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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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two people died, four were injured, dozens of people were left homeless , in the irkutsk region the fire engulfed eight snt and spread to the outskirts of the city, the situation in the region?
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we will tell you about the possible causes of fires in the issue. the field warehouse for the ukrainian armed forces' drone control center was destroyed. our tankers are destroying the ukrainian armed forces on the border with the belgorod region. let's show footage from the front line. russia's warning to begin preparations for exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons has caused a stir in the west. what scared nato so much? and the problems were revealed. the firemen marching through the streets are not going to disperse. thousands of irish people rallied against the endless flow of migrants. why are dublin residents afraid to go out into the streets even during the day? few
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hours remain until the ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia; it will take place according to the established protocol. the standard bearers carry the russian tricolor and the standard of the head of state, then the constitution and the president's insignia are placed on the podium. at the end of the oath, the patriotic glory of mikhail glinka sounds. the ceremony will be shown live air. among those present are members of the government, representatives of the state duma and the federation council, and the presidential administration.
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in the kharkov region, saboteurs in the ssu were destroyed, they tried to turn one of the requested houses into a firing point, but the militants were noticed by reconnaissance, and the crew of the t-80 bv tank struck them, our correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell about the combat work of the tank crews. the forty-ton t-80 tank is hiding in a forest belt, the gun barrel is pointed towards the ukrainian border, together with the scouts, the combat crew is hunting for operators of enemy military equipment.
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every day they attack populated areas of the belgorod region. the combat vehicle is on duty around the clock on the line of combat contact, it is well camouflaged, used by masxi. branches are used, the tank crew is ready to strike at the positions of ukrainian militants at any moment. the soldiers receive the coordinates of the target ; saboteurs arrived in the kharkov region and occupied houses in an abandoned garden. the scouts tracked the enemy for several days, after the target was confirmed, the commanders gave the order neutralize the enemy. the tank crews open fire on the combat crew and hit the positions of the ukrainian armed forces from a camouflaged firing position. fired over a long distance along an overhead trajectory, the strike came as a complete surprise to the enemy; the t-80 fires up to nine high-explosive fragmentation shells per minute. the militants, they arrived, they left, you can see how they move between apartments, between houses, bringing up ammunition, well, it’s immediately noticeable where
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the military man is, now there are such reconnaissance means that you can see right up to chevron, drone operators are adjusting the fire, all tangists and scouts have great combat. in our life, after working on a target, the crew goes into the forest belt and changes its location, this is necessary so that the enemy cannot track the tank. a powerful turbocharged engine allows the combat vehicle to quickly move over rough terrain; the use of tanks in units of the state border covering group helps to effectively fight
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ukrainian militants. igor pikhanov, mikhail vitkin, conduct the belgorod region. and now we are transported to the irkutsk region, there liquidated. open burning in eight snt in the bratsk region. the fire destroyed about 200 buildings and left almost 50 people homeless. and correspondent daniil shershen gets in touch with us. daniil, i greet you again, tell me, has everything been extinguished, was there information about the victims earlier, is it known in what condition they are? hello. not yet, anyone about the fire. we are now with the film crew in one of the affected snt, and there is still smoke and a pungent smell of curry and obviously the temperatures here were high, for example, what happened to the banks, they melted into a single
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whole, burst, and this happened to absolutely everything here, for example, what happened to one of the old houses, there was nothing left of it, by the way, me. .. in general, this is what was on this site, a dacha, a house, what is it? this is a summer cottage, there was a house, a bathhouse, two rooms. four guys, everything burned down, so in general - you ’ve been here for some time, maybe you found something, something that can be saved? i found only my tool, two, three shovels, i played everything, in general,
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so share your feelings about how you felt at the time of the fire, where you were and how you found out that everything was on fire, at the time of the fire i was at work, there was no opportunity, as it were. i was in the city, i was in shock, and accordingly, now i am still in shock, it’s a pity, but how is your wife feeling? daniil, thank you, it was daniir shershini, he spoke about the fires in the irkutsk region, and now the sverdlovsk region, it is recovering from a heavy snowfall in dektyarsk, there is still an interruption in heating and water, the state of emergency has been extended there. schools on distance learning, kindergartens are closed. the day before, the region was again covered with snow, but today, according to the forecast, it is expected that +8 snow cover will begin to melt. the may snowfall also reached the capital. cyclone gulla brought winter weather to moscow.
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frosts, sleet and draft are expected in the coming days. the air temperature will be about 4° below normal. and this. footage from the usa: real winter has also returned to the state of nevada and, which is not at all typical in california, americans publish videos like this, it’s pouring outside snow on the roads drifting. briefly about the main thing. in the kherson direction, a special military operation of the russian t-72 destroyed a field ammunition depot and a drone control center of the ukrainian armed forces. near the border of the belgorod region, a t-80 tank destroyed an enemy stronghold. our su-25 attack aircraft also struck enemy military targets. open burning was eliminated with all snt. in the brassky district of the irkutsk region, a state of emergency was declared there, almost two hundred public buildings and
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dozens of houses were destroyed by fire, two people died, four more were injured, preliminary cause emergency - dry grass fell, five people were killed, several more were injured as a result of idf attacks on rafah, it is reported that israeli tanks broke through the border gas fence and began a ground offensive to the south of the city. a new investigation has been launched in the united states. according to american media, company employees could have skipped aircraft checks and falsified reports. and now let's talk about economics. maria ministry of finance proposes to support business in the orenburg and belgorod regions. tell us how you plan to do this. tatyana, due to tax deferrals, i'll tell you the details now. the ministry of finance proposes to introduce tax breaks for businesses that were damaged by the flood. orenburg region. we are talking about a 12-month deferment for the payment of certain taxes and
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insurance premiums. entrepreneurs whose income from the sale of goods, work, and services decreased by more than 30% during the emergency regime in 2024 can count on support. we are talking about taxes, payments and insurance premiums, the payment deadlines for which begin on april 1 of the current year. similar support measures. get entrepreneurs who were affected by ukrainian shelling and terrorist attacks in the belgorod region, the deferment in this case will apply to legal relations that arose from january 1 of this year, the ministry of finance clarified. in april, russia compensated for the volumes of fuel output that fell due to the march shutdowns of oil refineries. as reported by the tas ministry of energy , it was possible to ensure the domestic market , including by reducing exports and increasing sales standards on the stock exchange. according to. the country increased its stats from april 22 to april 28 gasoline production by 4.5% compared to
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the previous week, received more than 800,000 tons. diesel production over the same period exceeded 1,600,000 tons, which is almost 4% more than the previous week. the share of russian gas in austria's supply at the end of march was 93%, as reported by local media. let me remind you that in december the figure broke all records and reached 98%. omfa is engaged in supplies in the country's ministry of energy; she believes that the company should abandon russian raw materials, but she says that first a regulatory framework must be created for this base. in march, the austrian government announced plans to completely phase out our natural gas by 2027. during the visit of chinese president sidinping to france, the parties signed 18 agreements. they affect interaction in the aviation industry, agriculture, and green energy.
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and at the end of the issue, i will remind you that the exchange rate for today is 91 rubles, 31 kopecks. euro 98.47. and that's all i have for now.
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again the frame of telegram channels is the usa. a tornado hit the state of oklahoma, killing two people; the region was also covered by a strong rain and lightning, a large number of downed trees are reported, and there are also many on the roads. car wrecks. russia does not threaten anyone, but is ready to use all means to protect its sovereignty and territories. this is how our ambassador to the united states anatoly antonov commented on the upcoming exercises, which will include training in the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. this news has already caused quite a stir in
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nato. and anton dadykin will tell you in detail the reaction of the united states to its allies. russia about holding exercises to test the readiness of non-strategic nuclear weapons should cool the hottest heads in western capitals. the west, of course, cannot admit that the current policy of the united states and the european union can lead to direct armed confrontation with moscow, because then their citizens will not understand. therefore, officials rushed to calm everyone down. here is the statement from the us state department. we see no reason to adjust our own nuclear posture in response to these statements, nor any indication that russia is preparing use nuclear weapons in ukraine. the italian defense minister also hastened to say that there is nothing unusual in russia’s maneuvers. this is an exercise that russia has conducted dozens of times in previous years. at such moments, we take the news and try to make it more significant than it is. this does not help improve the situation, because we risk increasing nervousness and provoking
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a disproportionate reaction. such messages should be limited to the meaning they previously had. quieter years. however, moscow’s warning is clear reached the recipients. the head of the italian foreign ministry drew attention to statements by the russian ministry of defense that the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces are associated with provocations by threats of individual western officials. antonio tajani noted: yes, rome supplies ukraine with weapons, but in no case does it want to fight with russia. we will help ukraine defend itself, but we will not send a single italian soldier there.
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we are not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people, we have no desire to change power in moscow. wherein the british press clearly does not yet know how to comment on the summons of the ambassador of the united kingdom to the russian foreign ministry and the stern warning to london that in response to ukrainian strikes on russian territory using british weapons, any british military facilities and equipment, including outside ukraine , may be attacked in return. therefore, for example, the guardian newspaper limited itself to an extremely careful retelling of moscow’s statements. the warning from russia even reached the warsaw russophobes. poland is not preparing and will not send polish army to ukraine, we will help ukraine by training ukrainian soldiers in our country, supplying equipment, participating in coalitions to help ukraine. but berlin clearly
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remembers the power of russian weapons. this is how the german chancellor commented on the situation on social networks. with russia's announced nuclear exercises, it is again important to make clear that nuclear weapons should not be used in this war. scholz himself went to the balts to cheer them up. visited the location of the german contingent in lithuania. got a ride in an armored car for the cameras promised that 35,000 bundeswehr soldiers, if anything happens, are ready to cover the baltic countries. he just kept silent about the fact that another reinforcement of nato troops near the russian borders could provoke further escalation. anton dadykin, news! screaming and burning fires: thousands of people took to the streets of dublin. they demand to stop the endless flow of visitors from the middle east and africa and call on the authorities to tighten immigration laws,
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chanting in ireland and the united kingdom , a place where christianity is practiced. number of crimes. just the other day , a naked man was detained on the streets of dublin, waving a knife and threatening passersby, as they write in the newspapers. local residents say that they are afraid to go out even during the day, but local authorities have only increased the quota for newcomers, who are placed even on school grounds. i am here for my children, for my grandchildren, for our people, culture, traditions and the catholic religion, and yes, i do not want my country... to turn into a stronghold of radical movements. and now about sizempina’s visit to france. head of kapr and macron advocated a peaceful solution to iran's nuclear problem. at the same time, during a two-day visit to france, the chinese leader made it clear that he refuses to listen to european objections regarding beijing’s friendship with russia. the new york times notes that xidin ping strongly condemned
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criticism of his country for its close relationship with moscow during the ukrainian conflict. and he stated that china opposes, quote: against this crisis being used to tarnish the image of a particular state. according to journalists, these drastic substitutions the heads of the people's republic of china were primarily addressed to washington. the trial against donald trump in new york has become as chaotic as possible. the former us president believes that the prosecutor's office is deliberately delaying the trial of the forgery of financial documents of his company. the reason for the investigation was the publication of the wall street journal. it stated a month before the victory in the elections in 1616, a lawyer.
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to meet a girl who, after beating, stole money. the detention is not related to espionage or politics, tas reported. representative office of mit russia in vladivostok,
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this is everyday crime. quote. and now let's talk about sports. alexander zenit returned to first place in the russian championship. tell us how it happened, just yesterday there was dynamo. tatyana, good morning, three rounds before the end of the championship, zenit now has 51 points. at krasnodar and dynamo. 50 each. so, three rounds before the end of the championship, st. petersburg zenit returned to first place in the rpl standings, but , sorry, it was not possible to beat the torch from the team of sergei fakel to sergei semak the day before. in the end in the first half , zenit captain douglos santos opened the scoring in the match. he headed in a beautiful cross from claudinho. in the eighty- eighth minute, claudinho himself scored the second goal, but after a video review, this goal was canceled. partner claudinho wendel was found to be in an offside position. which influenced the game episode. the outcome of the match occurred in added time. zenit defender norala alip played in his penalty area with his hand. the penalty was converted by evgeniy markov. at
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that time, the twelfth added was already in progress minute. 1:1. zenit lost points in voronezh, but topped the standings. zenit now has 51 points, dynamo and krasnodar have 50 each. in other matches on monday, ural won an important strong-willed victory over baltika in the fight for survival. lokomotiv beat. rostov and cska lost points in the home game with rubin. cska is already only eighth in the standings. in the vtb united league, kazan unics started the semi-final series against lokomotiv- kuban with a victory. let me remind you that these same teams played in the final series last season. unix yesterday dominated most of the match on the floor, the biggest advantage of kazantsev reached 18 points. this was at the beginning of the third quarter, after andrei varantsevich scored five points in a row. krasnodar residents are lagging behind. almost won back, 32 seconds before the final siren, unix's advantage was reduced to just two points. the game moved into the stage of tactical penalties, where the kazan team showed
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100% execution, retained the victory and uyunix took the first match of the series. 78-75. in the popular racing series nascar recorded the tightest finish in history. this happened during the race at the twelfth stage of the nascar championship, which took place in kansas. the photo finish determined that the car. the winner's car was separated by just 1 second from the second-place driver. the russian national hockey team format russia 25 beat the belarusian national team with a score of 4:0. the game took place in omsk. my colleague danilo makhalin will talk about the big russia 25 tour in may. surprisingly, but true, the russian national hockey team has never played a match in omsk in its history. in a city with big hockey traditions, where. residents treat this sport with special reverence, so it is not without reason that a new arena appeared here 2 years ago, meeting all modern requirements, one of the best. he
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sincerely believes that this is the best arena not only in russia, but in the world, and it seems to me that there is no reason not to believe his words, when i played for the soviet union national team and came to canada, so we came to such a holiday, and today this holiday is celebrated in many cities, it’s great that such beautiful palaces are built in our cities, no worse than where, maybe even better than in america, in canada, it’s very cool, because we love. russian fans could not help but reciprocate the opportunity to see the national team play in person, the tickets quickly sold out and it was a full house, even if it was a friendly but historic match, the best arena, we are rooting for our team, ours will definitely win only russia, only forward, the arena is alive especially the fan, everyone is screaming, everyone is supporting, this is the bomb, this is
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the world arena and... thinks, i think, impressive, absolutely, yes, goosebumps, in the lineup the russian national team traditionally included many players from st. petersburg ska, including two-time gagarin cup champion sergei tolchinsky and olympic silver medalist arseniy gritsuk, who spent most of his career in omsk, perhaps thanks to this he managed to score two goals at once. i owe this city a lot, because i found a wife here, i’ll probably say that, and a lot. acquaintances, relatives, loved ones already live here, happy to be home, play in their home arena and also score two goals, of course i wanted do a trick so that the fans remember it, one more goal each for zakhar bardakov and maxim sorkin, 4:0, a confident victory of the russian team over the belarus team, even our expectations were met, this is a game, because the fans were so sick, so i was at many games at the world championships, the youth world champions
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would be in canada. i was in the usa, in finland i was at the world championships, in toronto, yes, where the best players in the world played, there was the best atmosphere today, this can be said absolutely accurately and honestly. right after after the match in omsk, our national team goes to tula, and a little later from there to minsk to play two more control matches against the belarusian team as part of the big may tour. so far, in three matches, not a single goal has been conceded and the overall score is 11:0. daniil mokhalin, igor dolinsky, alexander stalmashevsky, lead omsk. solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of the russian federation
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vladimir. vladimirovich putin. live stream. today at 11:40 moscow time on the russia channel. so colorful bright, interesting. breathtaking. jokes, humor, everything is very cool. well, for example, aliens will arrive. such a rich film, these sounds, this whole look, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would n’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, in general we were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, that right
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now, i’m going to cry right now, this is crazy, this just world-class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years from now.


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