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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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the parliamentary hour is on the air, and we continue: financial support for the responsibility of a tour operator in the field of outbound tourism will now amount to at least 25 million rubles. previously, it was possible to insure for at least 10 million. the measure that came into force in may guarantees compliance with the obligation. the list
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of persons who cannot involve debt collectors in debt collection is expanding; previously these were managers and resource supply organizations, owners' associations, and housing cooperatives. the list will now be expanded to include social housing landlords. the fact is that we still protect the housing rights of citizens, here.
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position, my phone number ended up in the database of some collection agency, i woke up, had lunch, went to bed, all this with calls from collectors. supplements for pensions, pilots and miners will recalculate these payments due to them due to harmful, dangerous , intense, difficult working conditions. by law, the amount of payments is adjusted four times a year: february 1, may, august and november. the pension supplement is individual for everyone, it depends on the average monthly earnings. and length of service work. the fixed pension payment is also increased for those elderly people who celebrated their eightieth birthday in april. also , russians who have received the first group of disability can count on increased pensions. the additional payment is established only on one of two grounds, but in both cases its amount is 100% of the fixed payment towards the pension. now it is a little more than 800 rubles. children with orphan diseases will be able to get medicine faster. they change.
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the fate of the missing was established only on january 1 last year out of 28 thousand about 27% of missing citizens. in accordance with the document, close relatives of missing citizens are proposed to be included in the list of persons subject to mandatory state genomic registration. government agencies will receive and process biological materials from parents, children, and full brothers and sisters. our planes,
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which deliver cargo and passengers to the station at the north pole, will have the right to cross the russian border without going through border, customs and other types of control. this will help the research work arctic. the adoption of this draft federal law will increase the efficiency of russian drifting research expeditions in the arctic arctic ocean. the law will help restore river ports. the privatization of objects that are in unsatisfactory condition is simplified. the initial sale price of such an object is 1 ruble. the purchase and sale agreement must establish a deadline for putting it in order. within 5 years. if this condition is not met, the contract will be terminated. real estate and it is now much easier to formalize the equipment of the territory of rapid socio-economic development. a law that supports these zones comes into force. previously, a management company, on the basis of ownership
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or lease, could only transfer land plots of a building, but often these buildings contain movable property, for example, equipment in which residents are interested. and just... for another 6 years, the corresponding order of the president must be executed by the cabinet of ministers before june 1. the program originally ended this year. but it became so popular that a decision was made to extend it. and to make the process of buying a home more comfortable, the state duma is proposing a new financial instrument,
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a housing savings deposit. maria burkova found out how to solve the housing problem now. in 2015, ibrahim became a father and started thinking about a new apartment. family programs. mortgage under the family mortgage program, since the rate is lower, no, you need to bear the costs of life insurance. a family mortgage allows you to buy an apartment at a rate of up to 6%. so far the program is valid until july 1 of this year, but
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those who currently do not have time to take advantage of the benefit will have the opportunity to purchase housing on favorable terms. vladimir putin, in his address to the federal assembly, instructed to extend the program until 2030. countries to raise the volume of preferential family mortgages to 12 million rubles. on behalf of the president, he also plans to extend until 2030 the opportunity for large families to receive 450 thousand rubles to pay off their mortgage.
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as vyacheslav volodin reported, the bill has been submitted to parliament, the initiative will be discussed at the next meeting of the state duma council, then in will be considered as a matter of priority at the plenary meeting. elena, mom. two schoolchildren, thinks about the future of the children, is already planning to buy them their own home, but so far there is not enough money for the down payment,” says the muscovite. for such situations , the state duma proposes a new financial instrument - a housing savings deposit. the bill on it was adopted by deputies in the first reading. a housing certificate is money that you and i are saving, we will save, but this money can only be spent on housing, on mortgage, for primary. mortgage payment for the purchase of housing, for the purchase of part of the housing, perhaps some conditions regarding repairs in the new housing will be spelled out there. the main idea of ​​the bill is that citizens can form a special contribution for future housing on favorable terms and not worry about their safety. such
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savings will be insured for up to 10 million rubles. for comparison, on a regular bank deposit, the maximum insurance is 1,400,000. the bank that forms such a deposit will be obliged to provide a mortgage loan to the citizen after he has saved up the amount for the down payment. if a bank offers, well, let’s say, not the most favorable conditions, to its depositor, then he will have the opportunity to move to another bank, if another bank offers more favorable conditions, the banks will be interested in having such deposits placed in their structures, so i i think that banks will also compete, offer some more preferential conditions, either interest rates on deposits, or interest rates on the mortgage itself, it turns out that every person will have the opportunity to save for housing. on favorable terms and guarantee the bank’s approval of the mortgage, this cannot but please me,
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since the price of real estate in our time is only growing, and i will definitely take advantage of this, this opportunity, but the housing issue is not resolved by a single mortgage, during the report of the head of the central bank in the state duma vyacheslav volodin drew attention to the rising cost of square meters and suggested that deputies unite the bank of russia and the government. they began to build more housing, but it increased in price, therefore, our task today, together with the central bank, the ministry of finance, and the government, is to do everything to ensure that housing is affordable for citizens. let's think through these issues and make sure that a person has the opportunity to purchase housing through a preferential, regular mortgage, but does not get it. to kabalu, when he has to work all his life for a mortgage, paying it off
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over many years, this will be a continuation of systematic legislative work to improve the living conditions of citizens, deputies note: we are always on this agenda, we have enough there are many specific decisions that directly affect this, but many indirect ones, because in general, living conditions are not only our apartment, but also what... around our apartments, in our entrance, in our house, yes in general in our city. over the past 3 years , 110 laws have been adopted aimed at developing the construction complex of our country. the deputies do not plan to stop there; there is work ahead on problems that require legislative solutions in this area and will soon be the subject of consideration at the okhotny ryad meeting. maria burkova, sergey gordeev, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan, alekseevich burkov, duma tv, parliamentary hour. april 30th marked 40 days since the crucus city hall tragedy.
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the bloody terrorist attack claimed 145 lives and injured another 551 people. together with all concerned russians , state duma deputies honored the memory of the victims. parliamentarians laid flowers at the people's memorial near the burnt concert hall. people still continue to bring flowers, candles and soft toys to this place. a terrible tragedy, of course.
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emphasized that terrorism is the most a terrible crime, and the faster the objectives of the special military operation are achieved, the safer the country will be. our strength lies in unity and interethnic harmony, the parliamentarian added. let everyone know that we will stop at nothing, we will find and destroy terrorists. together with the enemies of our country, the fascists and all sorts of scum, living abroad overseas, therefore we remember and will never forget. the leader of the ldpr faction, leonid slutsky, is confident that a special military operation is our last in human history. opposition to the nazi regime in ukraine, which organized this terrorist attack. we are victorious, we will win sooner than anyone expects, and none... of those who ordered and carried out this
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monstrous terrorist act will go unpunished, everyone will suffer the most severe punishment. first deputy head of the united russia faction dmitry vyatkin noted that the state duma, together with law enforcement officers, is developing new measures to ensure security during mass cultural sports. in particular, additional it is proposed to vest the internal affairs bodies with powers to combat illegal migration. these measures are absolutely not discriminatory in nature. anyone from any nationality who live on the territory of our country, these measures are designed to restore order, as well as help our law enforcement agencies prevent this kind of terrorist attacks. in his message, the russian president outlined another serious task:
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to equalize the salaries of teachers, doctors and other public sector employees across the country. according to may decrees, this work... is paid based on the average monthly salary in the subject, in the end it turns out that from region to region for the same work people receive different amounts, the president has ordered to restore justice in a pilot mode to implement a new payment model starting next year. the chairman of the relevant state duma committee, yaroslav nilov, told us in an interview about how the work on the order is progressing. as for alignment, the question immediately arises: in some regions on...
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and some regions in order to fulfill those same may presidential decrees, they go to various lengths in individual organizations so that the income corresponds to the same average indicators, they go to work at two rates, and accordingly the indicators seem to be achieved, but in reality the teacher works for two, that’s also wrong, so we will closely monitor the right that the government has today, in implementing it, they will have to prepare the necessary documents in the near future together with the labor committee as a whole with other committees and with the parliament as a whole will have to discuss all this, in pilot mode this issue has already been determined in terms of when it will be launched, accordingly we are preparing for the twenty-fifth year, everything that is required from the state
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duma, from the labor committee, we are ready to quickly do , the state duma is systematically working to protect labor rights; a single parent, well, most often a single mother, less often a single father or a single guardian, is given a protective measure and thus prescribes labor legislation so that before the child reaches it was impossible to dismiss a sixteen-year-old at the initiative of the employer; today this is the current norm of labor legislation, the issue is related to the payment
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of overtime; also, as part of the implementation of the decision of the constitutional court , changes were adopted. and now a fairer approach has already been enshrined in the labor code, the spring session, it will continue for several months, we have a decent number of bills to consider, we are working on wheels, we are at the forefront, any arise uh, there are gaps, roughness in the field of law enforcement and prompt changes are required, so we do this promptly, understanding that behind every small amendment there are a huge number of our citizens. and in continuation of the theme of labor in honor of the first of may , rallies, processions and ceremonial events were held throughout the country. more than 5,000 people took part in the may day march at vdnkh in moscow. the demonstration was held under the motto may labor krud. the action brought together representatives of student groups, labor veterans, major russian employers, students, athletes and
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young families. 10 thematic columns demonstrated the results of human labor in the 20th and 21st centuries. trade unions and representatives of political parties set the tone. denis kravchenko, first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on economic policy, congratulated the participants of the event. peace, work, may, that’s what our parents and grandmothers said. they were the ones who raised virgin soil 65 years ago. it was they who began the construction of a great construction project, the construction project of the century, 50 years ago. dear friends, today. like many years ago, we are faced with the task of achieving technological sovereignty, making new discoveries, introducing new discoveries, and most importantly - to be more effective, for deputies of the communist faction, to take an active part in the celebration of spring labor day - a good tradition, a rally dedicated to
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international workers' day was held in the center of the capital in the format of a meeting of communist party deputies with voters. i am confident that that unique soviet experience, the experience of our party of people’s patriotic forces will be in demand country, and for this we once again learn from may 1st. the day of solidarity at the holiday of the great victory, which we will celebrate in the near future, with this we will definitely win again, long live solidarity, long live our future victories, cheers, comrades, happy holiday, for us may 1 is, of course, a bow to those who carried out the struggle , the first may day rally in defense of the interests of working people. for us, may 1 is an outstanding holiday of the soviet people who demonstrated their will to win in the interests of human labor. creative groups,
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children's choreographic groups, students, famous singers and musicians, as well as treats for the guests were prepared by the faction. the leader of the liberal democrats leonid slutsky and state duma deputies spoke at the rally-concert. everyone who is with us, everyone who supports. workers, those who work tirelessly for the country. let's be closer to each other. today we are extremely consolidated, more than ever. ldpr, a party that supports people, supports workers. for our great future, for russia, for victory. in astrakhan the road to one of the oldest buildings in the region, the green mosque, was put in order. this place has always attracted a large number of believers, but travel was significantly
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difficult due to the lack of a road. a local resident approached state duma deputy renat ayupov with a request to rectify the situation. the issue was resolved promptly. for details, see our section “parliamentary control”. it would definitely not be possible to drive here, there were a lot of puddles, there were potholes, the street had no asphalt, it had never been here , the road to the green mosque of astrakhan, which is almost 200 years old, has always been a site with obstacles, with shoe covers or bags on their feet, local residents in bad weather here got to the stop with the hope of rectifying the situation , a voter contacted state duma deputy renat ayupov and work promptly began within. literally in 2-3 days the asphalt surface and asphalt crumbs were delivered, and we, the administration , provided the equipment, leveled it, about 100
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tons, five cars on asphalt crumbs were delivered, the local residents themselves did not notice how they were involved in the process, i didn’t do it myself i was expecting it right, well, somehow it turned out like this, the residents really helped everything when the tractor started leveling everything here. the residents themselves began to go out and level everything there with shovels, well, in general, everything was amicable and everyone seemed happy, the repairs were completed in time for the main muslim holiday of eid al-fitr . after 2 weeks, renat ayupov came to find out how the asphalt was used. at a meeting with a deputy, astrakhan residents raised issues that were no less troubling than the lack of roads near the mosque. we talked to the residents, but of course the residents gave us new ones requests, but that's our job. we will continue to work, the road is done, here the deputy’s request was completely 100%.
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the parliamentarian has already addressed the issues raised. parliamentary hour. in the parliamentary control section we show how deputies solve the problems of voters. this can be done by mail or through the official website. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour program. see you live.
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so colorful, bright, interesting, the jokes and humor are breathtaking, everything is very
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cool. love, romance, right now, yes, i’m about to cry, it’s tears, it’s just world class, but it’s very cool, i’m proud, it was something, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. there is a russian special military operation in the kherson direction.


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