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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  May 8, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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well, now about the first instructions after the inauguration, vladimir putin signed a decree on the national development goals of the russian federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036. the document was signed with the aim of ensuring sustainable economic and social development of the country, strengthening state and cultural value sovereignty, of course, based on traditional russian-spiritual moral values ​​and... together with the state
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council, determine sociological indicators for achieving national goals, as well as ensure their constant monitoring. the first national goal that needs to be paid to, but with particular attention to, is: preserving the population, improving health, increasing the well-being of people, supporting families. among the most important tasks by 2030 is responsible. the department will need to do everything necessary to increase the total fertility rate to 1.6, as well as increase life expectancy to 78 years, and also increase the number of elderly citizens and people with disabilities who receive long-term care services care for at least up to 500,000 people among those most in need. in addition, by 2030, responsible departments need to ensure that the minimum size increases at a faster pace. ensure that wages
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are set at an amount of no less than 35,000 rubles per month. we understand that the fight against poverty is also becoming a certain challenge and there should be no less than 7%, no more precisely 7% of the poor by 2030 and no more than 5% by 2036. that is, the goals are ambitious and quite long-term. presidential decree on the need to increase the minimum wage. labor, this, on the one hand, reflects inflationary processes, on the other hand , it is a form of additional social protection for working citizens. another one of the most important national goals in the social sphere sounds like this: realizing the potential of each person, developing his talents, educating a patriotic and socially responsible personality, within the framework of this goal, by 2030 it will be necessary to create conditions for educating the individual based on... traditional russian values ,
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to further increase the number of foreign students in russian universities to 500,000 people, within 6 years the department will need to ensure the functioning of an effective system for identifying, supporting and developing the talents of children and youth, but also to increase the level of citizen satisfaction with the work of the country’s cultural organizations, both state and municipal . to achieve the national goal - a comfortable and safe living environment, vladimir putin instructed: by 2030, to provide citizens with housing with a total area of ​​at least 33 m2 per people, reduce the housing stock unsuitable for habitation, and also increase the availability of housing on the primary market. the plan also includes the improvement of at least 30,000 public areas and the implementation in small towns and historical settlements of more than one and a half thousand projects of the winners of the all-russian competition for the best projects for creating a comfortable urban environment.
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now economic news, briefly. russians began to keep more funds in banks; the average amount of individual deposits since the beginning of the year has increased by almost 6% and exceeded 343 rubles. about this is reported by the deposit insurance agency. they noted that the dia provides complete protection for 97% of all deposits. at the end of the quarter, the volume of such funds in banks exceeded 63 trillion rubles. the lending market is growing, but the pace is slowing down. according to frank rg, in april banks issued mortgages worth rub 460 billion. an increase of 4% versus 34% the month before. the situation is similar with credit. cash plus 2% in april after 21% in march. some segments showed no growth at all, for example, car lending decreased by 6%. like this the dynamics are associated with the central bank’s measures to cool the market, as well as with rising rates. the european port may be prohibited from servicing
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russian lng supplies to non-european countries. such measures are planned to be taken as part of the new fourteenth package of sanctions, writes eu-abserver. in addition, they want to tighten things up. restrictions on russian aviation. according to bloomberg, sanctions may also affect the import of russian helium, the system for transmitting financial messages from the central bank and four russian media. and euroclear's income from blocked russian assets since the beginning of the year have exceeded 1.600 million euros. the new general director of the site, valery urben, announced this in an interview with the leko newspaper. she said that these funds are difficult to manage; more than 100 employees are working on this. visitary, urbain also spoke out against the confiscation of russian assets. according to her, such a move would open a financial pandora's box and the credibility of euroclear would be undermined. it was economic news, briefly. this year russia celebrates the seventy-ninth anniversary
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victory in the great patriotic war. commemorative events are held throughout the country, veterans are honored, patriotic events are held in museums and parks, and open thematic exhibitions are held. on the eve of may 9. yes, on victory day itself , vladimir putin has a busy business program. the russian president is already holding a meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council in a narrow format. in his speech , he noted that the current summit is dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the signing of the treaty establishing the eurasian economic union. as the president also noted, the entire process of eurasian integration is built on the basis of this agreement. on may 9, vladimir putin will also meet with foreign colleagues at the victory parade on red square. the leaders of belarus, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan will be present. the presidents of cuba, laos and guinea bissau are also specially invited. turkmen leader serdar berdumukhamedov has already arrived in russia. on the eve of the celebration of victory day, sergei lavrov laid flowers at
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the memorial with the names of ministry employees foreign affairs who died in the line of duty. the ceremony took place in the vysotka lobby on smolenskaya square. we are proud that among the ranks of the heroes, the ranks of those who stopped the enemy with arms in hand and those who provided support for their homeland in the rear, solving economic problems, there were also diplomats who did everything to create as a result of the war. ..
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also attended by veterans of the great patriotic war, representatives of the committee of public relations and youth policy, cadets, after the ceremonial marches in front of a company of honor guard passed the memorial, then sergei sobyanin and veterans also laid flowers at the monument to marshal zhukov on manezhnaya square. members of the board of the ministry of defense took part in commemorative events on may 8. they laid wreaths and flowers at the tomb of the unknown soldier near the kremlin wall. those present paid tribute to the memory. minutes of silence for those killed in the great patriotic war. in the action of the victory museum. we remember that representatives of the fatherland defenders foundation took part. in the hall of fame, guests laid flowers at the sculpture of the victorious soldier. we we remember, it is dedicated to the courage and incredible heroism of soviet soldiers. the action has
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already united more than 3,000 people. chairman of the fair russia party. the head of the faction in the state duma, sergei mironov, and the deputies also accepted it as the truth. on may 8, on poklonnaya hill, they distributed st. george ribbons to moscow residents, then the politician visited an exhibition of captured western weapons in victory park. military equipment captured during a special military operation. being here on poklonnaya hill, examining the captured equipment, i remember that on june 22, 1943, exactly 2 years after the start of the great patriotic war, captured german equipment was exhibited in gorky park in moscow. and now years have passed, and we see here captured equipment from twelve countries. these are 12 nato member countries with the exception of ukraine. in moscow
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, the "strength in truth" propaganda train is being greeted at the belarusian railway station today. before arriving in the capital, the train traveled more than 34,000 km, visiting the largest russian cities. our correspondent, margarita semenyuk, will tell you the details of the action. we are currently working in belarusian station, where today after 2.5 months.
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russian forces, more than 300 concerned citizens who provide support to military personnel and participants in a special military operation were awarded the medal of the ministry of defense for help and mercy. compatriots send cars, generators to the front, make dugout candles by hand, weave camouflage nets and much more. this is everyone’s contribution to our overall victory. over 300 children accepted.
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knowing today the relatives and friends of the heroes of the great patriotic war soviet union received ussr awards, i came to receive a certificate of the order for my grandfather, vasily semyonovich mikheev, who fought at the front, in a tank, was a mechanic, and reached almost berlin. today is such a special important day for our family.
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i am very grateful to everyone who took part in this action, let it not stop, keep an eye out, we now have 550 memorial objects, only installed directly with the participation of the financial military historical society over these 10 years across the country, and even more so there are hundreds of memorial plaques, there
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are so many with advisory and administrative participation, we must look after this, this is our memory. on may 9, the movement of a number of embankment streets in the center in the south-east of the capital will be limited, so from 5 to 8 am it will not be possible... to drive along volgogradsky prospekt from lyublinskaya street to belmanovskaya, the weapons lane, from krasnoproletarskaya street to first tverskoymskaya, as well as along novinsky boulevard from sadovo kudrinskaya to new arbat. there will be closures from 5:30 a.m. until the end of the event. tverskaya streets from makhovaya to tverskoy boulevard, first tverskaya imskaya, makhovaya, from vozdvizhenka to tverskaya streets petrovka and
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solyanga. as well as several embankments, in particular kremlyovskaya, goncharnaya, ustinskaya and kudashovskaya. the state duma became interested in the strange situation when the sculptor’s grandson received royalties from the reproduction of the motherland calling monument in stalingrad. rospatent refused to comment on this situation; the situation was investigated by zinaida kurbatova. a precedent that can only be called scandalous. previously, the rights to the image of the monument rozina's mother calling on the mamayev kurgan belonged only to the volgograd museum-reserve.
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maps depicting the mother’s homeland, printed under a license agreement with the museum. this story was very cleverly used by the lawyers representing the grandson. the way rospatent registered the motherland trademark also turned out to be beneficial. the grandson’s associations appealed its presence and the registration was revoked. the court took their side. if we analyze the situation, for example,
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turn to the archives, i cannot rule out that directly. the sculptor and the team of authors who participated in the work on this work signed documents, everything was created within the framework of the order, in these realities, even in the conditions of modern legislation, the interpretation may not be in favor of the copyright holders when someone orders the creation of something or of another work, the exclusive right in a large number of cases passes to the customer. according to the law, all artistic masterpieces belong to the country's museum fund, and in order... to publish a reproduction of the painting in book or print it on a t-shirt, you must ask permission from the institution where the exhibit is stored. now the battle of stalingrad museum has become the only one in russia that shares these rights with the author’s heir. there were no lawsuits with the museum ; in general, we have fairly normal relations with evgeniy viktorovich,
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because in addition to the fact that he is the heir, he is also in this case. acts, so to speak, one might say, in the same vein as the museum. experts say it is impossible to register a trademark in case if the image is a coat of arms, anthem, flag, national treasure , symbol of the country. but the motherland monument is precisely a symbol of russia. experts add that evgeniy vuchetich was the head of the team of authors and the complete transfer of rights to his grandson raises questions, including among state duma deputies, there too. country's parliament. vilnius will also deny ukrainian draft dodgers the opportunity to earn money so that the ukrainian armed forces can renew their armed forces. what kind of exercises in a country under martial law are we talking about?
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can lead to such dangerous decisions? evgeniy nipot sorted it out. lithuania is ready to send soldiers to ukraine on a training mission, although kiev has not yet asked for this. permission for such a step was received from the country's parliament. prime minister of the republic ingrida shimanyte stated this in an interview with the financial times. true, she fears that russia will consider such actions a provocation, but noted the following: if we just think about the russian reaction, then we may not send anything at all, we hear twice a month about how someone will be subjected to nuclear hit. it was against the backdrop of threats from western countries to send military contingents to ukraine that russia announced an exercise using tactical nuclear weapons, but ms. shimonita decided to tempt fate a little and said that she did not believe in russia’s attack on her country. because i quote most of the time, the winds blow from west to east, really sweeping statements with hope for the wind. the kiev regime is
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quite unpredictable, we have repeatedly said that direct intervention on the ground in this conflict from the military of nato countries, potentially poses a huge danger, so we consider this an extremely defiant provocation. using the terrain, swampy, hilly-wooded terrain, and so on, that is, this is somewhat reminiscent of the experience of the forest
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brothers. in recent years, lithuania has been trying to increase the size of its armed forces. according to the local military department, by 2025 it plans to have almost 30,000 people under arms instead of 21. and conscripts have significant hopes. let me remind you, in 2008 necessarily. conscription in the country was abolished, but was returned in 2015. now conscription in the republic is based on the principle of a lottery: those chosen by a computer program go to serve. this format, apparently, is not very popular with the population. in 2023 , 14,000 fines were issued to evaders. i probably wouldn’t seriously consider them from the point of view of combat readiness, real combat readiness, because perhaps the combat readiness of special forces is present to some extent in all nato countries, but no one has yet achieved the real level of combat operations, such as in ukraine. i haven’t experienced any of them, neither in afghanistan nor in iraq, that is, these are all formation walks from ukraine, if they want to send
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contingents there, like the french, but there will be priority targets. apparently, realizing that in the event of a real clash, the armed forces of lithuania would simply be confused, the republican authorities staged a demonstration exercise, to which they invited the german military , led by chancellor scholz. the photo of him walking on an armored personnel carrier should have looked like a signal of determination, supposedly allies. will stand for the entire baltic states, but journalists note that it turned out to be a sort of grotesque thing, huge armored vehicles and a small chancellor with a cast iron mine. perhaps the only person who looked funnier was french president macron, who tried to create an image of a courageous leader, raised the topic of sending nato troops to ukraine and allowed the participation of the french contingent in the conflict. if the french appear in the conflict zone, they will inevitably become targets for the russian armed forces. the lithuanian authorities joined this trend. britain
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expels russian military attache, as well as removes diplomatic status from some real estate properties that belong to russia. this was stated by the head of the kingdom's ministry of internal affairs, james cleverley, during a speech in the house of commons. according to him, we are talking about the estate of syx, heathgraft susex, as well as in the buildings of the military attaché and the trade mission of our country. in london in the highgate area. cleverly claims that moscow allegedly uses all these buildings for intelligence purposes. in addition, the minister said that the british authorities are implementing visa restrictions for russian diplomats. in in particular, the changes will affect the validity of visas. also today , the russian ambassador was summoned to the british meeting. the russian mit also responded to the unfriendly steps of the british authorities. according to official representative of the department maria zakharova, moscow will give an adequate response to this. chairman of the people's republic of china cityzin ping and president of serbia aleksandar vucic signed a joint communication on deepening the strategic partnership and building a common destiny between the countries in a new era. so
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what? belgrade's position regarding kosovo crisis. at the press conference , a number of news were announced, the main thing being not only for serbia, but for the whole of europe. a free trade agreement between the two countries will come into force on july 1. in addition, the leader of the prc said that relations between beijing and belgrade have become the standard of ties between china and european countries. this is a direct hint to china's other partners in the region. the level of relations between serbia and china is moving to
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a higher level than strategic. 95% of our products can be exported to china without any barriers. this meets our joint goals of building a strong middle class. a ceremonial reception for the delegation from china led by sizenpin took place at the government complex chamber of serbia. the chinese leader was welcomed by the entire leadership of serbia and ordinary citizens. several thousand serbs gathered in front of the government complex, this crowd with the flags of serbia and china greeted the leaders who came out to them with ovations. the security measures in the city are unprecedented; i think belgrade
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has never seen anything like this before. police today participation of the chinese leader, and of course, these were brought in to accompany the events ; security measures also speak of the enormous significance that sidzenping’s visit has for serbia, but the chinese leader also brought with him a representative delegation, as many as 400 people, 400 officials, because china sees serbia an important partner in the implementation of its belt and road project. the previous time sidinpin visited serbia 8 years ago in 2016, and his current visit...
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since this strike, both the united states and nato have been convincing china that the bombing was a mistake, but the chinese country, judging by the statements of its leader , does not trust these words, given the confrontation between china and the united states, such a coincidence of the visit with the date of the tragic events does not look like an accident at all. daria grigorova and vladislav chernov, balkan bureau news from belgrade.
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membership in the eurasian economic union brings real benefits to each participating country. vladimir putin stated this at the tenth anniversary meeting of the supreme eurasian economic council. on at the meeting in a narrow format, they also discussed the economic indicator that was achieved. for example, the total gdp of countries. behind these figures, as the russian leader emphasized, is an improvement in the quality of life of residents of the countries participating in the eurasian economic union. the eurasian union today is an effective and dynamic integration structure, the activities of which contribute to the growth of trade and investment exchanges.


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