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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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this is not the first inauguration, which i think everyone present attended, but today there was something special and the weather was uncontrollable, so i don’t even remember such a mood. it was a mood of such
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confident calm, and the people who were inside were a variety of people, from great athletes to great heroes, from statesmen to cultural figures, but the atmosphere was of some kind of confident joy, here was an understanding of the correctness of the chosen path, this is very very important, indeed the inauguration of vladimir putin in a big way the kremlin... the palaces are counting down a new presidential term, a new chapter in the history of our state, in a traditional speech after the oath of office, the head of state outlined the key meanings of the strategy for the coming years: sovereignty, development, national unity, and later deciphered it in many ways, this is, by the way, it was consonant with the address to the federal assembly, that is, the logic of the movement is clear, i was always surprised when they talked about our president and his unpredictability. it
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seems to me that putin is an amazingly consistent person, you just need to be very listen carefully to what the president says, very carefully, then a lot becomes clear, but of course, the phrase that vladimir vladimirovich said today, that we will determine the fate of russia ourselves, the west shuddered at such a wording, well , really, that is, the measure came out with the fact that putin threatens the west by uttering 10 words, because well, the transcription of the western of our seven... turns out to be 10. listen, the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force, evidence of our common firm belief that the fate of russia is ours we will only determine for ourselves. for the sake of today's and future generations. you, citizens of russia, have confirmed the correctness of the country's course. it has. of great importance right
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now, when we are faced with serious trials, i see in this a deep understanding of our common historical goals, a determination to adamantly defend our choice, our values, the freedom and national interests of russia. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult, milestone period with dignity, and we will become even stronger and sure to do so.
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and never such decisions made in the good of the people, for the good of the country, were not condemned by either the church or the people. the service of the president, it is also important because whether the head of state wants it or not, they take an example from him, he really becomes an example for young people, for military personnel, for the intelligentsia, for workers, and in general for everyone who is serious. will think about
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himself, about his role in the life of the country, you are such a good example, god helps you to continue to carry that. service that god himself has entrusted to you, with love for the fatherland, with boldness, because sometimes it is required such boldness, when you have to step over a lot, maybe sometimes over something that in ordinary life, as if it is impossible to step over it, but this boldness, this is strength, it must accompany the service of the head of state, on whose actions the fate of the country depends . very strong words, so heartfelt, and another detail, i don’t know whether you paid attention or not, when the anthem was played, everyone sang, yes, and quite sincerely, it’s simple, everyone sang, and they knew the words, that, which is
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also very nice , margaritna, president our man is very grateful, why? began my speech today in the kremlin, where we were all together and experienced these feelings that you are talking about, in addition to confident joy, this is certainly a feeling of pride, a sense of belonging, a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to share this pride with those people who personify the best athletes country, the best artists of the country, doctors, teachers, statesmen,
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inauguration, one must also assume that the words were nothing other than gratitude, he spoke to her, right, right? and i am absolutely convinced that our president, more than anyone else, deserves to have words of gratitude said to him, we, in return, may be given to him, because
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of course it was he, when he first appeared, and we learned his name in the year ninety-nine, probably a small number of people in the country already knew the name, but i, for example, didn’t know, i don’t know whether you knew or not, and what we were like in ninety -nine, what it was like to hang in the abyss with your whole body and tips fingers, just hold on to some pebbles when they start telling me about the incredible freedoms, opportunities of the nineties, nothing but laughter in me... this does not cause me, because, fortunately, unfortunately, i was born in the eighties, i already lived in the nineties, i remember all this very well, i remember very well that if your boots, in which you spent five winters, are worn out, they have already deteriorated and you need new
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boots, you have nothing to wear, then you go to a second-hand store, where they sell what the salvation army or other us organizations send humanitarian missions to russia for free, as in the country. third world, second hand, disgusting, foreign, trash, and they sell it for money in a second-hand store, this is the only thing you can afford to buy. i remember very well how if you want to eat normally, you go to the hare krishna temple in the capital, in the village of elizavetinskaya near krasnodar, where i lived in krasnodar, and my classmates and i went there to eat, you know, because there was no normal food, well, there was , there was no money for it, the hare krishnas walked around... the red ones invited us all there, they always had very tasty food there, well, naturally, that’s how they they lured us, tried to make them their flock, nothing came of it, thank god, but nevertheless, i remember very well how my classmate, a smart girl, we went to the olympiads with her, we always got first second places,
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we shared with her like that, her only way to feed her entire family was to work at school, while still at school, to work as a translator in a korean sect, you know? here in big, wonderful krasnodar, there was no other job for the family to feed, only in the korean sect, as my mother went shuttling with these crazy bags, like she pulled them. they imagine across these rails as wagons packed full of buses that are stopped by bandits, take them all out into the cold, risking their lives every day to go to poland to sell some spillikins there, come back and bring me and my sister a pair of jeans each, so that we it was just something to wear, for these pairs of jeans, risking your life like that, it was all like - how i myself sold sneakers at the push at the age of 13-14, studied at the pre-school during the day, sold in the evening. sneakers to help the family, like entire nations, like tongues crawling out of
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here with us, those who only had the opportunity, greeks, germans, here they come to you on air, yes, some of those who left, because they called there, they offered there, but here there was hopelessness , there was hopelessness and it seemed that it would only get worse and worse, i remember this separatism, i remember how in the krasnodar region it was forbidden to sell grain to the damned... muscovites receive attention at the level according to the decision of the governor of the region, the then, now deceased, father kondrat, kondratenko was such a governor of ours, and i remember how every saturday on on the main street of the city, in front of the legislative assembly of the region, rallies were held about the need to separate, move away from the damned muscovites, because in moscow there are only zionists and kuroshchupy, the zionists understand it all, what kuroshchupy is, it took me years to find out, i never found out , but nonetheless. just think about it, in the krasnodar region there were strong separatist sentiments in
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the nineties, what to say about the national republics? don’t we remember chechnya, and not only chechnya, the second chechen war, at the very beginning, which actually vladimir vladimirovich came and stopped it, and stopped it, not by flooding the palms, but the chechen republic, as the americans would have done and how they did it and...
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he stood up and said, this country is not for sale, remember why the claims- then
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they began to ask him, when we started having questions here , to these economists who came from the third world countries, as they are called, tell me, a production sharing agreement, and a psa, sakhalin, remember, this was when, 20 years ago, true, when he began to fight with all this, oh, how everyone was on their ears mideo, this is the first time, it all started with the fact that who are you, mr. putin, they immediately found the answer. but the answer was that mr. putin is not the one who does not allow his country to be bought cheaply and not the one who does not allow it to be bought at a high price, not the one who said that it is not for sale in principle, because russia is not a corrupt woman. he’s bad, not good, he takes money, he’s not a democrat, and on and on, he gave us back dignity, dignity is not measured by money, but that too, well, anyone, well, more or less objective a person cannot say that people don’t live better now, in general, of course, there is a lot of poverty now, but if we take in general
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what i said at the beginning of my speech, i’m not talking about myself, but about how people lived in principle, not me. lived like this, the majority of the country lived like this, they still remember it very well, money cannot measure what he returned to us, and yet, in monetary terms, the life of the country has changed incredibly, and what can we say about security, you go out to any russian big city, you walk down the street, take a walk, it’s light, safe, clean, well, i’m generally silent about moscow, there are no capitals like moscow in the world. there is simply no such level of security as there was in many places in the world, but believe me, in our megacities, western culture, modern culture, does not mean that it can even exist in megacities, well , how is that, it’s impossible, it’s like, well, how on the french azure, for example, yes, everyone probably has friends who vacation there and so on, when something happens to them,
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they call the police, the police don’t come if no one was killed, because this is not considered a crime at all, it’s just a shame, we are the heirs of pushkin, who wrote that we all learned little by little, something and somehow, but this eugene onegin, who studied little by little, something... somehow and somehow, as he wrote, he could talk about the juveniles, put vale at the end of the letter and knew, although not without the sin of ineida, two verses, he scolded homer, theocritus, but he appreciated adam smith, you ask
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people now who he is juvenal, what is the aeneid, who is he, let alone judge how state.
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the opportunity to simply not take care of our daily bread, this is impossible, from this comes unfair, very inequality, which we also still have, inequality is treated like, inequality is treated by taxes, and something tells me what may be in the next one of this walkie-talkie, this inequality, they will somehow try to fix it well with taxes, at least i would like this, i
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have talked about this many times, taxes on luxury, about the need to equalize the level of well-being in the country, the last thing i would like to say is: problems that she can and does solve, this is an unexhausted woman who they want to buy, sell, rent, and this happened thanks to vladimir vladimirovich putin, so what?
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in fact, this is a revolutionary statement, it was just sounded many times in different versions, in this condensed form, i understand why the daily mal paid attention to it, because as the british say, this is
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a declaration, this is a statement, so to speak, this is some kind of application, you know, to the fact that somewhere the florida pensioner kozyrev suddenly suddenly, well something, yes, well, kozyrev, i think, is a deeply unhappy person, although he lives where he always dreamed of striving, always strived to get to, but i think that he watches with horror what is happening. this gives me, so to speak, optimism, because i disagreed with kozylev since 1993, when he began to support the west against milosevic and began to prove that milosevic is the new hitler, well, this is the whole well-known story, yes, then hussein became the new hitler, then gaddafi became the new hitler, well, so to speak, assad became the new hitler, so to speak, everyone became hitler, but having left the old bastard as he was, he remained, well, excuse me, i think that a... this is quite obvious, this is a value judgment, this is an emotional judgment, yes, and what seems to me to be especially important here is that what we are doing now, well, i
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want to use this expression in a different sense than it was used under boris yeltsen, we are actually helping the parade of sovereignties now , you see, this is a statement, that russia will determine its destiny itself, it will now take place throughout the world.
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here you are already invading an area where you don’t need to go, they are crossing the red line of chinese national dignity, because they are trying to do, they are trying publicly, demonstratively in front of the whole world , to encourage xiding ping to take a step back and for her to say so , you know, firstly, this is stupid, secondly, this is counterproductive from their, so to speak, point of view of achieving colonial thinking, this is absolutely true, yes, but what are they doing, they are trying... to force the leader of the state, who after this, by the way, goes to belgrade and says that we will never forget the nato bombing of our embassy in belgrade, names the names of the dead, yes , that means why did he say this, well, because he just talked with the leaders of the general western alliance, yes, although formally, so to speak, the funder is not in nato, but in her heart 10 times, no, no, no, she wanted even become secretary general, she still wants to replace stoltenberg,
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well, somehow... it was, you know, he didn’t say this by chance, he told them that listen, you consider us adversaries, you bombed our embassy, ​​you sent us signals, and you want me to now turn away from putin, together with you, started some kind of game against him, complete, so to speak, complete madness, complete absurdity, this is what the whole world is looking at, you see, it’s all connected, the statement of our president today that we will be on our own choose your destiny, shizenpin's statement , first in paris, then in...
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raise high-level negotiations between him and vladimir vladimirovich, because everyone understands, well, of course, they understand everything, and right here, which is very important, here different political traditions, different political cultures collided, macron, what represents great france, what does it have to do with macron has nothing to do with the history of france, what does ursula funderlein have to do with it?


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