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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the one who seeks will find it, and the one who asks will be opened, or whoever is a man from you , his son will ask him when he is thirsty, he will give him a stone of bread, or if he asks for a fish and let him give it a snake, but you are wicked and evil, you know how to give a good deed to your children , when your heavenly father plows, he will give goodness to those who ask him...
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through justice and strength, strength and wisdom, to the good of our country of righteousness, to enjoy its prosperity in peace, may i endure and adversary, turn away fear and misfortune, lord, hear , have mercy, lord, lord, have mercy, lord, have mercy. hearing god, our savior,
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the hope of all the ends of the earth, who seek the sea far away, and be merciful, merciful, and have mercy on our sins, for you are a merciful and loving god, and to you we send glory through the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto the ages. centuries. amen.
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having lived, we will glorify you, our all-generous ruler and benefactor, and melt our hearts in joy and gratitude. glory to thee god, our benefactor, forever and ever.
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amen. wisdom. christ our god, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. christ rose from the dead by death.
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our country on the day when you are again called to occupy. they see in the head of state not only a successful politician, but a very kind, intelligent, warm-hearted person, this combination of kindness and strict adherence to principles, the
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very weak point that sometimes prevents people in power from walking their life path with dignity, because there is...
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servanthood president, it is also important because whether the head of state wants it or not, they take an example from him, he really becomes an example for young people, for military personnel, for the intelligentsia, for workers, and in general for everyone who seriously thinks about themselves about their role in the life of the country, you set such a good example, god helps you. continue to carry out the service that god himself has entrusted to you, with love for
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the fatherland, with boldness, because sometimes such boldness is required when you have to step over a lot, maybe sometimes over something that in ordinary life would seem to be crossed over impossible, but this is boldness, this is strength, it must accompany the service of the head of state from actions, that is why it is so necessary, and for an orthodox person it is extremely necessary,
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when in power, to find a place for prayer, and you find, i know about this, to find a place for reflection, about reflection, not only about your professional duties, but about your life, personal life, i know that you find a place for such, uh, all this... will undoubtedly help strengthen your spiritual and physical strength, but we, as a church, teaching you this blessing on your debt today, will continue to pray in our personal prayers, and what is most the main thing in our national church prayer is that the lord will help you all the days of your life to worthily lead the great... fatherland, holy russia, which is also passing
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through today not the easiest period of its history. may the blessing of god, the protection of the queen of heaven, remain with you all the days of your life, until the end of the age, as we say, well, i will boldly say, god grant that the end of the age will mean the end of yours. being in power, you have everything to successfully perform this great service to your homeland for a long time. this staged image, i would like to teach you, blessing on your sample, your life.
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so, in the annunciation cathedral, the patriarch of moscow of all russia gave his patriarchal and human parting words to vladimir putin after his election as president. and, probably, this was the most sacred, personal moment of today’s ceremony. we thank all our viewers, thank you for sharing this time with us, for being with us during the broadcast, for working for you. and ekaterina berezovskaya, all the best, all the best. 7 days fly by unnoticed, but not for the liver, after all, heptral is active from the first week of use, the liver is tired, it’s time for heptral, in rigla pharmacies. one of my friends decided to relax in a place where there is no connection, where can she go from this connection? hello, nowhere, lucy, nowhere, because the megaphone can pick up even here. megafon,
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the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin took the oath on a special copy of the constitution. russian federation, protect the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, serve faithfully. to the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. russia itself is only itself
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will determine its own destiny, vladimir putin emphasized in his speeches after the oath. as for dialogue with western states, our country does not refuse it, but it is ready to discuss issues of security and strategic stability only on equal terms. vladimir putin also addressed the issue. russia in all regions of our country, the inhabitants of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, participants in a special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland. thank you again you for your trust in me. and support, i am now addressing every citizen of russia, i have just pronounced the words of the presidential oath, its text contains the essence
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of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. exactly. the president of the national medical chamber of russia, leonid rashal, noted the unity of everyone who was at the ceremony. vladimir putin spoke with the honored doctor after
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the official events. i want to tell you, that you are in excellent physical shape. thank you very much, today we walked this marathon up the stairs there without shortness of breath, everything is fine, thank god, of course, yes, like this. called in passing, yes, i see, these are my philosophical sketches, thank you,
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vladimir putin’s class teacher, vera gurevich, a 91-year-old teacher, came to the andreysky hall of the kremlin, she wrote a memoir about the school years of the head of state and decided to personally congratulate her former student, she noted, that he copes with his responsibilities in the same way like in school, excellent. my colleague pavel zarubin, the author of the moscow kremlin putin program, took the presidential route from the office of the head of state to st. andrew's hall and recorded details that remained behind the scenes of the official broadcast. everyone looked at everything, but we were nearby and again saw more than the rest of the chronologies of the event, which no one knew about yet. 55 minutes remain until the inauguration ceremony begins. and now we see with you, indeed, this is a unique moment, a new, updated aurus senate they turn around, park at the first building
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of the kremlin, and exactly 45 minutes later the president of russia will approach the car. today , the most beautiful kremlin chandeliers have television screens, and a long, long television cable runs along the corridors of the kremlin to broadcast live: good evening! the country and the worlds were able to see what they saw. 35 minutes before the start of the inauguration ceremony, look, the presidential regiment appeared in the courtyard of the first building of the kremlin. today the weather conditions are very difficult, but each of the soldiers must, of course, no matter what, it will look perfect, so it will be. the wet snow is getting heavier. but everything starts strictly according to schedule. footage of the broadcast of vladimir putin’s inauguration is now all over the world,
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of course, i’m studying it, as they say. passions, and you and i have the opportunity to walk the same presidential route through the first building of the kremlin and answer some questions, so many are always interested in what kind of paintings are here in the main building of the kremlin, and so each of these paintings belongs to the artist sergei andriaka, famous russian artist, who is famous for his works made using the technique of multi-layer watercolor painting. putin noticed many of the paintings as he walked. but i even stopped with one. now let’s talk about what many found most curious during the president’s passage along the corridor of the first building of the kremlin. so, what kind of picture did vladimir putin look at with such interest? here she is. this is a painting painted in 1914 by one of the students at sergei andriyaka’s academy. well, we’ll tell you even more details on sunday at
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program moscow kremlin putin. well further. if we walk along these corridors, we find ourselves on the famous shokhin staircase of the kremlin, of course you all know it, that same staircase, known to everyone, every few meters, today soldiers of the presidential regiment stand here, vladimir putin will take office in a few minutes president of russia. the whole country learned about the details of the updated aurus. has a range of 200 km, is configured and adjusted completely to the requirements of support, quiet running specifically for special occasions, that is it is very convenient for the motorcycle driver to maintain the required speed, we handed over
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11 motorcycles to gon. in order for us to completely close our chain of all support for this entire solemn part. gon is a special-purpose garage, and today , for the first time, 11 new electric motorcycles left this garage and accompanied president putin. it is interesting, of course, why the aurus motorcycle was named merlon, we know the answer. our main cars, they are named after the kremlin tower, are...
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by 2030, life expectancy russians should increase to 78 years. the poverty rate will be less than 7%. russia will take fourth place in the world in terms of gdp and will enter the top ten leading countries in the world in terms of scientific research and development. all this is only part of the priorities mentioned in the new decree signed by the president. among the national goals are development, population conservation and family support, comfort. and a safe living environment, environmental well-being, sustainable economy, technological leadership and digital transformation of government, economics and social sphere. starting next year, payments to academicians will increase to 200,000 rubles. per month with a corresponding member up to 100,000. this instruction was given to the government by vladimir putin following a meeting dedicated to the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences, which took place in
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february. that is money. payments to academy members will be doubled, there is a collapse at uk airports, border services are faced with a failure in the system, including problems in manchester , tens of thousands of passengers are stuck in london, but it is not yet clear when the problem will be solved, how the guardian notes that there is real chaos at airports, no one is helping people, many have become ill. the children are crying, drinking water has run out. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the control center. the groups south, west, east and center occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formations lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks were destroyed, including an american abrams, a german leopard and 12 other armored vehicles. eliminated 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers.


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