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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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was with us, thank you to her and her guest for this live inclusion, meanwhile , less than an hour remains before the start of the inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin as president of the russian federation. as we can see from the broadcast from the halls, we are constantly broadcasting a picture from the halls of the large kremlin palace, people have already gathered, guests, of which there are a lot. who today will become participants in this solemn event, a solemn event in fact, involved in this important event, again we are now transported to one of the halls, this time to the malachite hall of the large kremlin palace, where our colleague anton potkovenko continues to work. yes, anton, we give you the floor, we see that you are already with the guest. yes, colleagues, greetings, guests continue to gather here in the malachite faye before the ceremony.
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for two areas, this is ecology, environmental management and agriculture, in these two sectors specific development goals are outlined by the president, we must increase, if we talk about agriculture agroexport to increase agricultural production in order to fully comply with the indicators of the food security doctrine, if we talk about the environmental agenda, much attention was paid to this in the president’s message, several directions were outlined. the first is working with waste, developing a circular economy, the second direction is clean air, we must ensure a significant reduction in hazardous emissions into the atmosphere in cities. the third direction is cleaning our waterways, treatment plants must first be built in large cities in order to ensure wastewater treatment. another area is responsible environmental management, the conservation of our forest resources and the restoration of biodiversity. if we talk
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about the agricultural agenda and the environmental agenda, if you allow me, i would like to clarify that we just talked with evgeniy balevsky, in particular, yes, the zaporozhye region, the role of new regions, as discussed here, because there too a lot of work remains to be done, probably more than anywhere else, significantly, of course, a significant contribution to the development and economy of the four new russian regions is made by the development of the agro-industrial complex, because this is the main driver of the development of these territories, although of course the direction of subsoil use is also at one time... it was very well developed in these territories, now a lot of attention is also paid to this, so this is the future, how would you assess, in principle, the dynamics of development in those areas that are under your control? reporting, that is, how much is it developing? the assessment was given by the president, including yesterday at a meeting with the cabinet of ministers, and here i think, i will not be original, the assessment was given, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, colleagues, we continue to work in the little-hit hall of the large kremlin palace, there is still time left until the inauguration ceremony less and less time.
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it has arrived, we can already see how the hall is filled almost to capacity, representatives of legislators and various other countries have gathered there, who just a few minutes ago saw the governor arrive. in moscow andrey vorobyov, well, let’s now return to the malachite hall of the large kremlin palace, where our colleague anton potkovenko continues to work, we can’t live without anton, anton was with us a few minutes ago, now a new guest has already come to him, with whom he will talk, anton, we give you the floor, we see that denis manturov is next to you, you and your guest, and colleagues, yes, denis manturov is here, and accordingly we will now talk, of course about the prospects for industrial growth of our country. hello, hello, please share, first of all, what ’s on your mind right now, as they say, you came here today for the inauguration of the president, and if we talk about the industrial development of our country, what would you highlight, probably the most the main thing is what has already been done, and if we can talk about it now, a task for a new
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admin, maybe? the mood is joyful, this is a new milestone in our history, a new presidential cycle. into the national goals that the new cabinet of ministers will have to implement over the coming electoral period in 6 years, and the volume of funds and the budget that was announced by the president, now, without waiting for the new
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composition, the cabinet of ministers, the ministry of finance, departments, it is being worked out and will be provide. all those tasks that were delivered, but as for specific industries, first of all, in addition to the basic industries, industry.
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ahead from the point of view of the world level, and somewhere else, unfortunately, there is still something to work on to create growth development potential, so specialists are also trained by specialized universities, here we are working together with the ministry of education and, by the way, with the ministry of education, because that this is not only higher education, but also... including working professions, which are relevant and necessary for us today. you mentioned
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about working professions and about growth points, i can ask for a little more detail, maybe here are some other points that could be named, where we have success, and where maybe we need more young specialists, where development is most needed? well , you know, we have good potential in architecture, the creation of microelectronic chips and... those design centers that have been created there over the past 8 years, today they are the foundation for further growth in development, so this is our base, as for specialists directly production, this concerns not only the final production of chips, but also materials, raw materials, and special gases, which today...
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thank you, thank you very much for the detailed story. denis mantarov was with us today just in the malachite faye, here in the large korevlevsky palace, where we are awaiting the start of the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation. we continue to work. natalya, georgy. yes, anton, thank you. it was anton podkovenko, who continues to work in the large kremlin palace. well, the guests continue to gather. there is information that the current prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived a few minutes ago, let us remind you that after the president takes office, the government will relinquish its
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powers, today special attention is focused on this moment, because under the government, under the cabinet of ministers mikhail mishustin passed the coronavirus, operational decisions were also made as part of a special military operation, that is , a lot of attention was focused on this cabinet of ministers, the day before the president gave his assessment to what decisions the ministers made. government of the russian federation, also the patriarch of all russia, patriarch kirill, arrived at the large kremlin palace, and also many guests, we saw beglov,
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we feel, well, such a leader, who in scale corresponds to the scale of our country, well, i will allow myself a certain amount of optimism , and why? because i also have a reason for this, donbass is changing, donbass is changing and such changes are happening, even despite the fact that there are still shellings, despite the fact that there are still unsafe, changes for the better and is transformed, transformed not only in the visible part. i mean there are renovations of houses, where there is already an opportunity to begin such actions, the construction of new houses, it changes mentally for the better, because it can open up, open up, and you know, when you seem to know, you understand, but this no one needs it, it’s not valued, now everything
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is different, it’s different, now we can be proud of the loon again, now we can be proud of our greats again. leaders, who led our country to achievements at different stages, and of course, we can be proud of our participation and are present today, today at the solemn event, because we believe that we also have a reason for this, vladimir vladimirovich is the leader who leads our the country and this has been demonstrated over these previous 24 years to ensure that we respect ourselves first of all, and this, in turn , is encouraged. so that all other countries respect us, thank you very much, thank you big, denis bushilin was with us here today in the malachite faye and talked about how donbass is opening up in every sense, in the economic sense, in the mental sense. we continue to work, waiting for the start of the inauguration. yes, anton, we thank you and your guest, of course, the development of new regions of our country is a special priority
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for the policy of the new political cycle, yes, which we begin right today, right in these. these minutes we will not discuss for a long time the events that await us today, because a lot has been said about them, we are back let's return directly to the large kremlin palace, where almost all the guests have now gathered, there are literally less than an hour left before the start of the ceremony, andrei vorobyov, the governor of the moscow region, has just recently arrived, now he is ready to talk with our colleague anton potkovenko, anton, it’s impossible without you , yes, yes, yes, hello, good afternoon, hello, please share, uh, this is the atmosphere here in the malachite faye and in all the halls of the large kremlin palace, what do you see, what do you feel, what kind of energy is there? festive, united, and much of what we do today is tied to the legislative, executive powers, to our active, caring, famous people who are also
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present here, so we all consider ourselves one team, a team that... must produce results that justify trust, high trust that residents place in us. this is what the moscow region expects from the continuation of the country’s political course, what is most important, what are the main accents, because we know that this is one of the most dynamically developing regions countries. you know, we have major, serious presidential projects in healthcare, we are building ultra-modern clinics for adults in balashikha and children’s clinics in krasnogorsk. we are undergoing very active modernization. the demand for it is very high, and for each such program there is federal participation, there are guidelines along which we move, we really hope that everything we do will be on time. a person who lives in a particular city in the moscow region will feel it qualitatively and most importantly. we are in one of interview with you about digitalization, because this area affects
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a variety of industries, and both the social sphere and industry, of course, without it today, without smart technological solutions, it is impossible to manage large systems, therefore the digitalization of processes, the introduction of artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence is our priority, because efficiency, quality. in one area or another, ecology, for example, or education, it is many times higher, so we are certainly looking for smart solutions, we implement them, we work actively together with the federal ministry and of course with moscow. thank you, thank you very much, andreevich, thank you very much, it was andrey vorobyov, we talked about how the moscow region is developing , about the energy sector that is now here in the moscow kremlin, colleagues, and energy.
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getting ready to welcome the russian leader, this is one of those iconic parts of this presidential inauguration ceremony, it's snowing in moscow, these are the weather conditions. the inauguration is taking place today and let's return to the kremlin again, where we have the opportunity to communicate with the head of one of the new regions, namely vladimir salda, our colleague anton potkovenko communicates with him. anton, we give you the floor again. yes, colleagues, our marathon of guests today continues, i guess you can say so. vladimir vasilievich, hello. hello. what mood did you come in, what do you see here, who have you already talked to? and most importantly, what does the region expect, what does the region expect from the continuation of the political. the country's course, first of all about the mood, because here when even we drove up here and entered, the solemnity of the event, it is felt not
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only here on red square in moscow, it is felt everywhere, and of course this event that is happening now, this is the inauguration of the president, it emphasizes everything that began in twenty-second year for our region, because before that we had not felt this yet, now we see... that for 2 years under martial law, under the conditions of a special military operation, which is on our territory, its actions also they are going, the economic component is probably overcoming, and the main thing is that for us, the people of kherson, the people who live, who are now coming to the kherson region, they still see that peaceful life is taking over, so precisely our successes...
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that most of the world understood if the president of russia, vladimir putin, had not then made the decision to begin the liberation of our territory, which was the impetus for everything that is happening now, that is, the whole world now understands that russia - this is the flag for everyone, for freedom. thank you, thank you very much, vladimir vasilyevich, it was vladimir salda, we talked about how the kherson region is developing, about what is happening here in the malachite hall, i give the floor to my colleague.
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then we move confidently forward, russia becomes an undeniable center of gravity, the most important pole of international relations. our
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safety will be ensured by determination. political leadership to do everything for this, it is undeniable, there were enemies of russia, there will be, their problems, they suffer from internal uncertainty and these attempts to play on the fact that oh, we were invited, but we will not appear here, this is cheap, this is not serious, respectable people do not behave like this, however, we have long had no illusions regarding the manners of our opponents not left, this... as one literary hero said, pitiful and insignificant people, this is precisely about them, those who still came here today, i mean the ambassadors of foreign states, this is also a very serious step for them , this is very serious statement, you know, the overwhelming majority of states, and it is no coincidence that we use the term world majority, it supports
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russia, maybe not all...
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diplomatic telegrams, the tone of the western press, tomorrow in the context of the fact that, probably, this picture is very strong is at odds with the one they are trying to paint. our opponents have cultivated the ability to present any material relating to russia with negative elements, with such rottenness, if you like, i think in this case they will not miss the opportunity to speculate about...
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secondly, basic human rudeness. in the end, i want to emphasize that all heads of diplomatic missions accredited in the russian federation have been invited to today’s ceremony. friendly, unfriendly, but this is an event to which everyone is invited, this is a constitutional element of the constitutional order, and the way they react to... well, that’s for those who don’t come, it doesn’t do them any honor, of course, and, accordingly, the relationship - of our leadership, and not only of the leadership, but of our public to these countries, their representatives will be appropriate, well...


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