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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story, a very important moment, look, macron expected that he would talk with the leader of china. in particular, about how to arrange everything in ukraine, in order to force russia to stop, including nuclear blackmail, many here in our studio said, no, don’t you understand, it’s impossible, china won’t understand this, won’t understand india, if we, and the statement that was made today just shows, yes everyone will understand everything, we make a decision based on...
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from the battle and said that the french legionnaires just came up and brought trophies, well , that is, they thought that they had come to fight, they just all brought trophies, they brought a significant amount of trophies, there is a very serious, so to speak, difference between the , what happened before, the mercenaries who came there, fought a little, clashed with the russian army, escaped, well, in general, no question, and the regular part of the french armed forces, in some way.
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french legion and go to fight from the very but they were given the opportunity to withdraw from the beginning of hostilities, that is, now it was already a question of sending regular personnel, well, well, anyone, but this is strictly speaking, if they go from there, what difference does it make to us, as he said at one time, 100 times deputy tolstoy has already quoted, we will kill them all, that’s right, they set off , let’s kill them all, there is a different perception here. that’s why i distinguish from those who fought from private military companies, and people who wear military uniforms, well, the chevron is french, because this is from my point of view view is the direct participation of the armed forces of another country, france, in this conflict,
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and there should be how many of them, how many of these people, and it doesn’t matter, at least one, then these are at least one from the very beginning, at least one of them is military. chevron's advisers don't wear them; they are fundamentally there from the very beginning, the americans said that their people there are british, that we are now finding out whether they are really there or not, well, what they write, i counted the war correspondents, they believe that they already exist, they have suffered losses, they are participating in battles, clashes, they are not sitting there at repair bases somewhere. the fact that they are participating here, but it doesn’t matter how many of them they put there, by the hour of yara, at least seven people are already participating in the battle, yes they put it, it’s important to check this, that is, they put seven people, it’s not just one, not two, it’s important, the important thing is that they are there, even if there were only seven of them there
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, all of them put it all together, this means that when the french ambassador is called, really in the sense that france becomes the same from my point of view sight, i don't know. how will our meeting be interpreted, it becomes a participant in the conflict, well , the country, national forces, and the fact that french missiles were delivered that attacked the territory of crimea, this is how to interpret it, they believe that we don’t care about them, as they believe, we think, we should assume that it was us, we didn’t think, we didn’t think that this was participation in the confenite, today’s statement from the foreign ministry to great britain is transferred to france in exactly the same way that we are now. this is one of the stages, a new stage begins today a new stage of this conflict, which is already taking on, is beginning to take on the contours of a european one, and i emphasize once again that despite the statement, listen, in
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the american congress there are basically lawyers, in the house of representatives are people who defend their districts, so this idiot, his main task for this comrade is to keep the... that is, to keep his faction that they voted correctly, that is, he is a hodar, or what? yes, in general, yes, no, he is approachable, no, no, no, no, wait, here you are talking about the thief, swindler and murderer, bear khodorkovsky, and i betrayed the ideas of the komsomol to you, and i’m talking about hoder, a character in a well-known famous tv series based on a book, who was great, remember, game of thrones? i didn’t look, but he had a hodr, because it was formed from the phrase hold the door, hold the door, that is, hold the door, that is, that is why the escalation is following a certain path, the current statement especially impressed me, we conducted an exercise in end of last year, russia conducted strategic nuclear forces,
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now they will conduct an exercise, they started today, and an exercise with tactical nuclear weapons, it would be a waste of time, so we didn’t waste there. and here they would die, volodya, well , that’s how it is, no, they just need to see that this is not, just a minute, a minute, while all my forecasts, excuse me, came true, because they are based. i mean the existence of everything, as the president said, but why such a world in which there is no russia, why does russia exist, moreover, in my opinion, now russia has certain advantages, but this is not the first time we started playing at the first tempo, for sure. for the first time we are not going in response to them, we will do this, but for the first time we began to play at the first tempo, and what
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is especially important in this situation is in this game at the first tempo, that now they do not understand what will happen next, because they were counting , now we will send the french a little, then the poles, then the romanians, the germans will reach out, the americans will reach out, such a proxy war, little by little, here we say, that’s it, guys, the topic is over, it’s over, they they say: we will deliver the f16, we say, it is not a question which airfield will be the first to accept our tactical nuclear weapons, we perceive the f16 as a carrier, and this means that we will destroy them, based on the fact that they can pose a nuclear threat, what is perceived, this is the nose, of course, that is, that moldova, they will therefore begin to use the airfield and moldova, so as not to immediately put nato countries at risk, romania later, because it was not stung, but there they are discussing two red lines for us i don't care about red, sorry. we're half and half what they are discussing about our red lines, what macron just said that if they break through
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the front line, manyuu has two problems of his own, nato has other problems, i say that you share, now nato is also leaving, as if it wants to retreat to side, because there are americans there, the americans say, there are french, there are poles, they can fight anywhere in their national capacity, no, berg says, you need everything you have...
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and it’s just very convenient to go from the atlantic to the quiet without anyone you want to carry out the operation now paris or nan yes you suggest macron to choose? but i’m offering them , and i’m offering them, it’s not poseidon, poseidon
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will destroy small britain, and we will already have continental europe. drutaniya is no longer a european union, that’s why i say, that’s why we’re erasing this island, it’s always been in the way, it’s under water everything quickly, quickly in 3 hours we learn to breathe under water, sakharov’s dream should. i think that this ladder of escalation in the west, it has a lot of steps, so they are thrown over one, we have large steps, that is, when when they, the first red line revolves around the possibility of russia penetrating through the defense line of kiev, oh, lyukiev, or lyakiev, more precisely, excuse me, it is spelled and pronounced differently, i cannot study it, kiev, no, it’s even worse there. yes, because now, as it turns out, it was not kiy who founded it, but kuy, well, based
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on how they pronounce it now, but that’s how they write and pronounce it now, and indeed the town has become much worse, so therefore, in my opinion, here the current announcement just before the inauguration very well emphasizes just more the strong position that russia occupies, and this gives us the opportunity now not to rush with your nuclear strikes, which you and mikhail mikhailovich are lagging behind, and why do you want to take your time? for example, i think that because there is no need to rush, and there is no need to rush, right at the end of february of 22, they would have done it, everything would have been over, then, why is it all, all of us, listen, we updated the nuclear triad, the americans didn’t . we started updating it earlier, the first move we also made was on december 15, 2019, under the will of there is doubt about the presence of political will in russia, who puts the americans to use, you think, practically, no, almost all researchers are sure that russia without
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the approval of china will not dare to do this , they wrote this a year ago, now they are just the opposite afraid that the line. i think that we have very good prospects right now, when we can not rush, but show them what we are and what it means to rush or not to rush, well, everything is clear, listen, but let's go even further, but again, this is absolutely my guess why this is appearing now, well, we understand that on the seventh and ninth, ukraine will try to do everything possible to strike at the crimean bridge, to which we
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explain to them very simply, if there is such an attempt, the answer will be such as you can imagine you can not. what consequences will this lead to? well, you know, for ukraine it’s no use explaining this, but the americans, i think, understand this, i’m not sure there’s no point in explaining this to them, because when they understand how european this is, it dawns on a european, this is a country, because europe now the ukrainian elite are de facto outlawed, yes, finally, de facto this means that they are a legitimate target for us, as accomplices, supporters and leaders of terrorism, and... by the way, the articles have not been announced, there what articles, and this doesn’t need to be announced, it’s important that they are wanted, well , wanted, and this means that, well, no, we have long arms, when detaining, oh, when trying to detain with a cruise missile, yes , excuse me, i want to remind you that how did we fight international terrorism? military
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the elimination of a military commander, the pentagon says: have we noticed any changes in the deployment of strategic forces? obviously we will continue to observe the situation, this, this, this, charles brown sounded, no, this sounded - patrick ryder, but he’s such a cretin, who cares, but he understands that we said that we are not using strategic forces, he i didn’t notice any, but patrick ryder simply, it means that ours work very well, no, it means that his task is not to answer the question that he they set it up, of course, as always, this is such an american practice, it’s like they’ve been reefing in the white house for 10 years now. so they passed, he says, horror, fear, nightmare, we discovered a burial place, on the territory of palestine, people were tortured, more than 300 people were killed, these people come out like that in the white house, they say who? we are closely following developments, we are closely monitoring israel and israel is a democratic state, so we cannot
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admit the idea that they are doing this, but we have nothing to say, and for musa this is out of his area competences, why? that's why? we won’t punish mus, no, if he does, let us tell him what to do with mus, but if we put them all in jail, we won’t participate in it, we won’t recognize him, but we will punish him, well, after that, of course, when a man with a boring face, blinkin, comes out and talks about how everyone wants american hegemony, you mean, blinkin, well, you really are a cretin, well, they just don’t consider you anywhere blinkin, well, you’re a cretin, come on, wake up, understand, change your pants already, you're a cretin, blinkin! biden is even less of a cretin than blinken, because biden has a different disease, he can’t even understand that blinken is a cretin, what to do, age, age, dementia, such an amazing disease, he’ll be the next president, then we’ll see who biden, but he won’t understand that he has become the next president, that’s the beauty, that’s the beauty, the beauty is that once he becomes president, he will continue
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to think that he is obama’s vice president, which is what he’s talking about, by the way , regularly, i think, then he will degrade into a senator. maybe with this yes, such a one will remember his youth in the seventy -second year, the road down, please, after february of the fourteenth year, when the crimean spring began, there is an impression that history is being written before our eyes, for some reason today this feeling has become especially strong, indeed we are watching today the formation of a new russian nuclear diplomacy, and we speak about our interests with a new voice or with new confidence, i am so very very... such an important stage for the next six years of our russian history and i would like to say a few things about this important things: firstly, a truly new nuclear... russian diplomacy , i would especially emphasize the word diplomacy here, the fact is that we have some experience in taking into account
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the nuclear factor in international relations, the caribbean crisis was already mentioned here, indeed then for the first time something similar, maybe at some moments there at the end of october 6 of the second year there was even more harsh opposition, but nevertheless it ended and it seems to me that... from a distance of 60 years, not all conclusions were drawn after this was correct, i remind you that after the caribbean crisis , a series of international agreements were adopted within a short period of time, well, as a rule, still bilateral soviet-american, but some broader, for example, on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which were based on the fact that nuclear weapons are a threat, this is a danger, it is necessary to limit the possibilities of their use as much as possible,
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it is becoming a real instrument of russian foreign policy, the other day a bbc documentary was released called the history of nuclear weapons, where your program is quoted, here is andrei gurulev’s statement
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here about what will happen to great britain if it plays these games, and how - correctly according to the laws of the genre , it is done at the beginning of the program, in the middle, in at the end, and the author of this documentary says that russia really does have nuclear weapons, we need to take them into account. in its policy, although it will probably stop moving along this path for a long time, but this is a very important change, now regarding the escalation of the stage, yes, through which we are moving, in the fifties and sixties there was such a very famous american strategist, futurist, herman kahn, and we economists know him better as a man who argued for a long time with the club of rome about whether people would die or not. from the lack of food due to the population explosion, but in reality he, of course, for international affairs, primarily the author of the book, written with great flourish, which
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is called about thermonuclear war, he wanted to write something similar about war by clausewitz, it didn’t turn out very well, but in any case, over the next 30 years, millions of copies of his book were published, it became a textbook, it was translated into different languages, and so in this book he outlined: the kans sincerely believed that everything was so and there will be, which means there are nuclear weapons, there are stages of escalation of the conflict, the parties will exchange signals, and thus this
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conflict can be managed. when the soviet union collapsed in the nineties, we learned something about soviet nuclear planning, here is the presence of michal mikhailovich, talk about this is inconvenient, i will refer to what became known, it became known that the soviet model of using nuclear weapons was quite simple, like...
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that russia has its own diplomatic political style, if today’s statement says that we are not talking about exercises , about preparations for conducting exercises, this is just a step, half a step, or rather , up the stairs, because if the exercises were announced, then one could remember 2008, when the caucasus 208, 2008, i beg your pardon, smoothly developed into protection of south ossetia from -
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after all, i believe that the united states has a dual strategy in relation to this conflict, on the one hand they of course restrain russia, on the other hand they really want there to be some kind of long, long war in europe, which would be better if it spread from ukraine somewhere else, then europe.


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