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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 3:00am-3:29am MSK

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well, just like alexander dmitrievich, a participant in all procedures for taking office, i don’t like the word inauguration, although it’s latin, but somehow it smacks of americanism, and now i confess to one sin, i always understood the significance of this procedure, its constitutional, so to say, nature, the eighty-second article of the constitution, the ritual itself is very beautiful.
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there is something in this, they correctly feel this nerve of what is happening in the world, and i would say that putin is the author of such an important civilizational choice that russia did, so today ’s inauguration of putin has absolutely sacred meaning for russia, this six-year plan, this decree, these numbers that are there... this is not just another six-year plan,
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these are not just numbers, this is really just a new stage of our life , look, everyone is talking about these outstanding figures for the president’s victory in the elections, and truly unprecedented numbers of support, and i would like to draw your attention to the fact that when western experts talk in quotes about putin’s illegitimacy, this time they were not talking about the fact that someone someone was drawing numbers, someone was doing something.
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the russian people today are paying a high price for this choice in the literal sense of the word, because our guys, our heroes, are defending this choice today on the front line, 1900 sanctions, but they cannot ignore every person who, by the way, excuse the nuance , this is the first war that we are fighting without conscripts, and this has never happened in our history.
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just sounded for the non-west, this, as colleague bushkov said, the majority, the global majority, because what today important for global? the majority, you know , according to vysotsky, there are few real violent ones, so there are no important ones, russia has taken upon itself once again, by the way, in the history of mankind, and a very important mission, a very important role, russia has taken the step that many people think about, but they don’t know how to do it, realizing that this is a sacrificial step, that it will require certain losses, shocks, because to throw down the gauntlet to this...
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the west, which also pretends that it is ready to negotiate with us. if we take a step back, if we give up these global goals, we will be torn apart economically, politically and militarily. and then, by the way, if today macron immediately trembled when he saw our iskanders , everything else, which is our tactical nuclear potential, is already a different rhetoric, and...
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therefore, for me, of course, today’s event has something like this, i would say , well , a very important civilizational aspect, and one more moment, literally small, one of these days we, aleksandromitech and other colleagues, will enter a completely new stage of our parliamentary work, because
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for the first time, parliament, after the government has resigned, will approve almost completely before the incoming president. the entire composition of the government, except for the security forces, yes, besides, the security forces should still come to you; ours , yes, these are the powers of the federation council, they will coordinate, so to speak, as a result of consultation, they will agree on the appointment of ministers of the security bloc, and we also do not give consent to the appointment of the prime minister, we affirm that our decision is the latest in status, this is completely new. not this it’s important, we’re not puffing out our cheeks here, what’s more important is much more important, today all authorities take their share of responsibility for
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the task with which i began, this colossal civilizational choice that putin made, today it is reinforced by the fact that all authorities take its most important share of responsibility. we will not let you down in achieving this goal. indeed, today's event is an event that for me personally simply means a serious step forward, this is not just an adjustment to what was there or plans that were expected, no, this is well in fact, a signal that we are starting and have begun to build a new russia, because speaking of vladimirovich, one can say that he returned to russia.
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no, and by the way, i wanted to say about this a little lower, but i will say now that in fact, we are hearing from the president’s lips a message that goes beyond the horizon of decades, speaking about the political unity of our country, he is busy and understands perfectly what russia represents today will represent
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tomorrow, when we talk about what the west represents, it is just the opposite, then i must say that after the collapse of the soviet union, the west had a unique opportunity, well, to develop its own offensive against our country, among other things, but it apparently relaxed so much that this did not happen, and we can say that, apparently, something in this westernism really doesn’t work, here is the primacy of the economy, which our... president spoke about by the way, which is based on actually making a profit, but this system, it has actually received confirmation of the crisis. today we see that it does not work in its pure form, yes, we give the importance of the economy, but in its pure form the interests of the economy are the interests of profit, this is unbridled consumption for the sake of consumption, this is the uncontrolled expenditure of resources beyond the norm, and we understand perfectly well that this is not the path we should have today, and today we must fight within ourselves, we say,
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activities, traditional values, science, education and so on, this should come to the fore, all of this cannot have limited resources, this is the goal of our economic development, this is exactly what i see the goal today and the activities of our government, and we understand perfectly well that the tasks facing the government today are enormous, a lot has been done, but indeed there are some questions and even significant questions regarding the financial and economic block, but in fact the financial and economic block - this is all... just an adjustment, in fact, we must give credit to mishustin, he has learned to manage the government in such a way that
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even seemingly unsolvable problems, he finds the opportunity to solve them with those with the funds that he has, of course, he would like the financial sector, banks, loans, money supply and output to be subordinated to the interests of society, so that all this works to achieve not only a new standard of living, but also the formation of a new economy , for the sake of which today and in fact the president calls for consolidation in society. when we talk to you about what our president sends to the world, well, let's think about the fact that this new look, it not only gives our country a chance to take its rightful place, but it gives the world an opportunity to hear what humanity should be like, look what our president says, the world should be different, it should be free, there should be no barriers between the countries that are on the map today, we should talk about what. .. in the new world there cannot be outcasts here or there, countries that for one
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reason or another or for one or another interest are not included in this process, today we are talking about the fact that in fact the one who imposes his will on others, this policy should get ban, we are not given the right to manage the interests of this or that country - a third party, there cannot be a country that takes on this responsibility, we are talking ... about the future of humanity, he is talking about equality, he is actually talking about justice , he says that the application of any sanctions is an act of violence, this must be fought, that is, this is the view of our president - this is the view of a person who is ready not only to build a new russia, but to make all of humanity different, and no matter how loudly it didn't sound, now advertising, after we will continue it with a new composition.
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vitali tovic, right away, and were you ever right after? no, i mean, well, today , based on the very ceremony of the inauguration of russian president vladimir putin, the words spoken there and the actions that took place, a lot of smart, correct things were said, thank you, but i’m not just talking about you, i’m
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not just talking about myself, i thank my guests, so... when i watched it, i thought, it’s good that this artificial intelligence has not yet completely invaded our lives, and most importantly, our heads, because if he had already invaded, then putin’s thoughts would be broadcast on tv, which he has, well, i don’t mean pronouncing, an oath that should be officially pronounced without changes, that’s when he stands, watches or accepts the parade of this. .. the presidential regiment and so on, in general, by the way, it’s terribly interesting, really, what putin was thinking about when he looked at the presidential regiment, but we have teachers of literature and history, they were just representatives of artificial intelligence, they said , what was i thinking about pushkin, when he wrote this or that work, well, i also have these thoughts, but
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you can’t test them experimentally, in army humor this topic is solved more easily, what are they thinking about? and what do you know, what can’t you do, but you need to set a task, but still everything will never be done, this is of course very interesting, i’m interested in the future, i ’m interested in the future, how close the future is, i’m interested in nuclear before this is an option i’m
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certainly considering, until the middle of the century, basically until the end of the century. and until the end of the century i can easy to predict, zero responsibility, as he knows, as he knows, no, well, i won’t know for sure how my forecast will end, which means i will naturally return to russia, because today the main thing is russia, but today they remembered this macron so often, i still can’t help but say a few words about him, in general, i haven’t read any major books lately, maybe they came up with the topic of the role personally.
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before the olympics, crush bedbugs in paris so that there are fewer of them, he argues something, threatens, we say, we don’t want to change political regime in russia, who are you, you actually have a fifth republic for half a century already, since the sixties, since fifty -eight, since fifty-eight, that’s right, i wasn’t mistaken, i studied it once, why only the fifth?
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and what inspired me there was that the words, putin was silent, the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill spoke, and he... again, i apologize, i already said today, but this is very important, in my opinion, and it was not accidental that it was said, he said that the leaders of countries
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must accept fateful and formidable solutions. so, i will proclaim once again: putin must become vladimir the terrible for the next 6 years, and terrible not only in relation to the enemies of russia, this goes without saying, but in relation to the outside, but in relation to the inside.
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here we don’t understand this, in our country they’ll grab hold of just one institution, it should exist for a thousand, but not a millennium, well, in the sense of existing, as long as it has been created, nothing needs to be changed, institutions need to be changed, new ones created, exercised old, obsolete, not performing functions that yesterday they didn’t do it effectively, but in the new conditions they don’t anymore, so this is the dogma that you can’t change the constitution, you can’t change this, everything can be changed. the bicycle rides while it rides, then it is stable, if it stands, it falls, no matter how skilled the cyclist sits, and the unity of style
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today has been preserved, except for one thing, except for one thing, changes, excuse me, all sorts of desecrations, with all due respect to constitutional court and personally valery dmitrievich zorkin, whom i know well, since the nineties, in the autumn of ninety-three, i remember when us... gathered on the eve of the events, that’s all that happened in october in his constitutional court, an interesting story, but a separate one, well, i can’t, when all this imperial greatness, and the ancient russian style, and the russian imperial style, appears some clothes that are completely unusual for russian style, i understand that then it would... be so accepted with the west, these are all, i don’t even know what the name of this quadrangular cap that he wears is called, in my opinion, he himself doesn’t like her very much, in
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my opinion, well, it reminds me, he was like that the cartoon is wonderful, 12 months, in my opinion, where in the form of root chukovsky there was a teacher who taught the heroine various sciences, here he is exactly the same. here i see valeriyevich, in front of me is chukovsky, a cartoon, i need to change clothes for the constitutional court, we watched a fragment of the program, a political fashionable verdict, yes nutalituyevich, well, are you serious, yes, i’m completely serious, here i am watching a television picture, i’m in i have been to these halls many times, i would like to remind you that quite recently they took place presidential elections, i have already carried out these... figures, they are widely known, but it seems to me that it would not be a sin to repeat them. 76 million voters voted for vladimir putin, this is an absolute majority, and this is an absolute
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number. it seems to me that it will go down in history; it is unlikely that we will ever see anything else. the second point is that, well, we can say that 87% of voters voted for putin, that 77% turnout, this is also important, by the way, because turnout is also the highest, and this indicates consolidation. of course, we have internal enemies, the main thing is now still, don’t focus your energy on finding these enemies, on creative things, because when we talk about what macron thinks. what some ursula thinks, sometimes we, some part of our society , should not care what they think, the main thing is that now, for example, the president first of all signed a decree on national development goals, where the goals of the task up to the thirtieth and until the age of thirty-six, starting from the footage of apartments, yes, which a normal person should have in a normal, modern society, ending
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education, healthcare, national projects are very clear: by september 1 , the government will do this, by december 1 , the government, together with the state council, will develop specific parameters for regional leaders, that is, the system is working, this system has been created, that there really are distortions within this system , i think we will see in the process, mind you, what is important is that priorities, we are not talking about war, about peace, yes, yes, about people, about people, they say, the population, these are citizens.
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