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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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this year, russia is celebrating the seventy-ninth anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war; commemorative events are being held throughout the country, veterans are being honored, and patriotic events are being held in museums and parks . so today the russian president will hold the first major international event since taking office, the anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, this summit will be an anniversary, in may it will be 10 years since the signing of the agreement on the creation of the council, the event will be attended by leaders of european union members, presidents of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan and the prime minister of the army. they will be joined by
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the heads of state of observers uzbekistan and cuba. at the meeting it is planned to adopt a number of important documents on may 9, vladimir putin will also meet with foreign colleagues at the victory parade. the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan will be present on red square. the presidents of cuba, laos and guinea bissau are also specially invited. well in on the eve of the celebration of victory day, sergei lavrov laid flowers at the memorial with the names of employees of the ministry of foreign affairs. we are proud to be in the ranks of heroes, in the ranks of those who stopped the enemy with arms in their hands and those who provided support for their homeland in the rear, solving economic problems. and diplomats
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who did everything to create a fair world order following the war, and of course, in the same row are our colleagues who gave their lives in combat, including very recently, as you know, just a couple of years back in afghanistan, another loss of ours, our comrades. moscow mayor sergei sabyanin laid flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier in the alexander garden. veterans of the great patriotic war, representatives of the committee for public relations and youth policy, and cadets took part in the ceremony. after a solemn march , a company of honor guard passed in front of the memorial. then sergei sobyanin and the veteran laid flowers at the monument to marshal zhukov on manezhnaya square. members of the board of the ministry of defense accepted participation in commemorative events on may 8. they laid wreaths and flowers.
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we remember, dedicated to the courage and incredible heroism of soviet soldiers. the action has already united more than 3.00 people. chairman of the fair russia for truth party, head of the faction in the state duma sergei mironov and deputies also took part in the festive events dedicated to victory day. on may 8, on poklonnaya hill, they distributed st. george ribbons to moscow residents. then the politician visited the park. being here on poklonnaya hill, inspecting captured equipment, i remember that on june 22, 1943, exactly
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2 years after the start of the great patriotic war, captured german equipment was exhibited in gorky park in moscow, now years have passed and we... see here captured equipment from 12 countries, these are 12 member countries of the bloc nato, with the exception of ukraine. the "strength to truth" propaganda train arrived today in moscow, at the belarusian railway station. the train traveled through 75 major cities and crossed 67 russian regions. in total, the train covered more than 34,000 km. strength really is an action of the ministry of defense, which started on 23 february, and today it ended. the train consists of nine exhibition cars, they contain captured equipment that was brought from the special military operation zone, samples of weapons, modern military clothing and equipment, and there is also an exhibition from the times of the great patriotic war. and it’s strange to see that
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decades later, the memory of the tragedy that overthrew you in those terrible years, as well as, is still preserved. about the strength of spirit shown by the country to play out fascism in our land. the action of the power of truth, which is now happening, allows us to widely sanctify our history, and the tradition of our valiant armed forces, which even today stand on the borders, the winter values ​​of our homeland. on may 8, that is today, the winners of the victory dictation event will be awarded, they will be given certificates, memorable gifts and tickets to the victory parade. the ceremony will take place in the hall named after vladimir dolgikh in the museum on poklonnaya hill. this year the event took place on april 26, and 27,000
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sites were opened throughout the country. the project covered all 89 constituent entities of russia, including new regions. in honor of this year's event the " victory dictation" postage stamp was put into circulation. she was presented to the victory museum on poklonnaya hill. in moscow, due to the victory parade on may 9 , traffic on a number of embankment streets in the central and southeastern districts will be limited. so from 5 to 8 am it will not be possible to drive along volgogradsky prospekt, from lyublinskaya street to obelmanovskaya, armory lane, from krasnoproletarskaya street to first tverskaya yamskaya, as well as along novinsky boulevard from sadovo-kudrinskaya to novy arbat from 5:30 until the end of the event. will be blocked tverskaya street from makhovaya to tverskoy boulevard, the first tverskaya yamskaya makhovaya from vozdvizhenka to tverskaya, petrovka and solyanka streets, as well as several embankments, in particular kremlyovskaya, goncharnaya, ustinskaya and kudashovskaya. the i-16 fighter from the great
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patriotic war will again take to the skies and take part in the victory parade in novosibirsk, found by search engines, the military vehicle was completely restored and put on the wing. there are only three copies left in spain, in the usa and now in russia. my colleague ksenia klimina i examined the plane and learned its history. in the rays of the may sun, the shachok, as soviet pilots affectionately called it , conquers the sky again. the i-16 monoplane fighter from the great patriotic war was assembled in novosibirsk and received a second life here. in the cockpit everything is the same as it was 90 years ago. the entire system. work in manual mode, this is, for example, the so-called propeller pitch control lever, something like a gearbox in a car, and in order to remove the landing gear during flight you need to turn this winch 47 times. the i-16 prototype appeared at the beginning forties, high-speed and maximally
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maneuverable for air combat. the spaniards called it a fly, the japanese a gadfly, this plane became a symbol of soviet aviation of that time, namely donkey. the first year of the great patriotic war, the one that is now in the sky, in forty-first made an emergency landing in karel, half a century later in the swamps , fragments of the plane were on... this is just the center section, wing, landing gear, hood and engine, and pieces of the fuselage , which actually, well, practically dissolved, so on each large fragment, for example, a wing, we we disconnected the wing, the console, there is a special plate on... in the center section here we found a plate from which we realized that this one was made at plant 153 in
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the city of novosibirsk. the car was delivered to novosibirs in the hope of being restored. the task was not easy, all the drawings, which were classified as secret back in soviet times, had long been destroyed, information was collected bit by bit. in order to create drawings, a complete set for 16, we needed six downed aircraft. each plane was disassembled into parts. here they are, everything, piece by piece, everything dismantled piece by piece, a drawing was drawn for each detail. the engineers and designers themselves, it seems, did not believe that this was possible, but the honored test pilot, vladimir barsuk, puts on an oxygen mask in his helmet. you're not scared, it's scary, the plane, sit down when you're flying, everyone is scared, according to the pilot, a car can. at a speed of almost 400 km/h and 16
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it is extremely difficult to control, rear alignment, small dimensions make it unstable in flight, the plane reacts to the slightest movement of the stick, everything went well, the plane safe, the pilot is alive, the task is completed, yes, so it’s normal for his age, and for mine too. everything is very good, how they fought on them is still completely incomprehensible to me, there is very little fuel, he has kerosene, gasoline for 40 minutes, that is, you have to get there, find the enemy, shoot him down in these conditions, it’s absolutely unclear how, also return, find an airfield, return back, today this i-16 is the only one that is on the move, on may 9 it will take to the skies again, with portraits of military pilots on board, ksenia klimina, sergei babichev, alexander gannov, elena goleeva, lead novosibirs. despite us assistance, ukraine will not gather enough
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manpower for the front line, a german publication writes about this. the material emphasizes that the situation with the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine will worsen even more in the future. natalya goncharova will continue. to achieve peace in ukraine, it is necessary to stop supplying the armed forces of ukraine with weapons, former adviser to the head of the pentagon douglas mcgregor believes that the united states and the european union are refusing assistance.
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this will allow moscow to achieve a peace agreement on terms unfavorable to zelensky.
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victory in the hour war will allow moscow to take advantage of the war weariness of the western population and internal political tensions in all european states to increase international pressure. the queens institute for responsible government analyzes russia's goals in ukraine. according to experts, moscow is not seeking a complete military defeat of kiev, but wants to use its... advantage on the battlefield as a lever of pressure in peace negotiations, but kiev’s allies are gradually beginning to think how to get away with it, the italian publication courier case writes that nato... will announce its refusal to send its troops to ukraine. according to the publication, the alliance countries will notify about this in a joint declaration at the summit of the military-political bloc in warsaw. natalya goncharova, lead. a number of eu countries have expressed dissatisfaction with what they believe is too high a belgian tax on income from frozen russian assets.
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thus, belgium avoids using its own budget to finance kiev. christina kuruma will tell you the details. she’s visiting us... right in belgium. according to the management of the depository, euroclear shareholders believe that this money should be inviolable.
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actions related to the confiscation of sovereign assets. will of course lead to negative consequences in the future, the financial world is quite conservative, all such historical cases are always taken into account by investors, every investor will consider that his investments are exposed to a similar risk, especially if this applies to sovereign assets, while the depository has come to terms with the intention of the european commission confiscate income. from the reinvestment of these assets in favor of ukraine, this is approximately 2-3 billion euros per year; since the beginning of 2023, euroclear has already received about 6 billion. a number of eu countries have expressed dissatisfaction with the too high belgian tax on income from financial transactions (25%). it turns out that brussels does not use its own budget to
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support kiev, while other countries are obliged to do so. in europe, we have reached a consensus regarding the profits from russian frozen assets, these are significant amounts that reach several billion per year. in addition, we came to the understanding that we want to use about 90% for the defense needs of ukraine. may 8th is the deadline for russian retail investors to submit applications for the exchange of foreign securities blocked in foreign depositories. according to the ministry of finance , euroclear and clearstream contain assets of more than 3.5 million russians worth 1.5 trillion rubles. there are approximately 600 billion rubles in c’s accounts. more than 3,500 exchange-traded instruments can be presented for redemption. these are shares, these are shares, these are depository receipts, these are itifs. mechanism
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very simple, that is, there are leftovers on one side. huge balances of funds in type c accounts, balances belonging to non-residents from correspondingly unfriendly countries, on the other hand there are these frozen assets of russians, essentially an exchange is taking place. non-resident buyers will be able to submit applications from june 3 to july 5, then the investment chamber will consolidate the lots and determine a single final price for them. well, in continuation of this topic, last minute news with reference to alya news, which quotes the presidency, the belgian presidency. apparently, disputes over the future of russian assets are still ongoing; permanent representatives to the european union have previously agreed on the use of income from russian assets for military assistance in ukraine. the british-swedish
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pharmaceutical company astrazenesa is recalling its coronavirus vaccine, it will be discontinued. sell all over the planet, the telegraph reports. as another guardian publication reports, the company does not want to sell its vaccines anymore, since there are already many drugs available on the market. this spring given the specific substance has already ceased to be sold throughout the european union. the publication notes that the vaccine was generally considered safe, but rare cases of complications that led to the death of patients were reported. i'll add that the astrozenecs filed a class action lawsuit in march. it emphasized that the drug was the cause. dozens of deaths. the state security service of georgia warned of possible provocations at rallies in tbilisi against the new law on foreign agents. statement. power structure says that the ultimate goal of the organizers is seizing power by force, for this they are going to paralyze transport hubs and barricade administrative buildings, that
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is, they use the methods of color revolutions. the state security service also stated that the rally participants are being trained by foreign instructors, of course, to create chaos in the country. even funding for rallies in the form of cryptocurrency also comes from abroad. side literally on... this law, well, turned georgia into an arena of fierce confrontation between the opposition authorities, the so-called law on
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foreign agents. officially, the bill is called transparency of foreign influence. it was this that was adopted by the georgian parliament in the second reading on may 1, but the problems began in mid-april, during the first reading. the fact is that the georgian opposition calls the bill an analogue of the russian law and actively opposes it. in its adoption in the country of protesters , even the president of the country solome zarubleshvili solome is against the law, of course the west, but the prime minister, parliament and the georgian dream party, which, by the way, has majority in parliament, how long the confrontation will continue, and who will win it is still unclear. in the moscow region , law enforcement officers detained a woman who held six citizens of one of the neighboring states in slavery; the attacker forced her to beg for her sweetheart. the defendant delivered the detainees to these places, observed them, and controlled their
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activities. as a result of police activities, the suspect was detained and taken to the police department. during the searches, signs were seized on which written requests for help, money, passports, smartphones and bank cards. in relation to the attacker. a criminal case was initiated and preventive measures were chosen in the form of detention, it is already known that violence was used against the victims, including psychological violence, the attacker took documents, mobile phones and controlled literally every step, and they also worked, you will stand with posters, advertising like it will be, you go to someone, he will pay you money and i will calculate how much you will earn? and pay you interest, that's it the larger the amount, the more interest, i gave it myself, gave the passport to her, she says: give me the passport, i’ll make a sterocopy, uh-huh, well, she
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made a sterocopy, i say, passport, yes, i take the passport from her hands, she said, that’s enough , you work it off, work it off, then i’ll go home, which home, work it off, what i bought for you, i passed at the german embassy in moscow today. the rally dedicated to victory day was organized by the germans who live in our country; they staged the action to draw public attention to the destructive anti-russian policy of berlin. today here, in front of the german embassy in moscow, they are talking about celebration, while it is impossible not to talk about betrayal, not about the betrayal that the current federal government of germany is plotting, allowing itself to be turned into a slave of the united states, this leads to the loss of sovereignty and economic decline. today we are talking about an unheard of and disgusting moral betrayal. perhaps only today we can appreciate how far this betrayal went; many of us watched as the kiev
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government shelled all these years donbass. chinese president sidin ping and serbian president aleksandar vucic signed a joint communication on deepening the strategic partnership to build a common destiny between countries in a new era. well, he will tell you what lies behind this formulation. our own correspondent in the balkans, daria grigorova. the first part of the negotiations came to an end, the heads of china and serbia signed a statement on deepening partnership and building a common destiny, which is what seizenpin called the relationship between china and serbia. this is the first country in europe with which petin signed an agreement on a joint future. we support belgrade's desire for independence and development. we support belgrade's position in this regard.
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a reliable partner, a friend, like china. our cooperation will be greater than ever. the free trade agreement guarantees the placement of our goods and services in the chinese market. 95% of our products will be able to be exported to china without any barriers. this meets our joint goals of building a strong middle class. grand reception of the delegation from china in led by sidzenpin took place in the government complex chamber of serbia. the chinese leader was greeted by both the entire
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leadership of serbia and ordinary citizens, several thousand serbs gathered in front of the government complex, this crowd with the flags of serbia and china greeted the leaders who came out to them with applause. the security measures in the city are unprecedented, it seems to me that belgrade has never seen anything like this before, 6 thousand police officers are today involved in accompanying events with the participation of the chinese leader, and of course, these security measures also speak about the enormous significance that sizenping’s visit has for serbia, but the chinese leader also brought it with him.
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chinese journalists, since the time of this strike, both the united states and nato have been convincing china that the bombing was a mistake, but the chinese side, judging by the statements of its leader, does not trust these words, given the confrontation between china and the united states, such as s... the coincidence of the visit with the date of the tragic events does not look like an accident at all. daria grigorova, vladislav chernov, balkan bureau news from belgrade.
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the results that have been achieved over the 10 years of the existence of the eac, plans for further integration will be discussed today at the anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council, it will become. the first major international event for vladimir putin after his inauguration. most of the participants have already arrived in moscow, these are the head of belarus of kazakhstan, alexander lukashenko, kasym zhamar takaev, as well as the prime minister of armenia nikol pashinyan. vladimir putin has another separate event planned with him. bilateral meeting. also , the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov will take part in the work of the council; the heads of state, observers of uzbekistan and cuba, shavkat
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mirziyoyev and miguel diaz caney are also invited to the expanded meeting. the russian armed forces launched a group strike with long-range precision weapons against energy facilities and military-industrial complex enterprises of ukraine, and, according to the ministry of defense, they also used kinzhal hypersonic missiles. it also became known today that our troops liberated populated areas kislovka in the kharkov region and novokalinovo in the dpr. we will find out the latest data on the progress of the special military operation from ours.
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a sad situation is evident.


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