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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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vladimir putin officially took office as president. the ceremony, according to tradition, took place in the andreysky hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin took the oath on a special copy of the constitution, which was made in 1996. then the russian anthem was played. i swear. president of the russian
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federation, respect, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, comply with, protect the constitution of the russian federation, protect sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin entered. to the post of president of russia. russia itself will only determine its own destiny,” vladimir putin emphasized in his speech after the oath. as for dialogue with western states, our country does not refuse it, but it is ready to discuss issues of security and strategic stability only on equal terms. vladimir putin also addressed words of gratitude to all citizens of russia. i want it cordially.
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thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, the participants in the special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you once again for the trust and support you have shown me, now i am addressing every citizen. russia, just took the words of the presidential oath. its text contains the essence of the highest mission of the head of state - to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years.
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unity of everyone who was at the ceremony. vladimir putin spoke with the honored doctor after the official events. i want to tell you that you are in excellent physical shape. thanks a lot. today we walked this marathon up the stairs there. without breathing. everything is fine. thank god, of course. yes. this is such a holiday. and very important. this is true. and that on this day you found
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the opportunity to meet with doctors, thank you very much, thank you, we agreed to see you, well, today is the right day, especially since we always have it worker, you have to work, i congratulate you on your inauguration, i brought you a small gift, a book, called in passing, these are my sketches. thank you. the solemn ceremony of vladimir putin's inauguration as president was closely watched by the entire world media. what was celebrated, how was it served? news, tell ilzyat khramtsova. for another 6 years , the western press cannot cope with the disappointment from the choice of the russian people, with their hearts breaking, broadcasting live from moscow. bbc, skynews, independent and others. western media
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the footage of russian television crews was rebroadcast, and so that the viewer did not miss the main thing, vladimir putin’s speech was carried out with simultaneous translation. to our heroes, special.
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constitutional order, and the way they react to it, well, those who don’t come, it doesn’t do them credit, of course, and in this regard, the new york times made a headline that the ceremony took place against the backdrop of isolation from the outside west, but at the same time, the liberal publication emphasized, putin demonstrates domestic political power, which seems stronger than ever. however, moscow never considered itself isolated in the halls of the kremlin, diplomats from all over the world. russia is ready to develop relations with those partners who want to work for mutual benefit, and not on the terms of infringing on anyone’s interests and security. there were, there will be, enemies of russia, their problems, they suffer from internal insecurity and these attempts to play on the fact that oh, we invited us, but we will not
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appear here, this is cheap, this is not serious, this is not how respectable people behave, however, we have long had no illusions regarding manners. term of the russian leader placed on the main page of the site, special attention to the announced exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which the americans expectedly call britain and the words of vladimir putin, clearly addressed to an external audience, the head of state emphasized that moscow does not refuse dialogue, the choice is up to western countries . one of the world's leading business publications, bloomberg , emphasizes that... he took office against the backdrop of the economy adapting to unprecedented sanctions, note the role of china, india and the so-called global south in this process. apparently expecting to hear that moscow cannot decide anything without beijing, the presenter of the german zdf asked the invited nuclear weapons expert about china’s role in the current
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situation. this is a question that many have been asking for quite some time, how much influence does china have on putin. the honest answer is, we don’t know, russians should increase to 78 years old, the poverty level will be less than 7%. russia will take fourth place in the world in terms of gdp volume and will enter the top ten countries in the world in terms of research and development volume. all this is only part of the priorities that are mentioned in the new decree signed by the president, among
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the national development goals, population preservation and family support, a comfortable and safe living environment, environmental well-being, a sustainable economy, technological... uk border services are faced with a collapse system failures, including problems in manchester and london. tens of thousands of passengers are stranded, as noted the press, there is real chaos at the airports, no one is helping people, many have become ill, children are crying, and drinking water has also run out. the
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russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the control center. the groups south, west, east and center occupied more advantageous positions. about the situation on the front line margarita semenyuk. in skillful hands, one attack drone is capable of destroying enemy ammunition depots, strengthened by the enemy and correcting howitzer rocket divisions and the advance of our attack aircraft, as the operators of the southern group of troops destroyed dugout, equipment and personal. having become the vsso in the donetsk direction, let’s say, with objective observation, if
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even a reconnaissance group is identified there , enemy equipment, the so-called live enemy blendings will be identified, accordingly, how the crew will work there, also with our support, the mortar crews will work out the proofreading and artillery. su-25 attack aircraft of the russian aerospace forces destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the crew zone.
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hit the uav control center of the ukrainian armed forces and the field ammunition depot. during the day , units of the voist dnepr group fire damage was caused by a concentration of manpower and equipment, 141 infantry, 65 mechanized brigades, and the thirty-fifth brigade of the marine infantry of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of stepnoye and rabotina tokarevka. the enemy lost up to 40 troops, four 155mm m777 howitzers, a 152mm d-20 howitzer, a 122mm d-30 howitzer and a station. the fighters of the center group also improved the tactical situation at the front; the military also
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repelled a counterattack by attack aircraft in sou. as a result of successful actions, the units of the troop center group improved the tactical situation was defeated by the manpower and equipment of the 24th, 115th mechanized, 143rd infantry and 68th jaeger brigades of the armed forces of ukraine in the areas of the settlements of leninskoye, novokalinovo, semyonovka and solovyovo of the donetsk people's republic. a counterattack was also repelled. assault group of the 100th mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the settlement of ocheretina, donetsk people's republic. the enemy lost up to 395 troops , a us-made abrams tank, two us-made bred infantry fighting vehicles, two armored combat vehicles, four automobiles, 152 mm d-20 howitzer, 122 mm gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount, as well as 422 mm d-30 howitzers. while on the battle line. contact, the soldiers are moving forward in the rear areas, preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic
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war. the military in the luhansk people's republic are reconstructing wwii memorials. in novoakhtyrka, letters and numbers, steles, and plates with the names of soviet soldiers were restored. the military installed a renewed star on the bowl of eternal flame. for the celebration of may 9, the obelisk he'll be ready. everything here was very much destroyed, on that side, at the back, that is, they were making a foundation, an apalope. accordingly, the old tiles were removed, restored, and new ones were made. more than thirty monuments to the heroes of the second world war were restored by military groups of the vostok troops and sappers of the engineering troops in the dpr. first, the area was cleared of unexploded ordnance, and then the memorials were put in order. local residents said, specifically about this monument, that nationalist battalions were approaching, the nationalist formations themselves were ukrainian and they shot on purpose. they tried to destroy the monument. by all means in the nolgorod region in the border area, our tankers
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from the group covering the state border destroyed the next strongholds of ukrainian terrorist formations. margarita semenyuk, dmitry naido, lead. choose your adventure. with this slogan, the zelensky regime is trying to lure people into combat units. stanislav berwalt found out why even such cynicism will not help kiev. i want to tell you, friends, that...
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sports, you are strong, this sprint race turned out to be a slant, after the finish, a reveler the defeat of the vyinkoms and the stormy ovation of the spectators, today paska, there are commanders, sending these commanders with a flying gait through the empty
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streets of kiev, ukhilyan has never been so close to failure.
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very first, and apparently not the last. stanislav bernwald, news. all over the world, the march of the immortal regiment. the feat of the soviet people, who made the greatest contribution to the defeat of the nazis of the third reich, has already been recalled in the countries of europe, asia, africa and both americas. with details anton dadekin. the country is wide. my native sounds in german language in frankfurt am main. the immortal regiment action began with soviet songs in two languages, then about 500 people walked through the center of frankfurt with portraits of their heroic ancestors; many germans also joined the procession, carrying a banner. thanks to the soviet people for liberation from fascism. this is a holiday. but the deutschland authorities apparently
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forgot about the crimes. the third reich banned the image of the st. george's ribbon, it even had to be taped over the poster. in berlin, the mayor's office went even further. protests in honor of victory day in the german capital are prohibited. also red flags and any symbols that could indicate who actually made the greatest contribution to the defeat of the nazis of the third reich, even banned the performance of soviet war songs, but unlike kiev, the berlin authorities were still not so cynical as to force wwii veterans remove the war. honored orders and medals. our embassy pointed out that such restrictions are unacceptable. in the capital of spain, the exploits of soviet soldiers are still remembered. there is neither the st. george ribbon nor the symbols of the soviet no one prohibited the liberator’s army. more than a thousand people marched through the center of madrid, joined by spanish anti-fascists. we
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came here to remind everyone of the defeat of nazism in europe, especially now when... preserving historical memory is fundamentally important, especially in conditions when they are trying to present us with very different versions of the past. we are grateful to the soviet people, grateful to the millions of victims who gave their lives for the victory over nazism in europe. in slovakia, bikers staged a motorcycle rally in honor of victory day. motorists also took part in the action called “land of our heroes”. joint column. hundreds of people with portraits of their ancestors formed the immortal regiment in ankara and beirut.
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in new york, dozens of people marched across the brooklyn bridge. ukrainian diplomats at all levels demanded that the mayor of new york ban the rally, but it did not work. previously, this was an all-union holiday, and even if not everyone celebrates it today, this is our victory. in tokyo, the column of the immortal regiment was led by the ambassadors of russia and china to japan. anton dadykin, matve, news. russia is preparing for victory day. patriotic events, exhibitions and concerts are held throughout the country. special attention
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to veterans. anastasia ponko has details. the heart remembers, never. front-line songs are sung personally for one person, ninety- nine-year-old pyotr grigorievich.
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and for the veterans of kemerovo they organized a real parade with a march, devils, poems and flowers, today is a double holiday, the eve of victory day and the birthday of nikolai stepanovich, he is 101 years old, but the veteran feels much younger, i raised it like that every time at the beginning, and... then like this and so on i raised it 10-15 times, but now i probably haven’t worked out for more than a week, veterans are congratulated on the upcoming holiday all over the country, ivan olenin happily welcomes guests at his home, holidays, thank you that they came to congratulate a soldier, with a medal on his chest, during the great patriotic war... he was the commander of an artillery reconnaissance unit, liberated warsaw, took berlin, was a soldier on the front, ended the war as a sergeant, here is
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a photo hanging above me, was in the reichstag, they signed the reichstag their names, in the lnnr volunteers will visit sixty residents, bringing with them food and medicine specially selected for veterans. every russian city is preparing for the great holiday; in tomsk, students are decorating the windows. cut out st. george ribbons, carnations and white cranes from paper. i have great-grandmother and great-grandfather, who later became such a big , pleasant family; they both went through the great patriotic war practically together, so this is very, very important for me. in nalchik, volunteers offer victory to residents take the icon in the form of a red carnation. in return, they are asked to support the charity foundation with any amount. the funds raised will be used to buy medicine, wheelchairs, prosthetics, and hearing aids. what veterans of the great patriotic war need. in donetsk, on the eve of may 9, children are preparing for a patriotic exhibition, drawing symbols of the holiday. and
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a column of retro vehicles drove through the streets of the republic of khakassia. this is the fourth year this event has been held here. very interesting, very glad that we have such an event. and victory day is a holy day, this is the memory of our fathers, ancestors. kostroma joined the all-russian memorial wall campaign. they are installed in schools, universities, and government agencies. these are the special banners on which residents attach photographs of their loved ones, heroes of the great patriotic war. preschoolers also take part in the action; in kindergarten no. 104 in saransk, for example, this is already a small tradition. my great-great-grandfather, he fought and went through the whole war, he was strong, brave and he had a lot of medals. it even has its own immortal regiment, with st. george ribbons, with photographs in hands, the children walk in one large column.
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following moscow, minsk is conducting a surprise check of non-strategic nuclear weapons forces. the belarusian military department emphasized that the event is of a defensive nature. anastasia sokhovskaya found out how the readiness of units will be assessed. the response to any military aggression against belarus will be immediate at the northwestern borders of up to 90 thousand nato troops.
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the mechanism is spelled out in top secret documents in a completely clear task to work out all the actions in the conditions as close as possible to a real combat situation. the iskander operational-tactical complex and a squadron of su-25 tactical aircraft are ready to carry out their intended missions. the entire complex from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons will be tested. support for the defending troops.
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to control forces and assets , a signal transmission system for the use of this type of weapon has been deployed. this inspection was planned against the backdrop of activities carried out by our colleagues from the russian federation. by the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is synchronized with them. military units will help belarusians with operational information. moscow and leningrad military districts and the baltic fleet. signals for the training use of tactical nuclear weapons will be given by the general staffs of belarus and russia; the presidents of our countries will discuss joint coordination and the general operational-strategic background tomorrow in person in moscow. earlier checks proved that an effective system has been created in belarus that allows you to quickly move to higher education. the degree of combat readiness and now the desired result is confirmation of the military’s skills in handling a new type of weapon for them,
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exclusively in defense.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are at the top peace, got up, dusted himself off, is
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russia ready to change in any structure? evolution occurs.


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