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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 7, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm MSK

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9:31 pm
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hello, the program correspondents on duty will tell you about the main legal events of the day. i'm maxim movchan. suspect in
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murder of two russian women in turkish bodrum , detained in europe. we are talking about the 40th citizen of lithuania, andrei kushlevich. this was reported by the local tv channel kentv. kushlevich is suspected of the double murder of his ex-wife irina dvizova and her fifteen-year-old daughter. the bodies with gunshot wounds were found wrapped in sheets and tied with rope in the area of ​​the tavshanburnu road. kushlevich was put on the wanted list. according to turkish media, the man was detained during border control. bus that went from prague to munich, lithuanian citizen detained awaiting trial. the former minister of transport of bashkiria in the republic was detained and at the same time prominent official alexander klebanov was dismissed. previously, every now and then he got into high-profile scandals, but each time he came out unscathed, but he is unlikely to be able to get away from accusations of multimillion-dollar corruption. andrey ivlev, more details.
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before entering politics, his company sold beer, and the police fined him more than once for violating the rules. klebanov was engaged in passenger transportation. in an interview with local journalists scolded the passengers for being flocks.
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eyewitnesses said that the accident was caused by an official, but klibanov insisted that they drove into him, then the law enforcement officers were on the minister’s side, that’s how he commented on the incident. do you consider yourself guilty of this? employees.
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searches have already been carried out in the apartment and office of the former minister of transport and road facilities of bashkiria. after interrogation , the detainee will be taken to court to select preventive measures, taking into account the circumstances and status of the person involved in the criminal case, investigators they will probably apply for klibanov’s detention during all the proceedings. andrey ivlev, mikhail shirin, viktor denisov, nikolai purtov, and khalimat kuchmezova, lead. duty department, all the most interesting things are after a short advertisement, don’t switch.
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the live legal program is broadcast by the duty department, we continue the broadcast. the icons returned to the shrine, customs officers handed over the relics to the temple, which the foreign smuggler tried to illegally bring them home, where he probably planned to get a fortune for them, because there is a real hunt for rare russian icons on the black market. galina hungureeva has details. relics. with a centuries-old history , they were looking for a way to the temple for a long time, ancient icons, crucifixes, crosses could have been lost forever for the russian orthodox church and for the country as a whole, they illegally tried to take them abroad, domodedovo customs officers discovered the illegal cargo in time, now they are transferring the shrines to the temple of icons sovereign mother of god, i hope that in your temple they will find a new life, we accept all this with gratitude, unique images were confiscated from an australian citizen while going through security at the airport before... he illegally tried to bring priceless cargo home. in the foreigner's hand luggage they found icons of st. nicholas the wonderworker and
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the lord pantocrator. the icon of st. nicholas the wonderworker is almost a century old. it is even difficult to imagine the history of this church relic. by the way, this performance is rare. the image itself is under a voluminous frame; on the icon there is an image of jesus christ and the mother of god. behind there is a real hunt for ancient russian icons at the western art market. and when there is demand, the underworld guarantees supply. in the criminal chain there are smugglers and... constant buyers, which is why petty swindlers are sometimes ready to commit a crime right in the church. irkutsk, after the morning service, a man of dubious appearance and behavior, not at all embarrassed by the remaining parishioners, took with him one of the relics. the police found the icon of the great martyr victorious george under the bridge. church thief, i hope to sell the decorations with which the image was decorated, i broke the wooden icon case, took the jewelry and threw away the shrine. now the attacker is already at the police department, theatrically brushing away his drunken tears and speaking indistinctly. i saw that there were earrings hanging in it, everything came to mind when i came to
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the morning service, repent, just like that, in st. petersburg the attacker for 3 hours could not decide to commit a crime, walked around the temple, either begging for forgiveness in advance, or looking for the most valuable specimen, an unkind eye fell on the icon of the mother of god, the empress of all silver frame, the man unceremoniously put it in a bag along with donations from parishioners, both attackers from the northern capital and from siberia are now awaiting punishment, the necessary operational and investigative measures were carried out, the person who committed the crime was identified, but these two were unlikely to realize the full value of the orthodox monuments culture, it’s the professional thieves who make their living on the black artillery that are dangerous; one of the major thefts in recent years occurred in the moscow region, four burglars they waited until the father rector of the temple was all... away, turned off the alarm, broke the lock and barbarically broke out the icons from the iconostasis, stole 10 in total, two of
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them turned out to be especially valuable, our lady of smolensk was saved by the almighty, written back in the early 18th century, for for historians and connoisseurs, both are priceless, for collectors they are simply expensive, the cost is estimated at 10 million rubles. where from ramensky, thieves sold valuable icons to one of the moscow... can only be determined by a professional, it is influenced by many factors, the quality of the painting from the icon itself , the subject depicted on it, the size of the image and the degree of preservation, well, the most expensive one is just the miracle of george ozmi, in my opinion, he is the most beautiful, the most sought after, one and a half million dollars,
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as connoisseurs say , an ancient icon was originally a piece of high art, any copies. that appear at auctions will certainly attract attention, and sooner or later they will still lead to criminals. galina hungureeva, dmitry kanovalov, news duty department. no one will ride unpunished, while the state duma is still discussing new fines for reckless drivers on electric scooters, kick-sharing companies have taken it upon themselves to punish malicious violators, especially since this is also beneficial for the businessmen themselves. since the beginning of the season, those who like to ignore the rules have already received thousands of fines, some for throwing a rented scooter into the distance. parking, other dangerous trips for two or even three. the latest example of such a journey with veterok was filmed by eyewitnesses in one of the capital's parks. one more thing a popular violation is driving through pedestrian crossings. there, of course, you need to hurry, as representatives of kick-sharing companies assure there are no problems with paying fines. everything is simple here: either pay for violations, or never ride again. by
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the way, we have no precedents for any terrible debtors. if the fine is not paid for some reason, then the balance goes into minus, and accordingly, the user simply cannot use the scooter from this account. as a rule, punishment comes as an unpleasant surprise, but everything is absolutely legally, the offer is written in advance in the contract, which, however, almost no one reads, and the owners of kick-sharing do not rule out that in the future the size of fines will increase significantly. a terrible fire in yekaterinburg, the fire broke out on the twentieth floor of a high-rise building, the flames quickly
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engulfed the entire apartment, in order to escape from the fiery elements, people literally came out of the windows, one person was miraculously saved. the second fell down, the word of vladi egorova. tongues of flame, falling glass, puffs of acrid smoke, and two men, one trying to stand on the ledge, the other barely holding on to the sash balcony glass. in one of the high-rise buildings in yekaterinburg, an apartment on the twentieth floor caught fire, the fire cut off the path to the exit, the residents escaped, some through the windows, some through the balcony. firefighters came to the aid of the man on the ledge; before that, he had literally been hanging on the ledge for several minutes...
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according to eyewitnesses, the firefighters' work was hampered by parked cars. the footage shows how people on their own represent one of the cars away from the entrances. in total , 39 personnel and 15 pieces of equipment were involved in the firefighting efforts. difficulty of extinguishing was, firstly, that the building was high-rise, and secondly, there was dense smoke, and the inability to install high-rise equipment. firefighters make their way through a burning apartment. employees of the investigative committee, together with the ministry of emergency situations and the police, establish all the circumstances of the tragedy, inspect the scene of the incident, interview eyewitnesses, and determine the exact source and cause of the fire. based on the results of the inspection, the investigative committee will make a procedural decision. some residents of the entrance where the apartment was on fire managed to evacuate even before
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arrival of firefighters. investigators are now working with the victims. experts say people often don't realize it right away. the destructive consequences of the fiery element and do not manage to escape in time. according to the plan , people were to be evacuated before the fire hazards reached critical levels. for this purpose , such buildings provide all the possibilities. this did not happen, people tried to escape, which means their escape routes were cut off. this could happen if they were delayed in this evacuation, that is were delayed in recognizing the fire. in cases where fire cuts off the path to exit, the only salvation is often. assistance is provided by the ministry of emergency situations, but there are more and more cases when firefighters are unable to quickly reach the site of a fire due to countless vehicles on the way. almost all courtyards of residential buildings in large cities now look more like parking lots than comfort. urban spaces, for example, this high-rise building is practically blocked by cars, they are parked in the yard around the house by a carpenter standing near the entrance, a fire truck is here
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there is almost no room until the firefighters reach the hydrant to this house or, for example, here, precious minutes can slip away, the flames will flare up more and more, barriers complicate the situation, for example, on this so-called patch, there are three of them, until at least one of them is opened, it will take a lot of time, despite the fact that every moment counts, if people remain in the fiery... people. vlada egorova, conductor, duty department. racing on two wheels in moscow. most bikers, without waiting for the official opening of the motorcycle season capital, they freed their motorcycles from garage captivity and flew out onto the road, and some had already managed to fly into the air. recorded road accident with casualties. my colleague ekaterina lekhomanova went on one of the first raids in search of violators on bikes, together with traffic police officers, also on motorcycles. when there are dozens of horsepower under the gas tank. it’s hard for motorcyclists to resist, however, such reckless drivers are unlikely to be able to go unnoticed. the official motorcycle season in moscow starts next saturday, but
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police officers are already on duty on the capital’s roads. two-wheeled transport. each employee is assigned his own motorcycle. they are powerful enough to quickly get to the scene of an accident on city highways or stop the offender. inspectors on motorcycles are looking for... and i don’t like to drive, it’s more related to safety on the road, and, in fact, to save their own lives, not all our drivers, unfortunately, like
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to look in the mirrors, almost everyone every day information appears on the internet about accidents involving motorcyclists. here's the latest footage of the accident: which resulted in the death of a biker. eyewitnesses say that the young man was without equipment; last year in moscow there were almost a thousand accidents involving bikers, 37 people died. motorcyclists are monitored not only by traffic police officers, but also by traffic cameras, you see, he turned the number plate, often motorcycle drivers, well, are mistaken in the fact that the photo recording complex does not count his registration plate if he somehow turns it there and so on, here you go, the registration plate has been turned, everything has been calculated, the speed has been recorded, now there are almost 2000 similar complexes in moscow, which... record the rear license plates of vehicles, some are specially programmed to detect violations among bikers. experts advise motorcyclists to be especially
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vigilant now due to cold weather and temperature changes; if possible, it is better not to ride at all, and wait at least until it gets warmer. ekaterina likhomanova, dmitry kanavalov and dmitry frolov, lead. duty department. this sunday only on russia 24 tv channel . watch the investigation of eduard petrov. illegal elbrus. tonight we are going to go to the top, buy a one-way tour, hundreds of egids, participants are promised a safe ascent to elbrus, not everyone succeeds in getting to the top and going down intact, his leg is broken, ski masks are frozen, all protection from the wind, because of the cold, in literally 20 minutes of descent, probably two people were able to walk on their own feet, i liked it so much, it was euphoric.
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new newspaper europe kirill martynov. investigators proved that antonina martynova back in 2007, she tried to deal with her own daughter by throwing her down a flight of stairs from the height of the third floor. word to olga zhurinkova. in the spacious hall of the novgorod regional court, they do not take their eyes off each other, as if they understand that they will have to part for a long time. the mother who tried to kill her own two-year-old daughter and the same daughter who miraculously survived, grew up and did not even realize that she was the closest one. tried to deal with her. antonina, ex-wife of kirill martynov, a foreign agent and chief editor of the new newspaper europe, the organization is considered undesirable in russia. the story itself
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happened. back in 2007, as investigators established, antonina martynova threw her two-year-old daughter from her first marriage down a flight of stairs, alisa fell from the third floor and hit her head on the stone floor. the girl miraculously survived, although she received numerous injuries, a concussion, a broken jaw, and wounds to her chin. . experienced investigators were assigned to investigate this criminal case. vladimir kolodkin conducted the initial investigative actions, went to the scene of the attack, conducted interrogations of witnesses and martynova herself, where this was not just ordinary. the bream platform, like a bream mine, dragged a child, her child, her girl, two, 2 years and 7 months old by the hands, threw her down, held her a little more, threw her down, ran down shouting: oh, they killed, killed, killed, and she didn’t run to her daughter, she ran into the street, attracting attention,
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the only witness to what happened was... an eleven-year-old schoolboy, there was a boy on the landing of the fourth floor, eleven years old, who saw everything, when people gathered, there was a girl lying there, the police had just arrived, he told his friend, who he came to, showed her in front of her, this girl, threw off this girl, well here she is, both girls, one little 2 s to 2.7 months, the second she looked like a girl. they told journalists that the girl was often punished, they killed her, they killed her, yeah, that is, you saw it yourself, well, yes, i heard, even there they shouted at her, according to the investigator vladimir kolodkin, martynova changed her testimony several times, the criminal case against martynova, for us, for the prosecutor’s office investigators, it was an ordinary criminal case, a young woman decided to arrange her personal life, to go to moscow.
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get rid of your daughter. in july 2008 , a jury found martynova guilty of an attempt on the life of her two-year-old child, but before the verdict was announced, she fled with her daughter, because of this , the proceedings in the case were suspended and only resumed in april 2024 again. martynova hid in the stavropol territory for 16 years, together with her new husband she bought a house, introduced herself to the neighbors as a housewife, martynova’s daughter lived with them, she did not go to school, she was a tutor. in...
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even after this, alisa maria asked the court not to send her mother to a colony; martynova herself explained in her last word that she ran away 16 years ago because she was scared and did not want to part with her daughter; she denies attempted murder. i provided her with education, online courses, tutors, classes with a speech therapist, everything she needed, medicine, dentistry, i took her to the mountains, to the sea. any clubs and sections, sports, art schools, everything that a child should receive, she received, i love her, she loves me, i need her, for my child, and she needs me, we are a family, a state association asked for 10 years in a general regime colony for antonina martynova, to find antonina valerievna martynova guilty of committing a crime, to impose punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of 9 years with a stay in a general government colony regime, no matter how antonina martynova tried to escape from punishment by living semi-legally in
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another region, me and my daughter... rub. and now footage of the asian scam , one of the private zoos in the far east was at the epicenter of the scandal. there they promised to show visitors a new species of the famous giant panda, but the bamboo bears not only turned out to be small, but also barked. the zoo directors threw up their hands. yes, dogs, yes, they are painted. there aren’t enough pandas for all the zoos, at least the guests will smile here, and if not smile, money.


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