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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 3:30am-4:00am MSK

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these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would n’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, uh, moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, we have no chance, in general we were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, right now, right? i’m about to cry, this is
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tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something straight, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years ago.
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stand, who are they, new guys, this is a passenger with me, a reporter, a director, i came for my brother, i am a battalion commander, call sign trigger, everyone has call signs, i am adam, why is adam and not adam, i am a chechen, an artist, white roses , you can, i can, you’ll sing somehow, bru, she’s alive, we don’t need names, it’s not a trosh, ilicha, not a trosh, it’s not yours, well, you, krunashka, light of god, no, there is, what to do, commander, what
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to do, shoot, call sign passenger, i suggest changing the call sign passenger to the call sign rebin. no, this is my brother's sweetheart, are you still a passenger? yes sir.
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solemn ceremony of inauguration of president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live stream. at 11:40 moscow time on the russia channel, as for the european, so to speak, clearly consisting, i have already said that there is a manager, the problem is that tomorrow they will no longer have the funds that they have today, almost all the largest european economies with a huge hole in the budget, i heard 10-12, but why be surprised
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if you go to the west, by the way, it’s possible which seemed to be very good as it was, listen, what is finland going to build there? why production? yes, yes, that, that, here i am, yes, maybe there is not enough explosive material for an explosion, well, somewhere around 2300, maybe something will be built, no, why, for the third day now the german plant has been burning, until everything burns out, i can’t, it’s slow, it will be i’ve heard hundreds of statements, at least 13 were very loud at the level of top officials of states, i’ve heard hundreds of statements that europe is now beginning the transition to military rails, construction of plants, factories.
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but to pull the financial lever from both china and russia, they can do this very quickly. vladimir, well, we really live in such, if you will, historical time, this is the phrase historical time that our president said, it is very accurate, and historical
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time from the point of view of humanity is indisputable, historical time from the point of view of our country, and you need to have courage and determination to achieve your goals. scary next, that's all you are today they said, colleagues, it shows that we are in reality, but they are not, the fact that they are not in reality, in their own world, leads to the fact that they are in the looking glass, they are in a cartoon, they have some kind of cartoons , fun and so on, they do not understand what is happening in real life, if you like, they do not soberly assess all the processes taking place, but as you know... a drunk driver is a very big danger, especially if he believes that he controls the world political process, and this also applies to regional leaders such both macron, who make one or another statement, are already confused in them, and the global leader, as he believes, biden,
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firstly, who recognizes him as such today, who generally recognizes the dominance of the united states, forced satellites, this is also the historicity of the time in which we find ourselves. this europe that exists today is no longer the europe that was before, europe today is becoming the periphery of the world political process and is drunk.
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scoundrels to be exact, because these the most scoundrels are pushing the world completely towards a terrifying apocalypse, another question is that their weapons, which they deployed against us, against very many countries of the world, are slowly, but probably, being deployed against them, these are the student protests that are taking place there, because everything is both acute, as already it has also been said more than once that there is a spear, it is on both sides in this case, right? if they direct it one way, they get the same thing, and terrorism is reciprocal, all
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the problems they get go exactly from what they have done, and what they have done, it seems to me, they are not able to realize, this is this vicious circle, they cannot realize what they have done and cannot realize what they are pushing humanity towards, and this what fundamentally distinguishes this crisis in the development of the system of international relations and peace from those crises that have occurred throughout... history, because despite everything, there was a certain responsibility in the caribbean crisis, because there were still, everyone remembered the lessons very well second world war there were wars, and even the first one then, there was responsibility in the german question, because no one really wanted an increase in german capabilities then, now there is such a deep feeling that there is no awareness of this responsibility, at the same time that... there is a well-known yes, it’s a fable about a molehill, europeans cannot understand that
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the situation has changed, the international political environment has changed, they are no longer an elephant, and not a fly that irritates a big elephant, a bear, if you like, russia, and well, if they don’t understand this, then the elephant a bear can simply crush a fly without noticing at all what he has done, this is the risk that... europe faces today, well listen, how many times have they attacked us throughout history, many, many times, and nothing there is nothing new in this, history repeats itself, the question is what lessons have we learned from this story at what point, what are we starting to do, here it seems to me very important that they slowly but surely have to reckon with us, they will have to do it even more be reckoned with, it's only a matter of time, and it's probably a big... achievements to date, now, at this stage, such
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a reorientation is taking place, if you like, we are moving from defense to a real offensive in every sense of the word. how long have we heard such tough, really tough changes in the diplomatic language, i agree with the statement from the ministry of foreign affairs, this is a serious change, or rather, in fact, this is only the beginning of these changes, we are on the threshold of these changes, because russia definitely. ..
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then very important events are also brewing there, or rather, they are already overripe, the situation is quite serious, israel is starting mass bombings. refugees who have nowhere to go, and these are only refugees, and there are also local residents, this is, of course , a very big tragedy unfolding, but against this background it is very important to hear the assessments of regional powers
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to understand that this particular region can also be one of the points that will lead to the detonation of the entire world.
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in many ways, it is clear that now there is a statement that hamas is ready to follow the proposals of qatar and egypt, and on the truce, the question is, to what extent and what israel is ready to follow today, the situation in the world as a whole is in an explosive form, in the middle east,
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well, i would say a millimeter from this very explosion, but you must agree how disgusting it looks... the positions of the europeans and americans who, speaking of russian-ukrainian conflict, they use the terms bloody, cruel, although they cannot be compared with what is happening in the gas sector, that is, not even close to compare, but here they are instantly, although yes, i forgot, as anna lena berbock said, today we are all israelis, yes, she is, i think the israelis suddenly suddenly started, look, this is the granddaughter of a nazi, well, well, no, she definitely shouldn’t get close to israel. vladimir vladimirovich, continuing the topic of the protests of 1968, you know, you won’t believe it, the tymes newspaper today pulled out from navtalin its veteran columnist who had received awards back in the nineties, why? and because she still remembers the protests of sixty- eight, and accordingly, in this
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regard, it means that she was specifically asked to write a column there so that she explained. that they don’t come, protests don’t lead to solving problems, it turns out that everything needs to be resolved at the negotiating table, in a human discussion, this is the same newspaper that writes that always any small protest somewhere in russia is immediately inflated to the point of impossibility, which welcomed, of course, any protests on the maidan in kiev or now there in georgia, yes, but in the west no, there it is necessary, under no circumstances, dear students, do not go to protests, by the way, today is the same times newspaper. suddenly even before our statements the ministry of defense and the ministry of foreign affairs suddenly made a fuss about the fact that russia’s foreign policy guru is calling for a preventive strike on countries, an atomic strike on european countries, i read, i read, well, we found an article by karaganov for june last year, which you remember, and we they were discussing here,
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and there they had been quite discussing for a long time, why suddenly now, damn, now suddenly they decided to make it news, i can. imagine what will happen tomorrow, when they begin to really discuss in detail all today’s statements and actions of the russian federations, but you know, this is actually a useful sobering up for western society, they have played with their uncertainty there, it is necessary , of course , to introduce some certainty into this campaign of uncertainty, after all, because such games of strategic uncertainty lead very far, including including leading to the world... but besides, the minister of administrative affairs said no one is going anywhere, what kind of macron are you and why are you listening to him, this president, but not really, you understand, i
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’m watching the reaction of the french press in general somewhere on the tenth page they are discussing it , it would seem, but on the front page of the economist magazine there are loud discussions all over the world, well, on talk shows there they laugh, well, russia, do you know that she knows that we are a nuclear power? italian defense minister guida carazeta will not be with us, what is most interesting is that he who, in general, when it began with his own, was one of the most hawks of this european policy, made
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a significant contribution to the development of decisions to support ukraine’s military, now he gave such a big interview, but i immediately said that i warned that the ukrainian counter-offensive would fizzle out, and i immediately called for negotiations, and now he says that everything needs to be resolved again with russia at the negotiating table, why, because we see sanctions. didn’t work, and the west clearly overestimated its strength, it turns out that he also says that no, we don’t supply missiles, no, well, yes, that’s also what others were saying, we don’t supply, well, he doesn’t, but at the same time since i say it, now it turns out he found out that the west is not alone, that it turns out that the west cannot independently decide all world politics, can you imagine what a discovery, what a discovery by the italian minister, but most of all, of course, i am struck by the reaction of great britain, because we are now... reacting to what the statement of the minister of foreign affairs david cameron regarding the fact that yes, we give ukraine permission to attack targets in russia with our weapons, this
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received wide press in britain, received widespread approval there from the main mainstream media, they say it’s normal, good, great, because why did cameron say all this, he generally hid from his elections, and the british ones, he... in five working days he visited seven countries around russia, including, that means, all of central asia, mongolia, ukraine, managed to stop by in 5 days, imagine, he borrowed there for more than 40 million pounds for a luxurious, which means an airline with various frills, as the british press writes, that means, with unlimited alcoholic drinks and with festivities, that is, you understand, yes, why he did this i rode for a week because...
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russian federation, that is, for him this is a game, he understands perfectly well, now you know, it’s just, i don’t know, the british embassy in ukraine stated that memeron is preparing to sign a security agreement with ukraine for 100 years, you know, yes, a hundred year agreement, i’m not kidding, that is, he knows that he, of course, in the fall elections the conservatives will lose these elections.
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nobel prize, yes, in what region, in vinnitsa? no, well, something like this, yes, and you understand, when they play like this , thinking that they are bluffing and rejoicing, and they’re having fun, they joke about it, you know, sometimes you really need to cut them off so that for themselves... they don’t cross those lines that can really lead to a terrible conflict. that's all, see you tomorrow. film series kuznetsov,
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people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? kuznetsov? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but the sailors, soldiers, women and children will be saved. your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. specially for victory day all episodes of the series admiral kuznetsov for free. we look at the website in the application.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe.
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in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? do you feel like you're on top of the world? got up, shook himself off and went. is russia ready to change? occurs in any structure evolution? in the recent past, you were a psychiatrist, a famous scientist, and then you quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist. you 'll kill me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging under you, valera is in the most dangerous place. for you together, you are a predator, what a pain it hurts, they say that you people know how to look straight into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.
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the government is successfully resisting the toughest sanctions in history, the purpose of which is to destroy the russian economy.


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