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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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in the application or on the website, vladimir, vladimovich. i don’t think that today they went to moscow to warm up, obviously not today, but even though we have heating, yes, they turned it on, well, actually, you know, when we talk about the reaction of the west, i just want to quote the site today the daily world newspaper, in my opinion, the title is a champion, but putin expressed the threat of the west in just 10 words, and 10 words, what words mean the fate of russia?
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recognize the decision of the constitutional court as void, end of quote, everything and everything is easy, what kind of constitutional court is there, what are you talking about you say, as for the reaction of the west, you know, i’m looking at several statements from the russian authorities about the tests.
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the european parliament, they say, where have all the warmongers gone ? no negotiations under any circumstances, supply weapons to ukraine, suddenly everyone is for peace, you see, it’s not enough, then the italians said, we are rockets, mava, what kind of rockets, what are you talking about, so new york times today.
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he said absolutely correctly, yes, that is , stop supplying weapons to ukraine, and in 2 weeks peace will come, that’s it, and there are no other options, in fact, who are you going to put pressure on, well, barel himself told you, stop supplying weapons and more, in general, you have nothing to worry about, but at the same time, yes, indeed in all european countries they are now discussing how to squeeze out ukrainian men, supply them with ukraine, like all these refugees.
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the main center here is rekhti, which accepts ukrainian refugees, they stopped accepting them in the netherlands, a report came out, which means that they don’t take men, that’s it, they don’t take single men at all, they try to send them away, but at the same time they describe what the other
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inhabitants are doing, yes, girls, so we noticed, they go down to the parking lot, get into some cars, the windows fog up, and after half an hour they come out, what are they doing there, drinking? probably so, but you know, when we look at this very masiychuk, yes, who was so for democracy, during all these maidans, yes, she spoke out like that, when somewhere there tanya chernov got her nose bloody, what a horror, now she sits and cynically, yes, if you have money for a lawyer, then pay off , and that’s normal, she thinks it’s poroshenko’s, she worked for kolomoisky all her life. zelensky hid him from the americans in prison, it’s clear that he’s not sitting there, that’s clear, yes, but so that the americans don’t take him away, zelensky is like him yes, no, yes, that’s what i’m talking about, so that you don’t
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doubt , there is already a case in ukraine, when he called a lawyer, the man who also mobilized the lawyer, great, now it’s normal.
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donbass in kyiv calmly fired fireworks. there was a celebration of life, yes, it seems to me that this was the first time in the history of ukraine such an incident happened, when this hut of mine on the edge, i don’t know anything, led to such a catastrophe, they said, it’s somewhere far away in the donbass that people are dying people, it ’s okay, it doesn’t concern us, we live
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our lives, and we lived absolutely calmly, i remember poroshenko and no one stopped him when he said that our children go to school, their children are sitting in the basements, i want to ask the ukrainians now, you are not...
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in the country, in your home street, in your hometown, where you grew up, you can’t go out into the street calmly today, it’s because putin is in your he’s taking the army, no, it’s poroshenko together with zelensky. they organized everything, they take it away, but for some reason you don’t ask them questions, and maybe these are not the people who in sociological surveys showed that it is necessary to fight to the last, until victory and so on, so the time has come to fight, but what you don’t want to go to war, and it probably had to be someone else again, that guy had to go, conquer everything, bring it to you and give it to you, so to speak, don’t it bother you that western politicians rule the country, come and give orders what to accept? what not to accept, it doesn’t bother you that the country that was number one, in fact, after
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leaving the soviet union, turned into a vegetable garden, it doesn’t bother you, into a vegetable garden, into an agricultural power, it’s a highly industrialized country that built rockets, airplanes, built everything , diesel locomotives, 97-98% of diesel locomotives of the soviet union lugansk released, don’t all this bother you, where did it all go, where did it go, what great country have we lost? i recommend to everyone, look at the weather forecast of the soviet period, and you will understand what a great country we have lost. that's all, see you tomorrow, i've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it has come, spring, sunny, bright, exhibition russia. with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring,
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now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. vladimir putin officially took office president. the ceremony, according to tradition, took place in the andrevsky hall of the kremlin. vladimir putin took the oath on a special copy of the constitution, which was made in 1996. then the russian anthem was played. i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to comply with the constitution of the russian federation, to protect the sovereignty and... security and integrity of the state,
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to faithfully serve the people. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. russia itself will only determine its own destiny,” vladimir putin emphasized in his speech after the oath. as for dialogue with western states, our country does not refuse it, but there are questions. i am ready to discuss security and strategic stability only on equal terms. vladimir putin also addressed words of gratitude to all citizens of russia. i would like to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country. residents of our historical lands who defended the right to be together with their homeland. i want to bow to our heroes, participants in a special military operation. to everyone who fights for the fatherland. once again thank you for your
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trust and support. and now i am addressing every citizen of russia, i have just taken the presidential oath. its text concentrates the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years. i assure you that henceforth, interest, the safety of the people of russia will be paramount to me. the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force, evidence of our common strength. confidence that we will determine the fate of russia only ourselves. the president
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of the national medical chamber of russia, leonid rashal, noted the unity of everyone who was at the ceremony. vladimir putin spoke with the honored doctor after the official events. i want to tell you that you are in excellent physical shape. today we walked a marathon up the stairs there. zizhki, that's it normal, thank god, of course, yes, this holiday is very important, these are rights and what.
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for another 6 years , the western press cannot cope with the disappointment from the choice of the russian people and, reluctantly, broadcasts live from moscow. bbc, sky news, independent and other western media rebroadcast the filming.
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soon friendly, unfriendly, but this is an event to which everyone is invited, this is a constitutional element of the constitutional order, and the way they react to it, well , that’s for those who don’t come, it doesn’t make them honor, of course, and in this regard, the new york times headlined that the ceremony
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took place against the backdrop of isolation from the west, but at the same time, the liberal publication emphasized putin. demonstrates domestic political strength that appears stronger than ever. however, moscow never considered itself isolated in the halls of the kremlin, diplomats from all over the world, and russia is ready to develop relations with those partners who want to work for mutual benefit, and not on the terms of infringing on anyone’s interests and security. there were enemies of russia, there will be, their problems, they suffer from internal insecurity and these attempts to play on the fact that oh, we invited us, but we... won’t appear here, it’s cheap, it’s not serious, respectable people don’t behave like that, but we don’t have any there have long been no illusions about the manners of our opponents. cnn placed text about the russian leader's new presidential term on the main page of the site. special attention should be paid to the announced exercises on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons;
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the americans predictably call them a shave, words of vladimir putin, clearly addressed to an external audience. the head of state emphasized that moscow does not refuse dialogue and the choice is up to western countries. one of the world's leading business publications, bloomberg , emphasizes that vladimir putin took office against the backdrop of the economy adapting to unprecedented sanctions. rolf notes in this process china, india and the so-called global south. apparently expecting to hear that moscow cannot decide anything without beijing, the presenter of the german zdf asked the invited expert on nuclear weapons about china's role in the current situation.
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environmental well-being, sustainable economy, technological leadership and a comfortable and safe living environment, population preservation and family support, digital transformation of government. economics and social sphere. starting next year, payments to the mecomeran academy will increase to 200,000 rubles per month, and for members to 100,000.
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this instruction was given to the government by vladimir putin following a meeting dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the russian academy of sciences, which took place in february. that is, cash payments academy members will be doubled. uk airports are collapsing and border guards are faced with a system failure. including problems in manchester and london. tens of thousands of passengers are stranded. as the press notes, there is real chaos at airports. no one is helping people, many have become ill, children are being given birth, and drinking water has also run out. the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in the control center. the groups south, west, east and center occupied more advantageous positions. zelensky’s formation lost another 1,500 soldiers and mercenary officers. five destroyed tanks, among others. american abrams, german leopard and 12 other armored vehicles. 17 self-propelled guns and howitzers were liquidated, and a solid rocket fuel production workshop was destroyed. air defense systems shot down 32
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combat drones and seven french hammer bombs. a banal desire to erase human memory. today we are talking about the falsification of not only the current politics of russia, but also history. it was created with american money.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry. what do you remember? we’ll tell you about this day in history right now. hello. on may 8, 1945, one of the most was signed. the main documents of the 20th century, the act of unconditional surrender of nazi germany. the third reich was defeated and, first of all, this is the merit of the soviet people and the red army. a day earlier, the western allies in reims, france, hastened to accept surrender without the consent of the soviet government. stalin then declared: surrender should be carried out as the most important historical act and accepted not on the territory of the victors, but where the fascist army came from. aggression. in berlin and not unilaterally, but necessarily by the high command of all countries of the anti-hitler coalition. the ceremony took place at the headquarters of the fifth
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shock army in karl-horst, a suburb of the german capital. the act was signed by the chief of the wehrmacht high command, field marshal wilhelm keitel, commander of the german navy, admiral hans georg friederburg, chief of the general staff luft wafa, colonel general hans jurgen. the surrender was accepted from the soviet union, commander first belarusian front marshal georgy zhukov, from the allies, deputy commander-in-chief british marshal arthur teder. the commander of the us strategic air forces, general karl spaas, and the commander-in-chief of the french army, general jean delator de tatagny, signed as witnesses. central european time, this historical event occurred at 23:1 on may 8th. but in moscow a new day was already beginning, so we celebrate the great victory day on may 9. on may 8, 1657, oliver
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cromwell, leader of the english revolution, refused the crown that parliament offered him, modestly saying that it was not for him to restore what was destroyed by the implementation, but his duty to protect civil rights and freedoms, of course, he was disingenuous. after the civil war and execution. charles ii, england was proclaimed a republic, but he ruled without a royal title and had absolute power. at first he was declared lord protector with unlimited powers. the second constitution made this position hereditary for life. cromwell ruled single-handedly extremely harshly, instilled high morality in society, fought against drunkenness and gambling, closed brothels, banned theaters, carnivals and even religious holidays. for adultery. he was sent to prison, but just a year later cromville died, his son could not stay in power and the parliamentarians decided to return king charles ii from exile. the monarchy
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was restored and the country was restored. became good old england. on may 8, 1923, the british handed over a memorandum to the soviet government, which went down in history as the kerzen ultimatum. by the name of the minister who signed it foreign affairs the ussr was accused of anti-british propaganda in that soviet diplomats in iran and afghanistan supported national liberation movements. london was also outraged by the arrests of british citizens, one of them was shot. arrests of british trawlers in the barents sea. the memorandum demanded that all this be stopped urgently and that compensation be paid urgently. moscow responded with demonstrations, with stuffed lords and such posters. we are not afraid of the bourgeois ringing, we will respond to kirzon’s ultimatum. this was reflected in the novel by ilf and petrova golden calf. but the soviet leadership did not want to lose a major trading partner and agreed to a compromise. then, however, bilateral relations more than
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once became feverish between friends. we never started with england. on may 8, 2020, the russian unmanned deep-sea vehicle vityaz stormed the challenger abyss, the deepest point of the mariana trench in the pacific ocean. this is a completely unique experiment. firstly, a record was set for devices of this class. secondly, unlike his foreign brothers, vitya was not connected. with the carrier vessel remained completely autonomous. thirdly, it embodied the latest technical solutions for control, artificial intelligence was connected for the first time, titanium alloys and the latest plastic spheres were used for the body. by the way, all components were made in russia. thanks to four propulsion and ten thruster electric motors, vitya maneuvered freely at extreme depths. that time it dropped to 10.028 and
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stayed there for 3 hours. studying the parameters of the marine environment and delivered to the seabed pennant for the anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. this is what this day in history was like.
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