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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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she is calm everywhere, it’s you that friends can always rely on, it’s you who can’t stay away. it's you, and here you are, among your own. great! union issues in moscow, the summit of the eurasian economic union will be held today, who is taking part, what topics are in the spotlight and what are the expectations from vladimir putin’s negotiations with the head of the armenian government. historical memory in
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st. petersburg honored those killed during the great patriotic war. the ceremony took place at the beskoryo memorial cemetery. the goal is to seize power in the state security service of georgia they told who might be behind the organization of the protest in tbilisi and warned about new provocations. between peace and a new escalation in cairo. another round of negotiations on the situation in the gas sector. are there any chances to reach a truce or wait for the start of a military operation? vladimir putin will take part in the summit of the eurasian economic union today. it opens in moscow. the anniversary meeting is timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the creation of the association. this year yerevan presides over the eac. the meeting will take participation of the presidents of belarus, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan. in addition, the heads of observer states of cuba and uzbekistan have been invited to the forum. this is the first international one.
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a meeting in which vladimir putin will take part after taking office as president of russia. congratulations to the head of state continue to arrive from all over the world. thus, the king of thailand, rama 10, wished our president good health and success in fulfilling his public duties. the head of the dprk sent personal congratulations. congratulations came from beijing. in midi china stated that under the leadership of vladimir putin, russia will achieve new successes in socio-economic development. and they also said that they had previously sent personal congratulations.
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armenia is presiding over the association this year. after the signing of the final documents, an informal lunch will be held in honor of the meeting participants on behalf of the president of russia. this was announced by the press secretary of the head of the russian state dmitry peskov. and after, according to him, a bilateral meeting between vladimir putin and nikola pashinyan will take place. as dmitry peskov noted, i quote: meeting necessary and expected from all sides. end of quote. he also stated that participation in the eurasian economic union benefits the countries that are members of it. a noticeable increase in the growth of gross domestic product and emphasized that it is in the interests of all participating countries to continue to develop yaas. the head of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev, also arrived in the russian capital for the summit. his plane landed at one of the capital's airports less than an hour ago. uzbekistan is an observer in the eurasian economic union. as shavkat merziyoyev previously stated, the country wants to increase trade, economic and investment cooperation with all foreign partners. eac countries, main ones.
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historical education in russia will be based on science and traditional values, as stated in the presidential decree on the fundamentals of state policy in this area. the document proposes a unified methodology for teaching history, starting from the preschool level. the president also set the task of creating a line of history textbooks, reviving extracurricular historical education, replacing foreign educational platforms with domestic. another goal is to create market control mechanisms. security council and state council, says the decree of the head of state. the chairman and president of serbia aleksandar vucic signed a joint communication on deepening the strategic partnership and building a common destiny between the countries in a new era. let’s ask our own correspondent in the balkans what lies behind this formulation. she
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joins the broadcast, dari, greetings, how serbia met the sidzenpins, what did the leaders agree on? yuri, good afternoon, well of course, last-minute news. the first part of the negotiations came to an end, the heads of china and serbia signed a statement on deepening partnership and building a common destiny, which is what seizenpin called the relationship between china and serbia. i suggest you listen. this is the first country in europe with which petin signed an agreement on a common future. we support belgrade's desire for independence and development. we support belgrade's position regarding the kosovo crisis. at the press conference a number of news, the most important of which is not only for serbia, but for the whole of europe. a free trade agreement between the two countries will come into force on july 1. we
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are constantly under pressure from big players, so we are especially proud of such a strong , reliable partner and friend as china. our cooperation will be greater than ever. free trade agreement. guarantees the placement of our products and services on the chinese market. 95% of our products will be able to be exported to china without any barriers. this meets our common goals to build a strong middle class. the level of relations between serbia and china is moving to a higher level than a strategic partnership, and beijing’s support allows belgrade to grow and progress. serbian president aleksandar vucic stated this. he emphasized that it plays a big role for serbia. not only investments, but china’s principled position on the issue of kosovo and metohija, because the european union is now demanding that serbia recognize the independence of part of its territory in the name of joining the eu. brussels also wants belgrade to break all ties with moscow and stopped cooperating so closely with china. the ceremonial reception
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of the delegation from china, led by sydentin , took place at the government complex chamber of serbia; the chinese leader was welcomed by both the entire leadership of serbia and ordinary citizens. several thousand. serbs gathered in front of the government complex, this crowd of warehouses from serbia and china greeted the leaders who came out to them with applause. the security measures in the city are unprecedented; i think belgrade has never seen anything like this before. 6,500 police officers are deployed today accompanying events with the participation of the chinese leader, and of course, these security measures also speak of the enormous importance that sidzenpina’s luck has for serbia. but the chinese leader brought with him a representative delegation, as many as 400 people, 400 officials, because china sees serbia as an important partner in the implementation of its train and track project. the previous time pridenpin visited the service 8 years ago in 2016, and his current visit is in response to aleksandar vucic’s trip to china at the belt and road summit in october 23.
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it was then that the same agreement on wallet-free trade was signed between the two countries, which will now come into force in july. today , delegations of the two countries sign more than thirty different cooperation agreements. but this visit also has deep historical symbolism. 25 years ago , during the bombing of yugoslavia by the nato alliance, the chinese embassy was hit, then three of our colleagues, chinese journalists, were killed, and since this strike, both the united states and nato have been convincing china that the bombing was a mistake, but the chinese side, judging by the statements of its leader, does not trust these words, given the confrontation between china and the united states, such a coincidence of the visit with the date of the tragic... events does not look like an accident at all. yuri. yes, dari, thank you. let me remind you that our own correspondent in the balkans, daria grigorova, was in touch with the studio and spoke about the official visit of chinese president sidin ping to serbia. at the nato summer summit in washington
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, the alliance countries plan to adopt a resolution on that the bloc will not send ground troops to ukraine. this is reported by the ilyansk publication career of business, which refers to the draft document. same source. notes that, despite all the efforts of brussels and washington, the nato powers are not eager to increase arms supplies to kiev. in the west, there is a growing number of politicians who believe that supporting ukraine is not worth it. with details natalya goncharova. to achieve peace in ukraine, it is necessary to stop supplying the ukrainian armed forces with weapons, former adviser to the head of the pentagon douglas mcgregor believes that by refusing assistance, the united states and the european union would send a clear signal to moscow, after which the parties could agree on a termination. conflict on russia's terms. we are not in a position to dictate terms to the russians. this is their country. they won. we are foreigners, we have lost. we need to understand this, and the sooner, the better it will be for ukraine, and the better it will be for us ourselves. because apparently we are working hard
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to create a regional conflict in the middle east. and if this is not enough, then we seem to intend to provoke taiwan chinese. this is madness. he called the british action madness. i thought that the purpose of this idea was for us to provide defensive rather than offensive assistance to ukraine. what cameron was up to, he poked the russian bear with a stick, and it is probably not surprising that the russian ministry of foreign affairs stated that the response to ukrainian strikes using british weapons on russian territory could be any british military facilities and equipment on the territory of ukraine outside its borders. i think it's complete and utter. meanwhile writes: the battles for chas yar may turn out to be one of the turning points during the ukrainian conflict.
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the material emphasizes that kiev’s allies fear that if the city passes to russia, this will allow moscow to achieve a peace agreement on terms unfavorable to zelensky. victory in the hour war will allow moscow to take advantage of the war weariness of the western population and internal political tensions in all european states to increase international pressure. queens institute for responsible government analyzes russia's goals in ukraine, according to experts, moscow does not seek a complete military defeat of kiev, but wants to use its advantage on the battlefield as a lever of pressure in peace negotiations, while kiev's allies are gradually starting to think about how to get away with it. the italian publication courier de la case writes that nato will soon announce its refusal to send its troops to ukraine. according to the country's publication.
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as for the situation on the front line, russian troops improved the situation in several directions at once and occupied more advantageous ones frontiers. the enemy reportedly lost over a thousand militants in one day. in the zaporozhye region, assault detachments of the russian dnepor military group are destroying listeners. their equipment in the rabotin area, the goal is to completely clear the village of the enemy, it is already close, the fighters
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are selflessly fighting for every street, for every house. stanislav vasilchenko talked with the heroes. they broke through under incessant enemy fire. assault groups, led by a fighter with the call sign rybo, liberate the village of rabotina from ukrainian neo-nazis. today this settlement is the hottest point in the territory of a military special operation, so every breakthrough of the motorized rifle regiment of the seventieth regiment is real. heroic feat, for competent leadership and successful completion of combat missions, riba was awarded a medal for courage. the task was set to occupy a strong point located in front of the settlement of rabotina. the attack aircraft boarded infantry fighting vehicles, interacted with bpa operators, moved to a given strong point, dismounted there, the work of our unit began, knocked out enemy, gained a foothold, and held out definitely. the liberation of rabotin today
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is the main task of the dnepr group of troops. the village was so badly damaged by artillery and aviation that there was nowhere to hide there except in the surviving basements. russian units are systematically moving from one destroyed house to another, all this under constant attacks from enemy drones. the main threat to us was kamis drones and drones with drops, the same maviks with drops. but the enemy didn’t show us anything like that. during the next during the assault, one of the motorized riflemen received a shrapnel wound, the fish provided first aid to him and evacuated him to a safe place. now the fighter is in the hospital and his health is not in danger. the stormtrooper commander did not tell anyone that he had accomplished the feat of saving the lives of his soldiers, not even his mother. she learned the details from the mother of that same wounded soldier. it was like they found me like a tub, i didn’t understand, cold or boiling water, what kind of water, that is, for me... such horror immediately set me in fear for my child, at the same time
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at the time, i took pride in my son because my son really didn’t abandon his comrade on the battlefield, there was no boasting, well, that is, he doesn’t have this in him, he probably doesn’t think that he accomplished some huge feat , for him the most important thing is simply humanity, friendship, a fighter... rotor is also presented with the state award of the zhukov medal. in the summer of 2023, when the ukrainian armed forces threw all their forces into a counteroffensive, rotor and his comrades were among the first to repel the enemy. day the day of the offensive i'm just was on duty, we were on duty there with our comrades, and there was just an attack by the ukrainian nazis, so we repelled the attack, they had four attacks on us, we successfully repelled them all, everything was successful, we prevented their attack, stopped them, how all the heroes, rotor is also distinguished
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by modesty, he told his brother about the award, but did it even without words, sent a photo, they are resting and gaining strength, but in the near future they will return to the hottest spot again to complete what they started, to free the work from...
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filed a class action lawsuit, which emphasized that the drug caused dozens of deaths. the georgian state security service warned of possible provocations at protests in tbilisi. the statement by the security forces says that the goal of the organizers is to seize power by force. that citizens can come to participate . the state security service also did not exclude georgia, which is now fighting in ukraine. law enforcement officers were called upon to take immediate
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action. i note that protests have begun in georgia after the country's parliament began to consider a draft law on foreign agents. new details are emerging about the detention of a us army sergeant in vladivostok, he came to the far east to visit one of the local residents, but the love story ended sadly, he is accused of theft and beatings, my colleague anna voronina looked into this story in detail. he says the russian wears t-shirts with inscriptions in cyrillic, smiles, cheats on his wife, and even criticizes nato and the president. relations between the united states and russia are not very good now, under trump they were better, but i think this all started before him, i think nato is very aggressive, honestly, i understand russia's position, obviously they just want to protect their country, biden is not
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handling the situation the way he should have, the video was recorded by a russian young woman. alexandra, whom black met in south korea while serving on a us base about 2 years ago. the sergeant went to russia to see her on april 10. the network clearly did not appreciate such an impulse, nor the political position of the american military man. black, his fellow citizens dubbed him a traitor, a traitor, a trump henchman and a criminal. a married american soldier arrested in russia went to visit his girlfriend. gordon black is a traitor who violated us military laws and then russian laws. he is not joe biden's problem, he is not america's problem. the pentagon has also accumulated complaints against sergeant black. he didn’t ask permission from his superiors to visit russia, thereby breaking army rules, and even flew through china. instead of returning to the us, black for personal reasons flew from korea through china to russia, to vladivostok. at the moment he is in
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a pre-trial detention center. it is my understanding that he will remain in custody until the next hearing until a decision is made. and about the facts and circumstances of his trip. the army opened an administrative investigation . the american press went even further and reported that black was almost recruited. the army launched its own investigation to see if black was a target of russian intelligence services. how to punish black will be decided after the fact of the investigation. its american. the states are not particularly concerned about the work of russian departments. black has already been charged with theft with significant damage in the primorsky territory. that same russian alexandra had... rubles, after which the police visited him: black would stay in russia for at least another 2 months, the court left him in custody until
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july 2. anna voronina, news. well, now to the messages that are coming in these minutes, the british ministry of internal affairs has announced the expulsion of the military attache of the russian federation from the country, this is reported, the agency reports, the situation has already been commented on in the russian media, moscow will give an adequate response.
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let’s say the work of my grandfather, but these questions, well, somehow they are not included in this, let’s say, circle of my interests. the sculptor’s grandson may be interested in art, but there is also the material side of the issue. now the enterprising heir must not only request permission to publish, but also pay for it. vuchatich jr. has an agreement with the upravis association. we have tools related precisely to monitoring the proper use of auto. and right, in this sense, we simply presented our claims, which are not claims, but rights. according to valdez martinez, the starting point was a deck of playing cards depicting his mother’s homeland,
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printed under a licensing agreement with the museum. this story was very cleverly used by the lawyers representing the grandson. the way rospatent registered the rodina mat trademark also turned out to be beneficial. the grandson’s associations appealed its presence and the registration was revoked. the court took their side. if you analyze the situation and, for example, turn to the archives, i cannot exclude that the sculptor and the team of authors who participated in the work on this work signed documents, everything was created as part of the order, in these realities, even in the conditions of modern legislation, the interpretation may not be in favor copyright holders, when someone orders the creation of a particular work, the exclusive right in... in a large number of cases passes to the customer. by law, all artistic masterpieces belong to the country’s museum fund, and to publish a reproduction of a painting in a book or print it on a t-shirt, you must
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ask permission from the institution where the exhibit is stored. now the battle of stalingrad museum has become the only one in russia that shares these rights with the author’s heir. there were no lawsuits with the museum ; in general, we have fairly normal relations with evgeniy viktorovich. because, in addition to the fact that he is the heir, in this case he also acts, so to speak, in the same vein as the museum. experts say it’s impossible register a trademark if the image is a coat of arms, anthem, flag, national treasure, symbol of the country, here is the motherland monument, just a symbol of russia, experts add, evgeniy vuchetich was the head.
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lithuania is ready to send soldiers to ukraine from a training mission, although kiev has not yet asked for this, permission for such a step has been received from the country’s parliament, prime minister of the republic ingrida simonita said this in an interview with the financial times, although she fears that russia will consider such actions provocation, but she noted the following: if we just think about the russian reaction, then we may not send anything at all, we hear twice a month about how someone will be subjected to a nuclear strike. it was against the backdrop of threats from western countries to send military contingents to ukraine that russia announced exercises using tactical nuclear weapons, but
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ms. shimanit. decided to try her luck a little and said that she did not believe in russia’s attack on her country, since, i quote , most of the time the winds blow from the west to east, truly rash statements with hope for the wind. the kiev regime is quite unpredictable; we have repeatedly said that direct intervention on the ground in this conflict by the military of nato countries potentially poses a huge danger.
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and conscripts have significant hopes. let me remind you that in 2008 compulsory military service in the country was abolished, but it was returned in 2015. now conscription in the republic is based on the principle of a lottery: those chosen by a computer program go to serve. this format seems to be the population doesn't really like it. in 2023 , 14,000 fines were issued to draft dodgers; i probably wouldn’t seriously consider them from the point of view of combat readiness, real combat readiness, because
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it’s possible.
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diplomatic status of some real estate properties belonging to the russian federation, i remind you that these messages are coming at these moments, but the russian foreign ministry has already given comments on what is happening, the official representative of the foreign ministry maria zakharova stated that moscow will give an adequate response to the expulsion of the atache of the russian federation from london, the message that britain was taking this step came a little earlier.
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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, so he’s a belly, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to blow.
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there is still, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia, passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion.


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