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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 12:00pm-12:23pm MSK

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victory is yours, the president's speech. dear citizens of russia, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, in these solemn and responsible moments of assuming the office of the president, i want to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the inhabitants of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with... their homeland, i want to bow to our
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heroes, participants of a special military operation to everyone who fights for the fatherland. thank you again for the trust and support you have shown me, now i am addressing every citizen of russia, just pronounced the words of the presidential oath; its text contains the essence of the highest destiny.
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i see in this a deep understanding of our common historical goals, a determination to adamantly defend our choice, our values, the freedom and national interests of russia. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult, milestone period with dignity, become even stronger and will definitely implement long-term plans and large-scale projects aimed at achieving our goals.
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development, and this is, first of all , conservation of people. i am sure that support for centuries-old family values, traditions, will henceforth unite public and religious associations, political parties, and all levels of government. our decisions on the development of the country and regions must be effective and fair, and improve the well-being and quality of life of russian families. we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner, and this is truly the world majority, we do not refuse dialogue with western states, the choice is theirs whether they intend to continue trying to restrain the development of russia , continue the policy of aggression, continuous pressure on our country for years, or... look for a path to
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cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength, without any arrogance, conceit of one’s own exclusivity, only on equal terms, respecting each other’s interests. together with partners in eurasian integration, with other sovereign development centers. we will continue to work to form a multipolar world order.
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resistant to any challenges and threats, ensure the progression and stability of development, the unity and independence of the country, and stability. does not mean ossification, our state, social system must be flexible, create conditions for renewal and movement forward, we see how the atmosphere in society has changed, how highly reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, decency, nobility and courage are valued today, i will do everything, so that people who have shown their best human and professional qualities,
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dear friends, i will do everything necessary, everything in my power to justify your trust, to use for this all the powers of the head of state, which are enshrined in the constitution. at the same time, i would like to emphasize that the results of this work depend decisively on our unity and cohesion. from a common desire to benefit the fatherland, to protect it, to work with full dedication. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history, to our ancestors, they conquered seemingly inaccessible heights,
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because they always put them first homeland, we knew that it was possible to achieve truly great goals only together with our country and with our people, we created a world power, our fatherland, achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, we confidently look forward, plan our future, outline we are already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic and even more powerful. “we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring all our plans to life, together we will win,
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our native land,
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the presidential standard is on your screens, well , probably throughout the entire red square on the territory of the kremlin beyond its borders you heard this roar of artillery pieces, artillery salvoes, this is also a traditional part of the solemn ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia, presidential. the standard always rises above the residence of the head of state when he is there, or rather, it is his duplicate, and the standard itself, in a single copy, is always kept in the president’s office. the head of state gave a speech where he noted that now in
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our time, we are answerable to our history, our ancestors, spoke about new horizons for russia, resistance to challenges. and threats to our flexibility, about the atmosphere in society, about our values, about what future awaits our country. this is the high note on which the first part of the ceremony ends.
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well, now we can still see the interior decoration of the large kremlin palace, its halls, st. george's, st. andrew's and alexander halls, where the guests gathered. and in just a few minutes the second part of the ceremony will begin ceremony, review of the presidential regiment on cathedral square. we see that in the st. george hall, in the other two halls of the large kremlin palace , a special screen has been installed. it is thanks to them that guests in the large kremlin palace will be able to see
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all the smallest details of the solemn ceremony of the kremlin soldiers. today we saw them in all their glory during the removal of the flag and the sign of vladimir putin’s constitution during all stages of the solemn ceremony, but it does not end there, so at the cathedral square very soon we will see its second part, review. soldiers of the presidential regiment, yes, we see the guests of the ceremony, we saw the prime minister, mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, deputy chairman of the security council dmitry anatovich medvedev, now we see the kremlin cathedral square, this is where the ceremony of presenting the presidential regiment will take place to the incoming supreme commander-in-chief, essentially crowns and... the head of state, well, here again the guests of the ceremony are dmitry medvedev, mikhail mishustin, if in the first
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part of our ceremony the focus was on large kremlin palace, now it will shift to the cathedral square, right now on your screens the head of state is walking along the so-called white corridor, and next to vladimir putin is the head of the presidential security service. for now we are still in the large kremlin palace, but we will find ourselves very soon. on cathedral square, it is today, of course, one of the main centers of attraction. and the presidential regiment is already ready to introduce itself to the head of state who has just taken office. so, the white corridor of the large kremlin palace, straight ether. in just a few seconds, vladimir putin will enter the cathedral square of the moscow kremlin.
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it is called that, as you can see from the facade, due to the specific processing of the stone,
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the facade of this historical building is processed with faceted stone, well, in general, back in the middle of the 15th century, the faceted chamber became a kind of audience hall, necessary to improve the status of the russian capital. spacious with an area of ​​about 500 km, it became the first large building built in the european style in moscow. the kremlin, its historical it has been performing this function for more than five hundred years, well, now it is part of the complex of the large kremlin palace, which, as everyone knows, is the government residence of the president. meetings of foreign leaders, award ceremonies and other events of special significance are held here. everything is ready for the review of the presidential regiment. again on your screens are the same staircase, the famous holy blue, red porch. well, the parade
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squads have already taken their places on cathedral square. so, vladimir putin is on your screens: the president comes down the steps red porch to review the presidential regiment. regiment, peaceful, not meeting from the front to the edge.
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comrade president of the russian federation, the presidential regiment was built in honor of the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, commander of the presidential regiment, colonel suraigin. hello, comrades, hello! congratulations on the 88th anniversary of the formation of the regiment. regiment in button.
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polk! smyrna, solemn march, turn, one linear distance ahead, op, splash, chop, evenly to the right, step, march!
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well, let's continue the story about what the presidential regiment is. the part is, without exaggeration, the unique elite of the elites. it was created 88 years ago, and its main task is to ensure the security of top officials of the state and the protection of the moscow kremlin facilities. its military personnel participate in military rituals, protocol events at the highest level, and stand guard at the eternal flame at the grave of the unknown. soldiers, since 2000 they have been involved in the presidential inauguration ceremony, or rather taking office the president, and they wear state attributes, symbols of presidential power, into the hall, some are part of the federal security service and have the status of a special service, the regiment reports directly to the president, and of course it is interesting to tell that in the ranks of the kremlin members
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only those who have passed the most stringent selection requirements, one might say , harsh. persons: height from 170 to 190 cm, education of at least eleven years of school, and with good academic performance, it is also necessary to have excellent health in military medical language, compliance with the presidential standard sounds like suitability a is the highest. yes, it’s probably not worth saying that those with a criminal record or those registered with the police are not allowed to serve in the kremlin regiment. the youth of most regions of our country undergo conscription service in the presidential regiment. an interesting detail is that the soldiers of the presidential regiment are alongside.
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97 people. he participated in the victory parade under the during the great patriotic regiment, he lost the red combat banner, which was awarded to him in 1944. well, of course, like all military personnel, soldiers of the presidential stick live according to army regulations and undergo combat training, special attention is paid to physical fitness, well, to so effortlessly
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juggle a simonov carbine weighing more than four kilograms, you need months of hard training, and of course, impeccable drill training, and the kremlin uniform, these are, first of all, shoulder straps cornflower blue with two golden letters p. and of course , the kremlin men carry out all the tasks in any weather, look at their endurance, their strength, not a single muscle flinched, and this despite the fact that that the temperature in moscow today is downright winter. vladimir putin took office as president of the russian federation, indeed, a national leader, our national leader came to the end of these
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elections with an unprecedented result, a historical result, recent history does not remember such results, this is natural, because russia is now experiencing the most important turning point in history , and not only for ourselves, but for all humanity. on the eve, our future, future. our children, we understand perfectly well what the load and what the responsibility lies with our national leader, our commander in chief and each of us, which is why there was a record turnout and over 80% support, 87% support. the same cavalry one.


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