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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the state department asked for 10 years in a general regime colony for antonina martynova, to find antonina valerievna martynova guilty of committing a crime, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a period of 9 years with a stay in a general regime correctional colony, no matter how antonina martynova tried to escape from punishment by living semi-legally in in another region, my daughters have names and many... fate, she only delayed it, mother and daughter will still separate for a long 9 years, it is not yet known whether the defendant will appeal the verdict? olga zhurenkova and dmitry manyshev, lead, duty department. and now there is footage of an asian scam; one of the private zoos in the far east is at the epicenter of the scandal. there, visitors were promised to be shown a new species of the famous giant panda, but to the surprise of the public, the bamboo bears, not only were not so big, they also barked. zoo director. developed his arms and dogs, and
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they are painted, it’s still not enough for all the zoos, here at least the guests will smile, and if they don’t smile, no one will return the money for the ticket anyway, the whole operational tape of legal news in telegram channels is conducted by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, we also watch our investigation and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, our episode is completed, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel 21:30! vladimir putin officially took office as president; the ceremony, according to tradition, took place in the andrievsky hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin took the oath of office on a special copy of the constitution, made in 1996. myself the text of the oath consists of 33 words and is spelled out in the basic law. after taking the oath, the russian anthem was played. let me remind you that this is the fifth term for the current president . i swear, when exercising the powers
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of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to comply with the defense of the constitution of the russian federation, to protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, to serve faithfully.
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all regions of our country, residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with my homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, the participants in the special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you once again for the trust you have placed in me. and support, i am now addressing every citizen of russia, i have just pronounced the words of the presidential oath. its text concentrates the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. exactly.
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the president of the national medical chamber of russia, leonid roshal, noted the unity of all, honored doctor vladimir putin, who attended the ceremony today, spoke with him after the official events. i want to tell you that you are beautiful in physical form. thanks a lot. today we walked this marathon up the stairs there without shortness of breath, everything is fine, thank god, of course, yes, like this. thank you.
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and self-sufficiency, stability and predictability. what other important topics for the economic course were discussed today in the kremlin, after the inauguration ceremony of vladimir putin? president, maria kudryavtseva will tell you. in a complex world, russia must be self-sufficient and competitive. this
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statement was made by vladimir putin at the inauguration ceremony as head of state. what priorities in economic policy did the guests of the ceremony talk about? industrial production, in addition to basic areas, the state will support those that ensure intersectoral development, including tank building, small-scale chemistry, robotization and microelectronics, denis manturov told this, there is still a long way to go, and unfortunately, this industry was underfunded for a long time, but is now being taken very seriously. efforts to not just restore, but move to a new technological structure in those directions where we see growth points, the fact is that microelectronics is divided into many
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components, into many areas, and somewhere we even have a certain advance from a global level point of view. denis manturov also told reporters that at the former plant toyota will launch aurus production in st. petersburg before the end of the year. an industry that is showing strong growth, despite the pandemic and foreign policy pressure, is construction. last year, housing commissioning exceeded a record 110 million square meters. well, the goal by 2030, which the president set, is to reach 120 million square meters per year. according to marat khusnulin, now you shouldn’t expect anything serious.
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calculations, because you see that our enemies are very actively hitting this line, trying to intimidate our partners in other countries, and today i would highlight as a priority how we should conduct our foreign trade, how to pay for exports and imports. rsp president alexander
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shokhin called national projects an effective tool for managing socio-economic processes in the country, and for business, according to him, stability and predictability will be especially important in the next 6 years. rsp supports the authorities’ thesis on the need to create a more equitable taxation system, but outlined the emphasis that awaits entrepreneurs. nowadays, only the lazy don’t talk about the fact that taxes can be raised and become more fair, whoever gets more pays more, and so on. but for us, for business, it is very important that social justice affects economic and investment activities, who invests more. there is no need to raise taxes, but the increase in taxes, income tax, for example, should concern that part of the profit that is not invested, but distributed in the form of dividends, income, shareholders there and so on and so forth, we consider this differentiation not only socially fair, but also significant from
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the point of view of the future of the country, developing optimal taxation parameters is now especially important, earlier president vladimir putin proposed forming not only... a three-year budget , but also a six-year financial plan, which, as the rsp expects , will ensure stability of the fiscal burden for this period. well, now to the news that just appeared on the tapes. agencies vladimir putin signed a decree on national development goals of the russian federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036. according to the document, there are seven such goals, including population preservation, family support, environmental well-being, a sustainable and dynamic economy, and technological leadership. well, now about how he comments on the president’s speech on taking office in the state duma? report by varvara nevskaya.
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chairman of the state duma vyacheslav also took part in the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation, which took place earlier in the moscow kremlin volodin, and the leaders of the factions, and of course, the deputies themselves, there were many statements, the parliamentarians listened carefully to what the president was saying, the leader of fairly rossov, sergei mironov, for example, called for rallying around the national leader, saying that he has no doubt that everything put in charge of...
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who wants to work with russia on equal terms. let me remind you that in the near future the state duma will have to approve the candidacies of the chairman of the government, deputy prime ministers, as well as civil ministers. for the first time, the formation of the cabinet will take place according to a new constitutional procedure. vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova said that the lower house of the russian parliament is approaching these tasks with a special feeling. with a special feeling. today, being at the inauguration, with readiness and
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new inspiration, we begin to solve those tasks that are now assigned to the state duma for the first time, and this is the approval of the government, the approval of relevant ministers, relevant departments with the vectors and tasks that the president has outlined. especially important deputies today they also called it the first special military operation of russian society. rallied around its leader, the whole country, like one big family, showed its readiness to go through any trials together, invariably providing support, helping the defenders of our country at the front, on the front line, and of course, not forgetting about their families in the rear . the past elections, in fact, became such a popular plebiscite, this is the support of the people of the course that... the president chose for the course of the creation and revival of russia as an independent and truly sovereign
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independent state. vladimir putin’s assumption of office, according to the leader of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, marked the beginning of a new political era, a new political period, most important for the further development of not only russia, but also its many partnerships.
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the candidacies of their deputies, as well as ministers, are again here in the lower house of parliament and also the state duma will have a week to consider.
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combo by alexander petrov for 355 rubles, i love it, it’s delicious, period. the israeli defense forces have launched a counter-terrorism operation in the south of the gas sector near the city of rafah. the head of our middle east bureau, sergei pashkov , and the correspondent of the state television and radio broadcasting company in the middle east, alexander bilibov, will now tell about what is happening in the region. already today, from early morning , the israeli national flag was raised above the control. the rafah checkpoint is a border crossing between the south of the gaza strip and egypt. now military experts believe that israel can take over quickly enough. the philadelphia corridor is a strip of land between the southern part of the gaza strip and egyptian territory. thus, israeli
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idf troops, in accordance with the decision of the military-political cabinet of israel adopted last night, launched a military operation in the area of ​​​​the city of rafah, where more than a million palestinian refugees who fled from the six-month war from the north and center of the sector found refuge. there is no israel day, the ground offensive on rafah has begun, despite all requests the international community, the united states, the member states of the european union, everyone who asked netanyahu not to attack rafah, despite
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this warning, the attack began, this will again lead to large civilian casualties, no matter what they say, there are tens of thousands of children in gas, they will be pushed into the so-called safe and free zones, but there are no safe and free zones in gas. israeli merhava tanks are already operational.
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general staff demands an immediate ceasefire and immediate action to the return of israeli hostages, while at the same time they insist on the resignation of israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. sergey pashkov, vesti israel. the entire islamic world showed unprecedented unanimity in condemning israel's military operation in rafah. so in mid-jordan they said that failure to stop israel in rafah would be a shame for the entire world community. president of turkey.
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despite the fact that the palestinian hamas movement accepted the terms of the ceasefire declared by israel, the israeli army launched an operation in rafah tonight. it all started with missile and bomb attacks on the eastern quarters, the continuation of the escalation and the development of the operation in rafah, in the opinion of the united nations, may... have reached an unprecedented escalation in the number of victims of the entire palestinian-israeli conflict. there will be destruction here that we have not seen before, a large number were killed by bombing. this situation is developing and spreading like wildfire. having made a forced march from the checkpoint, kirem sholom, the israeli units, having covered 3 km, occupied today the territory of the arafah checkpoint, or rather its palestinian side, where just the day before there were dozens of trucks with humanitarian aid and supplies.
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people all over the world are protesting against israel's operation in the southern gaza strip rafah. the first of many dissatisfied with the politician benjamin netanyahu, as well as with the financing of the west and its military initiatives, were residents of malaysia who gathered for a spontaneous rally. we urge the malaysian government to take a firm and consistent position, not allow these arms dealers. be present to promote their militant ideology. western american money is blood money, it is profit made from the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians. this is precisely what the office of the israeli prime minister is blaming, which initiated the operation in rafah tonight. this is a key strategic point - the border crossing between gaza and egypt, the only route for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the enclave. sahal took control of him
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by declaring. that earlier checkpoint used for terrorist purposes, the corridor is now temporarily closed for security reasons. one of the attacks hit a hospital, palestinian officials said, killing five people, including a woman and a child, and the number of victims will rise, military experts say. the israel defense forces reported only twenty hamas militants were killed and added that from rafah, they allegedly evacuated civilians in advance, including employees of international organizations. this is footage from tel aviv, hundreds of protesters protested against the intervention in the southern part of the enclave, their main demand to the netanyahu cabinet is to return the hostages and make a deal with their counterparts, especially since hamas, represented by its leader ismail hanni, agreed to a ceasefire in the gaza strip, accepting the offer from the egyptian mediators. the news became a holiday for the residents of the enclave, albeit not a long one. hopes for
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a truce responded to ivankara. hamas that he agreed with our recommendation for a ceasefire. now israel must take the same step. i call on all western players to put pressure on israel. and they turned out that the us state debate and biden personally warned jerusalem against military actions in the south of the enclave, because they are destructive . we cannot support the operation in rafah, it will dramatically increase the suffering of the palestinian people, lead to an increase in the number of civilian casualties, and disrupt the delivery of humanitarian aid. we will not support the idf operation in rafah, which could put more than a million innocent people at greater risk. during a telephone conversation with the prime minister netanyahu, president biden has made this
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clear again. israel never heard from its allies and launched an attack on the south of gaza, they say the proposal of the egyptian mediators, accepted by hamas, is unacceptable to jerusalem, and therefore a military operation is simply necessary. as a result , the united states and israel will face a strong split, say wol street journal journalists, because netanyahu continues a non-inclusive policy aimed at escalation in the region. this is a concern in china. the leader of the people's republic of china called for peace. we call for immediate, comprehensive. sustainable ceasefire in gaza, at the same time, support palestine in its quest to become a full state, a member of the united nations. meanwhile, the un itself also expressed concern about the situation in the gas sector. the parties must sign a vital agreement, this chance cannot be missed. a ground invasion in rafah is unacceptable due to its devastating humanitarian and
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destabilizing impact. the entire region, delegations are expected to meet soon in cairo, and readiness for...


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