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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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documents. this year yerevan presides over the eac. prime minister nikol pashinyan is expected at the summit. the meeting will also be attended by the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. in addition, the heads of observer states of cuba and uzbekistan have been invited to the forum. this is the first international meeting in which vladimir putin will take part after taking office as president of russia. congratulations to the head of state continue to arrive from all over the world. yes, the king of thailand. the tenth wished our president good health and success in fulfilling state duties, the head of the dprk also sent personal congratulations. on the eve of may 9, the participants of the special operation congratulated the veterans on victory day. the videos were published on the website of the ministry of defense. more than a thousand military personnel from various military groups took part in the event. the soldiers thanked the veterans for their feat and wished them good health, as well.
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i wish you good health, prosperity in life, peaceful skies, an optimistic mood and long life, surrounded by the love and care of dear people. the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours. maintaining a stable and dynamic economy is one of the main national goals until the year thirty-six. vladimir putin outlined the main directions of development of russia in a decree that was published after taking office. we'll find out all the details.
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russians’ pension income will grow no less than the inflation rate; by the thirtieth year they plan to at least double it to 35 thousand rubles. president on the need to increase
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the minimum wage, this, on the one hand, reflects inflationary processes, on the other hand, it is a form of additional social protection for working citizens. another task is to increase the affordability of housing on the primary market, and by the thirtieth year to update the housing stock by at least 20% compared to the nineteenth year. by this time the russians should have it.
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as part of social gasification, by the thirtieth year, at least 1,600,000 homes will be connected, and by the sixth, at least 3 million. to improve the well-being of russians, it is necessary to develop the economy. import share in the structure of gdp by the thirtieth year should be reduced to 17%, investment in fixed capital should increase by at least 60 compared to the twentieth year due to an improvement in the investment climate. the capitalization of the stock market must be raised to 66% of gdp by the year thirty-six. up to 75. the growth rate of the russian economy must be kept above the world average; no later than the thirtieth year, we must reach fourth place in the world in terms of gdp volume calculated by purchasing power parity. in the twenty-second year, russia came in fifth place in terms of ppp, overtaking germany. there are very serious competitors ahead of us, the usa is in first place, then china, india and japan are in fourth place. this year the gap with
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japan is not so high, about 0.4 trillion dollars, according to the forecasts of various analysts, probably in 24-26. we can overtake japan. indicators will rise, including due to increased labor productivity. in 6 years , we should enter the top 25 countries in the world in terms of robotization density. small tech companies' revenues set to increase investments in domestic it solutions should grow no less than seven times, twice as fast as gdp. by 2030, the share of russian software used in state-owned companies will have to be increased to 95%. vladimir putin instructed to increase the volume of agricultural production by no less than 25% compared to the twenty-first year, and its exports by at least one and a half times. what can we offer the world? this is, of course, the supply of meat, well, peppered pork, and this is the supply of poultry meat.
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of course, we have enormous potential in the development of fisheries. generally it is necessary to increase the export of not raw materials, not... compared to last year, but transportation along international transport corridors by at least one and a half times, compared to the twenty-first year. the cabinet of ministers must present a plan for achieving new development goals by the end of the year, and by september 1 , vladimir putin ordered to adjust existing national projects and develop 11 new ones. well, the share of tourism in the economy is also expected to increase. thank you, masha, it was maria grigorieva with a story. on national development goals for the next 6 and 12 years to other topics: the immortal regiment action was held in germany with portraits of soviet wars. hundreds of participants walked along the city streets, although some of the symbols, for example the st. george’s ribbon, the german authorities decided to ban, as anton
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dadykin will tell you everything, my native country is wide. then about 500 people walked through the center of frankfurt with portraits of their heroic ancestors; many germans also joined the procession, carrying a banner: thank you to the soviet people for liberation from fascism. but the doichland authorities apparently forgot about the crimes of the nazis third. they banned the image of the st. george's ribbon; they even had to cover it up on the poster. in berlin, the mayor's office went even further. at rallies in honor of victory day in the german capital, red flags and any symbols that could indicate who actually made the greatest contribution to the defeat
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of the nazis of the third reich were also prohibited; even the performance of soviet war songs was prohibited. but unlike kiev, the berlin authorities were not so cynical as to force veterans of the second world war to remove their well-deserved orders.
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hundreds of people with portraits of their ancestors formed the immortal regiment in ankara and beirut. in new york, dozens of people marched across the brooklyn bridge. ukrainian diplomats at all
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levels demanded that the new york mayor's office ban the rally, but it did not work. previously, this was an all-union holiday, and even if not everyone celebrates it today, this is our victory. and katyusha’s love will be saved in tokyo, the column of the immortal regiment was led by the ambassadors of russia and china to japan. those who accepted mortal combat. anton dadykin, matve popov, lead. activists the russian military historical society summed up the results of the all-russian subbotnik. the place of remembrance event is held on the eve of victory day. across the country, thousands of schoolchildren, students, and volunteers are putting in order military graves, memorials, and memorial plaques. the head of the organization, presidential aide vladimir midinsky, urged not to slow down. the goal of the project is to preserve all objects of military-historical heritage. the event was called all-russian, it was carried out throughout the country, i am
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very grateful to everyone who took part in of this action, let it not stop, watch out, we now have 550 memorial objects only installed directly with the participation of the financial military historical society over these 10 years throughout the country, and there are hundreds of memorial plaques, how many with advisory, administrative participation. with honor, we must look after this, this is our memory. search teams of the russian ministry of emergency situations found the remains of more than twenty soviet soldiers in the tvorskaya region. the work was carried out at the site of fierce battles of the rzhev-sichev operation as part of the "memory watch" campaign. soldier medallions were found in one of the cadet's war graves. on one of them we were able to read that it belonged to senior lieutenant nikolaev , born in his fourteenth year, a native of vologda. experts will search for relatives of the deceased. fighter. the work has been going on for decades and teams are still finding the remains of soldiers, their
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personal belongings, ammunition and ammunition. a search reconnaissance was carried out and a battle burial with fighters, presumably 24 people, was discovered. all of them are red army soldiers. search engines have been working on the ploskoye tract for decades, but they still find isolated burials, forgotten or abandoned by sanitary workers. success while the search teams are working, while they are conducting their search activities, soldiers will be, soldiers will be found, they will rise from unmarked graves and will be buried with full military honors. now let’s move on to advertising, then we’ll tell you more about the situation with forest fires. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create comfort in the apartment, someone
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will go on a long-awaited vacation, sellers at the megamarket are changing the world, megamarket - just grow with us, maybe with a partner, appetite anywhere, dad can, only dad can tame it, dad can, dad has a door appetite. your chance to take yours in 15 minutes for only
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when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself is in gold with an intensive cleansing formula that effectively removes burnt-on dirt. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. grand and grand piquant pairs at an attractive price. only delicious point. i am the chef of the cat gonezov. on
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my blog i share simple and quick recipes. and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important. astoria, now it’s definitely delicious, what’s missing for construction, it’s easy to find on avito, a huge selection of goods from suppliers and low prices, all that remains is to build, take avita and build, these are the ivanovs - the average russian family, they throw away 600. 64 plastic a year bottles, and if you sort the waste, this could make 21 backpacks for your son or 11 sneakers for your daughter, 73 t-shirts for your dad or 70 dresses for mom, sort waste, give things a new life.
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near the irkutsk city of vikharevka , a forest fire is still being extinguished; the day before, 14 houses burned down there; the flames spread to residential buildings from a garden community in the baradsky district, where the fire destroyed two hundred buildings. once again, the cause of the emergency was the human factor. investigators suspect careless handling of the fire. all the details are in our next article. at the moment
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, the preliminary causes of several large fires that occurred in bratsk have become known. area, and there were several of them, and... emercom investigators, the fire in the city of vikhrevka started in one of the abandoned snt. another fire, one of the largest in aluminumshchik gardening, occurred due to careless handling of fire and there, i note, the alleged culprit has already been identified. however, specialists are still working at the site; the fire testing laboratory has also strengthened the investigative team. let me remind you that on may 6 , 29 fires were active in the territory of bratsk and the bratsk region, four of which were classified like big ones. eight were engulfed in fire. gardening and the outskirts of the city of vikhorevka. two men, 75 and 79 years old, died then. the dispatcher of the fire and rescue service of the irkutsk region received burns on 8% of the body. now ekaterina bondarenko is in a bratsk hospital in a state of induced coma. so far, doctors have not made any predictions regarding her condition. i note that in a few hours the fire
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destroyed 725 different buildings, including 13 residential buildings within the city. in which 34 people lived, including 17 children. total more than 200 people, 74 pieces of equipment and a fire train. such forces were eventually sent to extinguish the fire in the bratsk region. about 50 people were left homeless there, their property was completely burned, a temporary accommodation center was set up for them, a meeting was held with the authorities there with the fire victims, and there it turned out that everyone who was officially registered would receive a one-time payment of 100,000 rubles. i note that for people, for their accommodation, they also provided housing from the maneuverable fund, without any additional figures, it is clear that the damage has been done huge. israel has blocked the channel for the delivery of humanitarian aid to the gaza strip. in sahal they reported that they control the entire border line
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with egypt, and residential areas of the border rafah are under fire. the israeli military says it is doing so. for us, all options have been exhausted, there is no safe place to go, especially since we have family members, children, sick people, elderly people. now there is chaos in rafah,
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some are trying to escape, others are looking for water and food. the palestinians don't know what to do or where to settle. many people from all parts of the city trying to evacuate. according to my information , two hospitals have already been moved. as american reporters report, access to humanitarian aid by land in gaza is...
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it was hamas that staged a terrible terrorist attack, over a thousand israeli civilians were killed and hundreds more are still being held hostage in israel . there are protests, people are blocking roads, threatening to burn the country if the authorities they will not agree to a truce, and hamas will not return their relatives. fork for netanyahu, continuation of the war, he will be demolished, truce, he will be killed, he has no good moves. to this, representatives of the palestinian movements warn tel aviv. hamas's agreement to the ceasefire initiative doomed israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu to political defeat. meanwhile, the american media, citing influential sources in the biden administration , say that the palestinian movement did not agree to a ceasefire, putting forward its own conditions. the new york times claims that hamas allegedly suggested that israel count the already dead hostages during the transfer, but there is no confirmation of this yet. maria the scarecrow and maladina pugoeva, news.
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american military man gordon black has been charged with theft with major damage, the vladivostok district court reported. he faces up to 5 years in prison. the americans detained him at the request of his girlfriend, whom he came to see, and then beat him and stole money. the us army confirmed. that russia notified the state department of black's detention in accordance with the vienna convention, and the case against him is not related to politics. sijin ping called relations with serbia and china exemplary. the day before, the leader of the people's republic of china arrived in belgrade on an official visit, followed by are being closely watched in the west. the financial times has already called this trip a geopolitical message. daria grigorova has all the details. belgrade is now in the red colors of the chinese flag. it is no secret that the visit of the president of the people's republic of china is of great importance for serbia, but the chinese leader also brought with him a representative delegation to belgrade, as many as 400
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people. the ceremonial meeting of sizinpin began even before landing, as soon as the chinese leader’s plane entered serbian airspace, he was met by two mig-29 fighters of the serbian air force. in an aeroport in belgrade, the plane of the head of the people's republic of china was met by the country's top leadership, president aleksandar vucic and his wife. as well as the prime minister and the speaker of parliament. the chinese leader's security in belgrade is provided by 3,500 serbian police. the previous time sidinpin visited serbia was in 2016 (8 years ago). today's visit is in response to aleksandar vucic's trip to china for the belt and road summit in october '23. then an agreement on duty-free trade was signed between the two countries. times it is expected that sizenping and serbian president aleksandar vucic will chart a course for the development of bilateral ties. the delegations of the two countries plan to sign more than thirty cooperation agreements. in the latest
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issue of the politika newspaper, an authoritative serbian publication, an article by shizen pina was published, in which he emphasized the deep symbolism of the current visit. 25 years ago, during the nato bombing of yugoslavia, the chinese embassy was also hit. then three of our chinese colleagues died. we must never forget this, the chinese people cherish peace, but we will never let us allow such a tragic story to repeat itself. the friendship between china and serbia, cemented by the common blood of the two peoples, has become the common memory of the two peoples. since the strike , the united states and nato have been convincing china that the bombing was a mistake, but the chinese country, judging by the statements of its leader, does not trust these words. yes, given the unrelenting confrontation between china and the united states, such a coincidence of the visit with the date... china
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is one of the countries that supports our country, and we should be friends with them, and not with those who want to destroy us, not only serbia, but the entire serbian nation. this is a great event for our country. few countries can boast of a visit from the leader of china. a great country, it means a lot to serbia. china sees serbia as an important partner in the implementation of its strategic project in europe, the belt and road, which also includes the delivery of chinese products. to europe. belgrade is counting not only on chinese loans and investments, but also on beijing’s support for the serbian position on kokosovo. daria grigorova, vladislav chernov, balkan news bureau.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we
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often do. we are talking about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me the recipe in general, this is how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world , stood up, dusted himself off, went off, is russia ready to change, evolution occurs in any structure, you are a psychiatrist in the recent past famous. scientist, and then they quit medicine and became an ordinary police psychologist, i’ll kill me, why did you provoke him, i wanted to help the guy, she’s digging for you valera in the most dangerous place for you, you’re a predator, it’s going to hurt, they say you’re human you know how to look directly into his head, this is a metaphor, look into his head, look in the application or on the website. in moscow 9:28 and
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further briefly about the main thing. maintaining a stable and dynamic economy is one of the main national goals until the year thirty-six. about the main directions development of russia is stated in the may presidential decree. among them is also the preservation of population. as well as transformation. veterans of the great patriotic war who live in mariupol were congratulated on the upcoming victory day. the military, who are now carrying out the tasks of a special military operation, came to visit the participants in historical battles. on the eve of victory day, our soldiers are still recording video cards with congratulations
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to veterans. the videos were published on... the israeli army confirmed that they took control of the rafah checkpoint and plan to enter the city itself to clear underground tunnels from hamas fighters. rafahi itself is full of house music. the local population is trying to escape, but land crossings are closed. 68 forest fires were extinguished over the past 24 hours in russian regions, of which there are more than seven active fires. in the irkutsk region, a forest is burning near the town of vikhorevka, where the day before the fire destroyed 14 residential buildings. 50 people were left homeless. the work of firefighters is complicated by dry, windy weather. now to the special operation zone, where one of the hottest spots remains the village work. assault detachments of the russian dnepr group of troops defend the territory from ukraine.


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