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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. in the kherson direction, a special military operation of the russian t-72 destroyed a field ammunition depot and a control center for drones of the ukrainian armed forces. a t-80 tank near the border of the belgorod region. destroyed an enemy stronghold.
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our su-25 attack aircraft also struck enemy military targets. open burning was eliminated in seven snt in the bratsk district of the irkutsk region. a state of emergency was declared there. almost two hundred outbuildings and houses were damaged by fire. two people died and four more were injured. preliminary cause of emergency - fell dry grass. five people were killed and several more were injured as a result of idf strikes on rafah. it is reported that israeli tanks broke through the border gas fence and began a ground offensive to the south of the city. a new investigation into booing corporation has been launched in the united states. according to american media reports, company employees could skip aircraft checks and falsify readings. few hours remain until the inauguration ceremony of the russian president. as the press secretary of the head of state previously reported, it will pass. already
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according to the established protocol, first the standard bearers carry the russian tricolor and the presidential standard, then the constitution and the presidential sign are placed on the podium. closer to noon , the elected head of state arrives accompanied by a motorcade; after a report from the kremlin commandant, he climbs the main staircase and walks through the antechamber along the rows of guests. at the end of the oath, the patriotic praise of mikhail glinka sounds. the ceremony will be shown live. without fail, these are members of the government, representatives of the state duma and federation council, presidential administration, heads of the country's main religions, judges of the constitutional court, diplomats. guests from abroad have been in the capital for several days. so the day before, the head of cuba, miguel dis canel, went to moscow. his delegation is also expected to take part in a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council and in events marking victory day.
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and now about the progress of a special military operation in ukraine, tula paratroopers and artillerymen struck at a firing point of the armed forces of ukraine in the northern direction. in these frames the abolition of defense, the fulfillment of a combat mission by one of the crews of the mstab gun during the counter-battery fight, our military destroyed, including a western-made self-propelled howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces. the fire was adjusted using an unmanned aerial vehicle, and its camera recorded an accurate hit. yeah, it works with high-explosive fragmentation shells, high-precision ammunition, that is, it performs various tasks to destroy enemy fortifications, equipment, manpower, in general, we can destroy any target. we are working mainly against enemy infantry, at strong points, at dugouts, we are working in the northern direction. we help our
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assault groups advance, but the enemy runs, we force them to run, they run under our onslaught, under our dense fire. in the kharkov region, saboteurs of the ukrainian armed forces were killed; they tried to turn one of the crowded houses into a firing point, but the militants were noticed by reconnaissance, and the crew of the t-80 bv tank struck them. and our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you about the combat work of the tankers. sorokaton. tank the t-80 hid in the forest belt. the gun's stool is pointed towards the ukrainian border. together with the reconnaissance crews, the combat crew hunts for enemy military equipment by drone operators of the armed forces of ukraine. militants daily attack populated areas of the belgorod region. the combat vehicle is on duty around the clock on the line of combat contact. she's well camouflaged. mask network was used, branches were used. the tank crew is ready to strike at the positions of ukrainian militants at any moment. fighter.
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target coordinates are received. to kharkov region saboteurs arrived. they occupied houses in abandoned gardens. the scouts tracked the enemy for several days. once the target has been confirmed, the commanders give the order to neutralize the target. the tank crews open fire, hit the enemy position from a camouflaged firing position, fire is carried out over a long distance along an overhead trajectory, for the enemy the strike came as a complete surprise, the t-80 fires up to nine high-explosive fragmentation shells per minute. they arrived, they left, you can see how they move between apartments, between houses, giving rides ammunition, well, it’s immediately noticeable where.
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populated areas, in cities, and from i believe that they are hitting the villages, due to our own powerlessness, it would be better if we destroy, let’s say, even one unit of those. we will damage, destroy, and so on, as well as a strong point, because this could be tens or hundreds of our people saved, our lives. after working on the target, the crew goes into the forest belt and changes their location. this is necessary so that the enemy cannot track the tank. a powerful turbocharged engine allows the combat vehicle to quickly move over rough terrain. the use of tanks in units of the state border covering group helps effectively. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, vesti belgorod region. in the khabarovsk territory, five natural fires with an area of ​​about 10,000 hectares were extinguished in one day, and now there are still 11 active fires in the region. let's ask
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my colleague anna kolchuk about the situation; she is in direct contact with us. anna, i greet you, tell us where the situation is most difficult now, is there a threat to populated areas and residents? tatiana. greetings, fortunately, nothing threatens populated areas now, as soon as the fire comes close, and these are mostly fires that have burned down, but it and these outbreaks are localized very quickly, the situation remains tense for a week now, but nevertheless, you said that that the fires have been extinguished, indeed the ministry of forestry notes that the situation is gradually leveling out, this is very important, but nevertheless, in the khabarovsk territory , an emergency regime is in effect in the regional forests, it is now in effect on federal territory, in protected areas, so in the anyui national park there are two days extinguished fires, there was a difficult situation in the bologna nature reserve, the situation is very complicated, of course, because of the weather, it is dry, the gusts of wind are very strong and the area of ​​​​spread, the fire area is spreading very quickly, but nevertheless, according to
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the latest information in the reserves in some places, all fires have now been localized, well, as you already noted, 11 fires in taiga are now left to burn, more than 300 people work there, which - most fires arise due to human fault, now the focus is on patrolling forest fund, and let me remind you that during the emergency regime it is prohibited to be in the forest. let's listen to comments on this matter. we have patrolling, which means that the may holidays are all
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over our territory from april 27th, which means - except that on may 1st we have introduced a regional emergency situation in the forests. here we have joint patrols of our forest rangers, employees of the ministry of emergency situations, law enforcement officers, they are working hard, which means they are carrying out explanatory work, and of course, everyone reminds that that there are fines if you do not comply with the fire safety regulations, and during the emergency regime, fines increased to 2 million rubles. and of course, if the forest is burned out, then criminal liability may arise, but we feel close. fires, now the wind has changed and we can breathe a little better in khavarovsk, but the day before the city was shrouded in smoke. that's all i have for now, tatyana, you have the floor. anna, thank you, anna kalchuk told how the khabarovsk territory fights natural fires. and the sverdlovsk region is recovering
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from a heavy snowfall. so in dektyarsk there are still interruptions in heating and water. the state of emergency there has been extended, schools are doing distance learning, and kindergartens are closed. and it was covered with snow again, but today the forecast is expected to be +8, the snow cover will begin to melt. now telegram channels are smolensk, there was an extinguishment there that night. a large fire, a brick production workshop caught fire, the fire engulfed thousands of square meters, and the roof partially collapsed. the regional emergency situations ministry reported that the fire has now been completely eliminated. and now it's time for economic news. maria ministry of finance offers to support the business of the orenburg and belgorod regions, a very timely measure, tell me, how? tatyana, thanks to tax deferments, i’ll tell you the details now. the ministry of finance proposes to introduce tax breaks for businesses that suffered from floods in the orenburg region.
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we are talking about a 12-month deferment for the payment of certain taxes and insurance premiums. entrepreneurs whose income from the sale of goods, work, and services decreased by more than 30% during the emergency regime in 2024 can count on support. we are talking about taxes, payments and insurance premiums, payment deadlines. which begin on april 1 of the current year. entrepreneurs affected by ukrainian shelling and terrorist attacks in the belgorod region should receive similar support measures. the deferment in this case will apply to legal relations that arose from january 1 of this year, the ministry of finance clarified. the share of russian gas in austria's supply at the end of march was 93%, as reported by local media. let me remind you that in december the figure broke all records and reached 90.8%. omfa is engaged in supplies; the country's ministry of energy believes that the company
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should abandon russian raw materials. but she says that first a regulatory framework must be created for this. in march , the austrian government announced plans to completely phase out our natural gas by the year twenty-seven. during the visit of chairman kanrtsiya jinping to france , the parties signed 18 agreements. they affect interaction in the aviation industry and agriculture. china has lifted all restrictions on industrial products, we will further develop access to all markets, especially in the areas of telecommunications and healthcare. we are increasing investments in both directions and want favorable conditions for trade. well, in addition, china promised that for now it will not impose duties on french cognac, but will first wait for
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the results of the anti-dumping investigation. in paris, they received this news with gratitude and expressed hope for a favorable outcome. we want fair competition with legal rules that operate on the basis reciprocity. i am confident that through dialogue we will be able to find a compromise on the issues of taxes and support mechanisms. i thank president xi for his openness in his position. on the issue of french cognac, we want to develop access to chinese markets in the segments of agriculture, aircraft manufacturing, cosmetics and finance, and we also welcome joint investments in the development of high technologies in france. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rate for today, the dollar is 91 rubles 31 kopecks. euro 98.47. and that's all i have for now.
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warning to russia about the start of preparations for exercises that will include training in the use of non-strategic. nuclear weapons have caused nato countries to worry. so the authorities of european countries and the united states made statements literally on the verge of hysteria. as usual, he accused moscow of some kind of escalation of the ukrainian conflict. at the same time, journalists from leading publications immediately noted that in its reaction the west exposed a major problem. but which one, anton dadykin will tell you about it. warning to russia about conducting exercises to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear weapons should cool the hottest one. heads in western capitals. the west, of course, cannot admit that the current us policy of the european union
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can lead to direct armed confrontation with moscow, because then their citizens will not understand. therefore, officials rushed to calm everyone down. here is the statement from the us state department. we see no reason to adjust our own nuclear posture in response to these statements, nor any indication that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in ukraine. minister italy's defense also hastened to declare a beckon. there is nothing unusual in russia. this is an exercise that russia has conducted dozens of times in previous years. at such moments, we take the news and try to make it more significant than it is. does not help improve the situation because we risk increasing nervousness and provoking disproportionate reactions. such reports should be limited to the meaning they had in earlier, calmer years. however, moscow’s warning clearly reached its intended recipients. the head of mit italy addressed attention to the statement of the russian ministry of defense that the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces are associated with
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provocations by threats of individual western officials. antonio tajani noted: we will send not a single italian soldier there, we will help ukraine defend itself, but we are not because it is one thing to help ukraine with weapons, and another thing to fight with russia, and we are not at war with russia. the president of france, the same emmanuel macron, hastened to emphasize the same thing, whose statement about the possibility of sending troops of the fifth republic and became one of the reasons for the russian exercises.
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ukraine on russian territory using british weapons, any british military facilities and equipment, including outside ukraine, could be attacked in response. therefore, for example, the guardian newspaper limited itself to an extremely careful retelling of moscow’s statements. the warning from russia even reached the warsaw russophobes. poland is not preparing and will not send polish troops to ukraine. we will help ukraine by training ukrainian soldiers here country, supplies. equipment while participating in coalitions to help ukraine, berlin clearly remembers the power of russian weapons, this is how the german chancellor commented on the situation on social networks. with russia's announced nuclear exercises, it is again important to make clear that nuclear weapons should not be used in this war. scholz himself went to the balts to cheer them up, and visited the location of the german contingent
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in lithuania. on camera, he rode in an armored vehicle and promised that there would be 3,500 soldiers. china refuses to listen to europe's criticism of his friendship with russia, the new york times writes about this. during a two-day visit to france, china strongly condemned criticism of his country for its close relations with moscow. he said that beijing is, quote, against this crisis being used to tarnish the image of a particular state, as the publication notes. according to journalists, these harsh remarks by the head of the prc were primarily addressed to washington, because the us authorities not only criticize china for purchasing a huge amount of russian energy, but also china is accused of providing
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military assistance in a special operation in moscow. and this is yet another attempt by european politicians to drag beijing to their side, it seems. failed, as american journalists state, and now there is footage from dublin, protest rallies are not abating there, thousands of irish are marching through the streets and burning fires, tired of the endless flow of migrants, they are calling on the authorities to tighten legislation, local authorities say that they are afraid to go out even during the day, and now a short advertisement, then we’ll talk about how our... fighters are smashing nato equipment in the avdeevka direction. well, credit card debts are accruing interest, they are accruing, you need help, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the help, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay off, make purchases or
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cyrisit grout glue together. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, and do it. russian attack aircraft from the battalion avalanche 132 everything happened north of avdeevka, in a short time russian troops liberated a number
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of settlements in the avdeevka direction and an important role in the capture of these settlements was played by soldiers of the 132 gorlovka brigade, which received its name for the heroic defense of the city, now wars are liberating donbass. these shots were published by the vargonza project. approaching enemy vehicle. any words the rpg hit the target over and over again, but even after two hits the enemy’s armored personnel carrier remained on the move. nine vsushnikov jumped into the open troop compartment one after another, but lovina’s grenade launcher, without
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exaggeration, struck a third time with sniper precision, and this blow made it impossible for the m113 to escape. more! the crew crawled to turn the armored vehicle around, then the fourth arrival, the surviving militants tried offer resistance, but a machine gunner began to work on them, coordinated actions, realizing that there might still be militants inside, one of avalanche’s attack aircraft got close to the armored personnel carrier to finish the job, stand back and throw a grenade.
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the actions of the attack aircraft on the scene are led by the battalion commander with the call sign astap; it is reported that his people were killed several days ago in one day.
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centuries, they have been carefully preparing for combat at training grounds, and this preparation is bearing fruit, they continue to move forward, liberating their land, donbass, from the militants of the kiev regime of nato, often american equipment with nazi crosses on the sides. atomized rifles and groups of western troops destroyed the fortified area of ​​militants in the kupinsky direction in a special military operation.
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the enemy position was shot from... from retaliatory strikes from drones into the combat vehicle and the fighters are protected by the so-called barbecue metal superstructure around the tower, a report by our military correspondent alexander katzsuba. our infantry fighting vehicle slowly takes up a firing position under the canopies trees. the crew of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards tank army of the west group of forces operates as covertly as possible . twin cannon, caliber 100 mm and 30 mm, we are now preparing to strike the fortified area of ​​the ukrainian neo-nazis, who are in close proximity. the operator of our reconnaissance drone is coordinating the strike; the enemy is in a nearby forest belt. we hit the enemy, along a hinged trajectory, with each salvo of a hundred-millimeter bmw cannon. three right on target,
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the shells fall very closely, in some moment the cover group notices an enemy strike drone, we urgently need to change position, i see, i see, we are getting out of the attack to pre -prepared lines, unmanned flying parades, in general, they are the most difficult task, they are used a lot, so yes, yes, a lot, komikat are flying in, yeah. the only thing that practically saves you is this barbecue. a metal structure with a mesh around the turret of a combat vehicle, which is called a brazier here, is the most effective means of protection against enemy birds. when an attack drone explodes , the armor remains intact. movements from firing line to firing line at maximum speed - this is one of the elements of defense against cabikat drones for the enemy, which the enemy uses
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very much here on this section of the front. a lot, just a few minutes to prepare, our infantry needs fire support and a new blow, oh good, a good hit, you can go there too, in this square there is a machine gun point of the ukrainian armed forces, the militants are hitting so hard that you can’t raise your heads, the crew of our bmp-3 contributed everything adjustments, there, there he ran, where else, took the coordinates of the target, aimed, copters helped us, respectively. they took aim in a few shots and completely suppressed the machine-gun nest, but this is an important object, yes, of course, this point interferes with the advancement of our infantry, so of course it was very important to suppress it, the combat mission is completed, the assault units of the western troops group are moving forward. alexander kattzuba, alexander malyshev, lead, kupinskoe direction.
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