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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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to create such a clean picture of the wehrmacht, germany must stand even if it loses. they say that another war will break out and the united states will be drawn into it, but is this true? they instill fear of war and then spread that fear. history will take care of this. let's call a spade a spade. vladimir putin officially took office as president. the inauguration ceremony, according to tradition, took place in the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin took the oath and made a solemn speech. after officially taking office, the head of state hosted the parade of the presidential regiment.
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by the way, for the first time , residents of new regions, the dpr, lpr, as well as the kherson and zaporozhye regions, took part in the elections of the head of state, and everywhere the turnout was even higher than the all-russian one, more than 80% of voters came to the polling stations. so, the ceremony begins,
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attention to the screen. ladies and gentlemen, the solemn ceremony of vladimir vladimirovich putin's inauguration as president begins. russian
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federation. they are included. state flag of the russian federation and standard of the president russian federation. so, the russian flag and the presidential standard are brought into the oncoming march. it is along with the sign of the president of russia. we'll see him a little later.
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the imperial ceremonial hall of the moscow kremlin, by personal order of nicholas i , even during the construction of the large kremlin palace, was dedicated to the first and main order of the russian state, the order of st. andrew the first-called.
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the constitution of the russian federation and the sign of the president of the russian federation are introduced. so, another traditional stage of the ceremony, through in all three halls, soldiers of the presidential regiment bring in a special copy of the constitution and the president's badge. the basic law of the country must meet the challenges of the time from 2020.
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now you saw on the screens, it has no copies or duplicates, it exists in a single copy, appears only at the inauguration, it is based on the large cross of the order of merit for the fatherland, made of gold of the
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highest 999 standard. well, right now we have the opportunity to look at that same order chain, it consists of seventeen links, nine of which are in the form of an image of the state emblem of russia, eight in the form of round rosettes with the derision “benefit, honor , glory.” the presidential badge is kept here in the kremlin, but not in the large kremlin palace, in the senate building. in the awards hall, in the working residence of the president. and now soldiers of the presidential regiment are crossing the alexander hall, it can be distinguished by the picturesque images on the walls. these are pictures from the life of a saint.
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very soon a special copy of the constitution and the presidential sign will be installed on stand on the central podium, and, by the way, now the constitution will be shown... closer, it is bound in red varan leather, it has the coat of arms of the russian federation on it and is stored in the biblio. this is the only copy, it is used only here. chairman of the federation council of the federal assembly of the russian federation, valentina ivanovna matvienko.
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chairman of the state duma of the federal assembly of the russian federation vyacheslav viktorovich volodin. chairman of the constitutional court of the russian federation valery dmitrievich zurkin.
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so, the heads of both houses of parliament and the head of the constitutional court appear on the podium. ladies and gentlemen, attention to the screens. so, only a few minutes remain before the ceremony of inauguration of the president of russia begins on your screens right now. we know putin well from official footage, we regularly see them in the news, the president has literally a few minutes before he ends up in the state rooms of the large kremlin palace, we see the head of state, he has a document in his hands. which he carefully studies, in the same office there is a table at which
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the head of state regularly holds meetings with governors and ministers, you can see him on the right in the frame, well, now the footage is truly rare; the reception of the head of state, he is greeted by his assistant, well then the corridors of the highest russian authorities, this is the first building of the kremlin, the security council, the presidential library, the situation center. on the second floor there are rooms for business and formal meetings. that's good consider the interiors. of course, even strictly, but at the same time not without bright accents, there are a lot of paintings on the walls, and a little earlier we saw
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special communications telephones, fso officers are on duty in the corridors, and right now you see how one of them salutes the supreme commander-in-chief. so, just a few minutes, and vladimir putin will go in his motorcade to the large kremlin palace for the official inauguration ceremony . president of russia. the ceremony will begin in just a few minutes, in the large kremlin palace, the head of state the leaders of both chambers of the federal assembly and the chairman of the constitutional court are waiting. and also 2,500 guests of the ceremony who came to the kremlin to witness this historical event. probably everyone experiences excitement, trepidation, such feelings. a citizen of our country who sees these broadcast footage, the moment is certainly
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exciting and solemn, and it’s not every day, of course, that you see the corridors of the kremlin, so close, and how the president moves through them from one of his offices to another, from one residence to another, well , by the way, vladimir putin’s apartment is located here in the first building of the kremlin, and as the press secretary said. in a few seconds he will be leaving for his motorcade; notice how the soldiers of the presidential regiment look up to the head of state. so, vladimir putin leaves the first building
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of the kremlin, a presidential motorcade is waiting for him right at the entrance, in a few seconds. we will see it , it’s on your screens, and it’s time to talk about one of the main innovations this ceremony: a restyled model of the aurus car, here it is handsome on your screens, these days they have already talked a little about it in the news, nevertheless, you and i now have the opportunity to see it from a variety of angles, the large front grille has been interpreted in a new way , a lightweight aluminum alloy hood was introduced, additional all-round cameras appeared, a completely new multimedia system, a new sound system, the brakes changed, and the transmission changed a little. so aorus began its movement right now on your screens, the arch of the front facade of the senate palace. in general, we saw this brand of domestic car just 6 years ago during
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the inauguration of 2018, that previous aurus took its place of honor. dnh in the museum is a special-purpose garage. well, it’s interesting that the innovations don’t end there. for the first time , we also see auurus motorcycles in the presidential motorcade. they are completely electric, adapted also for low temperatures. by the way, they are very relevant today in this weather. to speed up to 100 km/h, they need less than 4 seconds. just imagine, the maximum speed they reach is 225 km/h. well, now they are driving much slower, because this is what today’s ceremony suggests, this motorcycle is called aurus merlon, in general , the name aurus itself comes from two words, from two roots. aurum is gold and rus is understandable, russia. well, the cortege continues its movement through ivanovskaya square, right
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now tsar kolokal is on your screens, by the way, you can see a few more words about the weather, which today we will say frankly. favors, but nevertheless, does not in any way interfere with the solemn atmosphere, even raindrops are visible on the cameras that are installed literally everywhere in the kremlin, you see, the territory is decorated, the russian tricolor is everywhere. so, vladimir putin’s motorcade is approaching the large kremlin palace. and now the head of state will be met by the kremlin commandant. and, by the way, you can even see the number of the presidential aurus. here it is on yours. the headlights, by the way, are matrix, the head of state greeted by the commandant of the moscow kremlin. comrade president of the russian federation, commandant of the moscow kremlin, general secretary, i wish you good health. by the way, pay attention to
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the greeting, comrade president of the russian federation, this is... a tradition of the soviet era, the president will have to climb the famous stairs of the large kremlin palace, the grand staircases, the orchestra will perform a fanfare, our president, written specifically for the inauguration ceremony. there are 66 steps in this staircase, and then we will see the famous antechamber, here it is now on the second floor, you can see it. “soldiers of the presidential regiment, with such refined movements, movements of the head, see off the head of state, and literally in a few seconds we will see vladimir putin in the state rooms of the large kremlin palace. there are only a few minutes left before the ceremony of officially taking office as president. so,
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here is the painting by sergei prisekin , who". its chief architect, well, there was a whole group of architects, konstantin ton, wanted to place this grand staircase in the middle of the entire complex and... only in this way it would be possible to arrange a porch. here we see the guests who have gathered to greet the head of state. so, very soon the ceremony of officially
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inaugurating the presidency will begin. all attention is on the screen. moscow - live broadcast. vladimir vladimirovich putin. so, the head of state in the st. george's hall, you now see it in all its splendor, it is named after the order of the holy great martyr george, was established by empress catherine
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the great in 1769. the order was given for personal courage on the battlefield, therefore the officers greeted the knights of st. george standing. and vladimir putin is greeted by those who came as guests to the inauguration ceremony. these are members of the government, deputies of the state duma, deputies of the federation council, representatives of the judiciary , representatives of the cultural and sports community, these are the president's proxies, and of course, in the broadcast footage we saw a huge number of our military, our defenders, now they were on the right cadre, and a huge number of svo participants were invited, all of them heroes and exactly as...
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so, vladimir putin rises to the podium, greets the chairman of the constitutional court, valentina matvienko and vyacheslav volodin. in accordance with part two of article 82 of the constitution of the russian federation, a crime in office. president of the russian federation, the president pronounces an oath to the people in accordance with the text approved by the constitution. dear vladimir
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vladimirovich, i ask you to take the oath. i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation. observe defend the constitution of the russian federation, defend sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. our blessed russia is not great, i
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have gathered our loving russia, and god’s will, great glory, your insistence, glory. fatherland, fraternal peoples, union of non-government, tabi and third-party, glorified country is prigo.
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people's, sweet country, we are fit for slaughter, wide open mountains for life, those who lead us
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open. our loyalty gives us strength fatherland, as it was, as it is, we will always serve you, fatherland, more, free, asks for people, allies.
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introduction by the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. dear citizens of russia, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends. in these solemn and responsible minutes of assuming the office of the president, i would like to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country. our residents. historical lands that defended the right to be together with their homeland. i want to bow to our heroes, participants in the special military operations to all who fight for the fatherland. once again thank you for your trust and support. and now i am addressing every citizen of russia, i have just pronounced the words of the presidential oath. its
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text is concentrated. the essence of the highest mission of the head of state is to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years. i assure you that from now on the interests and security of the people of russia will be for me. above all, the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force, evidence of our common firm belief that we will determine the fate of russia only ourselves, for the sake of today and future generations. you, citizens of russia, have confirmed the correctness of the country's course. this is of great importance, right now,
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when... long-standing projects aimed at achieving development goals, and this is, first of all, saving people. i am confident that support for centuries-old family values ​​and traditions will continue to unite public and religious associations, political.


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