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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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look into his head, look in the app or on the website. hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical novorossiya” program. our name says it all, we are talking about the territory that has returned to its...
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historical roots, about new russia, with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality of its present day, to find typical features and recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. bright easter days, with what do they go to the temple in novorossiya. how does faith support desire? conversation with a program expert. 10 years after the odessa tragedy, what does memory preserve? all this week we have been living in days illuminated by the light of a great christian holiday, the bright sunday of christ. one of the meanings of the holiday is to achieve spiritual heights through overcoming passions. and suffering. if
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we talk about donbass and novorossiya, then, perhaps, over the last decade, at arm’s length, there has not been a more long-suffering land where the theme of struggle and suffering for one’s moral choice would sound so acute and tragic. people who became object of violence by the kiev authorities since 2014, they often talk about their experience using. biblical images. here they remember the gorlovka madonna, a young woman with a ten-month-old child who died during ukrainian shelling in the summer of 1914. the avenue of angels, a memorial in memory of the children of donbass who died from artillery and air attacks of the ukrainian armed forces, was opened in donetsk. and the ukrainian military, trying to destroy the spiritual supports of these people, purposefully enter the coordinates of churches into the artillery target designation system. hardly one more
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it is a coincidence that the first victims of the civil war in donbass appeared 10 years ago, precisely on easter night. then, on april 20, 1914, just an hour after the good news of christ’s resurrection, a sabotage group from the right sector attacked a virtually unarmed checkpoint near slavyansk. several. the militia were killed, and assistance arrived in time to repel the attack. dmitry yarosh, the head of that same organization banned in russia , later boasted that the attack on easter night was the work of his militants. it's hard to say there is is there anything sacred among those who have been killing and making their compatriots suffer in the donbass and novorossiya for a decade?
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it only grows over the years. here they are rebuilding the last ones, believing in the correctness of their choice of church; more than 150 of them were destroyed during the war years . the akhmat kadyrov foundation undertook the restoration of the church of the archangel michael in mariupol. a good cause united muslims and christians. since last summer, a patriarchal humanitarian mission has been established on the territory of four new regions. target - coordination of systemic development, assistance to civilians, orthodox clergy, wounded military personnel in donbass and novorossiya. and no matter what the churches in novorossiya are sometimes like with broken windows and mangled walls. on the days before easter, people go there with faith in the best and prayer for peace and victory. more details in the story. life over death to the donbass,
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surrounded by the front line, this is of particular significance. last year, right on easter night, the donetsk cathedral came under fire . the ukrainian armed forces missiles missed the temple buildings, but flew to a parking lot in the neighborhood, people died. to prevent this from happening again, day and night our military suffer hardships and give their lives, systematically pushing back the front line. christ is risen, militarily risen. happy holiday to all of you, brothers, they say, there are no unbelievers in the trenches, and it’s true, on the bright night of christ’s sunday, the military celebrated easter right in the dugouts, here priests held field easter services, and easter cakes were illuminated and delivered to the front line from donetsk bakeries. this year, at
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the makeyevsky grain processing plant, the capacity for the production of kulechi has been increased significantly, and not in great demand throughout the republic, and in order for the main easter gift to be enough for everyone, they worked in several shifts, tirelessly, the recipe, of course, is not disclosed, however, the main ingredient is known without that, these are good the thoughts and love with which you get down to business, all this is very reverent, all this with soul, and well, we want a person to put it on the table, to be happy, to make the children happy, to get such an easter cake, to come to the church with such beauty, delicious, the main thing taste, truly, truly, i say to you, you are not looking for me because you have seen miracles. this is severo-donetsk. in the front-line city , renovations are underway at the nativity of christ cathedral. after the start of the svo, it continued its work and became a refuge for believers from shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. several hundred people lived in the basements of the temple and prayed here. there were at least 60 hits on the territory, 12 of them
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were on the building itself. today the cathedral has been almost completely restored, and parishioners are beginning to return to the cities. i pray for mother russia, for our donbass, for our city, for builders. military guys for those innocently arrested, we have friends with children in ukraine, they were arrested, they are in prison, i pray for them too, our church prays for peace, for the end of the war, and even when there were military operations, people saw who was for us everyone shoots, they, well, the church doesn’t participate in politics, and we talked about how, god is their judge, that is, god knows who... where did they shoot at whom? and yet, in spite of everything, the days of easter week are bright days. believers prepared for them ahead of time, primarily spiritually; each family has its own traditions, but one thing remains the same: come to church for service on easter night, and then break your fast. in
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fact, the gingerbread dough is very simple; it uses sugar, melted honey, butter and an egg. honey chocolate gingerbread, easter eggs, vasin is the head of the family. the orthodox holiday has always been treated with special reverence, adults and children are preparing for it, there are five of them in the family, the older one, as a fifteen-year-old schoolboy in 2014, volunteered for the militia and serves to this day, the head of the family has been engaged in volunteer activities all this time, it all started with the usual help to one’s neighbor, but with the start of a special military operation , volunteer activities extended to the fighters. however, we are sure here that the main thing is not material help, but spiritual help.
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now in the zone of a special military operation, we filmed this during a service in honor of palm sunday, the holiday preceding easter, the day when jesus, according to legend, entered jerusalem, knowing that he was going up. death and his path were covered with palm leaves; in russia they were replaced with willow branches. since ancient times kievan rus was illuminated by willows, so we adhere to this old ancient tradition, here we illuminate the willow, here we meet with that ancient jerusalem that the gentlemen met. i like easter because when we go to church, i see my girlfriend alexandra, we sit at the top of the church together. chat and i want the days
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of this easter week to pass with precisely such bright and pure thoughts, a week filled with joy and faith in the victory of good over evil, which is symbolized by the resurrection of christ. anna yafimova, valery savelelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya. about what the faith of god has always meant for people living in novorossiya and what thoughts arise during easter week? we will talk with our regular expert, historian and political scientist rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon, good afternoon. rastislav, what people did in the donbass in novorossiya 10 years ago, when they decided to change their fate, was actually radical, was there something that makes them turn to god more often, earlier and today, well, that’s it this. and it was, this is what forces, that is, when a person radically changes his destiny, he, as
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modern psychologists say, leaves his comfort zone, when there is a sharp break in his usual life, yes, everything, everything that was, disappears, and what will happen, no one doesn’t know, in this case a person in peaceful life begins to feel something like how he feels at the front, when no one knows his fate in a minute, in a second, because anything can happen, well, there is a civil war, which means everything has fallen apart. it means everything is created from scratch to a new one, the only person you can turn to for help and count on some kind of help, on a miracle that tomorrow everything will miraculously change and become good, is god. rastislav, how can we explain such a conflict that after the twenty-second year in some areas of new russia people continued to go to churches that formally belonged to the ukrainian orthodox church, a church that condemned the svo, stopped remembering patriarch kirill in its prayers, but at the same time these people... with all their souls, of course, were in the bosom of the russian orthodox churches, well, firstly, people in the church pray
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to god, and not to ukraine, russia or madagascar, which means that if, let’s say, there was once, at a time of particularly acute confrontations between orthodox and catholics, orthodox christians did not pray in catholic churches and in orthodox churches, then now, in principle, even when staying abroad, if there are no orthodox churches around. a person can go and pray in a catholic church, although, so to speak, he cannot perform the catholic sacraments, that is, he cannot partake of the catholic sacraments, but he can go in to pray it can, if desired, because it is still a christian church, yes, that means, accordingly, especially in an orthodox church, it is not possible to pray, another thing is that the ukrainian orthodox church has taken its original position, not even now, when it began to deny there of his own, but initially busy.
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this process is happening gradually, so the russian orthodox church does not pedal or rush it; problems arise with the fact that the priests who continue to submit to kiev consider themselves part of the ukrainian... the orthodox church often acts, even campaigns against the svo, but this is already a problem for the special services and then it arises in this regard, and so, well, for a while, people will continue to go to pray in the churches of the ooc, then they will gradually become a church of the russian orthodox church, no one in particular seriously did not notice, and the person turns, goes to the temple to turn to god, and not to say to support
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or not to support a certain state entity. easter is bright. a holiday of faith and hope that these days can give people in donbass and novorossiya. well, those who have faith will certainly be given hope, and i think that just this year, yes, there are much more reasons for hope than there were before, because at least the front line has moved from donetsk and is moving with acceleration, well , accordingly, the shelling weakens, and then you see, it will stop altogether.
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these days there are a lot of not only bright, but also sad, even tragic thoughts and memories. 10 years have passed since the crime committed in the odessa house of trade unions. the event of may 2, 2014 shook novorossiya was shown that compromises with the kiev authorities are impossible. on that day , bloody clashes took place on the streets of odessa . radical nationalists and anti-maidan participants. some anti-maidan protesters rushed to their tent camp and tried to take refuge in the house of trade unions. the nationalists destroyed the camp and set fire to the building. according to official data , 48 people were killed. they burned to death, suffocated in smoke, or fell to their deaths while jumping
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out of windows. more than 200 people were injured. no one has yet been convicted of this crime. never punished. 10 years ago, hot on the heels of the may 2 case , the defenders of the odessa trade union house themselves were arrested and tried. they were accused of organizing mass riots, which allegedly led to the arson. 140 investigators and prosecutors worked on the case and dug up 31 volumes. anti-maid activist vyacheslav was identified as the main suspect. he died in the house of trade unions, 3 years after the tragedy, the police said that most of the evidence was lost back in the fourteenth by investigators from kiev. in 2019 , the un monitoring mission reported on the progress of the investigation stated that the authorities had no real interest in bringing those responsible to justice. that same
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year, on the fifth anniversary of the tragedy, ukrainian nationalists held a ukrainian march in odessa. every anniversary of may 2 in odessa there are increased security measures, the authorities introduce a permit regime instead of tragedies, yet odessa residents bring flowers to the house of trade unions, commemorate the dead, remember the victims of nationalists in russia, how that odessa tragedy divided the lives of many people in ukraine in russia into ... and after in the story of olga mokhova. this is horror, this is despair from powerlessness. this was really scary. the remains of people, bruised corpses, which have not yet been identified. i can’t forget how
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people probably fell from windows and were finished off on the asphalt by ukrainian radicals. these people are now kept by two completely different odessa, one sunny, humorous, hospitable, and the other, numb with horror, saturated with the smell of gary, mourning the dead, but they are all convinced that the point of no return in the ukrainian civil conflict was set precisely then, on may 2, 2014 . it would be, you know, like a watershed, and i think that the war did not begin in 22, but the war began exactly then on the kulkovo field, because events took place around the same time.
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they walked with their visors open, molotovo cocktails and hutsur hatchets were flying at them, against them there was an aggressive crowd of radicals brought to the city, aimed only at murder. the local authorities were also against them,
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wanting those who disagreed with them to be silent. on that fateful day, firefighters traveled for an unreasonably long time, and law enforcement officers were inactive. all evidence was erased, destroyed, the place became inaccessible to anyone whom, even for an independent group of investigators, for foreign observers, all this was no longer available. now 10 years have passed and this has only strengthened the understanding that we are right. the day after the tragedy, the residents of odessa, without an agreement, went to the house of trade unions with flowers, and a day later , activists of the odessa anti-maidan were able to simply snatch from the hands of the police many of their comrades who were unjustly arrested on may 2, even then many of them decided to go to lugansk, donetsk, slavyansk . in donbass itself they realized that nothing good was to come from this government no longer... donbass took this with terrible pain, yes, because it was these odessa events, they, they literally revealed this true
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essence of the new regime, which came to power only two to a month ago, people understood what would happen to them, that’s what would happen to them, as a region that did not agree with the slogans that were heard on the maidan. we all remember them, we remember what happened. we will not forget this, i propose to honor their memory with a minute of silence. alice and her associates were arrested on the eve of their first anniversary tragedy, they were just preparing for a memorial rally. 60 people on one day. she spent a year in prison, the rest for several years. at the same time, an underground movement of the sandpiper field arose in odessa, as a civil protest against the actions of the kiev authorities and as help to those who found themselves in dungeons. left his hometown 2 years ago, when it became clear that arrest could not be avoided, everyone gathered on may 2, well, roughly a quarter of odessa residents usually went to the kulyakov field, and
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of course these people did not go anywhere, most of them remained there, probably not changed their beliefs, the movement of the kuljakov field has not gone away, and so to speak, the organization, that is, you need to understand that now even thinking differently there is a little dangerous, and also... a day of remembrance is connected, as they say, with this tragedy , we will try to be there today and also remember all these tragic events that claimed the lives
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of our compatriots. on the thin branches there are labels of the international sadmemory campaign with the names of those who will never see odessa in bloom. andrey brazhevsky is one of them. his story and his short biography, only 27 years old, only confirms that they died in the house of trade unions. residents of odessa, each of whom could not stay away that day. as far as i understand, for the rest of his moments in life, he was simply protecting. so, and then he was thrown out, and apparently finished off on the ground. mom remains in odessa, mom, like everyone who has lost their loved ones, continues to not understand why the murder. another island of odessa in moscow stella of the city of hero in the alexander garden near the kremlin wall, now on may 2 there are always flowers here, dress
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this is... in the calendar of odessa memorial dates, but not only odessa residents need the perpetrators to be publicly named and fairly punished, everyone needs this so that no one will ever be tempted to repeat something like this again, what happened, it really changed me , has changed very much, and there are things, you know, that you will never forget or forgive in your life, when we write on may 2: we will not forget, we will not forgive, this is the true truth. because this is not forgotten and not forgiven. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelel, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon.
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film series, kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he will not have enough combat experience in this
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year of war. we look at the website in the application.
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it was you who stole your grandfather’s dirk at the age of 7, the men from the yard told you, you’re a fighter, you were the one who
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was never afraid of a fight. it’s with you, she’s calm everywhere, it’s on you, friends can always rely on you, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own. union issues in moscow, the summit of the eurasian economic union will be held today, who is taking part, what topics are in the spotlight and what are the expectations from vladimir putin’s negotiations with the head of the armenian government.


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