenging it existence. on instructions from the supreme commander-in-chief, the general staff began preparations for the exercises, during which the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons will be tested. weapons, it was also stated once again by our foreign minister that the f-16 will be perceived by us as a potential threat, that these aircraft, which were created to carry nuclear weapons, so we will not deal with any weapons, was also
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stated to the british ambassador to the russian federation , which for some unknown reason has not yet been kicked out of the country, probably for in order to throw him out with this clear...
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ukraine, an american soldier will have to intervene in the fighting. in parallel with this, there was macron’s statement that he was ready for the landing of a french expeditionary force, and he offered us strategic uncertainty. now he has strategic uncertainty, which i will repeat again. macron wants to see nantes or paris destroyed. such strategic uncertainty. yes, of course, tactical nuclear weapons are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose. i want to remind you that tactical nuclear weapons, but here mikhail mikhailovich will explain to us, can be installed on a variety of carriers, and relatively modest ones, the tnt equivalent, are still several times superior to the fat man who was dropped on hiroshima,
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the shmygal is a nonentity, indistinguishable from his twin brother in europe, who is michel, yes, they look exactly the same. i'm sure he would be happy, he said he would welcome it if foreign troops were in ukraine to help expel russians to defend democracy, ukraine in general, democracy - this is already anecdotal, considering that in ireland there were speeches by ukrainian men shouting: ukraine is not a democracy, we are not cannon fodder, don’t touch us. europe wants to be destroyed, well, that's it.
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in order to once again get off the german master’s ass, as has happened more than once in the history of this under-country, you are playing with fire, bastards, you are playing with fire, just don’t say that you weren’t warned, if someone decides to destroy russia, then us arises the legal right to answer, yes, for... humanity it will be a global catastrophe, for the world there will be a global catastrophe, but still, as a citizen of russia and the head of the russian state, then i want to ask the question: why do we need such a world if there is no will it be russia? this
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phrase, said by the president 6 years ago, caused a very strong reaction in our liberal layers, including those who at that time...
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the west provoked a conflict in ukraine, in the middle east, in other regions of the world continues to lie. now without any embarrassment states that russia allegedly intends to attack europe. you and i understand that this is just some kind of nonsense. and at the same time, they themselves choose targets for striking our territory, they choose.
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this is not a cartoon for everyone, i want to remind you that the first launch of the zircon hypersonic missile from the frigate admiral gorshkov was on october 6, 2020, and if i understand correctly, there is nothing stopping you from having a warhead on the zircon, there is some special term , somehow special, but combat, usually military nuclear weapons are called special combat units, but special combat units may well be there...
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also a completely possible option, and how beautiful is the launch of the kinzhal hypersonic missile, which was shown as part of a planned exercise of the strategic deterrence forces in february of the twenty-second year, which took place under leadership of the supreme commander-in-chief... but it’s a beauty, and for the west this beauty
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is close to a heart attack, but this one went from a submarine, it’s going well, it’s going well, or testing a suspended hybrid missile in waters of the sea of ​​japan, carrying torpedoes for destruction. answer, it was december 15 , twenty-one, and for now i am only listing to you what has already been officially shown. ranks that were announced, our defense industry does not stand still, and there is a lot that is not yet known to the general public, but is well known to those who, by the nature of their activities, should know, and if necessary, apply, they often say,
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here you are russian , talk about red lines. and putin never spoke about red lines, putin does not use such terminology at all, and without using such terminology, then it suddenly turns out that well, let me remind you, vladimirovich was prime minister for eight years, that is, not president, here is the crimean spring, the fourteenth year, syria.
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we don’t react over trifles, but when the time comes, what, what, and the fact that vladimir vladimirovich always acts after an accurate calculation, understanding the situation with a cool head, there is no doubt, but he acts decisively, and it is clear why we have to act decisively , sheet times august 23 twenty-second year, they are taken to room number 10. in front of you will be the so -called letters of last resort. your orders, captain of the submarine trident. you, prime minister lystras, are giving the order to use nuclear weapons. this will mean global destruction. i won't ask you if you will press the button. you will say yes. but faced with this task, i will feel
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physically ill. how does this thought make you feel? i believe that this is an important responsibility of the prime minister, i am ready to this. i asked how you would feel, i'm ready to do it. she will feel dead, because our response will arrive before they can do something, well, because we have hypersound, but they don’t. here's what the fantastic cretin said.
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support ukraine for some reason believes that russia is not an enemy of the united states. those who want to convince the american people that the ukrainian effort was a failure are promoting vladimir putin's propaganda
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because the facts speak plainly the opposite is why it is important to us. to bring the matter to completion, this is a churchill or chamberlain moment. let me remind you that chartel chamberlin has lost everything, if you bring the matter to an end, the american empire will collapse, by the way, texas should be free, and this man varan is generally unclear how he got into the democratic party, there are certain requirements for iq must be negative , because where did you manage to recruit so many idiots and place them all? at the position, i’m somehow really surprised, dmitry, i still, i can’t help but say this, i always wanted to ask this guy, can he find ukraine on the map? well, just, if you don’t label it, yes, just give him, like in our school, contour maps, so he ’ll just find it along the borders or not, yes, this is
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of course an amazing, amazing phenomenon of today’s american politics, people who don’t think just symbols, but symbols even of contours they do not know. this is of course, this is actually very dangerous, because in general i don’t really believe, i think he doesn’t believe in what he says, but he says it, he broadcasts it to his voters, this idea that you can manipulate everything endlessly, which is absolutely hammered into the head of this liberal.
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the united states of america, it is ready for a big european war, it is almost sure that we will not respond, that we will not escalate, that’s what i think happened today. it's a cold shower, is it enough? i don’t know, because in general these, i once say in this studio that these people were playing with squid, only they thought they were shooting
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unfortunately, this political generation of western leaders cannot get out of the squid game, but i will tell you two things that seem very important to me. as a moral: firstly, you should never increase, you cannot increase, the degree of tension, the degree of political aggression indefinitely, as the west did, never, because they really failed both their governments and their societies in the state. in a state where it is really possible to make a decision about war with russia, well, they were told, well, if you want to go further, let's go with the second one. this is already
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for us, and we should never merge ahead of time, many of the wars that were won in lost russia happened because we were impatient, well, by the way, one of the wars that we did not tolerate was the crimean war, in many ways, there is no need to merge ahead of time, there is no need to get scared ahead of time, you just need to stand and watch. when your opponent dances with tambourine, you need to pump up your strength, maybe take half a step back, but you can’t merge ahead of time, this is a lesson for us for many decades to come, well, the last thing i want to say, but today it’s very interesting, the ambassador of france and the ambassador of great britain were summoned, but the ambassador of the united states was not summoned, but you know by...
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the rulers of the world, the world hegemons, and are you really the world's hegemons, or are you just walking around the world, showing off, well, if you are the world's hegemons, then shut down london, and paris, and some others, and the canadians, and the poles, because they are pulling you. in the fire
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of a nuclear war it is understandable, but they are in the washington regional committee, it is not clear which party are being dragged into the fire of a nuclear war, and if you are still the hegemons of the western world, well, let’s resolve the issues, as they said in circles to which i was not close in the nineties.
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this is an orange, you bought your hegemony with money, and with borrowed money, there are people in the world who have both countries and forces, who have their own money, so in my opinion today a proposal was made to washington: well , prove your hegemony, withdraw your can you save jackals from the brink of nuclear war? we’ll talk, but you won’t be able to, it’s a disaster. by the way, they say snow will fall, but in moscow normal, we are familiar, this is the kind of snow that can fall somewhere in europe, yes, and how it will run there, this is a geiger counter knocking, this is still, as they say, unknown, these are not crickets, these are geiger counters, right?
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