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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm MSK

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so, it’s 16 o’clock in moscow, facts are on the air, let’s start with the news that participants of the summit of the eurasian economic union are arriving in moscow. it will be the tenth anniversary and the first major international event for vladimir putin after his inauguration. the results of ten years of work and prospects for further strengthening integration processes will be discussed. in addition to the russian president , participation in
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uzbekistan and cuba, shavkat merziyoyev and miguel diyas canel. the russian armed forces carried out a group strike with high-precision weapons ranges for energy facilities and'. tim the military-industrial complex of ukraine and, as reported by the ministry of defense, used, among other things, kinzhal hypersonic missiles. it also became known today that our troops liberated the settlements of kislovka in the kharkov region and novokalinovo in the dpr. we will learn the latest data on the progress of the special military operation from our correspondent denis alekseev. denis, greetings, the western press writes a lot about the fact that despite the fact that they allocated money, they also allocated weapons, but for now this will all come to pass, for now it’s kiev, the kiev regime will be able to apply all this, it will take a lot of time. and... it’s precisely the soldiers
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who save this time and don’t waste it, what’s the situation at the fronts? yes, greetings, well, in the avdeevsky direction, where for several months now the successful advance of our center group has not stopped , an extremely interesting situation has now arisen, there is a contrast in tactics, alignment of forces and fighting spirit, on the one hand there is hysteria from a permanent state retreat, the kiev formations are trying to stop our actions, and at the same time they are losing personally... personnel with hundreds of people, or even thousands, are gathering reserves of equipment that does not last long, on the other hand, cold calculation, planned action, certainly no squandering of resources, our military is methodically destroying strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces, regularly bringing in reinforcements, working in accordance with intelligence data, and therefore the results are first-class. a subdivision of a group of troops-center as a result of successful actions.
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liberated the settlement of novokalinovo, improved the tactical situation , defeated the formation of 132 mechanized the sixty-eighth hegel brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, in the areas of leninsky and umansky, repelled 11 counterattacks of the assault groups of the ukrainian armed forces, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 415 military personnel, a leopard tank, four armored combat vehicles, five cars, a 222mm d-30 howitzer, a 122mm self-propelled gun. the consequences of the capture of novokalinov will not be long in coming, for us this is an expansion of the zone of control in the ovdievsky direction, for the ukrainian armed forces the loss of important logistics routes is another confirmation that the syrsky defense line on this front has crumbled to small pieces. on the eve of victory day , the fighters of the center group are symbolically bringing their future victory closer. with portraits of grandfathers and great-grandfathers who. did you know what it was like to fight
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nazism? crews of t-72 tanks in combat positions on armor, photographs. immortal regiment campaign in front-line format. this is my grandfather, fedor matveevich zinchenko, who went through the great patriotic war. it's like a talisman for me, isn't it? if he could do it, then i can too. we will also go to defend our homeland, to fight. fascism to continue what our grandfather started, and today it is like an immortal regiment, we will also take it with us, stick it on the tank, well , let’s move to the next direction, kupinskaya is also bursting at the seams, the west group has again improved the situation along the front line, the village of kislovka has been completely liberated, this is the kharkov region and
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the liberation of kislovka is yet another confirmation that the assault groups in this direction are systematically pushing the enemy towards kupinsk. the artillery does not sleep, no matter how... it was portrayed in the pro-ukrainian media the opposite picture, just the combat crews of the rszzo grad in that same kupinsky direction are destroying the firing points of the armed forces of ukraine, a salvo at the parking lot of self-propelled guns, a salvo at ammunition depots, now the ukrainian commanders are changing plans. the russian ministry of defense today confirmed the destruction of a workshop for the production of ukrainian attack drones, and the warehouses of missile and artillery weapons of the armed forces of ukraine were liquidated. here are some of the goals that our operational-tactical aviation pilots chalked up to their account; by the way, they will receive very soon a new batch of su-35s multirole fighters. the rostec state corporation reported that the fighters have been transferred to the ministry of defense, they will use existing weapons, and
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promising models of the air-to-air, air-to-surface class, with an emphasis on high-precision missiles, with which the pilots are extremely effective in training at the strategic... facility of the armed forces of ukraine in the ukrainian rear . when you're enjoying cooking, dirty dishes can stop the rhythm of your kitchen. the tablet itself is in goll with an intensive cleansing formula effectively removes burnt-on stains. let you have a delicious meal together, and let samat take care of the dishes. well, do you still have credit card debts? you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts easily with halva. thanks to shopping at the megamarket, someone will reach the finish line first, someone will create
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ukrainian businessman igor kolomoisky. he was included in the list of extremists and terrorists, new charges were brought against him for organizing contract killing, and now he faces life in prison. read more about the new case from our correspondent anastasia efimova. in the ukrainian criminal procedure code this is called the proud word fagot, in other words, the charge in this case of organizing a contract murder was brought, as reported by the kiev office of the prosecutor general, quote: a well-known businessman, for some reason they tried to hide his face in the photo, however, it is not recognizable a photograph of igor kolomoisky, the same one who is included in the list of terrorists and extremists in russia, this is necessary try. according to investigators, the suspect's motives are personal. on the spot ordered the murder of the director of one of the law firms for failure to comply with the requirements to annul and
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invalidate the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders of an open joint-stock company. we are talking about a crime no more or less than twenty years ago. in 2003 , lawyer sergei korpenko was attacked in the center of feodosia. they beat us brutally with hammers, iron rods and knives. the perpetrators were detained without delay. organizer by coincidence security guard kolomoisky was found.
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reaction, then we may not send anything at all, “if we just think about the russian one , we hear twice a month about how someone will be subjected to a nuclear attack. it was against the backdrop of threats from western countries to send military contingents to ukraine that russia announced about conducting exercises using such nuclear weapons, but ms. shimonita decided to try her luck a little,
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participating in exercises and military missions of the association, such as in bosnia, iraq or afghanistan. from a technical point of view. equipment, this army is of absolutely no magnitude. it was originally intended to conduct a defensive battle, waiting for nato countries to come to the aid, using the terrain, swampy, hilly-wooded terrain and so on, that is, this. in some ways reminiscent of the experience of the forest brothers. in recent years, lithuania has been trying to increase the size of its armed forces; according to the local military department, by 2025 it plans to have almost 30,000 people under arms instead of 21. and significant conscripts have hopes. let me remind you that in 2008 compulsory military service in the country was abolished, but it was returned in 2015. now conscription
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in the republic is based on the principle of a lottery. those chosen by the computer program go to serve. this format, apparently, is not very popular with the population; in 2023 , 14,000 fines were issued to draft dodgers ; i probably wouldn’t seriously consider them from the point of view of combat readiness, actual combat readiness, because perhaps the combat readiness of special forces is present to some extent in everyone nato countries, but the real level of combat none of them have ever experienced such actions as in ukraine, neither in afghanistan nor in iraq, that is, these are all easy walks. if , like the french, they want to send contingents there, they will have priority targets, apparently realizing that in the event of a real clash , the lithuanian armed forces would simply be confused, the republican authorities staged a demonstration exercise, to which they invited the german military with chancellor scholz at its head. the photo of him walking on an armored personnel carrier should have looked like a signal of determination, that the allies would stand for everything the baltic states, but journalists note that
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the result is a very grotesque thing, huge armored vehicles and a small chancellor with a cast iron mine. perhaps only the president looked funnier. in france , macron, who tried to create an image of a courageous leader, raised the topic of sending nato troops to ukraine and allowed the participation of the french contingent in the conflict; if the french appear in the conflict zone, they will inevitably become targets for the russian armed forces. the lithuanian authorities have joined this series of dangerous statements, perhaps without fully realizing all the consequences of such rash steps. evgeny nipot, olga olvukhina, lead. well, now about the first instructions after the inauguration. vladimir putin signed a decree on the national development goals of the russian federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036. the document was signed with the aim of ensuring sustainable economic and social development of the country, strengthening state, cultural, value sovereignty, of course, based on traditional russian spiritual moral
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values, the principles of patriotism, priority people, social justice and equality of opportunity. vladimir putin. instructed the presidential administration, together with the state council, to determine sociological indicators for achieving national goals, as well as ensure their constant monitoring. the first national goal that needs to be paid to, but with particular attention to, is: preserving the population, improving health, increasing the well-being of people, supporting families. among the most important tasks by 2030, the responsible agency will need to do everything necessary to increase the total fertility rate to 1.6 and also increase life expectancy to 78 years, and also increase the number of elderly disabled citizens who receive long-term care services to at least 500,000 people among those most in need. in addition, by 2030 , the responsible departments need to ensure that the minimum wage is increased at a rapid pace, ensuring that
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it is set at no less than 35,000 rubles per month. we understand that the fight against poverty also becomes a certain challenge and no less than 7%, no more precisely 7% of the poor should be by 2030 and no more than 5% by 2036, that is, the goals are ambitious and quite long-term, the presidential decree on the need to increase the minimum wage, this on the one hand it reflects inflationary processes, on the other hand it is. each person, the development of his talents, the education of a patriotic and socially responsible personality, within the framework of this goal, by 2030 it will be necessary to create conditions to educate individuals on the basis of
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traditional russian values, further increase the number of foreign students in russian universities to 500 thousand people. over the next 6 years, the department will need to ensure the functioning of an effective system for identifying support and developing the talents of children and youth, but also increase the level of satisfaction of citizens. the work of the country's cultural organizations, both state and municipal. to achieve the national goal of a comfortable and safe living environment, vladimir putin instructed to provide citizens with housing with a total area of ​​at least 33 m2 per person by 2030, reduce the housing stock unsuitable for habitation, and also increase the availability of housing on the primary market. the plan also includes the improvement of at least 30,000 public areas. and the implementation in small towns and historical settlements of more than one and a half thousand projects of the winners of the all-russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment. well,
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now let's talk about what today, perhaps, everyone is discussing, of course, about the weather: power engineers are eliminating the consequences of heavy snowfalls in the volgovyat region, meanwhile snowfalls have also returned to the capital. we’ll talk about this with the leading specialist of the phobos center, vadimo zavodchikov. vadim, hello, there have been surprises in recent days, well , there really have been plenty, but what should residents of the european part of russia expect tomorrow, the day we are all preparing for , victory day. well, nature has already revealed all its cards, so nothing new is expected, all the same charge precipitation, turning into snow, and temperatures at the level of the last ten days of march. winter is trying to linger in the metropolitan region in the first half of the day, now in one area or another in moscow. a blizzard hit the moscow region, the snow began to fall parallel to the ground, the wind accelerated to 18 m/s. snow charges at times
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reduced visibility to 2 km. and sometimes the weather in the leningrad region was even worse. in king sepe at noon nothing was visible because of the snow. charges that impair visibility up to 200 m at a temperature of -1 gusts of wind up to 11 m/ for a second, it seemed that there was a fifteen-degree frost outside, and this is a consequence of snowfalls in the nizhny novgorod region, several thousand people were involved in their elimination, including about 800 power engineers; in the region, several hundred trees collapsed under the suspension of snow, often on the line of lypov, already to. .. power lines, 15 broken poles were replaced. snowfalls are observed in
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the tula region. by the way, in the vicinity of efremov in the first half of the day they were busy eliminating the consequences of the passage of the smerch. in the village of novokrasivaya, 10 people were injured as a result households, 20 outbuildings, two supports lep. broken. several cars, no casualties. tomorrow the situation in the atmosphere will change little, as before , most of the russian plain will be covered by the cloudy fields of the cyclone and only in the far west of the region, the probability of precipitation will already be small, and the arctic invasion will reach its peak, so almost everywhere, excluding the south of russia and beyond the urals, rains will fall mixed with snow, in such a situation the... in the region will become even more widespread. on the morning of victory in this zone the entire northern half of european russia will end up right up to the bryansk-samara line, so that
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all the precipitation that fell the day before will begin to freeze, forming the ice crust of black ice. during the day, moderately warm weather will remain only in the southern regions of russia. here in the afternoon the thermometer will show +18-23. in the middle zone of the russian plain. it will warm up as if in the third ten days of march, in the afternoon +3.8, and the coldest is expected in the north, here the temperature maximum is from -2 to +3. in moscow in the evening and at night there will still be snow accumulations in the morning the air in the capital will cool down to -2. victory day will also turn out to be very cool, in the afternoon only + 4:6, but in the following days the region will become cold. in the krasnoyarsk
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territory, at this moment a fire is being extinguished in the village of peschanka; two private houses and outbuildings are burning there. the area of ​​the fire is growing rapidly and is now already 1. m. the ministry of emergency situations reports this. according to preliminary information, there were no casualties. there is a danger of the flame spreading to other buildings. special services are on site. and now, as it became known, it has just the fire was localized. the fire department has arrived. new details are emerging about the arrest of sgt. from the usa in vladivostok, he came to the far east to visit one of the local residents, but this love story ended, sadly, he is accused of theft and beatings, the piquancy of the story, the piquancy of the story was added by the fact that the person involved, as it turned out, was already married, anna voronina found out all these details, speaks russian, wears t-shirts with inscriptions in cyrillic,
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smiles, cheats on his wife, yes... relations between the usa and russia are not very good now under trump were better, but i think it all started before him, i think nato is very aggressive, honestly, i understand russia's position, obviously they just want to protect their country, biden is not handling the situation the way he should have. the video was recorded by a russian girl, alexandra, whom black met in south korea during his service at an american base, about 2 years ago. the sergeant went to russia to see her on april 10. the network clearly did not appreciate either such an impulse or the political position of the american military man. black, his fellow citizens dubbed a traitor, a traitor, a trump henchman and a criminal. a married american soldier arrested in russia went to visit his girlfriend. gordon black is a traitor who violated us military laws. and
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then russian laws, he is not joe biden's problem, he is not america's problem. the pentagon also accumulated complaints against sergeant black; he did not ask permission from higher management to visit russia, thereby breaking army rules, and even flew through china. instead of returning to the us, black flew out of korea for personal reasons. through china to russia, to vladivostok. at the moment he is in a pre-trial detention center. my understanding is that he will remain in custody until the next hearing, until... a decision is made. the army opened an administrative investigation into the facts and circumstances of his trip. the american press went even further and reported that black was almost recruited. the army launched its own investigation to see if black was a target of russian intelligence services. how to punish black will be decided after the fact of the investigation of their american. job russian departments and states are not particularly concerned. blek has already been charged in the primorsky territory with theft with significant damage. with
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the same russian alexandra from vladivostok, to whom the sergeant flew without permission, such a high relationship seems to have been worth it. 16 years of work in the army, yes, yes, alexander accused gordon of stealing 200,000 rubles, after which the police visited him. black will stay in russia for at least another 2 months; the court left him in custody until july 2. anna voronina, news.
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