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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 11:30am-11:36am MSK

11:30 am
towards, well, this is a manifestation, firstly, of complete unprofessionalism, and secondly, of elementary human rudeness. in the end, i want to emphasize that everyone accredited in the russian federation, heads of diplomatic missions, friendly, unfriendly, are invited to today’s ceremony, but this is an event to which everyone is invited, this is... a constitutional element of the constitutional order, and the way they they react to this, well, that’s for those who don’t come, it doesn’t do them any honor, of course, and accordingly, the attitude of our leadership, and not only the leadership, but our public towards these countries and their representatives will be appropriate.
11:31 am
everything, of course, according to a certain list, and ambassadors, yes, ambassadors are invited, but i can say that this is of course an external manifestation, noticeable to the general public, but this is an external manifestation of that russophobic course, which, to my great regret, has been adopted by western countries, then , that this... uh course
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is a dead end, i hope that uh, sooner or later they will understand this, some in the west have already started understand, but this is still a unit literally. vladimir alekseevich, one more question, if i may ask you, uh, there are plans to exercise non- strategic nuclear forces, do you think this will cool the heads of the west or, on the contrary, provoke some further ssr?
11:33 am
the effect of fright, we are observing, what kind of fright, because they always proceeded from the fact that the presence of nuclear weapons in russia is a purely political factor, not of practical significance, but now they will know that it has practical significance, of course, this is not means the readiness or intentions of the russian side. use these weapons immediately, because our doctrine is defensive, it very clearly prescribes those cases in which the use of nuclear weapons is possible. thank you for your comment, thank you for answering the question live, colleagues, i pass the floor. anton, yes, yuri, thank you very much, we continue to work. in the malachite
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faye of the large kremlin palace, here we just had a real marathon of those guests with whom we managed to talk, these are a variety of people, representatives of all three branches of government, legislative, executive, judicial, and you know, including many here, of course , governors, regional leaders in particular, that’s what we can say, about the development of the primorsky region here in the malachite hall we were able to talk with...
11:35 am
for this is of great importance to us, this is a continuation of the course to the east that he took several years ago, before the ceremonial assumption of office... the main hall of the moscow kremlin, it is also called the real pantheon of russian military glory, here, at the behest of nicholas i , white marble boards were installed, on which the names of heroes, cavaliers, the order of st. george
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the victorious were carved in gold, in fact, after whom st. george's hall was named, the names of the heroes were carved in gold, and the names of these regiments were also immortalized. who especially distinguished themselves by feats of arms in various warriors, that is, a hall of military glory. the alexander hall, it is made in white and red colors, this is according to the saints of the ribbon of the order of st. prince alexander nevsky, and you know, it is called one of the most luxurious, in the best sense of the word, hall of the large kremlin palace, it was called precious.


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