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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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we begin our issue briefly about the main thing. seven people were killed after israeli air force strikes on a residential complex in the gaza strip, including five children. al jazeera reports that the idf fired on a civilian vehicle near the egyptian border. two people were killed and several more were injured. more than thirty people remain without electricity in the voronezh region due to the consequences of bad weather; the region was covered by strong winds and rain the day before. the hurricane swept through the tula region, 10 private houses were damaged, 20.
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building a car. in belgorod, fallen trees blocked several streets. more than ten people were injured. during nato exercises in sweden. the press notes the results of skydiving. the soldiers received fractures and wounds. 10 people were evacuated by helicopter, and two more were taken to the hospital. injuries among soldiers from the usa, hungary and italy. the leader of the dprk congratulated vladimir putin on taking office. stack reports. to the russian leader, success in his responsible work for russia and its people. a personal message was conveyed through the north korean embassy in moscow. and the king of thailand also sent congratulations to vladimir putin; he wished him success in fulfilling his state duties in the name of the well-being and prosperity of the people. he emphasized that special relations have been established between the countries, based on common values ​​and mutual respect. and now to the news about the progress of
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a special military operation, the village of rabotina is being cleared of the ukrainian military by the assault units of the dnepr group of troops. the enemy is knocked out of their strongholds, all this under continuous attacks from enemy drones. there is nowhere to hide in the destroyed village. there are real heroes among the fighters, some who go into battle no matter what, stanislav vasilchenko’s report is about them. they broke through under incessant enemy fire. assault groups, led by a fighter with the call sign fish, liberate the village of rabotin from ukrainian neo-nazis. today, this settlement is the hottest point in the territory of a military special operation, so every breakthrough of the motorized rifle of the 70th regiment is a real heroic feat. for competent leadership, successful completing combat missions, ryba was awarded a medal for courage. the task was set to occupy a strong point located in front of the settlement. the attack aircraft boarded
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infantry fighting vehicles, interacted with the operators , moved to a given strong point, there the dismounting took place, our unit’s work began, knocked out the enemy, secured a foothold, held out for a certain time, waited for the reinforcement group, handed over the positions to it and prepared for further actions. the liberation of rabotina today is the main task of the dnepr group of troops, the village is so it was badly damaged by artillery and aviation, so there was nowhere to hide there except in the surviving basements. russian units are systematically moving from one destroyed house to another, all this under constant attacks from enemy drones. the main threat to us was komikaze drones and drones with drops, the same maviks with drops. but the enemy didn’t show us anything like that. during the next assault, one of the motorized riflemen received a shrapnel wound, the fish provided first aid to him and evacuated him to a safe place. now the fighter is in the hospital and
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my health is not in danger, the stormtrooper commander didn’t tell anyone that he had accomplished a feat, saving the lives of his soldiers, not even his mother, she learned the details from the mother of that same wounded soldier, they found me like a tub, i didn’t understand whether it was cold or boiling water, which water, that is, such horror for me, i was immediately filled with fear for my child, at the same time i was overcome with pride for my son, the fact that my son really did not abandon his then...
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that day, day offensive, i was just at the post, so we were on duty there with comrades in arms and the ukranazis were just about to attack, so we fought off... the attack, they had four attacks on us, we successfully repulsed them all, everything was successful, we prevented their attack, stopped them, like all heroes, rotor he is also distinguished by modesty, he told his brother about the award, but did it even without words, sent a photo, boasted, as they say, and kept silent, well , accordingly, i immediately wrote to him, so i congratulated him on this with the state award, he is so calm, that is doesn’t like to brag, doesn’t like - you know how presenting himself somehow from above, he threw everything off me and kind of languished. now, after the rotation, the motorized riflemen are resting and gaining strength, but in the near future they will return to the hottest spot again to finish what they started, to free rabotin from ukrainian
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neo-nazis. stanislav vasilchenko, valery vinokurov, alina zykova, irina zaborskaya and anna povetyeva. vesti, southern sector of military special operation. and a fighter. sm shot down an enemy drone in the zone of responsibility of the vostok group of forces, the ministry of defense reported this, as well as the crew worked on patrols and covering bomber and attack aircraft during air strikes on military targets and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. one of the pilots spoke about how the combat flight went. at the command vozdukh , they took off, entered the target search area, a command was received from the officer control to ... approach the target, identified the target as foreign, carried out its defeat, carried out an anti-missile maneuver to avoid the enemy air defense missile, took the altitude to approach landed, landed safely returned home, and now about the situation in
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the irkutsk region, the residents of vikharevka will be helped after a powerful fire, without housing, about 50 people remained there, people are being helped to restore burnt documents. a temporary accommodation center was set up for them. let me remind you that a large-scale fire engulfed several gardening partnerships in the bratsk region and spread to the outskirts of the city of vikharevka. in total, more than 13 houses and 700 buildings burned down. the preliminary version is careless handling of fire, the suspect was detained. the progress of the investigation is reported to the head investigative committee alexander bastrykin. the israeli army controls the entire philadelphia axis along the egyptian border in the sector. gaza rafah is under fire. at the moment, access to humanitarian aid by land to the enclave is completely blocked. prime minister netanyahu made an urgent statement, and maria skorodilka will tell you all the details. these images of israeli airstrikes
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on tents with refugees in rafah are broadcast on world channels. the israel defense forces confirm the capture of the harafah checkpoint. salahaddin road in the east of the city is closed. to avoid falling under egyptian fire. our entry into rafah serves two main military purposes, the return of abductees to the destruction of hamas. until then, the rafah checkpoint remained the only land point through which refugees from all over gaza could travel through mina israel. for us, all options have been exhausted, there is no safe place to go, especially since we have family members, children, the sick, the elderly.
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on social networks, gaza residents climbed to the roof of a destroyed building to collect humanitarian aid, many of them escaped from there. the white house demands that the rafah and karim shalom checkpoints be opened today for the passage of trucks with food and medicine into the enclave. we believe what israel says. this is a limited operation designed to cut off hamas' arms smuggling and financial flows. that night, the idf blew up a hamas tunnel near zderot. in response, iraqi militias fired from. hundreds more are still being held hostage in israel. there are protests, people are blocking roads and threatening to burn down the country if the authorities do not agree to a truce, and hamas will not return their relatives. fork for
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netanyahu, continuation of the war, he will be demolished, truce, he will be killed, he has no good moves. representatives of the palestinian movement responded to this. hamas's agreement to the ceasefire initiative doomed israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to political defeat. citing influential sources in the biden administration, they say that the palestinian movement did not agree to a ceasefire, putting forward its own conditions. the new york times claims that hamas allegedly suggested that israel count those already dead when transferring them. hostages, but there is no confirmation of this yet. maria skrodilka and madena pugoeva, news. and in serbia today there is a ceremonial reception for the delegation from china. the ceremony will take place at the government complex chamber of serbia. in belgrade, chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping. arrived the day before. this is his first visit to the country in the last 8 years. at the airport, the guests were greeted by
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the top officials of serbia. the chinese leader expressed confidence that the current visit will make it possible to write a new chapter in the development of relations between the two countries. in the program, in particular, certain negotiations with the president of serbia. it is expected that alexander vucilic and sidzenpin will discuss the economy, investments, as well as key issues on the international and regional agenda. according to media reports , a visit to the memorial to those killed in the airstrike is also planned. us at the chinese embassy in belgrade. and now economic news. maria: among the main tasks for the coming years , vladimir putin outlined the fight against poverty. tell us what goals you set? tatyana, the poverty level should drop below five. and i’ll tell you more about this right now. vladimir putin defined russia's development goals for the next 6 and 12 years. among them are the preservation of the population and the realization of the potential of each. people, a comfortable and safe living environment, environmental well-being, a sustainable
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and dynamic economy, as well as technological leadership and digital transformation. funding for these plans will be prioritized. in particular, it is necessary to reduce the poverty level by the thirtieth year, it should be less than 7%, and in another 6 years less than five. from 27 it is necessary to introduce new remuneration systems state employees. russians' pension incomes will grow at least... below the inflation rate, but by the thirtieth year they plan to at least double it to 35 thousand rubles. another task is to increase the affordability of housing on the primary market, and by the thirtieth year to update the housing stock by at least 20% compared to the nineteenth year. by this time, russians should have at least 33 m2 per person, by the sixth year, at least 38. this means that the growth rate of construction. they must be maintained at a high level, this leads to a chain
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supplier industries, this includes building materials, this is the need for construction equipment, this is the creation of communications, this is certainly the improvement of the housing and communal services system. vladimir putin, by special decree, allowed the grotal company to acquire 2.5% in the bitumen operator gazprom neft. this is one of the largest producers of bitumen. russia, the necessary share will be sold by gazprom neft internation, i will add that the grotal enterprise was registered in st. petersburg on february 2 last year. the euroclear depository is actively fighting attempts confiscate russia's frozen assets. the confidence of large investors in european stock markets has begun, the head of the site said. we at euroclear spend a lot of time explaining this to the european and american authorities. the implications of this decision for our balance sheet and the risks we face. considering the size
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of the site and its systemic importance, any decision that undermines the work of our company will affect global financial markets. if such a decision is made, it will deal a blow not only to the euro, but to the financial markets in general. if our clients feel that their rights are not being respected and that their assets may be seized, this will open a pandora's box. as a result, the largest international investors. now the site has to deal with more than hundreds of lawsuits from investors who, through russian courts , demand the return of their assets. euroclere has little chance of winning the case, the head of the organization is sure. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rates for today: the dollar is 91 rubles 12 kopecks, the euro is 98.30. and that's all for now.
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a celebratory motor rally was held in australia honor of victory day. the column was headed by ivan syrsky, the current commander-in-chief’s undersecretary. bsu. in an interview, he said that he was participating in such an event in memory of his great-grandfather, who went through the great patriotic war as a sign of support for russia. anastasia ivanova will tell you how they react to this in ukraine. he set an example because he has his own position and remembers history. ivan sirsky once again led the australian memory rally. he does not hide behind the fictitious stories of the kiev regime about an independent ukraine, but tells the truth why he took the russian flag in car, hung it on the georgian ribbon and lined up with others in a column. respect for
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vladimir vladimirovich, first of all, congratulations to him. and secondly, after all, my grandfather, more precisely. despite the fact that ivan was in no hurry to leave after a night shift at work, like other participants in the action, it was important for him to show why he was here, now russia is again facing the test of defeating the evil that has befallen it, and this will happen by itself, sooner or later russia will win, we have gathered here to honor the memory our ancestors, our grandfathers, our mothers, yours, our military, who shed their blood and defended their huge fatherland, and this is once again a message to everyone, we won, you can’t take russia, russia will always be great, local police tried to interfere with
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the rally, picked on the drivers, and eventually one was fined 300 australian dollars, as the organizer said. the official reason, the fluttering flags of russia, an indicative gesture, which, by the way, did not prevent the completion of the action that they joined, not only russians. we want to say peace and stop killing young people for no reason. we had a politician who said that he wanted to fight russia to the last ukrainian. we are concerned that they want to fight with china to the last, let’s say they are happy.
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he will not talk about his support for russia on ukrainian resources, and of course the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine will not talk about his stepson’s participation in the rally. there is no ivan in his biography at all, although it would seem that he raised him. the ukrainian so-called center of disinformation is denied, and any connection with alexander syrsky and ivan are welcome. if everything goes well, he will be elevated to the pantheon, he will be elevated to the rank of bandera saints. and if he loses, if some problems start and... he starts looking for someone to blame, then syrsky will be reminded of absolutely everything, including the behavior of his pasonka, although you understand, well, that is, the slightest acquaintance with the history of the relationship between these two people, it says that these are people, well, they are strangers, the parents have become strangers to the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine, they live in the vladimir region where
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alexander stanislav himself was born, his father is a colonel, the soviet army, let me remind him, was ashamed when he learned about the appointment of his son to the post of... commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. how did you feel when you found out that he was appointed head of the armed forces of ukraine? how did you feel at that moment? is it the same as what you feel? and ivan syrsky, although he moved to australia with his mother and brother after his parents’ divorce in 2009, wants to obtain russian citizenship, because a true russian person, no matter where he is, is a patriot of his homeland and definitely does not sell out to kiev terrorists. now short advertising, further. tell us how the immortal regiment event took place in germany? squeaky top. top return, only in a magnet, for every 500 rubles. on the check. well, credit card debts are accruing interest, and you need
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a handyman. you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the bank, divide by 20. you can conveniently repay them in 4 months, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with the bank. say no, it is damaged by silicone, and yes, shaoma shampoo, 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy, beautiful hair, take care of your family with shaoma. shauma - care from roots to ends. again a leap into the past, time travel is not a toy. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those
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actively removes burnt-on dirt, we play with the app, we get grill prizes, the formula for an excellent grill is in a magnet, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman, you take out credit cards, transfer debts for a long time, divide it into 24 months, conveniently repay, shop or get rid of it for a long time? with credit cards it's easy. assistant to the president of russia vladimir midinsky commented on the demolition of monuments to soviet soldiers in other countries. he noted that russia, in contrast to them, on the contrary, preserves history and even takes care of the storage sites of enemy armies, including wehrmacht soldiers. to put it simply, well... and we preserve military graves, even of our enemies, wehrmacht soldiers, romanian, italian,
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hungarians, we even preserve and care for the memorial cemeteries of french soldiers from the war of 812, look, every borodino reconstruction in september the annual ceremony begins with the laying of flowers at the monument erected before the revolution to brave french soldiers.
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red flags and any symbols that might indicate who actually made the greatest contribution to the defeat of the nazis of the third reich, even banned the playing of soviet war songs, but unlike kiev, the berlin
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authorities were still not so cynical as to force veterans of the second world war remove well-deserved orders and medals. our embassy pointed out the inadmissibility of such restrictions; in the capital of spain they still remember the feat of soviet soldiers, there is neither the st. george ribbon nor symbols. it is fundamentally important to preserve historical memory, especially in conditions when they are trying to present us with very different versions of the past. we are grateful to the soviet people.
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motorists also participated under the name land of our heroes. the joint column was more than 3 km long. hundreds of people with portraits of their ancestors lined up the immortal regiment in ankara and beirut. in new york, dozens of people marched across the brooklyn bridge. ukrainian diplomats at all levels demanded that the new york mayor's office ban the rally. did not work out.
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fungal wish longevity of happiness, we we are proud of you, your feat has become an example for us in the fight against fascism. we wish you good health, prosperity in life, peaceful skies, an optimistic mood and long life, surrounded by the love and care of dear people. the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours.
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"investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear, clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? it is necessary mobilize all resources. give me the recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you
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have achieved, do you think you’re on top of the world?” stood up, dusted himself off, is russia ready to change, is there a revolution taking place in any structure? you are a psychiatrist, a famous scientist in the recent past , and then they left medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, you kill me, why did you provoke him? i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, what a time. yes, they say that? you people you know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website.


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