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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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success in your work for the benefit of russia and its people. congratulations to vladimir putin on taking office continue to come from leaders of countries from different parts of the world; we will tell you what wishes are conveyed to the president in our issue. knocked out. strong points
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under continuous enemy fire, attack aircraft, dnepr groups, smashing the armed forces of ukraine, part-time work, stories of heroes from our war correspondent. seven people died, five of them children, rafah under fire, access to humanitarian aid, all three gas by land way blocked, what israel is trying to achieve and what statement prime minister netanyaho made. a new chapter in the history of the development of relations between the two countries. what else can we expect from the weather? congratulations to vladimir on joining.
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people continue to come to office from all over the world, king rama 10 of thailand wished our president good health and success in fulfilling his public duties. in addition, the heir to the chakri dynasty noted the long-term friendship between the two states. the head of the dprk also sent a personal message. according to stack, kim chin wished the russian leader success in his responsible work for russia and its people. congratulations were conveyed through the north korean embassy in moscow. and here is the news from news agencies, the president of laos arrived on a visit to moscow, the president flew to one of the capital’s airports, he will hold a meeting with russian leader vladimir putin on may 9 and take part in the victory parade on red square. this was news from the lentinformagenstvo. the israeli army controls the entire philadelphia axis along egyptian border in the gaza strip. rafah is under fire. at the moment, access to
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humanitarian aid by land to the enclave is completely blocked. prime minister netanyahu made an urgent statement. what will maria the speed-maker tell you about this? these images of israeli airstrikes on tents with refugees in rafah are broadcast on world channels. the israel defense forces confirm the capture of the rafah checkpoint. salahaddin road in the east of the city is closed. to avoid coming under fire from egyptian troops. moved away from the border, tel aviv does statement. our entry into rafah serves two main military purposes, the return of abductees to the destruction of hamas. the kharafakh checkpoint had previously remained the only land point through which refugees from all over gaza could travel through mina israel. for us, all options have been exhausted, there is no safe place to go, especially since we have family members, children, sick people, elderly people. now there is chaos in rafah, some are trying
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to escape, others are looking for water and food. palestinians do not know what to do, where to settle, many people they are trying to evacuate from all parts of the city; according to my information , two hospitals have already been moved. according to american reporters, access to humanitarian aid by land in gaza is completely blocked. there are no innocent civilians there , we will have to go in to kill, kill, kill. these shots are public. takh, residents of gaza climbed to the roof of the destroyed building to collect humanitarian aid, many of them escaped from there. the white house demands that the rafah and karemshalom checkpoints be opened today for the passage of trucks with food and medicine in enclave. we believe what israel says. this is a limited operation designed to cut off hamas' arms smuggling and financial flows. that night, the idf blew up a hamas tunnel near zderot. in response, iraqi militias fired at israeli militias. elle. the
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israeli authorities remind that in october last year it was hamas that carried out a terrible terrorist attack. over a thousand israeli civilians have been killed, and hundreds more are still being held hostage in israel, protests. people are blocking. he will be demolished, truce, he will be killed, he has no good moves. representatives of the polistin movement warn tel aviv about this. hamas's agreement to the ceasefire initiative doomed israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to political defeat. meanwhile, the american... influential sources in the biden administration say that the palestinian movement did not agree to a ceasefire, putting forward its own conditions. she claims that hamas allegedly offered israel to count the already dead hostages during the transfer, but there is no confirmation of this yet. mariabirth and madena pugoeva, news. and now we are transported to
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the irkutsk region, where they are extinguishing a forest fire near vikharevka. the day before, 13 houses burned down there, the flames spread to the city from the garden. partnerships in the ubratsky district. the preliminary cause of the large-scale fire is careless handling of fire, and we will learn all the details from our correspondent in the region artemy koryabochkin. artemy, i greet you, tell me, are you able to cope with the fire in general and how do you help those who are left without a home, without a roof over their heads? yes, colleagues, hello, how are you? they correctly noted that at the moment the preliminary causes of several large fires that occurred in the bratsk region have become known, and there were several of them, according to the investigator. ministry of emergency situations, the fire in the city of vikhrevka began in one of the abandoned snt. another fire, one of the largest in aluminumshchik gardening, occurred due to careless handling of fire and there, i note, the alleged culprit has already been identified. however, specialists are still working at the site; the fire testing laboratory team has also been strengthened
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interrogators. let me remind you that on may 6 , there were 29 fires in bratsk and the bratsk region, four of which were classified as large. eight gardens were engulfed in fire. and the outskirts of the city of vikhorevka. two men, 75 and 79 years old, died then. the fire and rescue service dispatcher of the irkutsk region received burns on 80% of her body. now ekaterina bondarenko is in a bratsk hospital, in a state of artificial coma. as her husband pavel told one of the news agents, he and his wife came to the scene of the fire to find out do you need additional help? at that moment , a strong wind blew with fire, the woman was knocked down and thrown into the bushes. so far, doctors have not made any predictions regarding her condition. i note that in a few hours the fire destroyed 725 different buildings, including 13 residential buildings within the city, in which 34 people lived, 17 of them children. in total , more than 200 people, 74 pieces of equipment and
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a fire train. such forces were eventually sent to extinguish the fire in the bratsk region. about 50 people were left homeless there, the property burned completely, they turned it around for them. temporary accommodation center, our colleagues filmed a report there and, as they note, caring residents brought clothes and food supplies there, essential necessities, even lined up, and there they held a meeting with the authorities with the fire victims, and there it turned out that everyone who was officially registered , will receive a one-time payment of 100,000 rubles. of course, people still have a lot of questions about payments, but about additional measures to support the authorities. haven’t reported yet, i’ll note that for people, for their accommodation , housing was also provided from the maneuverable fund, now it is still forbidden to clear the rubble on site, as emercom investigators and investigators are coming and working there, the causes of several of the fires have yet to be clarified,
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but without additional figures it is clear that the damage has been enormous, colleagues, artemy, thank you for the information. we will monitor the situation, it was artemy koryabochkin from the irkutsk region, they are putting out a forest fire on the outskirts of vikhorevka, where 13 houses burned down the day before. american military man gordon black charged with grand theft . this was reported in the vladivostok district court. he faces up to 5 years in prison. the americans detained him at the request of his girlfriend, to whom he came, and then beat him and stole money. the us army confirmed that russia notified the state department to detain him.
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shootouts and arson after the arrest of six members of a large drug cartel, eleven municipalities immediately reported attacks and the number of cars burned. has already exceeded a hundred, and it is also reported that there are deaths. sidinpin called the serbian-chinese relations were exemplary; the day before, the leader of the people's republic of china arrived in belgrade on an official visit. our correspondent, daria grigorova, will tell you in detail about the progress of negotiations and prospects for cooperation. all of belgrade is now wearing the red colors of the chinese flag. it is no secret that the visit of the president of the people's republic of china is of great importance for serbia, but the chinese leader also brought with him a representative delegation to belgrade, as many as 400 people. the ceremonial meeting of shizenpin began even before landing, as soon as the chinese leader’s plane entered...
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this time, sidzenpin and serbian president aleksandar vucic are expected to chart a course for developing bilateral ties. the delegations of the two countries plan to sign more than thirty cooperation agreements. in the latest issue of the newspaper politika, an authoritative serbian publication, an article by sidzenpin was published, in which he emphasized: the deep symbolism of the current visit. 25 years ago, during the nato bombing of yugoslavia,
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the chinese embassy was hit. then three of our colleagues, chinese journalists, died. we must never forget about this. the chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such a tragic story to repeat itself. the friendship between china and serbia, cemented by the common blood of the two peoples, has become the common memory of the two peoples. since the strike, the united states and nato have been convincing china that...
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by 1930 it should be less than 7%, and after another 6 years less than five. russians
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' pension income will grow no less than the inflation rate; by the thirtieth year they plan to at least double it to 35,000 rubles. another task is to increase the affordability of housing in the primary market, and also by the thirtieth year, update the housing stock by at least 20% compared to the nineteenth year. by this time, russians should have at least 33m per person. by the thirty-sixth year, at least 38. businesses can extend simplified conditions for re-registration in special administrative regions of russia until the end of next year. according to the data, the corresponding bill was developed by the ministry of development. in particular, when registering, it is not necessary to provide some documents if you do this impossible. this measure was first introduced in march of the twenty-second year and managed to show its effectiveness and relevance. by march 31 in special administrative regions on the islands.
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head of the site. we at euroclear are spending a ton on the european stock markets, this was stated at the time, in order to explain to the european and american authorities the implications of this decision for our balance sheet and the risks we face. considering the size. in general, if our clients feel that their rights are not respected and that their assets may be confiscated, this will open a pandura box, as a result, the largest international investors may leave europe. in turn, the ministry of finance called for avoiding violations in connection with the possible use of russian assets to help kiev. the first deputy director of the fund, gita kapinath, said that
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otherwise confidence in the international monetary system would be undermined. she also noted that some countries, such as china, have reduced their dependence on the dollar. this is due to shocks that, among other things, caused coronavirus pandemic and the situation in ukraine. countries around the world are guided by the interests of economic national security, this determines today with whom to trade and where to invest. foreign direct investment flows are also being redirected along geopolitical lines, with countries reconsidering their heavy dependence on the us dollar. and at the end of the issue, i will remind you of the exchange rates for today: the dollar is 91 rubles 12 kopecks, the euro is 98.30. and that's all i have for now.
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to lead you, briefly about the main thing, to this minute. the ukrainian armed forces used atakoms missiles to strike an oil depot in lugansk. the preliminary data of the investigation were announced by the head of the lpr. the consequences are eliminated. five oil depot employees were injured, and the explosion also damaged residential buildings, power lines and a high- pressure gas pipeline. an air defense system, groupings of russian troops from the west shot down three more
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ukrainian aircraft-type drones plus controlled switch blade drones in the zone of a special military operation in a day. in the kherson direction. dnieper groups disrupted an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to regroup. on the eve of may 9, servicemen of the barnaul missile formation congratulated the veterans. first, a parade took place, and then the rocket men , together with the army men, walked through the homes of the participants in the great patriotic war and presented them with a gift. paine ignored the french president at a trilateral meeting in paris. french politician florian philippou spoke about this. he clarified that the chinese leader was a demonstrator at the negotiations. the usa and great britain are increasingly dragging poland into the conflict in ukraine, this was stated by a person who fled the country judge thomas schmidt. why he secretly moved to belarus, what other plans for warsaw he voiced, my colleague boris
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ivanin will tell you about this. psheki is ready and can officially send troops into ukraine. secret. president lukashenko should seriously think about restoring dialogue with our politicians from warsaw with russia. and this is not just a personal opinion. thomas schmidt was a member of the national council of judges of poland, here is his service id. he also worked in
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the warsaw voivodeship court, where he tried cases related to the army, police, intelligence services, the republic itself, exposure. caused a big stir, prime minister donald tusk does a poor job of hiding the panic in the press, thomas schmidt, on duty, had access to top secret documents, this is the opinion of a man who speaks not only his point of view, but what he knows firsthand, mind you, how - the topic of interventions by western countries on the territory of ukraine has intensified recently, and macron, polish leaders, and the united states are talking about this, this is happening because ukraine is not just tolerating defeat, and the front is falling apart and a situation may happen. which will have nowhere to introduce interventionists, which is why poland is in a hurry to take over the territories that it historically considers its own, this is the eastern part, look at the map, the former
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polish outskirts, now parts of modern lithuania, belarus and just ukraine. in many ways , it is the imperial ambitions of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth that force warsaw to march along the path of increased militarization, purchase new military equipment, increase the number of polish troops, and constantly conduct large-scale field training, for which... it also calls on reservists, together with nato allies, to organize global military exercises near the russian and belarusian borders. and all this under false slogans, about the supposed salvation of ukraine, but in fact the appropriation of the former volyn region and eastern golytsia. previously, these lands were called eastern lesser poland. polish mercenary instructors, as judge thomas schmidt says, are already there. but this is no secret. polish troops have been in western ukraine for a long time. we see how the president. zelensky gives orders territory to the poles, is building up such a large army, which is about to be done in poland, of course, this is a direct
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aggression towards the russian federation, because it is not without reason that they are increasingly talking about the kaliningrad region, about closing borders, blocking this region, in warsaw itself , predictably from he denies everything, poland allegedly is not preparing troops to be sent to ukraine, but it will be... for the polish intelligence services or the american or british, then they can remove me by any means, it could be a car accident or staged suicide. however, even before
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the judge was exposed , the polish president was directly asked in the press whether warsaw was in danger of war, and anzhiy duda answered. quote: i am ready to place nuclear weapons in the republic, and, pay attention, if the allies decide, this is what is hidden behind the words strengthening nato’s eastern flank. in fact , duda signed the decision. he is mistaken for in washington, this conversation took place just after his visit to the usa, the polish leadership there tried to sell their country to joe biden as an anti-russian springboard, their desire to place nuclear weapons, the most aggressive polish politicians, they directly say that this will serve for possible military or combat clashes with russia, the strategy of these pushes and...
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commented on the demolition of monuments to soviet aide to the president of russia vladimir midinsky to the fighters in other countries. he noted that russia, unlike them, on the contrary, preserves history. even takes care of the storage sites of enemy armies, including wehrmacht soldiers. to put it simply, we retain military burials, even of our enemies, wehrmacht soldiers, romanian, italian, hungarians. we even take care of the memorial cemeteries of french soldiers from the war of 812, take a look. each borodino reconstruction in september annually begins with the laying of flowers at the monument erected before the revolution to the brave french soldiers who fell under borodino.
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this is where every reconstruction begins. because we are normal people. and they are freaks, beasts and warfars. because what they do cannot be justified even from the point of view christian. and now let's talk about sports: alexander became the first finalist of the tournament in the champions league. remind me how many years have passed since borussia's last appearance in the final? tatyana, good morning, borussia reached the final for the first time in 11 years, and there is every chance that the final of the thirteenth year will be repeated this season. then borussia played against bayern. let's start with basketball. st. petersburg zenit equalized the score in the semifinal series of the vtb united league against cska. already in the first quarter, zenit took the initiative in the future, javier's team pasquala controlled the match and steadily maintained an 8:10 points advantage. at the beginning of the fourth quarter, the muscovites made
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a small breakthrough. cska got four points closer to zenit, but the st. petersburgers immediately responded with several effective passes, so there were no nervous endings to the match. zenit took revenge for the defeat in the first game of the series 93:81. sergey korasev scored the most in yesterday's match, he had 22 points. the zenit veteran in this match crossed the symbolic milestone of 2,500 points scored for his career in the united league. he became only the fourth player in the history of the tournament with this figure. the score in the series has become. 1:1 the third match of the confrontation between zenit cska will be held in moscow on friday, may 10. borussia dortmund became the first champions league finalist. in the return match against psg, borussia managed to repeat the result of the first game. she won 1:0 and sensationally qualified for the paris club. psg surpassed borussia in almost all indicators in yesterday's match. the parisians even hit the woodwork four times, but borussia scored against mbapé and the company failed again.
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he scored the only goal in yesterday's match. 1:0 victory for borussia and 2:0 on aggregate. borussia reached the champions league final for the first time since 2013; marco reus and mats humels are still playing for the yellow-blacks from that squad. borussia's opponent in the final will be determined tonight, it will be either bayern or real madrid.
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became the league's top scorer, scoring 144 points using the goal+p system. this is also the best performance among russian players in the history of the nhl. for the second time in his career, nikita kucherov became top scorer of the season. in addition to the russian, neton mckinnon from colorado and edmonton forward conor mcdavid are also vying for the hard trophy. the winner will be chosen by vote of the association of professional hockey journalists and will be announced in june after the completion of the playoffs. let me remind you that nikita kucherov was defeated there from the fight for.
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that's all about sports for now, see you next hour. so colorful, bright, interesting, breathtaking, jokes, humor, everything is very cool, well, for example, aliens will arrive, such a rich film, these sounds, here this whole look, a lot of analogies, of course, with a soviet film, i wouldn’t call it a remake, a reshoot, the film is completely independent, it moved away from me, it’s an adventure, it’s a very interesting comedy,
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you have no... chance, in general we were delighted, listen, well, this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, right now, yes, i’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i’m proud, it was something like the whole film in one breath, we'll meet in the future. 100 years ago.


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