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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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how this day is remembered in history, we’ll tell you right now, hello, exactly 200 years ago, on may 7... 824 in vienna, at
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the ukorinthian gate theater, beethoven’s last symphony, the ninth, was performed for the first time. it is unusual in that at the end the author inserted part of schiller’s poem, odok joy, performed by soloists and choir. this was the first time that a world-class composer used his voice in a symphony. beethoven wrote it over two years. i accepted an order from the london philharmonic society because i was in dire need of funds. was sick by the time the premiere was completely deaf, so he gave up the conductor’s seat to the kapellmeister and didn’t even hear the applause, but the audience enthusiastically accepted the symphony, many cried, now the fourth voice part of the symphony of joy is used as the anthem of the european union.
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on may 7, 1895, alexander popov presented the world's first radio receiver, it was in st. petersburg at a meeting of the russian physicochemical society. conducting his experiments and studying the achievements of other physicists, popov designed a device capable of distinguishing signals by duration and created the first radio communication system that... could transmit signals in morse code. the scheme he proposed has become classic. the first generation radio communication devices were based on it. at the same time as popov , other scientists were conducting experiments with electromagnetic waves. italian guglielma marconi, serbian nikola tesla, briton oliver lotsch and more. therefore, popov's primacy is often disputed in other countries. in the soviet union in russia, in honor of the first demonstration of popov's device, may 7 is traditional. radio day is celebrated. may 7
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1945 the allies signed the act of surrender of germany without the ussr. essentially, it was an attempt to plead the role of the soviet union in defeating the enemy. the first act of surrender was signed in reims at 2:41 am on may 7th. there is also a signature from the ussr there, it was put by the representative of the supreme high command headquarters under the allied command, major general ivan. but he did this at his own peril and risk. before signing, i asked for permission from moscow, but by the time it was necessary to sign, i had not yet received instructions, immediately after the order came, and stalin forbade it. the soviet leader was outraged; the western allies played a leading role in this signing. he refused to recognize the act of surrender and demanded a new signing in berlin, which was taken by the red army. not wanting to quarrel with the ussr, the allies.
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agreed, the second signing ceremony took place on the night of may 8–9 in karlshorst on the outskirts of berlin. this time , marshal of victory georgy zhukov accepted the unconditional surrender of the germans from the soviet side. the texts of both capitulations are almost identical. time the ceasefire they all indicate is the same. may 8 at 23:00 1 minute central european time. in moscow it was one hour and one minute in the morning on may 9. but. in soviet historiography, it is customary to consider the capitulation in berlin to be the main one, in reims - preliminary, but in the west, in fact, the only main one is considered to be the capitulation in reims, and what happened in berlin is simply its ratification. on may 7 , 1999, the americans bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade during the nato operation against yugoslavia, during the fighting in the center of europe, which... is called the allied
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power. it was a very strange incident. the diplomatic mission building was destroyed in 2345 by a guided missile. three chinese citizens were killed. in theory. could well have taken retaliatory measures, but beijing and washington agreed that the united states would pay $28 million to the chinese authorities and another 4.5 million to the relatives of the dead chinese and the wounded. nato claimed that the target of the bombing was the building of the serbian supply department, which was engaged in the export and import of weapons. nearby. the alliance stated that they were simply using slightly outdated maps, but later in...
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and then they spread this fear. history is a battlefield. let's call a spade a spade .
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the parliamentary hour is on air, hello,
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we’ll tell you about the work of the state duma for the week right now, overtime work is cheaper than regular work, i was told that this is just not a part-time job, payments for overtime will now be calculated differently, we accepted. let's answer the question in the story: is it your calling? working with the class is not only work inside the school, but outside the walls of the schools, because you need to be in touch with them 24x7, teachers need to be paid extra, students need to be given another chance to pass the unified state exam. special emphasis of the message on increasing the role of fundamental disciplines. how is the system changing? housing should be more affordable, let's make sure that a person does not end up in kobala, when he has to work all his life for a mortgage, an attractive family mortgage has been extended under the state program, the rate is almost 7.5%
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, a down payment has been made, a new financial instrument, a housing savings deposit. the bank that forms such a deposit will be obliged to provide a mortgage loan, what other measures are ready? the state duma, as well as about the laws that came into force in may, the work of deputies in the regions, changes in education, the protection of labor rights, about this and more, see our program. already this year, overtime work will begin to be paid fairly, in september due to the law on the new rules for her remuneration, now hours above the norm are paid based on only one component of the employee’s salary, that is... tariff rates or salary. not for them no compensation will be awarded. alexander shavirin learned how the situation will change after the law comes into force, what overtime work generally means and how russian legislation protects the rights of employees who are willing to work more. sofia worked
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shifts at a flower shop. the 2x2 schedule and fixed salary were stipulated in the employment contract. as is usually the case, sometimes we had to take other people’s shifts and replace them. but for some reason the payment for additional working days turned out to be even less than for the main ones. the rate was 2.0 rubles. per shift, but later, when i took additional shifts, for some reason they paid me. a shift was charged for 1,000 rubles. at first i didn’t ask any unnecessary questions at all, but then i just went up to the manager and actually asked: why 1.0 rub. per shift, if we initially agreed that 2,000 would be per shift from nine to nine. in the end they told me that this is just not a part-time job. yes, according to the law, for the first 2 hours of overtime, payment is made no less than one and a half times the rate, then no less than double. but in fact overtime the work often turns out to be even cheaper than usual, that’s all. the fact is that, according to current standards, payments for overtime work can be calculated based on the official salary, only the state duma eliminated
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this injustice. we have adopted amendments to the labor code, and these are additional fair amendments that protect the rights of our citizens, our workers. for their overtime work, they must receive fair remuneration, fair pay. parliamentarians changed the very formula for calculating payment for overtime work. besides compensation and incentive payments must be taken into account in relation to the official salary. the reason for adjusting the legislation was the decision of the constitutional court. today, the main reason for this state of affairs is precisely the fact that base or official salaries are low, absolutely low. almost everywhere the situation is exactly the same, which is what is being said. it is precisely this that provokes the fact that the constitutional court was forced to ensure that not only the basic part of the salary, but... there are also incentive compensation payments. otherwise, the current regulations remain in force.
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overtime work provides monetary compensation or additional rest. its implementation, as a rule, requires the written consent of the employee. however , pregnant women and persons under 18 years of age cannot be involved in such work. if an irregular working day is stipulated by the contract, the employee may be required to work outside the established time without additional payment of consent. in this case compensate for the time. the employee is required to take additional days of paid leave, that is, there must be some kind of compensation in any case; if there is none, this is a reason to contact the labor inspectorate and prove that there was overtime work; today it is not difficult, says financial consultant tatyana volkova. labor relations are always the worst conflict for an employer, because firstly, how to prove it , either through testimony, or through photo-video filming, recording, that is, today there are means to prove everything. file a complaint or with the labor inspectorate if it is no longer possible to reach an agreement. during the discussion of the initiative
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, deputies asked questions to the relevant ministry. maxim topilin proposed revising the restrictions on overtime work. today the norm is no more than 120 hours per year. when it comes to increasing defense orders, employers are faced with a shortage of labor resources. how does the ministry feel about even thinking about somehow taking a modern look at...
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lesson work signed by the president comes into force at the beginning of autumn. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, nikita kharazkin, maxim koul, duma tv. parliamentary hour. a law has come into force that will make the targeted training procedure more transparent. now all applications for it will become public. vladimir putin touched upon the topic of education when addressing the federal assembly. graduates should have another chance when passing the unified state exam. teachers need to be paid extra, what changes have already taken place in the system. my colleague, maria, will tell you what is coming burkova. this young girl is most often
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approached by anastasia nikolaevna, she is a teacher and class teacher of high school students. she loves her work very much, but at the same time feels great responsibility for her students. working with a class is not only work within the school. but outside the walls of schools, because you need to be in touch with them 24x7, there are problems of all different kinds about the fact that i won’t come to school today because i’m sick enough to let go. me please, after the sixth lesson, and this is constant work, this is constant contact with students, with their parents, anastasia works in a rural school in the oryol region, here the teachers’ salaries are small, so additional payment for class management, good help for a young teacher, cash increases in the area in the amount of 5,000, and for large schools this may be some kind , well
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, let it be, such an insignificant monetary increase, in seisky schools, seisky districts... districts, this is a fairly normal amount for life in general, as if for a teacher, educator. surcharge for classroom management in small towns doubled, from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. the same increase is for group curators in colleges and technical schools. vladimir putin announced this decision in his message to the federal assembly: the development of education, support for teachers, students, students, the president paid special attention to in his speech. thank you so much for. your selfless work is to ensure that the guys feel like a single team, find support in life, the role of mentors is great, from september 1 , 2024, i propose to introduce a federal payment 5.00 rubles per month for all advisors to directors of education in schools and colleges, and what did not exist before, a special
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emphasis of the message on increasing the role. fundamental disciplines, educational standards and programs should form general civic values ​​and a professional way of thinking that would allow graduates not only to be in demand in the current labor market, but also to adapt to our hyper-dynamic world. and there are changes in higher education; on may 1 , a law came into force that makes the target procedure learning more transparent. in particular, all applications. it will be of a public nature, each applicant will be able to find information about support measures during the training period, as well as the employer with whom an employment contract will then be concluded. for the first time, we are bringing to the public, open platform apply online, and work in russia, the proposals of employers for those professions that will be in demand in russia in the near
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future. this is an opportunity to make a meaningful choice of profession and ensure that control. university admission figures will be correlate with the real needs of the regions and the economy. the task is for centers of science and education to develop throughout the country,” the president noted. thus, there are plans to build 40 student campuses by 2030. this project is not only about the construction of modern infrastructure for students and teachers, deputies note. this is a project about a new educational program. about new projects of scientific and technological development of the russian federation. in this regard , we are currently considering the possibility of enshrining in legislation the concept of a campus to describe the goals, tasks of their creation, this is a very large program, and we expect that by the fall the next stage of the competition for the construction of campuses will be announced, we hope that this will help many students, especially from
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rural areas, solve their problems with housing, we also hope that this will attract more people. more foreign students to our universities. about 400 billion rubles from the federal budget will be allocated for the project. the campuses will have all the conditions for students, graduate students, teachers and young families could learn to work and raise children. what is typical and very important is that the money will be allocated as follows. about 45% is the federal budget, 45% is not budgets, it means money from private investors, etc. the exam needs to be improved to give this year the opportunity to retake one of the subjects. a new schedule for passing the unified state exam has been released,
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which, starting this year, provides for the opportunity for school graduates to retake one of the unified state exam subjects of their choice in accordance with... the president, repeated attempts for schoolchildren will be admitted to universities until the end of the admission process so that they have time to submit all documents for admission, taking into account the results of the retake. the students support the decision. eleventh grader vadim borisov is actively preparing for the upcoming exams. in addition to the required subjects, you will have to take physics and specialized mathematics. the graduate calls himself a hereditary electrician. interest in technical specialties in his family is passed down through generations. having learned about the opportunity to retake one announced exam. they are very worried, but realizing that they can come to retake a second time, well, there is less worry, they can pass with a better result. according to the old rules, retaking in the year of the exam
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was allowed only in two compulsory subjects: russian language and mathematics. now you can retake additional ones, for example, literature, social studies or physics. it is reported that the reserve days for retaking this year will be july 4 and 5. maria burkova, alexander laktionov, anna melikyan, lana tyan, elena bogdan. alexey chabburkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. deputies continue to work in the regions of bashkartastan and chuvashia, lpr and dpr, krasnodar territory, volgograd and leningrad regions, moscow. yana dobrovolskaya will tell you what questions voters asked this week. deputies besultan khamzaev, adalbizh khagoshev and deputy speaker of the state duma shalbanka raol worked for several days in new territories in the special operation zone. parliamentarians inspected the branch of the medical hospital under construction and
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handed over humanitarian aid, including quadcopters, to the military personnel. besides, the deputies held a working meeting with the command of the fifty-fifth brigade and awarded the heroes. congratulations, well done! beisultan khamzaev also met with the participants of the northern military district in chuvashia and visited the regional branch of the fatherland defenders foundation. there, in the region, the deputy held a reception for citizens, presented letters of gratitude to the most distinguished social activists and collected proposals for the implementation of anti-alcohol policy. the head of the region supported the parliament's initiative.
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in bashkiria , state duma deputy from the ldpr faction ivan sukharev met with his voters. most of the complaints from residents of the republic are related to the violation of public order and peace. of course, this is a violation of the law, we will look into it, write requests to the relevant authorities, and we will ensure that the situation, of course, changes, because the protection of rights has legitimate interests. this is a priority for ldpr deputies. deputy alexey volotskov held
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a visiting meeting in the krasnoslobodskaya volgograd region. an important issue for the city is the reconstruction of the embankment. today this favorite vacation spot for city residents requires repair. together with the head of the region , voters and entrepreneurs discussed an improvement project that should meet all the needs of residents. the task is to here. everyone who is nearby here understood this, and thus each of them attracted their clients, their people according to their target, so to speak, entrepreneurial profile, at the same time there was such a general line where people could come to them it was comfortable here. the deputy noted that he would fully support and promote this an important project, including for participation in the federal competition of the ministry of construction. one of the mechanisms. attracting additional funds for the improvement of public spaces. deputies from the new people organized
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an all-russian zoo cleanup. more than 3,000 people in 46 regions of the country took part in the action. faction leader alexey nechaev helped a shelter for homeless cats and dogs in moscow berilevo. here they cleaned the area, repaired and painted enclosures, purchased food and veterinary drugs. this is walking with dogs. with their communication with cats, it turns out, is the most important thing that their stomachs lack, such socialization of human attention, because these are still domestic animals, at least someone has dressed them, they really need a person, vice speaker of the state duma from new people vladislav davankov , visited the st. petersburg shelter, faithful friend. we have already made this such a good tradition, we will continue. together with our activists, with our youth, come to help the shelter, now is the last few years, unfortunately, we see many cases of how animals
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are contacted. deputy chairman of the state duma committee on ecology georgy orapov, together with volunteers, held an action in the safari park in gelendzhik, where lions, tigers and elephants are kept. we are here to look at the experience of animal rehabilitation, animals come here that either have already worked in circuses, or that were with nulliparous mistresses, or from illegal zoos, here they undergo rehabilitation, this year the rehabilitation center turns 20 years old, they brought a lot toys, useful things for local residents. deputies from the faction new people proposed making the fourth of october animal protection day. the corresponding bill has been sent for review to
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the government of the russian federation. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin live broadcast today at 11:40 moscow time on the russia channel.
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your brother is there in donbass, in short, you need to go there. call sign passenger, i’m not a fighter, i
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came for my brother, i have to find him.
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