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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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two people died, four were injured, dozens of people were left homeless ; in the irkutsk region, the fire engulfed eight snt and spread. to the outskirts of the city, we will tell you about the situation in the region and possible causes of the fire in the issue. the field warehouse for the ukrainian armed forces' drone control center was destroyed. our tank crews are crushing militants on the border with the belgorod region. let's show footage from the front line. russia's warning to begin preparations for exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons has caused a stir back. although nato was so scared and
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what problems did it reveal? they march through the streets, burn fires and have no intention of leaving, thousands of irish people rallied against the endless flow of migrants, why are dublin residents afraid to go out even during the day? and only a few hours remain until the ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia; it will take place according to the established protocol. standard bearers carry the russian tricolor and the standard of the head of state. the constitution and the president's insignia are then placed on the podium. at the end of the words of the oath, a patriotic glory to mikhail glinka. the ceremony will be shown live. among those present are members of the cabinet of ministers, representatives of the state duma and the federation council, the presidential administration, the main religions of the country, as well as judges.
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frontiers have been arriving in the capital for several days, among them members of the government, the constitutional court and diplomats, guests, deputies, and the diplomatic corps. according to reuters , representatives from france, slovakia and hungary will take part in the inauguration ceremony of the russian president. also venezuelan president nicolas maduro publicly expressed support for vladimir putin before taking office. and now to the irkutsk region, where firefighters extinguished open fires in gardening communities. in the bratsk region, flames destroyed about 200 buildings, including 13 residential buildings in the neighboring town of vikhrevka. two local residents died, leaving almost 50 people homeless. and our correspondent, daniil shershn, has all the details. fire crews in the bratsk region fought the fire almost all night, and this fight continues today. they spill with water what is already extinguished, this is necessary so that the flame does not flare up.
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the local residents themselves also took an active part in saving all the victims and saving property; they organized a dispute over first aid supplies. in addition, the administration has organized reception points. and the may one reached moscow. the waterfall and winter
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weather were brought to the capital by cyclone gulla. frosts, sleet and rain are expected in the coming days, and it's time to take out your warm clothes. the air temperature will be about 4° below normal. and now about the progress special military operation. the motorized rifles of the west group of troops destroyed the fortified area of ​​the militants in the kupinsky direction. the enemy position was shot at by the bmp-3 crew from a 100-mm cannon. from retaliatory strikes from drones to a combat vehicle. our infantry fighting vehicle slowly takes up a firing position under the treetops . the crew of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards tank army of the western forces group operates as secretly as possible. automatic twin cannon, caliber 100 mm and 30. we are now preparing to strike
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fortified area of ​​ukrainian neo-nazis, who are in close proximity. the operator of our reconnaissance drone is coordinating the strike. the enemy is in the neighboring forest belt, we hit the enemy along a hinged trajectory, each salvo of the 100-millimeter bmw3 cannon is right on target. the shells fall very closely. at some point, the cover group notices an enemy attack drone; they urgently need to change their position. i see, i see, we are getting out from under. strikes on pre- prepared lines, unmanned flying parades, in general, they are the most difficult tasks, they use a lot, yes, yes, a lot, the komikat fly in, uh-huh, the only thing that practically saves is this barbecue, a metal structure with a mesh around the turret of a combat
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vehicle, which is called a barbecue here, the most effective means of protection from enemy birds, in the event of an explosion of an attack drone, armor remains intact, movement from the firing line. the crew of our bmp-3 made all the adjustments, there, there they ran, they also took the coordinates of the target there, they aimed, the copters helped us, and accordingly, they took aim in a few shots were completely suppressed by the machine gun nest, but this is an important object, yes,
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of course, this point interferes with the advancement of our infantry, so of course it was very important to suppress, the combat mission was completed, the assault units of the western group of troops are moving forward, alexander katsu, alexander malyshev, lead the kupinsky direction. and in primurye, a us serviceman was detained on suspicion of theft. this was confirmed by the press service of the court. and, as the media write, the american came to russia from south korea. they claim that it is there several years ago, the detainee began a relationship with a russian citizen. he came to her after the completion of the service. there are joint photos on social networks. true, then the relationship apparently began to crack. familiar couples say. that a guest from abroad stole money, alcohol, according to some sources, even beat a girl, he is in custody until july. there have been no official comments from the russian side yet, and a us army spokesman said that buzdeb provides all necessary consular support. china and france
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signed 18 agreements in various fields from agriculture to green development. in addition, before may 10, the head of the people's republic of china plans to visit serbia. and hungary. we will learn about the prospects for cooperation between china and european countries from maria grigorieva. maria, i welcome you, tell us how actively france is now investing in the chinese economy as a whole? tatyana, greetings, investments have already reached 30 billion euros. now i’ll tell you everything. europe hopes to renew relations with china. chinese president xiding ping is making his first visit to the eu in almost 5 years. controversy has accumulated over this time. quite a lot, which is clearly visible from the trade imbalance, it exceeds $200 billion. at the end of last year, china supplied the european union with more than 500 billion worth of goods, but purchased only 282 billion there. for comparison , there is no such imbalance in trade with russia, 111 billion versus 129 billion, and our exports exceed
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imports. despite how big the eu's partner is for china, china has a very important one. management, they try to diversify their risks to each of their partners; they allocate no more than 20% of their entire trade and turnover there, that is, in in any case, for them the european union is no more than 20%, and 20% is very easy to then reorient to other countries. despite the restrictions imposed by the european union every now and then, goods from china account for a fifth of all european imports. it is expected that by the end of the year , chinese companies could capture more than a quarter of the entire region's electric vehicle market. also under threat. eu investments in the production of batteries, because chinese ones are at least 20% cheaper. in this regard , brussels is ready to take protective measures, but beijing could respond by imposing duties on alcohol from europe, in particular on french cognac. but he is currently conducting an anti-dumping investigation, and has promised not to introduce restrictions until its completion.
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there are strong economic ties between the european union and china. our daily trade turnover of about 2.3 highlighted that the problem of overproduction in china does not exist either from the point of view of comparative advantage or from the point of view of global demand. the first stop on his european tour was france, its trade turnover with china is just under 80 billion dollars, for president emmanuel macron, this visit is a chance to redirect investment flows. moreover, germany, china’s key partner in europe, has decided to reduce its dependence on beijing. we want fair competition for.
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affects interaction in the aviation industry, agriculture, green economy and humanitarian sphere, but also implies cooperation of small medium-sized enterprises. china has lifted all restrictions on industrial products, and we will further develop access to all markets, especially in telecommunications and healthcare sectors. we are increasing investments in both directions and want favorable conditions for trade. experts are sure that the european union and china are unequal forces, the eu has
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a much higher dependence in this partnership, which means beijing will be able to get great benefits here. considering the kind of game china is playing, very careful and neutral, then everything will be in the interests of the chinese side to a greater extent. i would say that after all, china will push through its interests more than, for example, france or european union.
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now a short advertisement, then we will tell you about the new exhibition at the jewish museum and tolerance center. house click: find a property that's right for you. this is a click house, move to a new
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and in st. petersburg, two new passenger catamarans were launched. this is the excursion and pleasure boat bastion. it
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will run between forts in kronshtat and high-speed catamaran fort tatley. he will connect the center. in accordance with the instructions of the president of the russian federation putin, we are fulfilling the task of creating a wide range of civil courts, including, which is very important for our city, we have a large number of waterways, waterways and... tourists actively use the services of companies that transport passengers by water, two of them worked superbly last year at our most important event, including this fleet 2024, that’s what it’s called now holding a naval show, now here are three more ships - they will be ready by summer, a total of
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10 ships that will be transferred to neva travel, well done guys. the rear, from the very first steps, a wall of sacks from which soldiers were transported to the front, and the wounded in sand, monuments in cities were covered with such store windows, and the christ-like famous
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photograph of evgeniy khaldei moscow, october 25 street, june 22, 1941, it was important to show that jews participated on an equal basis with everyone else in all stages of the war from 41 to 45, we... do not specifically emphasize this topic, but when we talk about the war, we tell it through the eyes of those people who are represented in one way or another in our museum. masterpieces by baltermants, evzyrikhin, redkin, shaikhet, alpert, all of them come from the collection of alexander borodulin, the son of a famous photographer. here are photographs of evgeniy khaldei, one of the largest photojournalists of the great patriotic war, as well as terrible photographs that we cannot show on the screen. chaldea found them on liberated from... in our territories on december 10, 1941, a commission was created under academy of sciences, it was the most difficult year of the beginning of the war, but scientists understood that it was necessary to record
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the stories of front-line soldiers, not only documents would talk about battles, but also living stories about events, the group of scientists was headed by isaac izrailovich mints, the leader of soviet historical science, from an interview with the hero of the soviet union, major general yakov kreiser, about the battles in july 1941. none of the senior commanders controlled. i had to manage it myself, i was in borisov, and the army headquarters was in smolensk, there was no connection, audio in headphones, here you can hear letters from the front, for example, soul -tearing messages to relatives from elena dechman. this girl, like many, in fact, soldiers who wrote letters home, being wounded, mortally wounded, wrote a letter to her family in advance so that the family would not worry and the family. some news, she dated the letter may 18, 1945. having adopted the habit of the shooter, inkor hits the enemy like a bullet , line. the writers' company,
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a unit of the red army, moscow militias, there were mainly professional writers here. names included in literature textbooks - vasily grosman, immanul kazakevich, reuben freerman. there are sections at the exhibition dedicated to jews, military doctors, tank crews and tank designers. ragunsky, he was a career officer and began his war; his combat path began in 1941, already near moscow, in fact, at the time of the defense of moscow, he accomplished his first feats, and then he went through the entire battle path, was at the kurdish battle, and thanks to the actions of his tank brigade , the encirclement of berlin took place, in fact, in this way berlin found itself surrounded. it was his last military feat, and he became twice a hero of the soviet union. on victory day , the exhibition will be free to visit. zinaida kurbatova, pavel meir, victor kirzhanovsky. news. and now in the khabarovsk
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territory, the area of ​​forest fires there is decreasing. over the past 24 hours, it was possible to extinguish five more large outbreaks covering an area of ​​about 10,000 hectares. another 11 are active, and mostly hard-to-reach areas are burning. in such cases , all hope lies in aviation. reportage. anna kolchuk. the ministry of agriculture notes that the situation gradually levels out. it is very important. but nevertheless, in the khabarovsk territory , a state of emergency is in force in the forests; it is now in effect on federal territory, in protected areas, for example, in the anyui national park, fires were extinguished for two days. the situation was also difficult in the bologna nature reserve. the situation is complicated, of course, because of the weather, it is dry, the wind gusts are very strong and the fire area is spreading very quickly. but still, according to the latest information. all fires in protected areas have now been contained. eleven there are still fires in taiga that are about to burn, more than 300 people and three dozen equipment, including aviation, are working there, but in total
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the fire has already passed through more than 100 thousand hectares of the spring fund. the state of emergency allowed the region to attract additional forces, both from the federal reserve of buryatia and the amur region. more than 50 paratroopers were deployed to the region; they work in the most difficult and remote areas. successfully localized the fire there, they also said in mileskhod that most fires arise due to human fault, now the bet is on patrolling the forest fund, and of course, everyone reminds that there are fines if you do not comply with the fire safety regime, and during the emergency regime, fines increased to 2 million rubles. and of course, if the forest is burned out, then criminal liability may arise; it’s a little better to breathe in khabarovsk, but the day before the city was shrouded in smoke. anna kolchuk, roman matveev, lead khabarovsk.
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economy, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal about whether the russian industry to replace foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, stood up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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we look in the app or on the website, and now the first snow in may has fallen on the weather in moscow. earlier, the mayor of the capital, sergei sobyanin, said that due to cold weather in the capital , heat supply to residential buildings and social facilities is being resumed. and we’ll talk more about the weather with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. well, tell me, how long will the may snowfalls last? the cooling will intensify until may 9, on victory day the sun will begin to appear through the clouds, although it will still be cold, but the weather will very gradually begin to improve, but today and tomorrow there will be snow and rain with a north wind. snowfalls at 6:00 am were recorded by all the capital's weather stations, vdnkh, moscow state university, tushino, balchuk; charges of heavy snow at times reduced visibility to 2 km. the cloud base did not exceed 200.
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winter has also made itself known throughout the moscow region. some residents of the capital region decided not to miss out on this rare opportunity; photographs of may mini-snowmen appeared on social networks. it also powdered other regions of the european part of russia in the morning; the blue spots on the map are the snowfall zones this morning. precipitation turned to snow in the vladimir, nizhny novgorod, kirov regions and in all regions of the russian north. snowy and windy today. there was so much snow that many people took their children to kindergartens on snow scooters. cold air continues to grip central russia. tonight frosts were observed not only in the north and north-west of the european part of the country, but in the northern part of the central region and in the volga region, volgovyat region, arctic
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air. reached udmurtia, chuvashia and tatarstan. the powerful high-altitude cyclone, which circles over the barintsev sea, continues to throw new portions of cold, and small tropospheric vortices enhance this effect. a whole string of cyclones circles in the lower layer of the troposphere, the vortices shift from the southwest to the northeast as a result, each of them picks up a portion of the arctic cold and drags it into the middle latitudes. in the zone of greatest temperature contrasts, the weather is the most. unpleasant in the center of the country in the volga region , more than a third of the monthly precipitation may fall in just 24 hours; to the north of moscow there will be snow and rain during the day; to the south there will be rain in places with thunderstorms. and, of course, temperature contrasts are one of the reasons for strong winds. gusts over 15 m/s. today are likely throughout south-central russia, and the strongest gusts will be in the black earth region, here up to 2-25 m/s. in moscow now.


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