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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 4:00am-4:29am MSK

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must definitely be in tomorrow, and then what from today and yesterday is there , ensuring that it is there, in parallel with this, thinking about what needs to be added to it, just like that, because if you don’t think about what must be there, nothing good awaits you in this future, well, by the way, as far as it goes, but the types of state, which is natural, have changed in our country, well, and we are dealing in our history of civilization, well, with the history of several different states, here we are with my colleagues in a book we call them long states, well, there is the state of ivan ii, state i, the state of lenin.
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well, all the statements of the president, and i understand that, in principle, we are a people's state, built in the soviet union, in general, we have preserved it, and we are developing it, well, in the book we call it a people's state, in principle, for to make it clearer, after the war the germans there called it a welfare state, moving away from the word socialism, well, although it also seems to be of german origin, i think that... now we have to cling less and less
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to the words, here is socialism, capitalism, because it is not clear what, well, denotation is behind this, it is impossible to single it out, yes, and these were the names of some specific periods in history, there is marx wrote about capitalism in england at the beginning of the 19th century, but we still call everything capitalism, or they built socialism there, it sounded in germany, but they built it in... here, here in china, what they also call socialism, but between this the sky is like heaven and earth, yes, that's why, i'm here i understand for sure that this decree, together with all the plans to build these roads, infrastructures, factories, new, well in this sense, new industrialization of a completely new type, to enter 25 countries in 6 years to robotize as much as possible. yes, this is the problem
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we in soviet times - this is something that we could not solve in soviet times, we wrote dissertations on process automation, but that’s all over, yes, but now, well, do this, and i understand that , what we are building, i have, well, the answer is yes, this is the development of the people's state of the soviet period, which we can well call a welfare state, well, its resources are years ahead.
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the services of vladimir vladimirovich putin to the russian people are priceless; he managed to stop the process of the collapse of russia, which, in my opinion, was programmed by our ill-wishers after the collapse of the soviet union. therefore, i would like to congratulate all
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those present and russian society on this significant event. over the weekend i was at an exhibition of western technology and weapons. which we were told was invincible, is a kind of prodigy, a miracle weapon on poklonnaya hill in moscow. tens of thousands of people, miles-long queues. it seems to me that this is the best answer to all those skeptics who claim that the elections in russia were not fair and transparent enough. russian society demonstrates consolidated support for the president.
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these are the iskander and polonaise complexes, these are su-25 front-line attack aircraft, converted to the ability to use special ammunition. tomorrow, may 8 , the president of our country, alexander grigorievich, will arrive in moscow lukashenko, and the main agenda of tomorrow’s
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negotiations with president putin is a solution in the field of coordination and joint use of military force using special ammunition. the conversation is still ongoing. reliable information about plans to destroy the symbolic and strategically significant infrastructure object crimean bridge. here's the question. and yet another significant event happened yesterday.
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the heads of the diplomatic missions of great britain and france were summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. they were brought there certain information. and as we see.
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exists, which means that an attack on the security of our state will have an adequate response by all means and means. in belarus it was recently changed, or rather adopted. a new edition of the military doctrine, where a special section is devoted to the use of military force in peacetime, and our right to use preventive deterrence measures in the event of receiving reliable information about impending aggression is spelled out in black and white, but ordinary people do not always understand what this means, but this is actually a fundamental change in the field of military planning of our country, and naturally we once again warn for...
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by the way, dmitry evgenievich called for it. i'm not confusing anything here. i have always said,
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including in this studio, that the two longest existing institutions have held our country together, this is the russian state itself, well, in addition to the people, and the russian orthodox church, the oldest non-governmental institution, no memorial has even been dreamed of, let them at least live there for 100 years, and then... the army and the navy, and the army and the navy are three, the army and fleet, no, about the fleet in the russian state, here you can argue about the antiquity of peter the great, ask and so on, so i’m not confusing anything, the bolshoi theater, it is not as ancient as the russian orthodox church, but it is a constant of the russian history, the russian state, but there is a saterikon theater, no, there the dynasty will be interrupted and the corresponding one, this is the first thing, of course, consolidation is needed, that’s what
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it means, there is no need to overdo it in the search for enemies, there is no need to look for enemies, they are coming out on their own now, well, them agents are appointed, appoint, i don’t want to offend anyone, well , there are some reasonable time limits for the program, right, yes, so you can’t be here, i’m finishing, i’m finishing, no, just start the next discussion, not a discussion, but just answering , which is not necessary. we no longer consider switzerland as a neutral state, which is great, but why do we still consider france as a great power, everything in front of it is where we have such a formulation in copper, a great power, in copper no, the attitude is the same. here is hungary - a great eastern european power, i propose to officially proclaim her as
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such and appoint atila as such? atil’s grave has not yet been found, so therefore to designate him as the unfound grave, that is , orban is at the moment, so nashila believes that the eastern european, eastern european atils today are orban, in fact, i’m afraid he won’t like it, given atila's fate, yes. about this sometime next time, now advertising, after which i will continue with a new composition, where are you from, from 11 b? neuret, and i’m from 11b, now the year is 2124, this is not science fiction, this is love, lisya and i have, as it were, i don’t understand, you don’t mind, 100 years ago, to today... the russian federation invited more than 2,500 guests,
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including participants in a special military operation, children of military personnel killed in the combat zone, many very respected, worthy people. vladimir putin began his inauguration speech by thanking the russian people. in these solemn and responsible moments of assuming the office of the president, i would like to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all respects. regions of our country, residents of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with my homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, participants,
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we haven’t seen how russians died for 8 years, as scholz said, this is a ridiculous genocide of russian people in donbass, i say, that’s why we will never understand each other, because for you 8 years is nothing hasn’t happened since
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14, and for us it was an everyday tragedy, when in a week...
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military personnel, this has never happened, while a significant part of the dead civilians are residents of donbass, because they are ukronazis, they carry out indiscriminate bombing of russians every day cities, it is fundamentally important that the president of the russian federation took an absolutely unprecedented step, but we could not watch how russian people were being killed, but it was hard, yes. it’s difficult, but look how the atmosphere in society has changed, look how the people supported their leader, entrusted an unprecedented vote, despite the fact that everyone understands that there are still greater trials ahead, but there in ukraine
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people are being driven under pressure, there will already be 100 thousand tsekashniks to throw meat to the front line. every day we have 1600 people who volunteer they come, sign a contract, they know what they are fighting for, understand what they are doing, and then they are already discussing how they will surrender, what they will surrender, disgusting pig arestovich, i just can’t understand why the officers of the ukrainian special services are not at the front, so can anyone explain this to me, how does it happen, who has what? don’t take them by the ass, all those who threatened us so much, who literally turned out to be roaming behind the front line on the front line, there’s a lot of noise, chichiga, the tenth airborne, suddenly it turns out that the talkers are cheap, but look at this litter, i can already hear groans from everywhere, and these groans tell me that something
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is wrong, we obviously have some kind of spies, i know that the ukrainians are a nation of... intelligence officers, they have spies everywhere, we have , or rather, yes, and so on, i don’t adhere to this point of view, that our administration is very poor, the real reasons are not identified and are not eliminated, i can say this unequivocally, i can say that at this rate we are not able to we will sell, and it will be very difficult for us to hold the lugansk and donetsk regions, as well as the front line, in principle, despite all the help there and so on. so the question arises for the entire army organization from the power in general, what, excuse me, what is happening, this is how they have been creating local advantages for 2 and a half years, when we have twice as many troops called up. indeed, i really liked citizen natalya mosiychuk, who so joyfully and confidently says that everything, everything, definitely, everything, well, look, i
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want to tell you, friends, that the song won’t play for long, because the ukrainian security service will knock on the door to each. and toy period, this bouquet is chocolate, it ends in ukraine. this does not mean that democracy is ending. we have wonderful lawyers. as for men , i think that the overwhelming majority will go through the tcc and vvk, there is no other way out, the situation at the front is not something to joke about, then out of nowhere the unpleasant shari appears, who mockingly says: listen, citizen, but you have two. your sons, besides, you are certainly of military age in poland and your husband is unknown where, so maybe you can start with your own, you can knock on yours,
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let them, but she probably has enough money to hire a good lawyer and get away with it, well, europe is already tired of pretending, and the germans say, no, no, no, that’s it, let’s end with freedom, so they’re tired of paying them money. so all ukrainians will now flee to hungary, because orban said: “no, no, we don’t support the war, we won’t surrender the ukrainians.” and excuse me, this is just human. here the swiss complain that the gypsies pretend to be ukrainians and receive subsidies. i think it’s simple, that’s what the maidan stood for, that the gypsies are pretending ukrainians in switzerland in order to receive free rations. well, jokes aside, but... life goes on and the brave liberate the sacred land of donbass almost every day and you know, every time i read a message that cluster
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munitions are ironing new york and i somehow shudder, then i understand that this is the cretin poroshenko renamed the city, yes, but you must agree, as a headline, it sounds impressive, denis vladimirovich, well, donbass will be free, vladimirovich. of course it will be free and we can already imagine we feel it, and somewhere, well , we translate this into a practical plane, well, take that avdeevka, well , it has already changed, it is under fire, now we see what the enemy is doing, there are failures at the front, of course, this is focusing attention then to bring some additional difficulties for the civilian population for civilian infrastructure, critical infrastructure facilities are under attack, a large , huge number.
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our military personnel and understanding of the need for multiple dimensions, here is war, here only further intensification, this is what is happening now, what we see from the positive, every day there are liberations of populated areas, the liberation of populated areas is being announced very carefully, slowly, but we understand perfectly well how everything is developing, how carefully it is now. steps, well, andrei nikolaevich mordvichev, yes, a hero of russia, well, for us this is a very significant personality, that is, in the plan for the liberation of mariupol now, what
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is happening in what way, and of course, the interaction with our first marmis the corps that is now built, well , completely different, a different result, well , efficiency at a completely different level, we see it all, we feel it all, but in parallel with this, our servicemen and their families continue to live, just like the previous 10 years. already yes, this is in our cities and regions, of course, they must understand why, why they are fighting, why they are liberating, continuing to liberate the russian land, and how the life of their families, their children will be arranged, we still need to create all the conditions, so that the birth rate increases, and we should be a lot, because we have so many enterprises to launch, how many to restore, taking into account that request, taking into account that gap, well, due to... such difficult stages,
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enterprises too, well, in terms of infrastructure, well , just the other day we visited another a number of objects, sirenovich skerienko, this is how cultural objects, schools are being restored, i saw easter services, you guys are together, well done, this is not the first time, this is not the first time, this is already becoming a good tradition, well, it’s important for us to combine everything directions, well, we really looked at how many objects we have, we still don’t show everything that we visit, well... because at least some part is just where and what, and this is not just a visit, these are also certain conclusions, what has been done, what can be improved, what is needed, what is the request of people, why are cultural objects being restored now, it would seem, but for us this is not a random question, it is not just someone’s desire, it is the desire of the people, the desire is a request that we now see , and in large populated areas settlements and small settlements, this is , of course, the education system, we see
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what the request is. well, how many people, how much appeal, well, they don’t want to leave the destant, they want the children to study fully, everything is learned in comparison, well, it would seem, so what, well, remotely, we encountered this for the first time when covid was, well , now where there are shellings and so on, well, of course , yes, you also need to observe safety measures, but in the long term this causes certain damage, well, in terms of the educational system in terms of obtaining technical skills knowledge that children should still receive at a higher level. this is only full-time education, of course, this is bringing schools to russian standards, these are now all the facilities that are being restored, this is not just how things will turn out, but these are clear standards, clear, clear criteria, food units that are modern, which must now be equipped every educational institution has been put into operation, these are, of course, sports grounds that are appearing, these are such parallel realities, here
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the war, well, we and... have repeatedly said how everything is changing right before our eyes, that is, there is quite a lot of contrast now, but all the issues are important, none are important , well, we definitely have an understanding, and mariupol was with us one experience, in the village now there is a different experience, despite the fact that everything seems to be clear, but the experience is different, well, because the residents imagine themselves differently in the restoration of avdeevka, who now continue to live there and who, for whom it demands... for your attention, but for us there is also aspiration for the following cities and an understanding of how and what will happen in kramatorsk, in slavensk, and konstantin, but we need to work with people in the liberated territories, especially with young people, they have been brainwashed for many years, that is, they need to be returned to a normal worldview, to be honest, and this can be done quite quickly , just
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without even inventing anything, showing what it is? what is modern russia like now? what is it and how much attention is it paid to?


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