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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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a very interesting comedy, you have no chance, in general you were completely delighted, listen, well , this is cool, wonderful, just like that, love, romance, right now, yes, i ’m going to cry now, this is tears, this is just world class, but very cool, i cringe, it was something straight, the whole film in one breath, meet me. in the future 100 years from now.
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let me tell you, briefly about the main thing. at least seven people were killed after israeli air strikes on a residential complex in the gaza strip.
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egypt, two people died, several more were injured. more than 30 thousand people remain without electricity in the voronezh region, due to bad weather, the region was covered by strong winds and rain the day before, a hurricane swept through the tula region, and nine private houses were damaged, 20 in the construction of a car. in belgorod, fallen trees blocked several streets. residents of vikhorevka in the irkutsk region will receive assistance after a powerful fire without housing; about 50 people remained there; people are being helped to restore burnt documents. a temporary accommodation center was set up for them; a total of 13 houses burned down and 700 buildings, preliminary version - careless handling of the orem. and more than ten people were injured during nato exercises in sweden. the press notes that as a result of parachute jumping, the military received fractures and wounds. nine people were evacuated
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by helicopter, two more were taken to hospital, and soldiers from the united states, hungary and italy were injured. now a short advertisement, then news about high technologies with philip trofimov in the vesnet program. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in their apartment. somebody will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, magnet - the price is what you need, milka chocolate from 79-99, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman, you take credit cards, transfer debts for halva, you divide it into 24 months and conveniently repay it, from
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eldora generator super discounts and interest-free installments we approve of tcl tv for everyone for 64.999 and also in installments in emedi and eldorado. when you're an adult, it's so easy to forget that joy lives within us and doesn't need a reason. joy can be found in every moment and seen where you don't expect it. the holy spring fills life with joyful moments; the source of joy is in you. ice deluxe is a mountain of pleasure, sweet waterfalls and a delight of tastes. try your favorite flavors ice deluxe and the new papa mango only at a delicious point. this have not happened before. russian cold. 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try. real plambir, russian cold. great, incredible taste. say no, silicone paraben. and yes,
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shauma shampoo. 90% ingredients of natural origin. for healthy , beautiful hair. take care of your family with shaa. shauma - care from the roots. the very ends. sber is introducing a loan with 2% cashback to give you even more opportunities. opportunities to get everything you have long dreamed of without delay. opportunities to please those who may be difficult to please at first. opportunities to get new impressions, a wave of new ones impressions, a storm of new impressions. apply for a loan in sberbank and receive a monthly cashback of 2% interest rate. more profitable with sberpp, we reveal the secret of an excellent grill, we buy everything in a magnet, we play in the app, we get grill prizes, the formula for an excellent grill in a magnet, buy construction goods at a low price on avito, right on target, that’s a goal, that’s a victory,
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this is victory, russia, russia, russia! russia, are you going to throw out the trash already or not? so, attention, we have a replacement, a replacement for the younger generation, a legend is entering the field to win, this is philip trofimov, not just an update, apple introduced a new one. generation of their tablets, the most interesting of which are no longer quite tablets, we are talking about the ipad pro version, these are the top, most powerful, and also the most expensive, devices in the line, which were originally intended for creative tasks and, accordingly, quite resource-intensive , that is, to some extent as a replacement for a laptop, but with a number of reservations, and such reservations
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have become fewer and fewer over the years, now there are almost none left at all, firstly, along with the new ipad pro introduced a new keyboard that became even closer to a full-fledged laptop keyboard, for example, there appeared... a number of function keys plus a touchpad with functions from the macbook touchpad. secondly, the selfie camera, or rather in this case it’s more correct to say the front camera, has moved to the long side of the screen, that is, its basic position is no longer portrait, but landscape. this means that during video conferencing, the ipad pro and its keyboard can be used in its normal laptop-like position, like it was said during the presentation, it’s now like on the ipad air, but one might say, like on other top-end ones. designed to work with a keyboard and a professional polo, that is , in landscape mode, and not like an oversized smartphone. well, finally, the processor in the new ipad pro is a completely new apple system on the m4 chip, this is the debut of a new processor, until now m series chips, and
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these are the most productive solutions available to ordinary users, were installed first in computers, and then they appeared in tablets. now, as such a top-end laptop with a top-end processor. the ipad pro came out, with both eleven- and thirteen-inch versions. however, it may not be a matter of the desire to equate the top tablets with laptops or not only in terms of the generation of processors, the ipad pro has jumped over the relativity. the previous version was on m2, and now it’s m4. there is an opinion that the apple m3 processor, even though it is produced using a fundamentally different 3 nm process technology than its predecessor instead of the previous 5 nm. showed sufficient growth characteristics, well, that is, of course, this is a step forward, but not exactly stunning, to some extent this was confirmed by the moment of the current presentation, where i talk about the incredible capabilities of the new computing part, they announced that the central processor in the m4 chip is 50% as productive as the m2 model before last .
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however, now the graphics accelerator and neuroprocessor have been updated not only with a single central processor, but also in the tasks for which the ipad pro is designed. maybe even more important, it's about working with video, for example, as part of the presentation , we spent a lot of time on how the new tablets cope with the updated proprietary pro final cut. once upon a time this was almost a standard. non-linear editing programs for television production, but at some point the solutions from ado seemed more convenient than apple’s, now cupertina is trying to regain at least part of the lost creative audience, offering new functions for filming and subsequent editing, including those based on artificial intelligence, of course, well, all this is in conjunction with a new device, which can be considered a laptop with a touch screen, which is very convenient, but until now it was only available to users of windows computers, or rather... a beech transformer, like the microsoft surface pro line. the irony here is that the surface appeared 12 years ago as
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a response to the first ipad, but quickly transformed into the benchmark productivity tablet and laptop. it has been developing in this direction for 10 years now and now the ipad pro has become like a surface. transformers are also a convenient thing, but with a small caveat, fair for everyone devices of such a form factor, since the entire computing part and battery are under the display, the keyboard is thin and... there is nothing under it, then the balance of such a transformer is not at all like that of a laptop and working with one, for example, on your knees, is frankly not convenient. and there is always one thing, there is a classic that you like more and more, classic grand burgers and a new one, the grand piquant is hidden. tomato sauce is delicious, period, thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach
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8:43 am
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deposit rates, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, discount on loan, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch, you are silent like a fish, shirimprol, shrimp, fishburger, a real sea of ​​​​taste, only delicious, period. a banal desire to erase human memory. today we are talking about the falsification of not only the current politics of russia, but also history. american money was used to create a layer of materials on the basis of which the history of the second world war is still being written. to create such a clean picture of the wehrmacht, germany should even lose. they say that another war will break out and the united states will drawn into it, but is it true? they instill
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fear of war and then spread that fear. history is a battlefield, let's call a spade a spade, now the footage published in telegram channels by the special services of the donetsk people's republic has discovered a mined cache with grenade launchers, ammunition and flamethrowers. a discovery in the suburb of avdeevka is a message from the fsb in the donetsk people's republic. and the village work is from ukrainian. the military is cleared by assault units of the dnepr group of troops, the enemy is knocked out of their strongholds all this under continuous attacks from enemy drones, take refuge in the destroyed village of nektya. among the fighters there are real heroes who, in spite of everything, move forward, stanislav vasilchenko’s report is about them. they
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broke through under incessant enemy fire. assault groups, led by a fighter with the call sign ryba, free the village to work on... a real heroic feat, for competent leadership and successful completion of combat missions, ryba was awarded a medal for courage. the task was set to occupy a strong point, located in front of the settlement of rabotina, the attack aircraft boarded infantry fighting vehicles, interaction with uav operators moved to...
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the fish provided first aid to him and evacuated him to a safe place. now the fighter is in the hospital and his health is not in danger. the stormtrooper commander did not tell anyone that he had accomplished the feat of saving the lives of his soldiers, not even his mother. she learned the details from the mother of that same wounded soldier, they doused me like a tub, i didn’t understand, cold or boiling water, what kind of water, that is, for me this horror, i was immediately filled with fear for my child, at the same time i was overcome with pride for my son, the fact that my son really did not abandon his comrade on the battlefield,
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there would be no boasting, well, that is, there is no this. he probably doesn’t think that he has accomplished some great feat; for him, the most important thing is just humanity and friendship. a fighter with the call sign rotor is also presented with a state award, the zhukov medal. in the summer of 2023, when the ssu threw all its forces into a counteroffensive, rotor and his comrades were among the first to fight back to the enemy. on that day, the day of the offensive, i was just at my post, so we were on duty there with our comrades and just...
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he is a long-time reliable friend of russia, he was educated in leningrad, knows russian, it is expected that the meeting of the russian presidents of laos will take place tomorrow, sisoulitta will also take part in the
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victory parade on red square, the visit is scheduled to last until may 11 - and now about the weather, the arctic invasion in
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european russia is gaining momentum. forecasters warn that snowfall will expand today geography, while stormy winds will continue to blow in the region. anna volkova has all the details. the expansion of winter on the russian plain continues, where will the snowfalls reach today and should we wait? this is the same hurricane wind that raged the day before in the black earth region. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel centrifus, i'm anna volkova, hello. snowfalls on the russian river will not stop yet, but at least the wind will slow down a little. in short, it collapsed, i heard, the hood flew off, the car flew off, and the trash can also collapsed from the covenant. like us and the storm was forecast to hit the black soil on tuesday. in the middle of the day the air in voronezh managed to warm up to +22, and then a cold front arrived, the result of this invasion on your screens:
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construction materials and garbage cans were flying around the city, roofs were blown off houses, many roads were blocked by fallen trees during rush hour. in one of the episodes, a large branch pierced the cabin of a minibus; it was a miracle that none of the passengers were injured; even the light poles could not resist the hurricane. the column tilted a little, but only tilted one, the rest all got there. squally wind increases are usually local in nature, so it is not surprising that the voronezh weather station did not notice the storm. but it was recorded in belgorod, here the day before the wind accelerated to 21 m/s. the result was broken wires and yards littered with trees. let us note that the elements have not left the black soil region alone since the beginning of the week. the following footage is from the kursk region, where a giant dust tornado was seen on monday, however, such formations are many times inferior to tornadoes, these
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explains the fact that the truck in the video calmly drives straight through the vortex. if we return again to may 7, the tula region also suffered from the hurricane on this day; in the city of efremov, strong winds damaged 10 private houses, 20 outbuildings, and five cars. a powerful storm arose the day before due to the collision of arctic cold and atlantic heat over the black soil. today the south of the russian plain will still remain at the mercy of stormy weather, but temperature contrasts in the region will already begin to smooth out, so the wind will become slightly weaker in gusts up to 18-23 m/s. another manifestation of the arctic invasion is the may snowfalls. on tuesday, precipitation in the solid phase was observed throughout the northern half of europe. this is how, for example, st. petersburg was swept the night before, in the nizhny novgorod region the landscapes also became wintry, and before that, winter returned to the capital region, three weather stations even
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recorded the restoration of snow cover. in volokolamsk, its height was 2 cm and today the expansion of winter on the russian plain will continue. as a result, the border the snowfall zone will move south another 350 km, up to the smolensk-tula line. generally in these latitudes. snow in the first ten days of may occurs only once every 5-6 years. the cloud fields of the cyclone, the culprit of the onset of cold weather , will spoil the weather today in most parts of european russia and the urals. and the epicenter of the bad storm will be the south of the urals. in some places in bashkiria and the orenburg region , more than half of the may volume of moisture may pour out in just a day. heavy downpours will not bypass flood-affected orsk, the rains here will begin closer to noon and will peak the coming night. the weather will begin to improve only in the evening of may 9, during which time the camera will hit 37 mm, more than is usually collected in total for the entire month, so
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vorskis are again not excluded. local flooding. at the same time, residents of the northern half of the russian plain need to prepare for icy conditions. on the morning of victory day, in some places in the middle zone in the north-west of the region , the thickness of the ice crust on roads and sidewalks can reach 1-2 cm. fortunately , it will not last long. the fact is that the daytime temperature will be at least 10° lower norms will still remain positive. for example, in moscow in the afternoon it’s about +5, so there are ice deposits. will begin to melt, on saturday-sunday a slight warming will begin in central russia and the conditions for the formation of ice will no longer exist. that's all for me, goodbye.
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vladimir putin signed a new may decree, what did the head of state order? the immortal regiment event took place in germany with portraits of soviet soldiers and hundreds of participants walked through the city streets. a fire in the irkutsk
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region will help residents of mikharevka. without about 50 people remained in housing there. at least seven people were killed in the gaza strip after idf bombings. let's tell you more about the situation in the middle east. the day before, sidin visited belgrade on an official visit. what statements were made? in the center of the country. severe cold snap, when can we expect the warmth to return? vladimir putin will take part in the summit of the eurasian economic union today. it opens in moscow. the meeting is anniversary and timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the creation of the association. leaders will discuss the results activities of the union, as well as prospects for cooperation. it is planned to adopt a number of important documents. this year in ias.
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yerevan presides. prime minister nikol pashinyan is expected at the summit. the meeting will also be attended by the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. in addition, the heads of observer states of cuba and uzbekistan have been invited to the forum. this is the first international meeting in which vladimir putin will take part after taking office as president of russia. congratulations to the head of state continue to arrive from all over peace. thus, the king of thailand, rama 10, wished our president good health. good health and success in fulfilling government duties, the head of the dprk also sent personal congratulations. on the eve of may 9, the participants of the special operation congratulated the veterans on victory day. the videos were published on the website of the ministry of defense. more than a thousand military personnel from various military groups took part in the event. the soldiers thanked the veterans for their feat, wished them good health, and also.


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