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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 12:30pm-12:59pm MSK

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on our national leader, on our supreme commander and on each of us, which is why there was a record turnout and more than 80% support, 87% support, that same cavalry escort on your screens. well
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, so, we saw how the presidential regiment was reviewed, but the ceremony does not end there, we are still on the cathedral square in the very heart of the moscow kremlin, it occupies the central part of borovitsky hill and is considered the oldest in the capital, right now you see, how vladimir putin climbs the steps of blagoveshchensk cathedral, where the patriarch mora. ladies and gentlemen, the ceremony is over, thank you for your attention. so, now the patriarch will serve a thanksgiving service. we leave the president in the temple. so, the main event, which was watched by the whole country. the country
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has rallied around its president, the country has gathered and is ready to move forward, without giving offense to our people, without giving up an inch of our native land to our victory, our victories, which will not only be on the battlefield. vladimir putin spoke about this in his speech after joining the position and addressed literally every citizen of our country.
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amen. christ is risen measured. deaths are funny. deaths are replaced by boron. jesusushi ima. bless you. most holy lord. blessed be our god, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. amen. christ measured the resurrection, cut off death by death, and gave life to the living. christ is risen and... the dead trampled down death
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by death and gave life to those in the tomb. christ will rise from the dead by death trampling down death, to the one who did not dry up. vomme, wisdom, yours, drink, also create sowing, lord, let us rejoice, let us rejoice, lord, let us rejoice and resurrect.
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glory to thee, o lord, glory to thee, o god, says the lord, ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, ask and it will be opened to you, everyone who asks will receive, the one who seeks will find, and the one who asks will be opened, or who is the man who seeks from you, his son will ask, he will give him his bread, he will give him a stone, or if he asks for a fish, and if he asks for a snake, he will give him a snake, if you, the wicked ones, know how to give good deeds to your children, if your heavenly father will give good things to those who ask
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him, to you, lord, glory you.
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to rule and justice strength and wisdom, rule our country well, enjoy peace and prosperity in it.
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god, great and wondrous, rule all things with indescribable goodness, rich providence, now look upon our fervent prayer, and bless the good intention of the president of our country, vladimir vladimirovich, who lays the beginning of the rule that you have preserved for the country, ours, russia, instruct him wisely to carry out this great service without stumbling. , giving understanding and... wisdom, howling in silence and without sorrow to preserve the russian people, and to guide those subordinate to him on the path of truth and righteousness, and to reflect from their acceptance of the demands, to multiply the days of his life in unbreakable health and well-being, to give him to all of us, in all the days
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of his reign, a quiet and silent life and eternal eternal death necessary. so in the world, having lived, let us glorify you, our all-generous ruler and benefactor, in the joy and gratitude of our hearts. glory to thee god, our benefactor forever and ever. wisdom. bless. blessed be christ, our god, always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. amen. god.
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christ is risen from the dead, death, death , trampled upon, and to the present tomb, life has been bestowed by our true god, through the prayers of his most pure mother, the holy, glorious, all-praised apostles, the holy and righteous god the father, joachim, john of all saints, will have mercy and save us, for he is good and a lover of mankind. christ is risen, christ
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is risen from mer death, christ is risenjali suši va life gift. to the president of the god of god of our russian country, vladimir vladimirovich, lord, prosperous, peaceful reign, health and salvation, victory and victory for enemies, and good haste in everything. and the meeting is for a lot of ja.
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our country on the day when you again call to take the highest position in our country, to become the president of russia, we pray strongly for you, we know that these words are not an empty phrase for you. that you yourself are praying, and our time is marked by the great mercy of god,
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when at the head of the russian state, an orthodox man who is not ashamed of his faith, when a huge number of russians see the head of state is not only a successful politician, but a very kind, intelligent, warm-hearted person.
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as a pedagogue, this man did not spare enemies, but became famous as a saint, because it is one thing to defend the country from the enemy, and another thing to destroy from right to left, venting his phobias or rushing towards some kind of career interest. the service of the president is
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also important because the head of state wants it or not, but they follow his example. he truly becomes an example for young people, for military personnel, for the intelligentsia, for workers, and in general for everyone who seriously thinks about themselves, about their role in the life of the country, you set such a good example, god help you to continue to carry out the service that god himself has entrusted to you, with love for the fatherland, with boldness, because sometimes it is required . such boldness when one has to step over a lot, maybe sometimes over something that in ordinary life, as if it is impossible to step over it, but this boldness, this strength, it must accompany the service of the head of state, on whose actions the fate of the country depends ,
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along with this devotion, i wish you especially peace of mind today. this is inevitable, because if there is only one struggle, as they say, 24 hours a day, then not only the human body may not withstand it, but against the background of such a state of mind , fatal mistakes may arise, which is why it is so necessary, and for an orthodox person it is extremely necessary, being in power, find a place for prayer. and you find, i know about this, to find space for reflection, not only about your professional responsibilities, but about your life, personal life, i know that you find a place for this, all this will undoubtedly help strengthen your spiritual
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and physical strength, and we, as a church, are teaching you this blessing today. for your debt, we will continue to pray in our personal prayers, and what is most important in our national, church prayer, so that the lord helps you, all the days of your life, to worthily lead the great fatherland, holy russia, which is also going through today not the easiest period of its history, blessing may god, the protection of the queen of heaven, remain with you all the days of your life, until the end of the age, as we say, well, i will boldly say, god grant that the end of the age will mean the end of your stay in power, you have everything in order to successfully
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perform this great service in the homeland for a long time. so, in the annunciation cathedral, the patriarch of moscow of all russia gave his to the patriarch. and a human farewell to vladimir putin after his election as president. and, probably, this was the most sacred, personal moment of today’s ceremony. we thank to all our viewers, thank you for sharing this time with us and being with us during the broadcast. ernest moskievichus and ekaterina berezovskaya worked for you. all the best, all the best. so, vladimir putin
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officially took office.
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i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to comply with the protection of the constitution of the russian federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state.
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heroes, participants of special military operations to all who fight for the fatherland. together with my homeland, i want to bow to ours
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. once again, i thank you for the trust and support you have shown me, now i am addressing every citizen of russia, i have just taken the words of the presidential oath. its text contains the essence of the highest.
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majority, we do not refuse dialogue with western states, the choice is theirs, whether they intend to continue trying to restrain
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the development of russia, continue the policy of aggression, pressure on our country that has not stopped for years, or look for a way to cooperation and peace. i repeat, a conversation, including on issues of security and strategic stability, is possible, but not from a position of strength. genuine and there were also a lot of military men here today, heroes of russia, those who are right now defending the interests of their homeland, defending... putin spoke about her right to sovereignty as part of the president’s address to the federal assembly, and today he returned to the topic of personnel again. we see how.
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the atmosphere in society has changed, how highly reliability, mutual responsibility, sincerity, decency are valued today, nobility and courage. i will do everything so that people who have demonstrated their best human and professional qualities prove their loyalty to the fatherland by deeds and take leading positions in public administration, in the economy, and in all spheres. we must ensure reliable continuity of development.
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by chance today in his speech he also touched upon the topic of continuity, the topic of dignity and a worthy response to his ancestors who defended the state many years ago, literally in 2 days we will celebrate the day of the great victory, today their descendants again defend their country, just like this, adopting traditions following the behests of previous generations, raising new generations, i quote... stories before our ancestors, they took seemingly inaccessible heights, because they always put their homeland first, they knew what to achieve you can achieve truly great goals only together with your country and your people.
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created a world power, our fatherland, achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, we confidently look forward, plan our future, are already planning we are implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will realize everything we have planned, we will win together. immediately after delivering his speech, the head of state, as his press secretary dmitry peskov said , worked largely independently, defining key points, and so immediately after delivering it, vladimir putin went out onto the red porch, that’s what it’s called, the red porch of the large kremlin palace . and
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proceeded to attend the ceremony of introducing the presidential regiment. the weather in moscow today, but frankly, let’s say, not the month of may, contrary to the calendar, cold rain mixed with snow, not a single muscle on the face of the military men flinched, and what is characteristic, he did not flinch on the face of the head of state, who, as part of this ceremony performance stood without an umbrella, all the guests who were watching what was happening... paid special attention to this through the monitors, and after that the president headed to the annunciation cathedral, where the patriarch served a solemn service , he addressed vladimir putin not only with the patriarch, but also with really very personal parting words.


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