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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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well, we propose to be transported again to the malachite foeg, through which the guests of vladimir putin’s inauguration ceremony as president of russia passed today; there were about 2,500 of them there today, even more , and...
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our colleague anton managed to communicate with a significant part of this number of guests potkovenko, who is joining us now, yes, anton, today you have just a colossal number of interviews, both short and more extended, which of the guests have you yet managed to talk to? natalia georgi, yes, today is really real the marathon was, as they say, an interview with those guests who came and were invited to the inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin as president of the russian federation, this was a completely special feeling. which you know is now preserved here in the malachite faye, the guests are already beginning to leave, our colleagues are beginning to leave, but nevertheless, the significance of the moment , without exaggerating the historical moment that just happened, it remains, the energy of great hopes, the energy of great expectations at its best sense of the word, she is here, and speaking of impressions, what the guests who listened to the speech, the inauguration speech of vladimir putin told us.
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it was noted that the president spoke extremely calmly, very confidently, this is what valentin matvienko, chairman of the federation council, said, this stability, this consistency is very different from the shyness of other world leaders who say one thing in the morning, another in the evening, the day after tomorrow a third, and this of course gives people confidence too, it seems to me that... united states of america and the west aimed at shaking the situation in russia, at destabilizing it, at reducing the level of support for our president. there were many guests here, of course.
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in the work of the international north-south transport corridor, today much attention is paid to this direction of cargo transit, and the stability that is ensured today by the president and the government is probably one of the main things that is important for our fellow countrymen, astrakhan residents. we live in the future together with our president, as he said in valery talked to us.
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we are going to continue, this is the construction of a campus, the construction of new ports, the construction and development of new factories, oil and gas processing, that is, we live. future with our president, we are part of the president's team. medicine is also one of the most important areas of development of the state, this was certainly discussed today in the large kremlin palace, and the country’s chief oncologist andrei kaprin noted that the development of fundamental science and personnel are very important here, among other things, young specialists who are and who will go into medicine to move it forward, to care. we now see that a lot of attention is paid to personnel in our country, in any case , the president asks about this, and the minister of health is involved, and we see the government very concerned and rightly so, because of course the apparatus is important, but
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technology still brings personnel, what the president also said is very close to us, about the development of fundamental science, which should be broadcast. including to the regions. the development of the union state of russia and belarus still remains one of the priorities of russian policy. very, very great attention is also paid to this. this is close integration in the economic, social, educational and political spheres. now this interaction, under conditions of unprecedented pressure from western countries, is becoming increasingly important. we talked.
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the leader of the russian federation and the president, these are all the satellites who ran ahead of their master, that what are they going to do now? alexey komissarov, ceo of ano, russia , the land of opportunity, also spoke here today in the great kremlin palace about the new challenges it faces. our country, again we are talking about, of course, completely unprecedented western pressure, here it is important to build new educational programs, it is necessary to build social elevators, this is exactly what is happening, and of course, support
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for participants in a special military operation is of particular importance , alexey komissarov also mentioned program "time of heroes". here are his words. the first thing is that everyone is in such a joyful mood. we understand that we are facing new challenges, if we talk about the presidential academy, for us now the main task is a program for training those who participate in a special military operation, the time of heroes program, the importance of developing sports is also one of the most important topics, right?
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logical, how upset they are, but the answer was that our olympics are here and here are the most important competitions, where our athletes can be appreciated, let’s listen, we’re standing, that is, we’re talking, vlass wrestling, in general, boxers, we’re all talking, that’s everyone, then i say, well, you’re very upset - that he’s not going to the olympics, he says no, of course, our olympics are here, now we , this is our pride, this was the answer, here... in the blachite faye of the large kremlin palace , we really talked with very many guests, very, very many people, high-ranking people, and you know, the general mood here is this: this is a feeling of joy, a feeling of pride and feeling of hope that solemn ceremony, the inauguration
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of the president of the russian federation, the inauguration of vladimir putin means that russia has a great path, a great future, and everyone who gathered today spoke about this...
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vladimir putin’s first speech, about what the president said immediately after officially taking office. main messages, main accents. russia itself will determine its own destiny, will pass through a difficult, critical period with dignity and will become even stronger. key priority for russia's conservation of people, the preservation of age-old values ​​of traditions. without mentioning the international situation, putin noted that moscow was and will be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. we do not refuse dialogue with the west. the choice is up to the states, vladimir putin said, together we will win, these are the words the russian president concluded his speech with. today, in fact, we are answerable to our thousand-year history, to our ancestors, they took, it would seem, inaccessible heights, because
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they always put their homeland first, they knew. that it is possible to achieve truly great goals only together with your country and with your people, we created a world power, our fatherland, achieved such triumphs that inspire us today, we confidently look forward, plan our future, outline and are already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even... dynamic, even more powerful, we are a united and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring everything to life what we have planned, we will win together. as dmitry peskov said,
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more than 2,500 people were invited to the ceremony of inauguration of president vladimir putin, this is traditionally, deputies of the state duma, senators of the federation council, judges of the constitutional court. heroes of russia, regional governors, representatives of major religious denominations, trusted representatives, social activists and guests from foreign countries. for the first time, the president decided to invite children to the ceremony. these are 11 people with whom, according to the press secretary president, putin has communicated in one way or another in recent years. these are students of the sirius center, these are the children of fallen heroes of a special military operation, as well as children and volunteers. i would like to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all respects. regions of our country, residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, participants in a special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you once again for the trust and support you have shown me, now i am addressing
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every citizen of russia, just now spoke the words. presidential oath, its text contains the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years. i assure you that in the future. the interest and safety of the people of russia will be above all for me. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force. evidence of our common firm belief that the fate of russia, we will determine for yourself only. the inauguration
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of vladimir putin is, of course, an international event. attention was drawn to the solemn ceremony in the large kremlin palace. in their media. youtube channels of leading publications and television channels broadcast live this significant event. among them are british, american, as well as leading french, spanish, and arab media. for example, skynews, guardian, independent, sun, daily mail, nbc and others. vladimir putin after officially taking office head of state, took part in the parade of the presidential regiment on cathedral square in the kremlin. the regiment is part of the federal security service and has status. service, reports directly to the president. the participation of this regiment in the ceremony is a tradition. on this day, military personnel perform important representative functions, accompanying the solemn event from beginning to end. the presidential regiment, the most famous elite military unit, which was formed in the spring of 1936. first inauguration ceremony
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president of russia took place even before the collapse of the ussr on july 9, 1991. in the kremlin palace. the ride lasted 50 minutes and started at 10 am. boris nikolaevich yeltsin took office as president of the rsfsr. he walked up to the podium to the sound of lanterns and, putting his hand to his heart , took the oath. the then-current russian anthem, composed by mikhail glinka, was played. the flag of the rsfsr was raised above the kremlin next to the flag of the ussr. then boris yeltsin himself and ussr president mikhail gorbachev made speeches. after that, they shook hands and left.
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after taking the oath, the russian anthem is played. the presidential standard rises above the senate dome. i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and
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citizen, to comply with the defense of the constitution of the russian federation, to protect sovereignty and independence, the security and integrity of the state, to faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia, from the first building of the kremlin, where the president’s office is located, to the large kremlin palace, where the state rooms are located, in which the inauguration ceremony itself took place, vladimir putin rode in an updated aurus senate limousine. the distance was only a few hundred meters, but the shots were still spectacular. a black and russian limousine, which was restyled for the first time especially for the ceremony, accompanied by. adapted to much
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lower temperatures than today. for the first time , vladimir putin took a trip in an aurus limousine exactly 6 years ago, on may 7, 2018. when he also went to the inauguration ceremony. since then, the president has been constantly traveling in a domestic limousine, not only in russia, but also when abroad. trips in continuation of this topic , a statement has now also been made about the deputy prime minister of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov, i quote from the tas agency, pre-orders for auurus merlon motorcycles are already open, motorcycles will appear next year, end of quote. and before the end of this year, according to manchev, production of aurus cars is planned to start at former toyota plant in st. petersburg. the site has already been transferred to the automaker. the procession of the immortal regiment rose to a height of almost 4,500 m, this is the highest point of the tien shan; a little more than 10 years ago, the peak, by decision of the kyrgyz parliament, was named
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putin peak. our correspondent robert frantsev talks about how the ascent went. so, guys, don't relax, we still have a long way to go. no matter what roads the immortal regiment passed, there was definitely nothing like this from the picturesque oksay gorge. in kyrgyzstan the ascent begins to the highest point where the march of the immortal regiment has ever taken place. that majestic massif with a cap of eternal snow at the top is our goal, this is the same putin peak. the distance here is measured in hours of travel, from the base camp it is 4-5 hours of travel if everything goes well. putin peak is a peak in the tien shan mountains, height 4,446 m. ​​the name appeared on maps in 2011, as deputies of the kyrgyz parliament decided. thank the russian president. the peak is not easy to climb, the mountain that is called character, allows only really
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strong spirits. a house of cards, this whole rocky vessel is carried, but some part and like on roller skates you can go down. the snow cover is already beginning, the clouds are just a stone's throw away, but our strength is running out, but we have a worthy goal. on this significant day. we ask you to raise this banner of victory to the top of putin peak. today we have gathered here at the blockade museum to receive a banner that tomorrow we will hoist, god willing, on putin’s peak. this is very symbolic because that i believe that we are going there with a big mission, in kyrgyzstan they honor the feat of the soviet soldier, and here they clearly remember all the horrors. the second
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died with her, so consider that i ended up with two dead people, then my mother was simply dragged away, but we continue to go up, our immortal regiment. treacherous screes, deep snow, difficult weather conditions, challenges for the participants in the ascent, the strength to go give portraits of the ancestors and heroes of the great patriotic war, among the participants not only... the fraternal relations of russia and kyrgyzstan. in this year, the immortal regiment climbed the president of russia, the climb was intended to be emphasized by professional climbers, but volunteers, public and government figures, timed the climb to coincide with the inauguration at a height of 4,400 m. we killed putin. it was we ourselves who received the revocation, from being completely incurred. happy victory day. hurray, hurray, hurray. but
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the culmination, despite... all the difficulties received from the veterans, the victory banner was installed at an altitude of 4.446 m. ​​robert frantsev, arman baidauletov, tatyana safarova, victor and ines otkachenko, central asian news bureau.
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slana petrovna, good afternoon, the security service of your bank, another moment and the scammer would have had access to the money, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, your card number, so that they could send the money to a secure connection to the bank, she hung up the phone, whoever the scammers pretend to be to get money out of you, hang up without talking.


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