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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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which took place in february, that is, cash payments to academy members will be doubled, there is a collapse at uk airports, border services are faced with a failure in the system, including problems in manchester in london, tens of thousands of passengers are stuck, but it is not yet clear when it will be possible to solve the problem, as the guardian notes, is that there is real chaos at airports. no one is helping people, many have become ill, children are crying, drinking water has run out. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in su, groups south, west, east and the center occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks were destroyed, including an american abrams, a german leopard and 12 other armored vehicles, and 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers were destroyed.
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a solid rocket fuel production workshop was destroyed, an air defense system was shot down by 32 combat drones and seven french hammer bombs. but in the ssu, peaceful lugansk was shelled. a fire started on the outskirts of the city. according to the head of the lpr, leonid pasechnik, employees of the ministry of emergency situations are working on the spot. now the main task is put out the fire to protect the residents of their home from the fire. throughout. the world has already been reminded of the march of the immortal regiment, the feat of the soviet people, who made the greatest contribution to the defeat of the nazis of the third reich , in the countries of europe, asia, africa and both americas. with details anton dadykin. my native country is wide, sounds in german in frankfurt on the main. the immortal regiment action began with soviet songs on two.
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the mayor's office went even further; at rallies in honor of victory day in the german capital , red flags and any symbols that can indicate who actually made the greatest contribution to the defeat of the nazis of the third reich, even the performance of soviet military songs was banned, but unlike kiev, the berlin authorities were still not so cynical as to force world war ii veterans to remove their well-deserved orders and medals. our embassy pointed out that such restrictions are unacceptable. we demand a complete cancellation. corresponding prohibitions,
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we consider them as discrimination, contrary to the spirit of the post-war historical reconciliation of the peoples of russia and germany, we are convinced that all concerned residents of the federal republic of germany should have the opportunity to honor the memory and pay tribute to the fallen red army soldiers and victims of nazism in a dignified manner, in accordance with established long-standing traditions. in the capital of spain, the exploits of soviet soldiers are still remembered; there, no one banned either the st. george ribbon or the symbols of the liberating soviet army. spanish anti-fascists. we came here to remind everyone of the defeat of nazism in europe, especially now, when the activity of nationalists is intensifying before our eyes. preserving historical memory is fundamentally important, especially in conditions when they are trying to present us with very different versions of the past. we are grateful to the soviet people, grateful to the millions who died and gave. in
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slovakia, bikers staged a motorcycle rally in honor of victory day. motorists also took part in the action called land of our heroes. the joint column was more than 3 km long. ours is free. the rally participants visited the monument to the soviet soldiers-liberators of czechoslovakia and military cemeteries in eighteen cities and villages. behind all heroes of the great patriotic war. hooray! hooray! hooray! hooray! hundreds of people with portraits of their ancestors lined up the immortal regiment in ankara and beirut.
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ukrainian diplomats at all levels demanded that the new york mayor's office ban the rally, but it did not work. previously, this was an all-union holiday, and even if not everyone celebrates it today, this is our victory. in tokyo, the column of the immortal regiment was led by the ambassadors of russia and china to japan. those who accepted death. the immortal regiment marched in south american countries, for example, in venezuela and nicaragua the event has been attracting people for the third year in a row.
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anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. a powerful hurricane hit several regions of russia. in the voronezh region, the wind knocked down dozens of trees, damaged the roofs of buildings, and trains were delayed there. in total , 267 people and 135 pieces of equipment are eliminating the consequences of bad weather in the region. there was a sandstorm on the m4 don highway; drivers had to drive almost blind for some time. in belgorod, trees felled by the wind blocked several of them. six cars were damaged on the street. there were no casualties at the site. in one of the courtyards, a tree fell on a children's room. stormy winds damaged 10 private houses and 20 buildings in the tulele region. the wind brought the garage roof down on top of the car.
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the consequences of flooding have been completely eliminated at the mikhailovsky theater in st. petersburg. the vice-governor of the city boris pyatrovsky spoke about this. on saturday, the fire extinguishing system in the theater went off. to order food from a restaurant, use yandex go, products from...
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. ostafiev, vasiliev, drunino, akudzhava. universities for these boys and girls became front. as drunina wrote, i do not come from childhood, from the war. these writers are known to everyone, their books have been published in thousands of copies, plays and films have been based on them. some works were published only after perestroika. each of these writers had their own front-line history, and we... will no longer know much, because dry documents record only awards and injuries received. the history of how the soldiers came out of the encirclement cannot be in the archive. reading these documents, you can imagine how it was, but no, not introduce. from the national sheet, from september 22 to october 5, 1944, comrade drunina, being in the battle formations of the battery, repeatedly, risking her own life, with a machine gun in her hands, repelled counterattacks of the enemy infantry. during this short period of time, she evacuated and provided first aid to forty people,
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thereby ensuring the rapid advancement of our troops. that is, a girl who was 20 years old carried 40 adult men from the battlefield, in full uniform with weapons, gave them first aid and also shot back at them. nazis. at the beginning of the war, drunina left the encirclement for 2 weeks; according to documents , it was established that yulia... vladimirovna dronina went to the front in 1941, from 1943 she served in the 667th infantry regiment of the 218th infantry division as a medical instructor. in 1943 she was seriously wounded and miraculously survived. the doctors rendered a verdict to commit her to a commission, but she is returning to the front. here are the documents. sergeant major drunina in battles near the village of azarich. on january 20, 1944, she carried 17 fighters along with their weapons from the battlefield, for which was awarded... a medal for courage, talking about drunina, one cannot help but remember her front-line
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friend, zenaida samsonova. senior sergeant samsonova zinaida aleksandrovna, in september 1944, when crossing the dnieper river , was in battle formations and did not lose her head, took the machine gun in her hands, rushed into battle, and killed three germans with a burst of machine gun fire. and the rest, not accepting the battle, left, she died on belarusian soil, and she rose into battle, and was killed by a bullet, and this is reflected in yulia vladimirovna’s poems. after the war, yulia drunina zinka will write one of her best poems, dedicated to her fighting friend. we did not expect posthumous glory, we wanted to live with slava. why is there a soldier lying in pints of bloody blonde hair, and this is the personal file of boris
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lvovich vasilyev, born in 1924, photographs of a curly-haired young man of yesterday’s schoolboy. these photographs are attached to the documents because vasiliev was an officer at the front; privates do not have photographs in their personal files. autobiography of vasiliev, here he tells how in 1942 he volunteered, how in forty-three he ended up in airborne. the regiment, as a platoon commander, was sent to the armored forces school in 1943. the autobiography says that he took part in hostilities, did not take part, was not surrounded in captivity, was not. probably immediately after the war. it was necessary to write this way, later boris vasiliev talked about how at the beginning of the war he was in a destruction battalion, such battalions were formed from youngsters, they had belts and caps from their uniforms, they had problems with weapons, almost all of them died in the first months of the war , vasiliev survived, he escaped from encirclement twice in 1941, i was saved when
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i was surrounded in 1941, my father taught me how to navigate, the first one brought me conditions. he had a car in the forest at the headquarters of the belarusian military district, he worked in smolensk, he took it to the forest, he didn’t drive there, that means the car was standing in the wastelands, he drove me, drove me, he said: i ’ll show you where leningrad is, where smolensk is, where vitebsk is, where minsk. probably boris vasiliev’s father, a career officer in 1930, understood that war could not be avoided and prepared his son for probable tests. when boris lvovich vasiliev chooses the profession of a writer, his father will even be offended, because everyone in the family was a military man. favorite song. the peasant son viktor ostafyev from the siberian village of ovsyanka, which he will glorify and where his museum will later be opened, an orphan, an orphan,
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a boy with a lower education, at the beginning of the war a railway worker who has a reservation, a registration card says: that he has gone to the front voluntarily, on october 23 , 1942, he served in the ninety-second howitzer artillery brigade. in kyiv offensive operation as part of the first ukrainian front, on october 20, 1943, the red army soldier ostafyev corrected telephone communication from the front line four times, when a bomb exploded nearby, he was covered with earth, and on april 1 , 1944 in the kherson region during the offensive, when his commander was, ostafyev took command of... he was awarded a medal for courage and the order of the red star later for the liberation of warsaw for the victory over germany a huge potential vital charge memory means good in childhood, half of me was still sent to on the dnieper, half of my vision was lost and my memory was lost, and
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the war did a lot to me, so to speak, of what nature gave. according to documents, he served since july 1943 in the 126th howitzer brigade, was a telegraph operator, in archival data he is arkady. carrying out a search through the documents of the red army soldier akudzhava, bulat shalovich, we discovered a discrepancy in the documents. the fact is that according to all the documents in the archive, he
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is listed as akudzhava arkadiysha. all other data coincides: place of birth, certificate of illness, according to which he was in ultimately discharged from the army in 1944 in april. we involuntarily compare the biographies of these four writers and their heritage. victor stafiev was glorified by the works of siberia. he didn't write much about the front. the story the shepherd and the shepherdess, published in 1971, was sensational, the damned one was killed after. the poet with a guitar in his hands, okudzhava, has a lot of songs about the front, the story be healthy shkalyar, later filmed and sent to the shelf, and one of the songs, in fact, a hymn to victory, a march, without which parades are not complete, our tenth airborne battalion, under the motto no one but us, graduates of the school valiantly defend their homeland, 164 heroes
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of the soviet union and russia emerged from the walls of the school, for boris vasilyev the war is its expectation, the honor of an officer, the change of generations in the army, the main themes. yulia dronina wrote her first poem about the war in the hospital. poetry is always the first to respond to events. someone saw sweat and dirt, someone, excuse me, someone saw a chamomile growing. middle field, yes, this is also war, and there is war, and here there is war, therefore, from the writer, from his character, from his temperament, from his perception of life. it depends on what tone he will give to his work, and if the same yulia drunina said that i’m sorry, she wrote,
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she was surprised, god, how we are so thin, small, in hundred-foot boots, reached berlin, when they asked her, what are you, you defended, you defended in the fight against fascism, what, what was the main thing for you, she says, and i... defended femininity, i defended motherhood, an interview with yulia for television they didn’t take drunina, she died in 1991, fortunately boris vasiliev was filmed a lot, in the nineties and zeros, so he tells how he created his story , he wasn’t on the lists, he spent 10 years collecting material for it, he and his wife zoriya came to the brest fortress in early 1960, they were allowed there, although the fortress at that moment was not yet open to visitors,
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it began, it turned out to be a documentary: vasiliev’s only hero, lieutenant nikolai pluzhnikov, fights in the fortress longer than the real last defender, major gavrilov. the ending of the story is terrible, hero they surround him and he leaves the fortress. this episode was seen by our red army soldier, who later became a rebel and survived. the last defender comes out blind, completely gray, with frostbitten feet. he walks without bending and falls dead. first time.
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vasiliev wrote it in 1972, but censorship did not let it through until perestroika; this is a story about one class and, more broadly, about vasiliev’s own generation. later he would write that boris vasiliev, like millions of his peers, became a soldier before becoming someone. many of vasiliev’s works have been filmed, he wrote the script for a cult picture of officers, but probably his most...
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incidents, there are two writers' views on the war, the first look is a dark look, when everything is bad, people are dying, people are being killed, absolutely everyone is to blame, well, the authorities first turn, here is the second look, a bright one, that is, no matter what, life goes on, and during the war...
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understanding the great patriotic war. yulia drunina committed suicide in 1991; she could not see the collapse of the country that volunteers had left to defend. we are left with her poems, here's one read by actress valentina talyzina. funerals, wounds, burial ground, memory, don’t tear my soul apart with war, i just don’t know a time purer than love for the homeland. only love gave people strength. in the middle of a roaring fire, if i didn’t believe in russia, then she wouldn’t believe in me. the russian language is very, very precise, very precise. and because it is precise, it is the language of a military man, meaning you have to put the words in the right places in the right way. and life depends on it. not a single fortress, not a single bunker, says what?
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so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, this whole view, many analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i would not call it a remake, reshoot, film absolutely independent, moved away from me, this is an adventure, this is a very interesting comedy, you have no... chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, that’s it, love, romance, right now, yes, i’m about to cry, these are tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something straight, the whole film was in one breath, we’ll meet in the future, 100 years
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from now.
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